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Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration

03-03-2014 , 04:41 PM
Rereading this thread is somewhat surreal for me.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-03-2014 , 05:10 PM
SGT RJ was correct. Hilarity ensued.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-04-2014 , 03:49 AM
For some reason that weird rambling reminded me of one forgotten legend, Mike_DH.. Excellent thread though, please stake some more people if this is the result of it.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-06-2014 , 06:40 PM
Sorry but my staking days are done.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-06-2014 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Sorry but my staking days are done.
Except for the wooden kind, right?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
Except for the wooden kind, right?
you mean like if pinocchio busts his poker roll?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-06-2014 , 10:13 PM
If Jeff comes at me as a vampire I'd stake him.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
you mean like if pinocchio busts his poker roll?
But did you know Pinocchio is a terrible motivational speaker?

Last edited by Doc T River; 03-08-2014 at 01:16 PM. Reason: And that nose thing doesn't help in bluffing, either.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-12-2014 , 01:33 PM
Reading the resolution of the Kevin Jonna thread in NVG makes me a bit irritated. Would be that Jeff were not as mentally unstable as he is, he might have realized that simply doing the right thing and making good on the debt (and not even on any money he might have scammed via unauthorized games during the stake, just the original stake money back, which is all I ever asked for) would make this go away.

Instead we got this.

I can't even get a normal scammer.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-14-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Reading the resolution of the Kevin Jonna thread in NVG makes me a bit irritated. Would be that Jeff were not as mentally unstable as he is, he might have realized that simply doing the right thing and making good on the debt (and not even on any money he might have scammed via unauthorized games during the stake, just the original stake money back, which is all I ever asked for) would make this go away.

Instead we got this.

I can't even get a normal scammer.
Don't you feel special?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-14-2014 , 03:08 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that any medication he might be on is not balanced properly.

I received this rambling diatribe from him on Skype, again full of complete lies/distortions, and again with no rational explanation for why neither one of us remembered or mentioned any of these "facts" (like the fact the stake supposedly ended in February) in our emails in '11.

It's psychological fascinating if nothing else. I also know he's still threatening to sue me/BF/2p2 but so far those promised cops/lawyers he's going to sic on us have failed to materialize.

[3/13/14 9:06:37 PM] jeff bennett:
[3/13/14 9:08:32 PM] jeff bennett: this is proof of your exact balance at BF: $238.15, it can be traced by a thorough audit. the entire data record is marked by me because I'm an experienced horse and have expertise in data analysis. Any auditor can come up with exactly the same number I got without even knowing the structure of the deals if they use standard staking protocols as agreed to by the community and discussed in the forum.
[3/13/14 9:10:14 PM] jeff bennett: I have a feeling you quit me on Feb 22 the moment you found out it wasn't possible to transfer, so you could free-roll my action after that. If so, it's a clever scam but I'm very a very careful and thorough auditor and marked the data record the moment you quit for accounting purposes
[3/13/14 9:11:16 PM] jeff bennett: I surprised myself. I was almost dead on with my accounting. Probably because you were always wrong and I kept having to re-audit over and over again.
[3/13/14 9:12:39 PM] jeff bennett: You also are intelligent enough to have put a stop loss on stake 4, and even made me calculate the proper stop-loss for you to break even before you took that deal, so you definitely are smart enough to know your stake was never $750. You couldn't afford it. Probably lied about that to get me to play for you.
[3/13/14 11:19:10 PM] jeff bennett: I don't understand because I had to trust you on stake 4 to fulfill your commitment, it was run as a bap with retroactive stake ownership
[3/13/14 11:20:10 PM] jeff bennett: I get it, you thought that when stake 1 ended all the money was yours
[3/13/14 11:20:15 PM] jeff bennett: lol
[3/13/14 11:20:30 PM] jeff bennett: stakes end I get money too
[3/13/14 11:20:50 PM] jeff bennett: i wasn't supposed to get paid on the stake
[3/13/14 11:21:10 PM] jeff bennett: you didn't understand the deals at all I guess
[3/13/14 11:21:56 PM] jeff bennett: you got a good deal on stake 4, it's a pro rated ownership % of the stake, run as a bap and the equivalent of a no markup bap
[3/13/14 11:22:13 PM] jeff bennett: sorry run as a stake
[3/13/14 11:22:18 PM] jeff bennett: since you couldn't transfer
[3/13/14 11:22:49 PM] jeff bennett: evry time you got a profit payment, I got one too based on the deals you negotiated,
[3/13/14 11:23:14 PM] jeff bennett: it's very interesting, I figured it out all from the data, so can anyone who knows how to stake
[3/13/14 11:24:09 PM] jeff bennett: you ended up with a 72% share of the BAP at no MU
[3/13/14 11:24:33 PM] jeff bennett: I fell short of the stop loss by $100
[3/13/14 11:25:04 PM] jeff bennett: funny that you negotiated this deal, then forgot about it, ignored the fact that I had almost $400 of my own money
[3/13/14 11:25:42 PM] jeff bennett: the $750 you never came up with, that ended the deal and the actual time of the end of the deal is marked in the data record too, everything is marked
[3/13/14 11:26:43 PM] jeff bennett: I just pass 1c over to an escrow and it marks the exact time the deal is restructured, that happened on Dec 12 when you never made the $350 injection to initiate the open stake
[3/13/14 11:27:21 PM] jeff bennett: I escrow $20 to mark the data record. The deal we renegotiated to is initiated on Dec 13th
[3/13/14 11:28:19 PM] jeff bennett: when you get paid $250.50 on your stake and I get paid the same
[3/13/14 11:28:30 PM] jeff bennett: I use that to BAP stake 2
[3/13/14 11:28:36 PM] jeff bennett: Coz you didn't have money
[3/13/14 11:29:07 PM] jeff bennett: your limit was $500 so I bapped it with my own money to make it $750 to start
[3/13/14 11:29:17 PM] jeff bennett: I made $12 more than you
[3/13/14 11:29:29 PM] jeff bennett: your emails indicate you were auditing my money as your own
[3/13/14 11:29:31 PM] jeff bennett: lol
[3/13/14 11:30:13 PM] jeff bennett: I ended up with a 14% share of stake 2 and made $12 on that ownership, whoo hoo
[3/13/14 11:30:21 PM] jeff bennett: then didn't need my money for the next stake
[3/13/14 11:30:36 PM] jeff bennett: then essentially sold you a bap for stake 4
[3/13/14 11:30:52 PM] jeff bennett: then you call me just before close, fine with the deal and offer another stake
[3/13/14 11:33:34 PM] jeff bennett: I thought I had 385.85 but I actually had a little more because the $12 extra wasn't worth auditing for but I generally re-audit later and make up the payments as i go along
[3/13/14 11:33:46 PM] jeff bennett: I'm within $1 of your total at close on Feb 22
[3/13/14 11:34:43 PM] jeff bennett: but i had $392 of my own money as audited on Jan 17 at close of stake 3, we had a mutual option to pull out on stakes 2 and 3
[3/13/14 11:35:00 PM] jeff bennett: it's weird how you are the whole time auditing based on a stake that was never initiated
[3/13/14 11:35:42 PM] jeff bennett: the $750 with $1k-$2K behind that you fantasized about staking me with
[3/13/14 11:35:52 PM] jeff bennett: that was your own lie that you ended up believing
[3/13/14 11:36:21 PM] jeff bennett: and based on all the profit being yours
[3/13/14 11:36:22 PM] jeff bennett: lol
[3/13/14 11:38:34 PM] jeff bennett: you can even calculate your stop loss from the data record and extrapolate it
[3/13/14 11:38:50 PM] jeff bennett: your maximum target was 75% of the stake and guess what
[3/13/14 11:38:55 PM] jeff bennett: this is what you negotiated
[3/13/14 11:39:08 PM] jeff bennett: you knew about stop-loss and no MU deals
[3/13/14 11:39:47 PM] jeff bennett: and knew that you closed on Jan 31 with a net loss. your loss was $275
[3/13/14 11:39:52 PM] jeff bennett: didn't cry about it
[3/13/14 11:40:01 PM] jeff bennett: i had to trust you to refill on Jan 23
[3/13/14 11:40:13 PM] jeff bennett: or I get stuck with a terrible deal
[3/13/14 11:40:53 PM] jeff bennett: but you are stuck with this fantasy that you staked me with $750 with 1k - 2k behind
[3/13/14 11:40:57 PM] jeff bennett: lol
[3/13/14 11:41:01 PM] jeff bennett: you were as broke as me
[3/13/14 11:41:04 PM] jeff bennett: i had more probs
[3/13/14 11:41:09 PM] jeff bennett: i had ftp and merge
[3/13/14 11:41:26 PM] jeff bennett: had 11K in ftp that couldn't be cashed out lol
[3/13/14 11:52:27 PM] jeff bennett: that's why you are so far off in the accounting though, you immediately forgot your own deals because you wanted to believe your lie to yourself
[3/14/14 12:02:40 AM] jeff bennett: the January 23 transfer is the most interesting one, you could have not sent anything and taken your profit out and just left me in the lurch on the bap
[3/14/14 12:03:47 AM] jeff bennett: if you had known what a +ev deal you'd have gotten from not sending anything on jan 23, you didn't even know what i was talking about though you were still auditing your original stake with my own money as yours
[3/14/14 12:03:53 AM] jeff bennett: lol MU when the stake is up
[3/14/14 12:03:54 AM] jeff bennett: lol
[3/14/14 12:04:17 AM] jeff bennett: your jan 23 email is hilarious
[3/14/14 12:06:51 AM] jeff bennett: anyway, i think we are down now because my account is bust except if i cash in the 11 i'm playing now...if you want to re-up i'm going to concentrate on 6max stt's the tourneys have too much variance in them...they are exasperating
[3/14/14 12:07:32 AM] jeff bennett: ha ha ha ha ha
[3/14/14 12:08:05 AM] jeff bennett: and you say
[3/14/14 12:08:33 AM] jeff bennett: By my calculations (based on amount transfered from me to you - amount transfered from you to me - the $500 of the new stake that you just got) this puts on you 113.76 into MU. Let me know if your figures come out any different.

Technically this is the last week of the stake as well, right? We should probably talk about that too.
[3/14/14 12:08:47 AM] jeff bennett: puts me in MU lol
[3/14/14 12:16:45 AM] jeff bennett: any way you were accounting for it differently but you are close, if it was a dec 3 to jan 31 stake, at this email the total of the stake was down 105
[3/14/14 12:17:18 AM] jeff bennett: this doesn't matter though because it ended up being a loss in the end that you accepted as no MU
[3/14/14 12:18:03 AM] jeff bennett: i had to trust you on our bap to ship another 250 to complete your bap commitment
[3/14/14 12:19:18 AM] jeff bennett: you sent me money for the wrong reason lol
[3/14/14 12:21:02 AM] jeff bennett: it didn't matter because you accepted the MU, thought you were a stand up person after these stakes, if you didn't buy the bap I'd have sold it in the MP and lost anyway
[3/14/14 12:21:41 AM] jeff bennett: actually it was 300 more
[3/14/14 12:22:05 AM] jeff bennett: you sent 500 and i didn't know why, you didn't have to send anything
[3/14/14 12:22:46 AM] jeff bennett: i busted my own money and trusted u to ship the balance
[3/14/14 12:23:42 AM] jeff bennett: interesting that we had a long conversation about this stuff, i know you set your own stop loss on stake 4, its interesting that u forgot what the deal was then was ok with it when it ended
[3/14/14 12:25:32 AM] jeff bennett: i guess you also forgot that we went to a week to week stake coz you couldn't afford to go 2 months
[3/14/14 12:25:47 AM] jeff bennett: you need 1k/week to play that long
[3/14/14 12:26:28 AM] jeff bennett: Pretty good news, I think. Through a combination of factors, including a couple of short winning SNG sessions myself yesterday, I'm now showing $400 clear to transfer (and with my new transfer limits I can do that all at once, as opposed to over a goddamn month). By the end of next week I'll have another 1K in funds clear, and as soon as those clear I should get approval for a deposit increase so I can put in another 1-2K so that, since you will hopefully be WINNING most of the time, we shouldn't have any more problems.
[3/14/14 12:27:00 AM] jeff bennett: you needed $350 more in the first week and $1k transfer limits to run the 2 month stake
[3/14/14 12:27:50 AM] jeff bennett: i played on the 400 pending approval and you didn't ship the 350, so we changed to week to week and closed stake 1 at dec 13
[3/14/14 12:28:08 AM] jeff bennett: I bapped stakes 2 and 4 with that money
[3/14/14 12:28:35 AM] jeff bennett: otherwise we have no stake after week 1
[3/14/14 12:28:42 AM] jeff bennett: wasn't going to play stt only
[3/14/14 12:28:59 AM] jeff bennett: had 250 to play on my own if i wanted that
[3/14/14 12:29:34 AM] jeff bennett: deal changes trigger stake ends, its in the forum
[3/14/14 12:29:37 AM] jeff bennett: doesn't matter though
[3/14/14 12:29:50 AM] jeff bennett: you only lost $275, that's not bad
[3/14/14 12:47:41 AM] jeff bennett: this is an interesting stake because you were supposed to start with $750 to initiate stake 1, but never came up with the $350 more you needed to actually initiate it, I was down to $8 in my account 3 days in
[3/14/14 12:47:56 AM] jeff bennett: if I'd lost that SNG you lose $400
[3/14/14 12:48:21 AM] jeff bennett: and game over unless I'm nice enough to carry the MU for another week or let you sell it
[3/14/14 12:50:18 AM] jeff bennett: you and i could have and probably should have quit the stake on dec 13
[3/14/14 12:50:51 AM] jeff bennett: you wanted stt's only anyway
[3/14/14 12:51:02 AM] jeff bennett: i didn't want it
[3/14/14 12:51:10 AM] jeff bennett: only for 25s and up
[3/14/14 12:51:34 AM] jeff bennett: so i bapped with my own money and we rolled with it
[3/14/14 12:51:45 AM] jeff bennett: made almost 400 each by jan 17
[3/14/14 12:52:00 AM] jeff bennett: i was going to bap in the MP for the last two weeks of jan if you didn't take it
[3/14/14 12:52:09 AM] jeff bennett: you got a better deal than i would have sold it for
[3/14/14 12:53:10 AM] jeff bennett: you could have pulled out on jan 17 with a $360 profit
[3/14/14 12:53:21 AM] jeff bennett: took a shot with me
[3/14/14 12:53:54 AM] jeff bennett: i played terrible and chased the cash bonuses too hard and got way less T$ than expected value dictates
[3/14/14 12:54:05 AM] jeff bennett: I ususally make 4 times that in T$ per FPP
[3/14/14 12:54:53 AM] jeff bennett: i made it all back and more in first 12 days of feb though so good job sticking with it
[3/14/14 12:55:22 AM] jeff bennett: i'm not sure why you pulled on feb 22, was it losses on your own that steamed you?
[3/14/14 12:56:40 AM] jeff bennett: I wish you had stuck with me but poker is too hard to give away any money esp $550 when you only made $600 in 3 months lol
[3/14/14 1:00:02 AM] jeff bennett: I was always wondering why you shipped me $500 for the bap, you were only supposed to send 300
[3/14/14 1:00:21 AM] jeff bennett: you had 2x my investment, that was your call
[3/14/14 1:07:24 AM] jeff bennett: staking me for just stts was a good plan though, i think if you ran a 13 double or nothing to begin stake 2 i would have taken it, just never thought about a double or nothing stake, but that's a pretty low variance long term investment
[3/14/14 1:08:10 AM] jeff bennett: for the $650 you had at that time, it's a little hairy but I played amazing in the 13s before BF
[3/14/14 1:09:41 AM] jeff bennett: you probably only need a little more to run a $13 6max STT DON with me, $200 was plenty to run the $6.50 don
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-14-2014 , 06:24 PM
somehow 715$ of tourney profits have gone missing, 1000$ of cash game losses have gone missing , 100$ of bonus is cut out. seems strange that you would agree to lots of different term for each successive stake as he claims. T$ were used to buyin to tourneys
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-14-2014 , 06:33 PM
Well that's because there were no different stakes. And also because he's made up this universe in his head.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 07:04 AM
Near as I can tell you owe him at least $10k. Right?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Near as I can tell you owe him at least $10k. Right?
Watch it. You are going to put that idea in Bennett's head.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 09:58 AM
Uhhhh...did you cut out your part of the conversation, or did you not converse at all and he just babbled/typed for four hours?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:47 AM
I didn't converse at all, I wasn't even online when it occurred.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Near as I can tell you owe him at least $10k. Right?
he must have a point. why else would he continue fighting this so hard?

just pay him, rj
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-15-2014 , 05:57 PM
I'm glad you can all find some amusement in my stupidity.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-19-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
this is hilarious
this is funny but you GIF is way better, who is that?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-22-2014 , 04:30 AM
"i played terrible and chased the cash bonuses too hard and got way less T$ than expected value dictates"


Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-24-2014 , 09:36 PM
This thread is just wow... I didn't read every post past page 30 or so, but skimmed JB's comments thereafter and wowowow..

This is a classic case of manic depression/bipolar/gambling addiction. Im not a psychologist, but I've have friends that are like this. There is no reality to him. Only what he thinks up on the spot. Any and every possibility that absolves him of guilt is thought up and presented by him as truth.

As a father, I worry about his kid. This kind of behavior is a danger to a child. Someone should call DCFS, and make them aware of his state of mind in rough times. And being outcast by the only community he wants to be a part of is only gonna make it worse. It's amazing the mood changes, and crazy behavior and scenarios he dreams up.

It's obv he wants nothing more than to be forgiven, without making it right. $950 is not a lot of money, but once a person like this starts a lie, he will never take it back.

You may already know this now RJ, considering the events in this thread, but there are signs people like this give off. Its a tough life lesson learned. And hopefully you realize that this kind of behavior isn't strictly related to poker, but life in general. You handled it as well as you could have, I think.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-24-2014 , 09:41 PM
I wish the mods didn't delete JB's last post. I read every one of his posts in this thread and they are just lol wow, but the post he made the other day broke the wtf meter.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-24-2014 , 11:17 PM
I was aware when we were internet pals that he was sort of a weird guy, but as I'm fairly weird myself this didn't seem such a big deal. In retrospect it's easy to see, but without the new knowledge that he was lying to me repeatedly during the stake there's no way I could have known that.

He lies about things that mentally healthy people would never dream of. He lied about having custody of a child. Other than his lack of funds, every sob story he gave me about why he couldn't pay was probably a lie.

Thankfully I don't back people for real. This was a one off, and if he hadn't soft begged for months I wouldn't have done it in the first place. I trusted the wrong person, and paid for that. Hopefully no one else in the poker world makes the same mistake.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
03-24-2014 , 11:33 PM
[QUOTE=SGT RJ;42644885] He lied about having custody of a child. Other than his lack of funds, every sob story he gave me about why he couldn't pay was probably a lie.


Well lets hope this is true and he doesn't have custody of a child. And based on thread, I don't think anyone can blame you for feeling sorry for him and wanting to help out. This obv could have ended much worse were he to play well and win a significant amount, maybe causing you to bump up the stakes he could play.

Surely put a damper on any staking career you might have had lol. It's really too bad there are more prominent "Jeff Bennett's" so that you have to type "scammer" after his name on google to get this thread. But I'm sure the damage is already done.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
