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***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread***

04-01-2015 , 02:51 PM
Yea, the live sat situation is a problem. I know a lot of guys who would do more traveling except the EPT sat are absolutely horrid.
04-01-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Danshiel350
You've probably actually got more chance of beating 20 ballers than a 1400 deep player pool filled with a combination of good and bad players.
he's right.

but i also agree with bidon, there should be like one small stakes direct satellite to each live event.
eg. a 22euro direct sat with 3 pkgs gtd to EPT monte carlo. that's equal to 2,100 entrants, so quite unlikely to overlay.
04-01-2015 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Yea, the live sat situation is a problem. I know a lot of guys who would do more traveling except the EPT sat are absolutely horrid.
i think the sats are quite decent with small stakes rd1 to the bigger sats/qualifiers, with maybe the exception of some deep hyper qualifiers that have/had poor feeders.
(i don't have the clearest image though, since they've been restricted for my country for over a year now, but i take a pick at the live events tab once in a while)
04-01-2015 , 03:11 PM
I was talking about value for anyone who isn't the best in the world, not the actual 'these are offered'.
04-01-2015 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by roscoe91
i think the sats are quite decent with small stakes rd1 to the bigger sats/qualifiers,
yeah, they're quite decent for professional high stakes players. Those that make up 95% of all the posters in this thread. The 0,1% of poker population. They're horrible for recreational players.
04-01-2015 , 03:30 PM
meh, dont think i would play a 11/22$ with 1pck Gd, too long/frustrating.

I would however play any 109/215 with 10+ packs Gd or even any 700 with 25+ packs. Even if it would run only once a month. I stopped playing the current offering a while ago.

I do consider myself more a rec than a reg those days, and lost tens of k in those sats.
04-01-2015 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by bidon3
Why are there still no direct small stakes sats to EPT events?

You can guarantee just one seat and not overlay, 14k pool in a 11$ or 22$ mtt isn't hard to achieve.

Now you can only satty to hard 215 reentrys or 700 freezeouts

Thousands of fish like me would be glad. You'd send lots of more clueless donks to maybe ship the event and claim a small stakes satty sent them there. The way it's set up now is only good to regs like those that populate this thread.

Please do something about this ASAP. Once you made 10 11$ satties to the PCA and they overlayed, guess why? You guaranteed 10 seats or so in each! Don't go crazy, start with 1 seat, promote it a bit and v'oila.

It's easy to do Bryan. You can do it.
Putting on my conspiracy cap a bit here but even if it was possible for an $11 rebuy tourney to not overlay (and I'm not saying it's not) it's important to ask does Pokerstars honestly want this? 14k out of recreational players online bankrolls just so 1 rec player can attend a Live event and likely not cash may not be a trade off that Stars wants.
Personally I think it is worth it and a good long term business move but I don't think it's a coincidence that the sats are set up the way they are.
04-01-2015 , 03:48 PM
yeah, but there could be one organised and promoted enough (so as to avoid overlay) per each event, so everybody's happy.

i don't get the argument about value. of course the field is tough, everybody wants to get in cheaper and have hotels/expenses paid, even the high stakes players.

all ps can do is give decent offerings. they are doing a pretty good job so far.
04-01-2015 , 03:50 PM
Sat discussion -> sat thread pls

This thread is about removing guarantees and adding more turbo progressive super KOs to the schedule
04-01-2015 , 04:52 PM
Id love to see some more PSKO Hyper Turbos on the micros maybe instead of the 5,10 $ Hypers.. or PSKO Hyper SnGs 180man
04-01-2015 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by SeaKing
This thread is about removing guarantees and adding more turbo progressive super KOs to the schedule
Originally Posted by Speck CHAMP
Id love to see some more PSKO Hyper Turbos on the micros maybe instead of the 5,10 $ Hypers.. or PSKO Hyper SnGs 180man
yessss yessssssssss.
04-01-2015 , 06:56 PM
Bryan should just pick like 5 smart accomplished reputable mtt pros and consoult with them. Just on skype or some other kind of private chat. Not like stars hasnt done something like this in the past and it would be way more productive than whats going on itt right now.
04-01-2015 , 08:18 PM
55r just completely skipped hand for hand with 10 left/9 paid. lasted for a decent time period of 2x5 handed tables without the hand for hand kicking in

one guy pretty much abused it and stalled hard but whatevs pls just fix it ye

Last edited by Asjbaaaf; 04-01-2015 at 08:38 PM.
04-01-2015 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by MMagicM
The 3-Stack tournament today at 17:30 CET for $2.20 has 5-minute blinds, but nothing indicates it being a turbo tournament. In the "Speed" column there is no entry and it even shows up when filtering for only regular tournaments.
Thanks for this... will look into it.

Originally Posted by ORLY???
Bryan, would you please consider giving all sunday majors an early ante structure? As mentioned before in this thread for rebuy tournaments it would create bigger prize pools because there's more action in the early levels. But also a tournament like the sunday 500 is just a boring nitfest the first few hours. Please make it happen!
Question... when you guys speak of "early" antes, how early do you mean, generally?

Originally Posted by druqs
big 16.50 keeps hitting the 19k mark on a daily basis as the gtd stays 12.5k... hot 7.50 hitting 25.5k on a monday with a 15k gtd... i mean.. you cut down a mtt for overlaying once or twice but those who crush the guaranteed everyday and could use a gtd increase keep getting ignored.. good job man
As I've mentioned several times, we're not nearly as aggressive on reductions as some are posting here, and we certainly do plenty of raises, as well. As for the Big $16.50 specifically, the issue is the Bigger $16.50, as each Big/Bigger is tied together. It may be possible to alter that policy in the future (we've discussed it), but for now each Bigger has a guarantee which is exactly twice that of the daily Big.

Originally Posted by LoveFish2013
Why does the 3,30r 12k does run on some days with the old structure and 10m blinds and on other days with the new structure??
The new 76-level structure replaced the 56-level structure with 10-minute blinds. In some rebuys, the tournament alternated between 10-minute blinds and 15-minute blinds day-by-day. The 15-minute blinds weren't replaced with the new structure in all cases.

Originally Posted by Rowniwn
Bryan should just pick like 5 smart accomplished reputable mtt pros and consoult with them. Just on skype or some other kind of private chat. Not like stars hasnt done something like this in the past and it would be way more productive than whats going on itt right now.
There are in fact multiple MTTers that I speak with on Skype (and elsewhere) from time to time, though I don't broadcast this fact, generally...

Happy April Fool's Day! I hope that some of you have enjoyed the silly tournaments today... ;-)
04-01-2015 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
Thanks for this... will look into it.

Question... when you guys speak of "early" antes, how early do you mean, generally?
I would like to see antes kick in after 3-4 levels the latest, like in the big tournament structures. Ideally there would be antes from the start (especially in rebuys), Full Tilt does this in some tournaments and its awesome.
04-02-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by squire1888
bryan why is the phase tounaments only ran at $11 stake? these are of huge value to pokerstars as u get to rake the balls off loads of players and we get a juiced up nice 2 day tournament should introduce $22 and $33 imo upto $55

Maybe $22-33-55 would be too many... Best would be $22 and $55 but np if it is only $11 and $55, We just want a bigger one and ASAP.
04-02-2015 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
FTP had rolled out phase tournaments last year and they ended up all getting removed because of how unpopular they were.

I think a reasonable implementation would be 4/5 Saturday flights leading into a big Sunday Final. Playing a tournament on Monday or Tuesday that ends 5 days later didn't work out so well on FTP, and it probably wouldn't on Stars, either.
Can't be more wrong ''Again''. They were very popular at the start, then everything went downhill on Full Tilt. I personnally LOVED them and can't see why it would'nt work on Stars with that sick player base. The thing is just to promote them well and STOP treating them as ''SATTELITES'' wtf... Can't believe it has'nt been changed yet.
04-02-2015 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by numberonepat
Can't be more wrong ''Again''. They were very popular at the start, then everything went downhill on Full Tilt. I personnally LOVED them and can't see why it would'nt work on Stars with that sick player base. The thing is just to promote them well and STOP treating them as ''SATTELITES'' wtf... Can't believe it has'nt been changed yet.
What do u expect? Doggz's specialty is disagreeing with some of things we say and protecting Bryan everytime there is a post that questions something significant. Tell us more how rebuys are dying Doggz or how guarantees don't matter. He enjoys derailing ideas he doesn't agree with and it gives him a sense of accomplishment when Bryan agrees with him. The fact that he is comparing traffic on tilt and stars and saying it wouldn't work just shows you how he thinks.

Last edited by Transcendence; 04-02-2015 at 03:17 AM.
04-02-2015 , 03:33 AM
Bryan, the Aprils fools tournaments were cool and looked like I lot of fun. Although I didn't play them due to small buyin, I watched the jcarver stream where he was playing them and enjoyed it. The I wont million speedbump tourney was pretty hilarious.

When you have some time, could you please address my previous post regarding second chances? Thanks mate

Originally Posted by Transcendence
Removing that glut of under performing tournaments will breathe fresh air into the mtt schedule. Awesome move Bryan. Thankyou for continuing to work together with us and implementing great ideas.

Next up: Second chances/parallel minis to super tues, thrill and saturday 2 day. I would suggest a 109 buyin because that shouldnt directly cannibalise the majors themselves. Plus it would allow for a plethora of midstakes players to play three new majors a week that are not on Sunday, thereby increasing traffic dramatically on those days. If there is a 109 saturday 2 dayer, I will never skip Saturday again.

At the moment, I pretty much play one Saturday a month and that's only if I have nothing to do. If you make the second chance 109 Saturday 2 day or one that runs parallel to the major, I will gladly forego going out drinking or whatever to grind instead.

I genuinely believe it is most needed for the Thursday thrill. A 109 little thrill running parallel to the 1k would absolutely crush. These second chances/109s that run parallel will increase traffic on Tues/thur/Saturday and would be absolutely unmissable for midstakes players, of which there are plenty on stars. Plus due to their 109 buyin, the 1ks will not be cannibalized. Random suggestion but you could even offer the top 6-9 players in the mini Saturday or Super Tuesday a seat to the major 1k version the following week. I know its unprecedented but would barely take 6-9k out of a huge prizepool anyway and allow the midstakes players a chance to play the major the next week. Pretty random idea but just wanted to throw it out there as it would have some appeal and offers more incentives.

Cheers Bryan and am looking forward to the new bigs and hots. Excellent move!
04-02-2015 , 03:39 AM
I personally loved the FTP multiday tournaments as well but that doesn't mean they were overall a success. They got removed because they would miss GTDs over and over again. I remember in the early 11 MD that my Day 2 table would have 1 or 2 players sitting out every single week. It just ended up not being worth it to support them.

No need to feel salty if I disagree with what you say. I've supported and +1 a lot of great ideas in these threads over the years. Even the bad ideas are worth talking about , at least they get the flow of ideas moving. I'm just not shy about telling people when their ideas aren't good or they are wrong. Unfortunately most people don't want to hear that.
04-02-2015 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Transcendence
What do u expect? Doggz's specialty is disagreeing with some of things we say and protecting Bryan everytime there is a post that questions something significant. Tell us more how rebuys are dying Doggz or how guarantees don't matter. He enjoys derailing ideas he doesn't agree with and it gives him a sense of accomplishment when Bryan agrees with him. The fact that he is comparing traffic on tilt and stars and saying it wouldn't work just shows you how he thinks.
*comparing sites, not traffic

I prob came off harsh there and I'm sure your intentions are in the right place. I'm hoping we can all work together more as a community in supporting each other and making positive changes. That's what we are. No matter how you look at it, we are a community.

We are all far more similar than we may choose to believe. Most of us have gone through the same issues of explaining poker to our friends or families and staring at their vacant looks. We have all been through 1000's of bad beats that have desensitized our nerves and given us a strong ability to face adversity in other aspects of our lives. We also all have a huge passion in seeing the game grow. If we work together and are more united in our ideas, we immediately develop a stronger voice. This is not just about stars mtts but poker as a whole and I also enjoy a good ramble.

Last edited by Transcendence; 04-02-2015 at 04:41 AM.
04-02-2015 , 04:37 AM
Bryan, a $33 phase tournament would create a massive prize pool and would be very popular. Even if you had less starting flights, it would be huge. The problem is these phases show up as satties and myself as well as many other players, have satties filtered out. They clutter up the aesthetics of the lobby and I prefer to exclude them from my filter. Therefore I miss the $11 phase 1 often and only play the last 1 or 2 phases on a Sunday before phase 2 starts. Please make phase 1 a non satty and have it show up in the regular schedule. Try it for a week and watch the numbers grow dramatically.
04-02-2015 , 05:22 AM
I’m tired of playing 40% vpip in the first levels of rebuys and still feeling gross when I have to get in JJ 25BB effective (40/80/no-ante with 2k effective stacks, aaarghh), so yes, earlier antes in rebuys would be a massive improvement.
04-02-2015 , 12:03 PM
+1 to earlier antes in rebuys and overall in all the tourneys.
04-02-2015 , 12:46 PM
So adding early antes to ALL tourneys actually makes them faster!

Um, no thank you.

Unless bigger starting stack but thats obviously not gonna happen the HOTs r turbos already and BIGs r almost the same adding antes to them would make the edge much smaller. This is why you all like it?

