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***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread***

05-28-2015 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Ledders
And if it was announced in the lobby would be nice, so Europeans know not to get up in the morning the next day.

I happened to notice this one after scrolling down the lobby but I've been caught out before
You can sign up for an alert and you get a mail the day before if this is a issue for you

Sent from my SM-G900F using 2+2 Forums
05-28-2015 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by dastinger
Try making this post on the software improvement thread in the Internet Poker forums.
thx 4 your help! *done*
05-28-2015 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
You can sign up for an alert and you get a mail the day before if this is a issue for you

Sent from my SM-G900F using 2+2 Forums
Yep, use the Star Code "serverrestart" to be placed on the email list.

Originally Posted by travisohc
thx 4 your help! *done*
+1, thanks for the assistance!

Originally Posted by Ledders
And if it was announced in the lobby would be nice, so Europeans know not to get up in the morning the next day.

I happened to notice this one after scrolling down the lobby but I've been caught out before
I placed a flyer in the lobby. Was anyone else unable to see it?
05-28-2015 , 10:04 AM

Anyone else experiencing tournaments not popping out and have to manually go to the tournament table from "registered in tournaments" ?

Last edited by stoyan.spasov; 05-28-2015 at 10:15 AM.
05-28-2015 , 10:39 AM
Will there ever be another KO week?
We hope to run another KO week at some point - maybe toward the end of the year.

Can you create such a leaderboard on a permanent basis for all games (holdem, omaha, stud etc.).
We don't have plans to run cash leaderboards on a permanent basis. We have recently launched new Leaderboard functionality that will allow us to run many types of leaderboards. Most of these will be for fun and informational, but we will use this functionality from time to time for cash leaderboards for special promotions.

Best regards,

05-28-2015 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by stoyan.spasov

Anyone else experiencing tournaments not popping out and have to manually go to the tournament table from "registered in tournaments" ?

btw, where can i find the payouts for summer TLB?
05-28-2015 , 10:55 AM
Up the GTD of the 1$R Big Ante at 16.XX ET, the 14.15 ET 1$R 3x- Turbo is huge with its 40k (60k 2 yrs before) GTD and this one two hours laters shall be 750$. Seems like it could be way bigger.
05-28-2015 , 12:52 PM
180 progs
05-28-2015 , 01:11 PM
there are already 5$/11$ 90man PSKO, did you see?
05-28-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by FlipMaster08

btw, where can i find the payouts for summer TLB?
So I assume pokerstars know about the problem , because It's quite annoying when you play more than 12 tables.
05-28-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by stoyan.spasov
So I assume pokerstars know about the problem , because It's quite annoying when you play more than 12 tables.
I mentioned a "sit at all running" feature in the pokerstars software improvement thread. the response was positive so maybe soon (fingers crossed)
05-28-2015 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
there are already 5$/11$ 90man PSKO, did you see?
I didnt but thank you!
05-28-2015 , 02:15 PM
Minor announcements:
  • I've redeployed the 15:30 $55+R with a new trial structure (and yes, a slightly lower guarantee). Let me know how it plays!
  • Certain branded tournaments will have ticket SNG satellites running for some period of late registration. This is an attempt to bolster prize pools and mitigate the summer slump in our biggest daily tournaments. While using tickets is not optimal, our technical options are limited once a tournament begins.
05-28-2015 , 02:37 PM
05-28-2015 , 02:39 PM
55$R structure looks nice, would love to play it on some lower BI levels.

Giving out tickets to running games is also a better move than getting seated imho.
05-28-2015 , 03:45 PM
I can't find any info about the summer leaderboard other than this post from pokerstarsmikeJ at the end of last year;

Originally Posted by PokerStars MikeJ
Monthly TLB
The Monthly Tournament Leader Board sums one’s best 20 results from all tournaments started between 00:00 ET on the first day of the month, and 23:59 ET on the last day of the month.

Historically, the top 1,000 players on the Monthly Leader Board each received a share of T$44,300 in prizes each month, with T$2,000 to first place.

Starting in January 2015, there will no longer be a monthly TLB for most of the year. The monthly TLB will, however, be resurrected for the months of June, July, and August. For each of those months, the Monthly TLB will be worth $100,000. The more mathematically minded will have just realized that ($100k*3) < ($44.3k*12). It’s true that we will be spending $300,000 in 2015 on the Monthly TLB instead of $531,600, but that $231k (and more) is staying in the TLB system.

The Monthly TLB will be discontinued, except in June, July, and August.
- In each of those three months, the prizes will total $100,000.
- The money taken out of the Monthly TLB will instead be awarded in the Yearly TLB.

and the information on this website;

There will be three summer Leader Boards, running in June, July and August, 2015. For each summer Leader Board, $100,000 worth of prizes will be awarded.
Summer Leader Boards will run from 00:00 ET on the first day of the month to 23:59 ET on the last day of the month.

unable to find anything regarding how many are paid and who is paid what or anything of the sort. anybody able to assist?
05-28-2015 , 03:59 PM
Very good that we will get tickets! Being seated into late-reg is really a disgrace and cant think of a player type that would be benefiting from it. Also the whole practice is in line with Pokerstars saying "you should pay full rake if you want to play vs the most reckless players of the tournament".

Also hoping this causing a change in the satellite landscape because WTA 18mans ending up in an 5BB shallow HU vs the satellite-fiend is unappealing for everyone aswell.
05-28-2015 , 04:26 PM
i think ya'll a bit confused about what luke meant here;

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Certain branded tournaments will have ticket SNG satellites running for some period of late registration.
he means that after the target starts, additional SNG satellites will be deployed that will award tickets. you can then either choose to enter the target then, or save it for another instance of the tournament. the satellites that were already running will seat you into the target(or pre register you if target has not started), as it was before.

Last edited by Asjbaaaf; 05-28-2015 at 04:32 PM.
05-28-2015 , 04:36 PM
this 50 r seems to be going much better already as many reubys as entries
05-28-2015 , 04:58 PM
rounder what was the normal entry/rebuy/addon numbers of the 55r?
05-28-2015 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
rounder what was the normal entry/rebuy/addon numbers of the 55r?

very poor id guess like 60/ 38/30 or something
05-28-2015 , 05:07 PM
49/75/30 today 5k hit 7700
05-28-2015 , 05:10 PM
Sattys made some LOL players in there too
05-28-2015 , 06:15 PM
yea but regs still nitting it up. its a shame really, structure is great. i`m sure that ppl would buyin / rebuy more if it would have a decent gtd.

maybe try it as a promotion for a week with a 15k gtd? make it a special color and if ppl play it keep it like this afterwards.

or make it a progressive like the major on WPN, incresing it every time its reaches its gtd in a week by 2.5k. start with 10k next week and let it grow again.
05-28-2015 , 10:06 PM
the structure for the 50r is nice. the structure itself incentives ppl to rebuy more but they still dont rebuy fullstack because of the gtd and try to get to the addon as cheap as they can.

i am sure if the prizepool was bigger it was worth to rebuy fullstack

if u were to try a progressive promotion like WPN did with their 215 im pretty sure ppl will support it and could become a worth playing tourney again.

but the timing isnt so great now so probably i will stick to my 3 bigs on / day

pretty dissapointing to wanna play something on the world's largest site besides b109 b55 b162 at peak time and have only turbos, super turbos and gimmicks

have to open other sites to play a 50fo 3k gtd that is not a fast paced poker tournament

i am all into having reg speed tourneys but the time spent to finish 11c 8c 11r 22c that have VLT for 2,5-3k ut is ridiculous

so yeah, long live the turbos, super turbos and PSKOS !
