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***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread***

07-23-2015 , 01:59 AM
Bryan, there used to be 55 turbo 5k gtd @ 8:30 EET. For a few days it was 55t re-entry, now it's made 33t re-entry w 3k gtd.

Can you switch it back to 55t with maybe 4k gtd in summer time and return to 5k in winter? Otherwise it will slowly die, like other tournaments PS have downgraded.

Fun players love those turbos, but if you make them super small, it probably won't be as appealing for them to even bother playing.

07-23-2015 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by rsfb
+1 i already asked this b4 and same for turbo mtts
+2 always have to change the felt manually for Sats, also a setting for Tourneys in the money would be helpful
07-23-2015 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by arkly
Bryan, there used to be 55 turbo 5k gtd @ 8:30 EET. For a few days it was 55t re-entry, now it's made 33t re-entry w 3k gtd.

Can you switch it back to 55t with maybe 4k gtd in summer time and return to 5k in winter? Otherwise it will slowly die, like other tournaments PS have downgraded.

Fun players love those turbos, but if you make them super small, it probably won't be as appealing for them to even bother playing.

Agree. The first prize dropped from a mere 1,7k a year ago to 890 this morning. Lowering a tourney buy-in doesn't help reviving it sadly.
07-23-2015 , 10:52 AM
Dear pads1161,

We would like to inform you of a policy change taking effect on August 1st, 2015 that may impact you. From August 1st, 2015 going forward, players will no longer receive VIP Player Points (VPPs) for participation in PokerStars Live Events. Note that this policy does not impact how players earn FPPs for online play, only the VIP Player Points given for live event play.

We are committed to making sure that 2015 VIP Rewards are not materially impacted throughout the year, and so to ensure that you are not impacted in 2015, the following procedure will apply for 2015 VIP Club Rewards:

-In January 2016, we will review our records and any player who would have earned additional Stellar Rewards or Milestone Cash Credits through earning Live Event VPPs will be manually credited their full value by January 31, 2016.

-From August 1st 2015 thru January 1, 2016, if you believe that you would have maintained or earned a higher status as result of live play this year, please contact us at We will review your case, manually upgrade your VIP Status, and credit any discrepancy in FPPs earned to ensure no negative impact.

The above procedure applies exclusively to 2015. In 2016, no VPPs will be accumulated through Live Events nor exceptions made for VIP Status requirements.

If you have any questions about this, please contact us at

Kind Regards,
The PokerStars VIP Team
07-23-2015 , 01:12 PM
It would be great to unreg during a tourney and get 90% of your ICM, pls make this happen until the next break !
07-23-2015 , 01:13 PM
I'm good with 80% also
07-23-2015 , 01:58 PM
you wot m8
07-23-2015 , 02:53 PM
Are you arguing for this when there is disconnections? I'm confused?
07-23-2015 , 03:01 PM
What about adding a mini Super Tuesday and a mini Thursday Thrill? Something like a $200 version of each that starts 2 hours later?
07-23-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by dirty.brasil
What about adding a mini Super Tuesday and a mini Thursday Thrill? Something like a $200 version of each that starts 2 hours later?
Magnificent idea I've never heard of this before
07-23-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Danshiel350
Are you arguing for this when there is disconnections? I'm confused?
Sounds like he's asking for what betting companies do where you can cash a bet early if you are winning for a discount of what the final winning amount would be. I.e. you are in first place but with 100 to go, and you can 'cash out' for a percentage of first place money. Obviously never happening....
07-23-2015 , 06:19 PM
Here are some tournaments that should be removed or changed looking at americas nightly times for low-midstakes. IF anyone has suggestions for this time slot for higher or lower buyins feel free to add.

33 1r1a turbo at 18:30 2k= Change to 22R6max turbo. Turbo is best as it is later in the day. Put a 7.5k-10k guarantee and watch it explode.
There is not one six max rebuy in the entire schedule anymore (above 2.20) since 22 action hour is gone

22 deepstacks 2k at 18:30= Change to the Nightly Deepstacks at 109 or 82 10k. Would encourage a lot of players to grind longer into the night, 22 is to small of a buyin to encourage players to play such a long mtt late in the day. This tourney would explode.

The Nightly 11= Remove 11$ 21:15 1.5k and make the 11$ 5k at 21:00 the nightly 11 at 15k. Seems ridiculous to have two 11s 15mins apart at this time.

21:30 11+2r1a 2.5k= Change to turbo. This mtt runs supper late and is super withed , a lot of players would reg it if it was turbo to end their nightly session. Would be nice to have a turbo quad late.
OR delete this and up the guarntee of the 11 1r1a 3k at 17:15 to 5k.

11rebuy 4k= Bump back to 5k please, nits.

19:35 22 PLO8 500$=Delete
22:50 5card draw 200$=Delete
23:50 22stud 200$=Delete
18:50 13:50 razz 200$=Delete
22:50 NL5card 16.50 RE=Delete
18:40 Horse 11$ 300$=Delete

I am not against non holdem offerings I do love playing non holdem mtts of all kinds, however these mtts above are useless clutter that see 20ish players, and often are canceled. Why are they even in the lobby?

And why is the big 27.50 still not the big 27?

Any suggesgtions to Americas nightly schedule feel free to add.

Last edited by grindinlikeadegen; 07-23-2015 at 06:45 PM.
07-23-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticPearl
Sounds like he's asking for what betting companies do where you can cash a bet early if you are winning for a discount of what the final winning amount would be. I.e. you are in first place but with 100 to go, and you can 'cash out' for a percentage of first place money. Obviously never happening....
Well probably not again anyway...
07-24-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by gollyheck
Well probably not again anyway...
don't even remember what those were called but they died off on stars pretty quick
07-24-2015 , 02:21 AM
Cashout MTTs on FTP and they were not popular.
07-24-2015 , 04:41 AM
Full Tilt did it pretty terribly IMO - 50% value makes it hard to ever be worth doing even with a linear relationship between chips and cash (which even I know is wrong).

If the offer was fairer people might take it.
07-24-2015 , 06:01 AM
Big -1 to cashout MTTs
07-24-2015 , 06:12 AM
Surely it's just like Timed mtt's but with a worse cash out value. Seems terrible
07-24-2015 , 07:05 AM
A tournament where you can cashout your stack for money is what they call a cashgame. You're welcome.
07-24-2015 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Error Prone
Full Tilt did it pretty terribly IMO - 50% value makes it hard to ever be worth doing even with a linear relationship between chips and cash (which even I know is wrong).

If the offer was fairer people might take it.
07-24-2015 , 09:55 AM
Fwiw having cash games with escalating blinds every 30 min would be kinda fun
07-24-2015 , 10:11 AM
haha sry for the spam guys, just monkey tilt and wanted to quit session, but several tourneys had just started
I was thinking you'll find it funny though
07-24-2015 , 02:21 PM
1$R 3x-Turbo 14.15 ET down to 35k$ already? Man, it was 60k a year ago. You also killed the 1$R Big Ante at 16.xx ET instead of renewing it. No love for the micros anymore? No reg speed mtts below 1$ also.
07-24-2015 , 03:17 PM
55 10k down to 8k.
1rebuy3x down to 35k (from 40). I mean does this actually overlay?
1rebuy 3x 20k down to 18k?
11 rebuy 5k (late) down to 4k
3rebuy will remain at 10k forever (from 15k to 12k now 10)
22c down to 10k
nightly 162 down to 20k (was 35k not to long ago)

Guarantees will be lower and lower as time goes on.

Here are some tournaments that should be deleted or changed looking at peak(ish) times in ET.There are far to many similar mtts that cannibalize each other.

16:50 PLO turbo RE +11 PLO6max 750$+4:40 PLO all start at 14:35.Delete at least one 3 small plo mtts starting at the same time?

2rebuy3xNLO 3k and 3.30R 6maxPLO 1.5k both start at 14:05. Delete one watch the other grow. Delete 3x imo 6max plo rebuys are great.

215 T at 14:45. 215 turbo during peak time doesn't make sense. Change to non turbo. A lot of regs would add this everyday being non turbo, guaranteed. To many good mtts to pick from to justify playing a reggy 200+(+15!!) during this time. And add satellites

11rAH=Make 6max. Plays a lot better during action hour.

2:20 6max PLO $300 at 15:35=Delete Potentially growing 109PLO8 or 27 NLO Hyper at 15:35.

55 Ante up turbo 16:30= Change to 55T 6max or 8max to go with the 1091r1a T at same time. Ante up is witherd and waste of table space at this time.

17:05 Ante up plo 5.50=Delete

I feel like these suggestions would benefit the schedule overall. There are way to many tournaments in the stars lobby its time it gets cleaned up!
There is a lot of work to be done. I just don't understand why stars thinks having so many tournaments is a good idea, less is more. The unfiltered lobby is a complete mess (recs do not use filters) and we should be focusing on building the best schedule possible, not the biggest.

Last edited by grindinlikeadegen; 07-24-2015 at 03:31 PM.
07-24-2015 , 03:31 PM
this gtd policy is so **** pathetic and is slowly killing your entire mtt schedule

you promised this year would be different, gtd's would go up again after wsop, wsop is a few week over, and all you have done is decreased the gtd's even more

then someone chimes in with a solid post regarding gtd's on sunday, and all you can say is: "we will take a look half august, maybe w'll change something then"

you can't have it both ways. either you change (both decrease and increase) in a very short term, but you can't be decreasing gtd's in one week, where as it takes at least 1 month to actually increase a better performing tournament.

it's not as if these players (who were playing a certain tournament in let's say april) are gone. no they decided to pick another mtt, play on a diff site, or even worse, take a day off because there aren't enough interesting mtt's left anymore.


you guy's dont seem to understand that. every tournament you are decreasing will either be dead or withered in a year from now. 8r is pbb best recent example

get your **** together
