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***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread***

07-24-2015 , 03:33 PM
+1 Completely warranted rage imo^^.
07-24-2015 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
this gtd policy is so **** pathetic and is slowly killing your entire mtt schedule

you promised this year would be different, gtd's would go up again after wsop, wsop is a few week over, and all you have done is decreased the gtd's even more

then someone chimes in with a solid post regarding gtd's on sunday, and all you can say is: "we will take a look half august, maybe w'll change something then"

you can't have it both ways. either you change (both decrease and increase) in a very short term, but you can't be decreasing gtd's in one week, where as it takes at least 1 month to actually increase a better performing tournament.

it's not as if these players (who were playing a certain tournament in let's say april) are gone. no they decided to pick another mtt, play on a diff site, or even worse, take a day off because there aren't enough interesting mtt's left anymore.


you guy's dont seem to understand that. every tournament you are decreasing will either be dead or withered in a year from now. 8r is pbb best recent example

get your **** together
07-24-2015 , 03:52 PM
07-24-2015 , 04:07 PM
Pretty brazen attitude by Star here obviously, people demanding do no reduce guarantees, and thats what they do. Even for mtts that are not overlaying:

Reason: obviously, they are doing whats best for them, they want more rake: keep smaller tourneys around and more junk tourneys around so they earn rake. Keep PSKOS in there so they rake more.

Stars does not care about players, Period.
07-24-2015 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Smart_Guy
Pretty brazen attitude by Star here obviously, people demanding do no reduce guarantees, and thats what they do. Even for mtts that are not overlaying:

Reason: obviously, they are doing whats best for them, they want more rake: keep smaller tourneys around and more junk tourneys around so they earn rake.

Stars does not care about players, Period.
Its not hard to see the avg. recreational player is only interested in small investments resulting a huge turnover in a short period of time. This is why the 109 afternoon turbo pays 20 buyins for 1st and the sunday million pays 1000. When thats not possible in poker they might just play casino games. Not hard to see for pokerstars the reg bowls ROI is basically a "cost of operation" however directing the netto depositors attention toward casino/sportsbet ensuring they only take bets its profitably solely for Pokerstars only, their "cost of operation" becomes "revenue growth".
07-24-2015 , 04:50 PM
We where poker
07-24-2015 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Fwiw having cash games with escalating blinds every 30 min would be kinda fun
Americas Cardroom has a 5k and 500 buyin like this, might be something cool for stars to do, i think its 3 1 or 2 hr levels, would be pretty sweet and could bring back some railbirding
07-24-2015 , 06:46 PM
GG Amaya, ***** up the site big time. Simply hilarious to see so many guarantee reductions once again. I'm really starting to hope for other sites to finally upgrade their software, although that will probably never happen
07-24-2015 , 07:03 PM
Stars said they would lower GTDs on Friday so they wouldn't have to do it across the week.

Read the above and you can see why Bryan was really against this idea to begin with.
07-24-2015 , 07:04 PM

Can we at least get the new bigs+hots as promised? Maybe that will boost some gtds. If they aren't before wcoop that is a huge joke.
07-24-2015 , 07:20 PM
I think people way overestimate the affect mtt guarantee mismanagement has had on player pools being much smaller. Mttsng traffic never recovered after the world cup and now since $15 180s completely stopped running during off peak times they are replaced in the main lobby during off peak by $15 45's, I doubt this has much to do with mtt guarantees. The drop in mtt fields is probably fairly comparable to the drop in mttsngs/sngs/cash since spins/casino/sports started. Not setting correct guarantees is probably a small % of the reason for lower field sizes.
07-24-2015 , 07:27 PM
Did they seriously remove the $5.50 6max at 6:30pm EST? That was my favourite tourney of the day. The low stakes schedule already has so few reg speed freezeouts, you can't afford to be getting rid of them.
07-24-2015 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by general_jim3
I think people way overestimate the affect mtt guarantee mismanagement has had on player pools being much smaller. Mttsng traffic never recovered after the world cup and now since $15 180s completely stopped running during off peak times they are replaced in the main lobby during off peak by $15 45's, I doubt this has much to do with mtt guarantees. The drop in mtt fields is probably fairly comparable to the drop in mttsngs/sngs/cash since spins/casino/sports started. Not setting correct guarantees is probably a small % of the reason for lower field sizes.
yeah, this.

Dropping guarantees is a reaction to the reduction in player pool sizes, not the sole cause of it. Fun players are being diverted towards other offerings (Spin N Go being the main culprit, but there are others) and the field sizes are suffering as a result. Stars aren't going to guarantee prize pools that will overlay, so either the guarantees have to fall or we have to lose some of the dross from the daily schedule and focus on getting the recreational players excited about playing the big MTTs again.

Rather than moaning and crying about falling GTDs we should be pushing for a more efficient daily schedule, to maximise the value of the ever-decreasing recreational MTT player pool. Luke's doing a fine job so far with this, but every time he cuts a pointless $5 regspeed freezeout from the schedule there's someone in this thread chiming in to complain about it. See above.
07-24-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
yeah, this.

Rather than moaning and crying about falling GTDs we should be pushing for a more efficient daily schedule, to maximise the value of the ever-decreasing recreational MTT player pool. Luke's doing a fine job so far with this, but every time he cuts a pointless $5 regspeed freezeout from the schedule there's someone in this thread chiming in to complain about it. See above.
+1 there are so many worthless mtts in the schedaule, and way to many games that start at the exact same time as each other. Feel free to keep deleting mtts stars. The unfiltered lobby should not be such a mess.

Just don't touch our rebuys
07-24-2015 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Luke's doing a fine job so far with this, but every time he cuts a pointless $5 regspeed freezeout from the schedule there's someone in this thread chiming in to complain about it. See above.
So MTTs in their purest form are pointless? I'm all for cleaning up the schedule, but the so called "pointless" MTTs are the obscure stuff like the time-based tourneys, not reg speed freezeouts. Could also get rid of some turbos instead, there's an abundance of those.
07-24-2015 , 08:42 PM
sorry, I didn't mean to pick on you specifically. I agree the standard reg-speed freezeouts should fall last and the multitude of idiotic gimmicky tournaments should be first in line in the revolution, but I do think pretty much anything that isn't red and doesn't have a "name" is fair game for deletion at this point.
07-24-2015 , 09:18 PM
Again, il make a post highlighting how every time zone needs clean up of the schedule:

Looking at Americas nightly schedule up to around 11PM ET

20:35 2.20 Plo 300$ =Delete Will grow 8.80 Plo at 20:35 and could make this PSKO.

20:45 3:30 8max 500$=Delete

21:00 4:40 750$=Delete-Boost 11 5kt

21:15 11 time T =Delete Would boost 11 5k T

4:40 8max 500$ =Delete Would boost hot22 + 5.10Hyper. Nobody wants to play a tiny 4.40 non turbo at this time.

21:35 5.50 plo8 $300= Make into Nlo8 turbo/hyper or delete.

22:15 2.20 rebuy 1.5k= Runs super late, make into 2x turbo to complement 109turbo or delete. Everyone loves a late 2x turbo rebuy. (see 3rebuy 2x turbos)

23:00 33 2k= Super late withered freezout, would do way better as a 27 6max/9max PSKO turbo. Would bump participation in 109tRE at same time.

Also make one of the quad rebuys, either 5.50, 11, 4.40 or 2.20 turbo. They run very late and would do better as turbo. Could also delete one.

I think its fair to say these suggestions are very unselfish and look at the benefit of the overall schedule.

Americas nightly schedule is important, a large amount of players are playing all the way to the nightly 162 nowadays.

Last edited by grindinlikeadegen; 07-24-2015 at 09:24 PM.
07-24-2015 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
yeah, this.

Dropping guarantees is a reaction to the reduction in player pool sizes, not the sole cause of it. Fun players are being diverted towards other offerings (Spin N Go being the main culprit, but there are others) and the field sizes are suffering as a result. Stars aren't going to guarantee prize pools that will overlay, so either the guarantees have to fall or we have to lose some of the dross from the daily schedule and focus on getting the recreational players excited about playing the big MTTs again.

Rather than moaning and crying about falling GTDs we should be pushing for a more efficient daily schedule, to maximise the value of the ever-decreasing recreational MTT player pool. Luke's doing a fine job so far with this, but every time he cuts a pointless $5 regspeed freezeout from the schedule there's someone in this thread chiming in to complain about it. See above.
A lot of truth to this. The effect of Spin and Go's has been massive and has syphoned off a lot of recreational money from all game formats.
07-25-2015 , 04:26 AM
I think it's a good point about spin and go's taking away from a lot of other formats. I don't want to come across as an elitist, but spin and goes must be one of the lowest forms of poker. Would love to get rid of them so you guys can start making improvements that aren't poor gimmicks. What was the point of N-stack?
07-25-2015 , 05:35 AM
I dont really understand why stars not introducing new red tournies in different formats. Clearly at .fr those get the same amount of entrants as the big/hot series. Most obvious choices would be psko and 6max, the actual games are in the schedule anyway so it would just double their field while you could delete a lot of junk around them.
07-25-2015 , 07:52 AM
Hahaha, so 2+r overlayed yesterday by 200$ and now you decresead it from 5k to 4k and you expect us to play? LOL
Amaya you are not poker! PokerStars used to be but you are killing it day by day. At every single overlay you decrease the guaranteed in the first second but when you should increase them you blame data, weather, wsop etc.
07-25-2015 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by gregz41
I think it's a good point about spin and go's taking away from a lot of other formats. I don't want to come across as an elitist, but spin and goes must be one of the lowest forms of poker. Would love to get rid of them so you guys can start making improvements that aren't poor gimmicks. What was the point of N-stack?
Amen. Same applies for PSKOs too
07-25-2015 , 10:23 AM
It's safe to say spin n gos have taken a large number of recreational players away from MTT's. I certainly do not like the incentivised slot machine gambling format as an MTT player. This is predominantly for selfish reasons though with the player pools being affected.

I do firmly believe that Gtd's have a direct impact on the field size. There are numerous examples of tournaments that used to crush Gtd's that were three times the size of the Gtd's they currently have. The reduction in expected monetary gain directly correlates to the lack of wanting to flick IT IN.
07-25-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by cr1s5t1
Hahaha, so 2+r overlayed yesterday by 200$ and now you decresead it from 5k to 4k and you expect us to play? LOL
Not that I want to be a stars fan boy but pretty sure that's far from the first time that tourney has overlaid.
07-25-2015 , 12:04 PM
Lol if you think stars would ever get rid of spin and goes. They are here to stay and they will continue to promote them over other games.
