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***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread*** ***OFFICIAL Stars 2015 MTT Discussion Thread***

07-26-2015 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
he just pointed out that mass-tabling winning players might cut down their volume if the auto timebank were removed. That would be great! So like I say, +1
Haha, sort of. I don't have a problem with mass-tablers necessarily, as long as they keep up. But I think either time bank lengths need to be drastically reduces in tourneys where the levels are short, or they need to not be activated automatically just because of an ante.
07-26-2015 , 06:16 PM
If you wanna make a living off this game you need to get the volume in. Playing 10+ tables is completely standard and mtt grinders that rely on the auto timebank pay the majority of the rake so should get a say in this. Without the auto timebank we cant play as many games which is bad for us and bad for pokerstars. It might be annoying is your one tabling a comp once a week whilst watching the footy on a sunday but for the guys here day in day out its an absoloute necessity.
07-26-2015 , 06:18 PM
reducing the timebank is fine too say a minute but the thing needs to be automated
07-26-2015 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by ghostofdc13
If you wanna make a living off this game you need to get the volume in. Playing 10+ tables is completely standard and mtt grinders that rely on the auto timebank pay the majority of the rake so should get a say in this. Without the auto timebank we cant play as many games which is bad for us and bad for pokerstars. It might be annoying is your one tabling a comp once a week whilst watching the footy on a sunday but for the guys here day in day out its an absoloute necessity.
Yes but there are people who are playing 10 tables who can do so without going into their time bank pre flop every couple of hands, so no offence but you probably need to get better. Once again, it's not that it's annoying, it kills the game for the short/mid stacks when half the level time is lost because of people timing out. For what it's worth, I play 4 tables, and its blindingly obvious.
07-26-2015 , 06:20 PM
well can change the structure of the comp maybe or reduce the timebank but definately leave the automated part as it is imo
07-26-2015 , 06:23 PM
Just put a slightly smaller timebank for the first 12 levels (2hours in a 10minute) or something similar. Removing auto time bank would be a nightmare and effects a lot of players that keep the games running.
07-26-2015 , 06:23 PM
yeah, if I run a cake shop and there's a group of really fat bastards who come in every day and buy twenty pies each, but they insist on paying in pennies and counting them out one at a time so they take ****ing hours and annoy all the passing trade, at some point I'm still going to put a "please have exact change ready" sign up. If their behaviour doesn't improve, and the occasional customers start going elsewhere, then one day I'll have to make a decision as to whether to keep letting these fat pigs into my shop.
07-26-2015 , 06:27 PM
That is an awful analogy, high volume players are loyal customers to stars and deserve to be treated with respect. That being said I do agree smaller timebanks/some change could be made to make the game faster.
07-26-2015 , 06:29 PM
I litterally have no idea wtf you are talking about lostosterich and that is a truly appauling analogy. I've read that thing 4 times now and even had to ask a friend wether you were agreeing or disagreeing with me your post made such little sense. I barely take anytime out of my timebank but spend half my life sat out in 888 comps I didn't know I was playing. Anyways said my part upto others too decide wether they want it or not
07-26-2015 , 06:41 PM
Storm down to 275k after 300k for years
1$R 3x-turbo down to 35k from 60, 50, 40k - and it was also 60k for years
Aussie Schedule 2$R & 3$R down from 7k and 10k to 3k and 4k.

Wonder what all these people have a mobile app if they don't play it anyway.
07-26-2015 , 06:46 PM
apparently I need to work on my analogies. Sorry if I was overly flippant.

All I meant to say was, there comes a point where the behaviour of the regular, loyal customers becomes a barrier to new customers. There's bound to be an equilibrium at which Stars can appease the grinders whilst still appealing to new players, but it isn't going to be easy to maintain and tough decisions will have to be made.

If the typical recreational player experience is that there's a multitude of mass-tabling robots slowing down the games and detracting from their enjoyment, then at some point Stars might decide that it's more profitable to annoy the regs in order to appeal to the fish.
07-26-2015 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
apparently I need to work on my analogies. Sorry if I was overly flippant.

All I meant to say was, there comes a point where the behaviour of the regular, loyal customers becomes a barrier to new customers. There's bound to be an equilibrium at which Stars can appease the grinders whilst still appealing to new players, but it isn't going to be easy to maintain and tough decisions will have to be made.

If the typical recreational player experience is that there's a multitude of mass-tabling robots slowing down the games and detracting from their enjoyment, then at some point Stars might decide that it's more profitable to annoy the regs in order to appeal to the fish.
Good post +1
07-26-2015 , 06:50 PM
can we get 10k starting stacks in supersonic ? this should be a snap yes, field will grow noticeably bigger, it would be so much more fun, and you could slap a 40minutes latereg on it.

more rake for you, more play for us, would last much longer than it lasts now, everybody is happy.

Last edited by ignorant0; 07-26-2015 at 06:50 PM. Reason: also it would give it more prestige. like the true major it is
07-26-2015 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
apparently I need to work on my analogies. Sorry if I was overly flippant.

All I meant to say was, there comes a point where the behaviour of the regular, loyal customers becomes a barrier to new customers. There's bound to be an equilibrium at which Stars can appease the grinders whilst still appealing to new players, but it isn't going to be easy to maintain and tough decisions will have to be made.

If the typical recreational player experience is that there's a multitude of mass-tabling robots slowing down the games and detracting from their enjoyment, then at some point Stars might decide that it's more profitable to annoy the regs in order to appeal to the fish.
sounds good to me
07-26-2015 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
at some point Stars might decide that it's more profitable to annoy the regs
so you dont think theyve already stopped listening to the requests of net withdrawing customers and these threads are just "people stars doesnt give a damn about" containment threads?
07-26-2015 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by ghostofdc13
automated timebanks are absoloutely essential too the regular mtt grinder. One of the main reasons I don't play much on sites like 888 is because they don't have this function. If the price you have to pay is you get slightly annoyed waiting an extra 2 mins vs the rest of us getting our hands mucked day in day out because we are sat out then so be it. Definately need to keep the automated timebanks.
Ever wondered why recs are exiting in droves from boring MTTs full of mass multitabling morons who can't keep up and have to timebank every hand, causing the guarantees to plummet like a stone?

Ever wondered why games that give them faster action, like spin n go, are becoming so popular?

Well, take a look in the mirror, it's you that's causing them to play something else
07-26-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
so you dont think theyve already stopped listening to the requests of net withdrawing customers and these threads are just "people stars doesnt give a damn about" containment threads?
It isn't that they don't listen to requests, but that the requests aren't always good. Stars isn't going to just do something because someone posts about it on 2p2. It has to actually be a net positive idea for them.
07-26-2015 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by rsfb
can we get earlier ante's in the million and warm up please
07-27-2015 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
apparently I need to work on my analogies. Sorry if I was overly flippant.

All I meant to say was, there comes a point where the behaviour of the regular, loyal customers becomes a barrier to new customers. There's bound to be an equilibrium at which Stars can appease the grinders whilst still appealing to new players, but it isn't going to be easy to maintain and tough decisions will have to be made.

If the typical recreational player experience is that there's a multitude of mass-tabling robots slowing down the games and detracting from their enjoyment, then at some point Stars might decide that it's more profitable to annoy the regs in order to appeal to the fish.
It can be that way for sure, but the fat counting bastards need to show the power of the penny. Prot is onto something. Obv Stars is moving fishes to the spin n gos, and having the beasts fight on themselves in smaller gtd games. what a sick end to pokerstars.
07-27-2015 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
It isn't that they don't listen to requests, but that the requests aren't always good. Stars isn't going to just do something because someone posts about it on 2p2. It has to actually be a net positive idea for them.
Thanks for clearing that up for all us simpletons
07-27-2015 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
Ever wondered why recs are exiting in droves from boring MTTs full of mass multitabling morons who can't keep up and have to timebank every hand, causing the guarantees to plummet like a stone?

Ever wondered why games that give them faster action, like spin n go, are becoming so popular?

Well, take a look in the mirror, it's you that's causing them to play something else
ahh so the reason guarantees are plummeting is because of timebanks, gotcha.
07-27-2015 , 09:09 AM
he has a point tho
07-27-2015 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by PlasticPearl
Something has to be done about the massive time banks and the time it takes out from the tournament. In the MM main everyone starts with a 3 minute time bank (up to 4 minutes now) even though levels are only 10 minutes. We just had a break where everyone was 5 minutes late going to break because, obviously, some idiots go for break early without ticking the 'sit out' button. So it's 5 past before we even get back from break. Then naturally some more idiots decide they're not going to return, but because they have an ante in the pot, we have to sit there for 3-4 minutes while their time bank runs down. In a tournament with nearly 10 minute levels, that's nearly half a level. Add in the number of people playing on their mobile phone who lose signal (happens very frequently, the mobile app is annoying), and each hour we may lose 10 minutes of playing time because of these silly time banks.

May I suggest time banks do not automatically activate pre flop unless you are in the blinds? Maybe not even then actually. Sitting through a 4 minute time bank because someone has a $20 ante in the pot is silly.

Or failing that, make the time bank relative to the level lengths not the stack sizes? 3 min starting time bank when levels are 10 minutes is excessive. Why not 1 min for 10 mins, 2 min for 15 mins, 3 mins for 20 mins etc.
massive -1 , i disagree with probably everything uve posted in this chat. capping tournament amount , removing auto timebank.. ITS OK AS IT IS
07-27-2015 , 09:24 AM
Yeh, Automated timebank is the reason the guarantees have gone flying down
HAHAHAHA that made my day thanks.

The games aren't harder imo and still have the a similar concentration of fish. The main reason the guarantees are down is because the player pools are gettin segregated. Joe poker is still regging on sundays and alot of this is being exagerated and not even true.
07-27-2015 , 10:26 AM
No more vamoooo from Portugal ?
