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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-23-2009 , 11:26 PM
id laugh if he pulled a muscle

that would be funnys
11-23-2009 , 11:32 PM
.2% of the land using solar would supply all the power needs for the human race, but more importantly, solar on every rooftop will pretty much do it.

Solar photovoltaics will be ubiquitous in our lifetime. Prices have gone down a ton in the last few years alone. With incentives (in Cali anyway), systems pay for themselves in as few as 5 years now and in 5 years they won't need the incentives to do it.

I'm going to stop global warming and get richer than Al Gore in the process, suckas.
11-23-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
11-23-2009 , 11:42 PM
the music in that video is the kind of cheesy annoying techno garbage i always associate with euro kids
11-23-2009 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
watching this gave me anxiety
11-23-2009 , 11:44 PM
Suzzer, last 1000 years of ice records have nothing to do with the Ice Age ending (since all the ice melted ldo). We don't know why that it happened, and we can't be for sure that Man-made Global Warming exists. We know that all the things that 'cause' Man-made Global Warming are bad for us and we should stop them. Don't you find arguing with people about why the oil is bad (when there is universal agreement that it is bad) is a distraction from figuring out how to get off the crack?
11-24-2009 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by xxdanimalxx
Odds we make it to 2100 without a massive worldwide pandemic or nuclear war?
11-24-2009 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I don't have the energy to get into global warming with conservatives or libertarians because no amount of evidence will ever sway you in the slightest. You will seek out and believe a few rogue scientists or pundit demogogues that support your position, and believe what you want to believe.

But the fact is there is a general consensus among every major scinentific body in the world that global warming is real, and a significant part of it is man made. Predictions were made about the effect of increased co2 in the atmosphere, and we are watching them come true before our eyes. That is science. Is it always right? No of course not. But until better science comes along or the models are proven wrong, you go with what you have.

That's how science works.
My problems with Global warming are that it has become obvious to me that science is not happening here. It has become one of those issues where the data is not agreed on, or even available, so the scientific process cannot proceed normally. Dan, the point about the UEA is that they are one of 3 sources of data on global temperatures, and they won't release their data publicly. Measuring global temperatures is in itself extremely difficult, and there is very little agreement on what they are or have been.

The global warmers are in denial when anything conflicts with their "scientific proof" as are the skeptics. Science has been lost and politics has taken over.

Originally Posted by Gramps
Suzzer, let's not beat around the bush - the only reason you're on here making points/arguments about global warming is in a futile attempt to kick your habit of arguing with anarcho-capitalists over in politics.

Originally Posted by microbet
.2% of the land using solar would supply all the power needs for the human race, but more importantly, solar on every rooftop will pretty much do it.

Solar photovoltaics will be ubiquitous in our lifetime. Prices have gone down a ton in the last few years alone. With incentives (in Cali anyway), systems pay for themselves in as few as 5 years now and in 5 years they won't need the incentives to do it.

I'm going to stop global warming and get richer than Al Gore in the process, suckas.
Go baby Go!
11-24-2009 , 01:33 AM
so what you are saying suzzer, is if we actually privatised all the air around us right, then we could just sit back and allow natural market forces to self-correct the problem.

am i getting this right
11-24-2009 , 01:40 AM
Nuclear war is highly unlikely. Pandemic of sorts is much more likely (read: inevitable).

The vast majority of wide-spread disease/rapid death of populations (pandemic proportions) are not earth-borne. Track the most devastating virii (viruses) and you will find that the origin of each coincides with the timing of the Earth passing through the tail or contrails of a comet.

Moreover, those origins are specifically located in areas exposed at the time of the immersion into the contrails or "mist" of a comet.

Infected people, animals, etc. then spread the disease through travel. We come up with a cure and destroy the alien virus. We are pretty good at doing that for now. Dinosaurs were not.

Crazy theory? Maybe. Maybe not. Discuss.
11-24-2009 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Hood
so what you are saying suzzer, is if we actually privatised all the air around us right, then we could just sit back and allow natural market forces to self-correct the problem.

am i getting this right
If global warming is ever proven real, which it won't, but just in case somehow it is - it's definitely the govt's fault - oil, coal and gas subsidies created artificial market and too much drilling. Market would have found just the right balance if left alone. I mean people don't want to warm the earth right? So why would they? That would be bad for business. Flooded coastlines and famine = less car buyers. God it's so simple, why can't you nanny-staters get it?

And that my friends would be only about the 15th most ridiculous argument currently being put forth in politics.

My current favorite: remove all regulation and privatize roads = roads magically become much much safer. Obviously we will save a large fraction of the 40k ppl we currently lose on unsafe govt roads ldo. Why would a road maker want their customers to die? I mean it's just simple deductive reasoning and logic. Liberals are so challenged in that area.

And no, you never get to say "that flies in the face of all common sense or past experience". There is no experience because no one's ever been stupid enough to try fully privatize roads. And anything that was ever fully or partially privatized and went bad was because of the govt component of it.

Also "common sense" is a 4-letter word in politics. You get in big trouble for throwing that around. It means slavery to outmoded old-school thinking. Like paying attention to batting average or a pitcher's wins.

Another fun one: there will be plenty of wheelchair ramps and handicap stalls in AC-land, because smart businesses will gladly spend 10s of $1000s up front not to lose out on that all-important wheelchair dollar.

Last edited by suzzer99; 11-24-2009 at 01:51 AM.
11-24-2009 , 01:43 AM
Slacker I don't know if you're just leveling this whole thread or smoking something. But if the latter I want some.
11-24-2009 , 01:49 AM
Forgot to say thanks Dan for the book recommendation, but it's a sore point. In spite of my overwhelming happiness with my life in all other respects, as a microgrinder, the one thing I can no longer do is afford to buy books. I have about 4,000, so I just reread stuff I haven't read for 5 years; 2010 will be the year I move up to where I can do this stuff that you all think is normal.
11-24-2009 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by xPeru
My problems with Global warming are that it has become obvious to me that science is not happening here. It has become one of those issues where the data is not agreed on, or even available, so the scientific process cannot proceed normally. Dan, the point about the UEA is that they are one of 3 sources of data on global temperatures, and they won't release their data publicly. Measuring global temperatures is in itself extremely difficult, and there is very little agreement on what they are or have been.

The global warmers are in denial when anything conflicts with their "scientific proof" as are the skeptics. Science has been lost and politics has taken over.
FUD playbook again. Please link the sites that refute temperatures have risen dramatically the last 20 years and I will research.

I agree politics has taken over, but it's not because science has been lost.
11-24-2009 , 02:03 AM
Why is a temperature rise over 20 years significant? It most certainly isn't in terms of climate change science. The time interval is simply too small.

and B. I didn't suggest that temperatures hadn't risen over the last 20 years. Lunatic fringe playbook yet again: quote something you can easily refute as if it was the point in dispute.
11-24-2009 , 02:08 AM
If you're going to keep debating global warming, please at least post pics of hot chicks in hot weather, etc. It is the **** thread.
11-24-2009 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by xPeru
Why is a temperature rise over 20 years significant? It most certainly isn't in terms of climate change science. The time interval is simply too small.

and B. I didn't suggest that temperatures hadn't risen over the last 20 years. Lunatic fringe playbook yet again: quote something you can easily refute as if it was the point in dispute.
Boom! XPeru rubs it on his titties........ vn

So, Suzzer. What data do you have to disprove my comet/virus theory? Do you have any data sources to refute anything resembling "levelling" on my part?

My best guess is that you are running some huge level yourself ITT.

Defend yourself son.
11-24-2009 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by xPeru
Why is a temperature rise over 20 years significant? It most certainly isn't in terms of climate change science. The time interval is simply too small.

and B. I didn't suggest that temperatures hadn't risen over the last 20 years. Lunatic fringe playbook yet again: quote something you can easily refute as if it was the point in dispute.
Lol so the massive influx of CO2 has only come in the last few decades. But you're argument is what? - that we can't look at temps the last few decades because that's too small of a sample size? So I guess the only thing we can do is wait a thousand years until we have a decent sample size?

(Lurkers who are on the fence, please tell me you're tracking who has the data and cogent arguments and who has weird fallacies and comet theories.)

We look at the last few decades because that's also in the time period when measurable CO2 levels went up 148% and methane levels went up 36%, as predicted, due to human activity - and a commensurate rise in temperature was seen - as predicted. Again, could be a coincidence, but like a poker hand you have to make your best judgment on the information you have. Every major scientific body in the world has come down on the side of global warming being real, and caused by humans. Where there is little consensus is how bad it will get. But no one thinks it will be inconsequential.

I have to stop now or I'll never get to sleep. Argh.

Last edited by suzzer99; 11-24-2009 at 02:25 AM.
11-24-2009 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Boom! XPeru rubs it on his titties........ vn

So, Suzzer. What data do you have to disprove my comet/virus theory? Do you have any data sources to refute anything resembling "levelling" on my part?

My best guess is that you are running some huge level yourself ITT.

Defend yourself son.
I cannot disprove your comet virus theory. You win.
11-24-2009 , 02:27 AM
id like to hear more about the aliens that come from comets please, so i can write a screenplay about it
11-24-2009 , 02:28 AM
Caliente. God bless Univision.

11-24-2009 , 02:33 AM
Obv. her show is pre-taped and every frame is photoshopped. Impossible to have boobs that big on body that skinny.

Also, sadly, she'll be big as a house in 5 years.
11-24-2009 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
id like to hear more about the aliens that come from comets please, so i can write a screenplay about it

BTW, this comes at least 15 years after my initial thoughts on the subject.

Movieman, I'll collaborate on the project if you like. I have some really unique ideas and concepts involving intelligence, etc. that are related.

Suzzer obviously never got "infected". Boooo! I feel bad for him and those like him. Poor guy.
11-24-2009 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
the music in that video is the kind of cheesy annoying techno garbage i always associate with euro kids
Must be rough, as a eurokid yourself.
that purple smiley is called embarassment, but he looks like a purple dude smiling to me so i don't get it

Originally Posted by microbet
.2% of the land using solar would supply all the power needs for the human race, but more importantly, solar on every rooftop will pretty much do it.

Solar photovoltaics will be ubiquitous in our lifetime. Prices have gone down a ton in the last few years alone. With incentives (in Cali anyway), systems pay for themselves in as few as 5 years now and in 5 years they won't need the incentives to do it.

I'm going to stop global warming and get richer than Al Gore in the process, suckas.
not if i wind power you out of marketshare first! subsidies like crazy going on for that stuff in the cold middle parts of the country right now. I counted 54 , 2 truck long blades passing me on my 100 mile drive from Iowa City to Des Moines home for thanksgiving.

Also, according to one side of that global warming arguement i'm skipping posts about you Californians are going to get flooded or something and my midwestern paradise will be where it's at.

I started this post in an attempt to fit all the smilies in, but in typical fashion, am lazy and giving up.
11-24-2009 , 03:02 AM
to V.
