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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-05-2009 , 02:03 AM
Always reminds me of a story I read back when I fooled around with this PUA stuff for a little while. This was like 7 or 8 years ago, but I still remember the story was entitled "The Iranian From Hell"

Just googled it cos it's quite a lol TR that supports what CQ is saying. Here's the link for anyone who wants to read.
09-05-2009 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I'm not familiar with alot of that pick up artist stuff, but being more confident is going to definitely help you score with chicks regardless of what you look like. There's a big difference between being a slightly below average looking male who knows and shows it and a slightly below average looking male who doesn't show it in his personality. Confidence in itself can be more attractive than physical appearance, and just being confident enough to approach a woman when you might not be in her league is a huge step in actually getting anywhere with her.

lol are you hating yourself into losing weight?
I'm just being rational. Confidence can only go so far. Manboobs trump confidence.
09-05-2009 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm just being rational. Confidence can only go so far. Manboobs trump confidence.
No they don't, not much trumps confidence.. You'd **** a chick with a peg leg if she acted like it was made of gold.
09-05-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm just being rational.
09-05-2009 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
Not tonight because I've just got home from spending the evening with friends!
Sweet, hope you had a great time.
09-05-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by kevstreet
If I've learned anything about sports it's that this sort of stuff will have no bearing or impact on his chances of making the NFL. He'll go to the combines, he'll get drafted and go to training camp just like everyone else.

He may not get drafted as high as he would of. Especially if he was a legit Heisman contender. But he'll still be given a chance to make way more money than I'll ever see. All this with zero education and the added bonus of being an ignorant a-hole.
I agree if he was a star, but this kid played in a small comunitee collage, got lucky enough to get on with a pac 10 team his junior year, had one good season, then looked like crap last night. He could maybe get a walkon tryout, but I doubt any team would waste a draft pick on him. he really did need another impressive season to be considered imo.

Originally Posted by kevstreet
is the play much different in 6 max MTT tournies? Do you just open up and 3 bet wider?
you can pretty much play it like your in those positions off the button on a full table. Just pay attention to how others are playing because some will really lag it up, some won't.
09-05-2009 , 03:02 AM
Hey thanks Steve maybe i'll play in a mtt 6 man once in a while to change it up.

I don't follow college football nearly as close as I use to. I figured if he was starting at Oregon he must be ok. They were ranked although it looks like they won't remain there after last night's debacle.

I followed back in the 90s when Miami v FSU games were awesome. Also the west coast games were so much fun to watch. San Diego State and BYU would score 50 a game. This year I could only tell you that Florida is good.
09-05-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
No they don't, not much trumps confidence.. You'd **** a chick with a peg leg if she acted like it was made of gold.
You guys are so wrong on this. Being fat is a gigantic barrier. It doesn't matter how confident you are. Yes it's better if you are fat and you think the fat doesn't matter at all. But you still increase your chances much more by getting in shape. This is very very basic stuff that guys seem to like to completely delude themselves on for some reason.
09-05-2009 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I made one comment to GtrHtr. I still believe there's a non-zero chance PS is rigged to favor non-Americans/new players.

It's pretty offensive to slander a group of people as being:

a) racists
b) thieves

with literally zero evidence to support the claim.

Further, the idea that PokerStars discriminate against Americans (or any other nationality) is truly preposterous. Let me put that to rest, by directing you to the results of the big tournaments online at:

Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to show the results of the more recent big weekly tournaments, but I assume it is possible somehow.

Look at who won the six largest tournaments that weekend (22 March):

Sunday Million - USA
Sunday Warm-Up - USA
Sunday 1/4 million - USA
Sunday 500 - USA
Sunday $215 PLO - USA
$320 NLH - Denmark
$215 5CD - USA
$215 PLO8 - Norway
$215 LHE - Germany
$215 8-game - USA
$215 NLHE 6-max - Netherlands
$215 NLHE Turbo - Brazil
$215 7CS - USA
$215 Razz - Germany (but chopped with guy from USA)
$109r NLHE - Denmark
$125k guaranteed - USA
$215 Single Draw - USA
$215 Mixed HE - UK
$215 NLHE - USA
Sunday Second Chance - USA
$109r NLHE - USA
$215 Horse - Denmark

Ed Miller has expressed the same sentiment (that there's always a chance).
Ed's article is pretty poor in that it ignores entirely reasonable points and that it is fundamentally wrong.

1) He argues that the fact that the rules on Triple Draw prevent the same card being recovered by the same player is evidence of the possibility of rigging. No it is not. It is evidence that the PokerStars server deals cards according to the rules of the game.

His suggestion that the situation with triple draw represents a flaw in the RNG is simply incorrect. Given the hyperbole about this issue in various discussions on the internet, this is unsurprising, and I can understand how he mistakenly formed this conclusion.

In all the games, PokerStars randomly shuffles cards, and then deals them according to the rules of the game. In Stud games, this means that if there are insufficient cards to give everyone their last card, then one card will be placed face up in the center of the table as a community card that all players use as their 7th card. That's just how the rules of the game dictates the cards be dealt.

In the case of 2-7 Triple Draw, in accordance with the rules that PokerStars operates under, once a reshuffle has occurred, the server will prevent a player from receiving back any specific card he has previously discarded. Thus, if you throw away the deuce of spades, it is impossible for you to receive the deuce of spades back on a future draw even if the discards have been re-shuffled into a new deck. That's just how the rules of the game dictates the cards be dealt.

This is not a flaw in the random number generator, but simply the implementation of a rule that some players might not be previously familiar with. Other such rule changes include our use of a forward-moving button in games with blinds (thus, there is never a dead button or dead small blind). Some live card rooms do it that way, and some card rooms use dead blinds. Throughout the history of poker, different games in different card rooms have had slightly different rules, which all adds to the richness of poker, in my opinion.

All that said, this rule change was implemented on the suggestion of many experienced players who actually play 2-7 Triple Draw. That was their recommendation, and PokerStars implemented it.

2) Despite pretending to offer a considered consideration of the topic, Ed simply raises reasons that it might be "possible" without even admitting the existence of the safeguards that prevent against this.

Some of the obvious safeguards against it are:

1) The regulation of an independent regulator, appointed by a democratically elected government.

2) The RNG audits that prove the RNG is fair.

3) The fact that there's not a single skerrick of evidence of non-random shuffling

The way that rigtards use the word "possible" to describe online poker being rigged is an abuse of the word "possible".

Like, it's "possible" that suzzer is a thief. I've seen no evidence ruling it out... but the way that our societies work is that before you accuse someone of "possibly being a thief" you have some evidence to support your accusation. It's all very well to investigate (as people should) but it's not fair to accuse hundreds of people of being complicit in a massive international fraud based upon racism and half-truths. That's not fair, that's not reasonable: it's offensive and wrong.

Last edited by Josem; 09-05-2009 at 07:29 AM. Reason: btw, Ed's article is at
09-05-2009 , 07:57 AM
So we're off to Orlando and will try to get a room via priceline's bidding service.

We're planning on visiting (mostly) Universal parks. Which areas are reasonable to start bidding for hotel rooms (3 1/2 - 4 star)? We have our own car.

09-05-2009 , 08:55 AM
josem wins at life , so ownd
09-05-2009 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by bones
Just to keep this thread a bit tilt free

Me likey, and that's a severe understatement! nice page-saver imo.

Also, in after Josem owns.

And I have finally played 3 sessions without laptop freezing with HUD running, for the first time since June. Removed more programs from startup and also quite some services, and finally success...woooooeeeiiiiiii
09-05-2009 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by PokahPokah
josem wins at life , so ownd
It's not actually me that is very special at all: it's just that I'm on the side of the argument that is actually "right" in this instance.

One of the things that has really impressed me since working for PokerStars is the committment to integrity, from the most senior echelons of the management team on down. Obviously I'm biased, but at the same time, that bias gives me a special vantage point to be aware of the value, ethics and integrity of the PokerStars team.
09-05-2009 , 09:35 AM
Karp, stay in area 8, 1 3 or 9. Some of those areas like 2 and 11 are not very nice.

Crackedquads: Aside from what suzzer posted (pronounce that suh zer), I'll post doomswitched posts whenever I feel like it... which isn't very often. I'm not real concerned how it effects you, and your girlish "plz don't kill me" is getting a bit old as well.
09-05-2009 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Josem
It's not actually me that is very special at all: it's just that I'm on the side of the argument that is actually "right" in this instance.

One of the things that has really impressed me since working for PokerStars is the committment to integrity, from the most senior echelons of the management team on down. Obviously I'm biased, but at the same time, that bias gives me a special vantage point to be aware of the value, ethics and integrity of the PokerStars team.
Thank god for that.
09-05-2009 , 09:49 AM
Have fun Karp. I'm only an hour away if you need anything....

as long as it's not between the hours of 3:30pm until 7:30pm on Saturday obv.
09-05-2009 , 11:03 AM
I left Pokerstars, at least for the time being. One of the reasons was questions about integrity, which I believe is my right. However, I'm not going to come here and try to convince others to do so as well. Nobody wants to hear it.
09-05-2009 , 11:11 AM
Just saw a commercial advertising the First regular season Sunday.... I got the goose bumps... Good feeling.....Not cuz its football, but cuz TV sucks and i will now have something to watch on Sundays...
09-05-2009 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
My 4500 SNG cooler started right after they seized that $30 mil. Any US player on Stars actually running hot since then? Gtr do they think you're in the US?

Since June 10th on just

Last edited by kleath; 09-05-2009 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Oh also a 5k wcoop seat that doesnt show up
09-05-2009 , 11:40 AM
lol that's so awesome, kleath
09-05-2009 , 11:44 AM
haha. vn
09-05-2009 , 11:49 AM
My bets for this weekend:

Alabama -7
BYU +22½
Wake Forest -2½
Michigan -13
(149) Western Michigan vs. (150) Michigan Under 56
Colorado -10½
09-05-2009 , 11:58 AM
Kleath, you're obviously a losing player and Stars is trying to redistribute from the good to the bad.
09-05-2009 , 11:59 AM
damn. those are mtts, no? which sngs pay 25K?
09-05-2009 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by boss_29
damn. those are mtts, no? which sngs pay 25K?
Im really good @ 3 way deals in the 2100s

Last edited by kleath; 09-05-2009 at 12:03 PM. Reason: butnahhh, yeah they're mtts
