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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-06-2009 , 01:07 PM
what an attrocious beat lipo i hope the little bitch is still crying.
09-06-2009 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
lol poker
yeah nice one suzz +1 to not sending this one durrrs way
Once and final for the record. I had no idea I was even capable of doing something like that before it actually happened. Not a chronic problem. I may do something else just as dumb, but I guarantee it will be something different.
09-06-2009 , 01:18 PM
loved the tr lipo sounds like a pretty kick as night till the end ldo
09-06-2009 , 01:42 PM
sucks lipo. wonder if things would have gone diff if she walked in on u taking a deuce

also is anyone else having problems seeing cake mtts for today? I think I registered last night but now I'm not registered and my buyins are back in my acct.
09-06-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
it won't matter with key loggers. why wouldn't you get a token? PS just lowered the price.
Tks...I'm going to get one for stars, but FT doesn't have them afaik. Do standard security suites protect against key loggers?
09-06-2009 , 01:57 PM
Congrats Suzzer! You going to try and freeroll the high rollers event today?
wink.jpg eyeroll.jpg
09-06-2009 , 02:33 PM
nice story lipo, you'll easily get $100 worth of fun telling that over the years.
09-06-2009 , 02:37 PM

this reminds me, the last time i ironed any clothes was around May
09-06-2009 , 02:46 PM
Congratz Suzzer...

Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund

"what the hell is going on, this is my brothers room, get the **** out, im going to call the sherriff's department. get the **** out right now. im not kidding. ill call 911. 911 911 911, there are whores and drugs in my brothers room. GET OUT WHORES. BE GONE BE GONE BE GONE"
09-06-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by bagclip2007
loved the tr lipo sounds like a pretty kick as night till the end ldo
the end of the night was actually sorta fun

backstory: i went to ihop last night and the night before

anyways so we go into ihop last night. its me and my roommates, and the friends we have visiting. it's 5 of us. we walk in there, and the place is packed, and a hostess doesnt even bother trying to seat us. some black guy who is waiting for to-go, says we should just go sit with "dat dere group of attractive young females" so he walks us over and theres a group of 5 girls sitting at a booth, all of them are black obv. so i sit down at the booth next to them and start chatting it up. i askt ehm if they go to FSU and they tell me they go to FAMU (which is like a 99% black college in tallahassee, awesome school though). and they ask me if im a famu fan. i tell them i love the rattlas. i start doing the famu rattler chant and i was in. they invite me to come sit with them, and my friends are sitting in the booth behind us. so they start giving me shots they had in a red cup. so im in a comfy spot, just waiting for some service. they bring up trees, and again i mention the vapo and they start feaking out. they all give me their numbers/twitters (they were really big about twitter for some reason beyond me)

we finally do get some service, and it's the manager. he accuses my friend (who is sitting at the booth behind us) of not paying for his meal the night before. this was laughable for many reasons, we tried to explain, he ordered tomatoes, provolone, a bun, jalapenos and some kind of sauce. hes a strict vegetarian and didnt want to eat anything that touched ihop's grills. he only goes with us each time because he has never drank or done drugs in his entire life, so hes always sober enough/nice enough to drive. we ask to speak to the waitress, and shes like i didnt get your money. he said my meal was $11. i handed you $15. you brought me 4 back when you brought back everyones credit cards. i left the $4 on the table. she claims to have gotten the $4 and thats it. my friend is just baffled that he's being accused of stealing, we try to explain why would he leave $4 on the table when she took up all of our tickets, but its useless. i even remind her that my meal was $28 (i paid for my friend) and i gave her $35, which was a pretty generous tip. she remembered me and smiled. i told her that my friend would never steal from anyone and that you need to trust him with money. shes slowly coming around, realizing it may have been an error on her end, but the managers buts in saying "i wouldnt trsut my own mother with money"

at this point my friend is pretty pissed about whats happening, but hes too nice of a guy to say anything. the manager keeps going "we get a lot of your type coming through this restaurant, the broke hippies who just go from place to place looking for a meal, looks like you havent eaten in a month. this isnt a soup kitchen, you cant steal from underneath my nose, if youre so hungry why dont you go dumpster diving"

at this point my friends are on their way out the door. im not that calm though. i had been drinking and it pisses me off when someone is going to talk **** about my friends, especially when they are completely innocent, plus everything that had happened earlier made me go ballistic

"excuse me, do you know who the hell you were just talking to? have you ever watched espn in your life? that was leif force, and id be willing to bet money hes the only millionaire to have walked into your ****hole of a restaurant. you need to learn some god damned respect because thats one of the nicest people youll ever meet, and just because he dresses in tattered t shirts doesnt mean hes trying to scam you for an overpriced $11 provolone/tomato sandwich. so go **** yourself you miserable piece of ****. dont get angry at us because your life is a side of reality i only see when im ****ed up and hungry. not anymore though, because it looks like im taking myself and my 25% tips over to wafflehouse"

the entire time the girls were laughing and screaming, and twittering about the experience:

hop buddies!!!!
Ihop craziness!!
@martymath **** em, **** em all!!!!
@martymath The ihop was gross and cold as ***, we shudda went to waffle house ourselves!!

also as a bonus here are some pics they took of us and put on twitter

and here is me while im going off on the manager

im direct messaging on twitter with one of them, and shes comin over after work!
09-06-2009 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund

"what the hell is going on, this is my brothers room, get the **** out, im going to call the sherriff's department. get the **** out right now. im not kidding. ill call 911. 911 911 911, there are whores and drugs in my brothers room. GET OUT WHORES. BE GONE BE GONE BE GONE"
Girl obv works for stars, so rigged lipo, sorry to hear.
09-06-2009 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by vers
sucks lipo. wonder if things would have gone diff if she walked in on u taking a deuce

also is anyone else having problems seeing cake mtts for today? I think I registered last night but now I'm not registered and my buyins are back in my acct.
Cake is having server connectivity issues, so all mtts/stts have been taken down for the next few days until they can fix the problems. Cash only for now.
09-06-2009 , 03:25 PM
Woke up pretty hung over this morning, checked this thread via my phone, and had to lol pretty hard seeing how suzzer did after the previous discussions.
If at some point I'm going to play an MTT in the near future I will definitely tell Josem that his employer operates a potential rigged site..
Nevertheless, congrats Suzzer!

Sick story Lipo, that end of the evening with that sister coming in must have felt like losing a 10:1 chiplead while HU in a SNG.

Had great fun last night with loads of drinks. We started with 3 girls and 1 other guy. First did some drinks at the girls house we were staying over at, and then went to some bars. I decided to go with the well given advice ITT () and didn't lower my standard, which was pretty difficult, since there were quite some well-willing women which I would normally snapshove when drunk. Not quite sure anymore how things happened but at one point I was snogging (worst word in the English language..) the friend at who's plays we were staying, then later had some repeated action in another bar, which also kinda made the "who are sharing beds/matrasses" discussion a bit easier..
09-06-2009 , 03:35 PM
lol lipo u get ureself into such ****ed situations but it's hilarious
09-06-2009 , 03:39 PM

to be fair, assuming leif force still looks anything like he did when he was on the wsop, someone that looks like that is a dirty smelly hippie 99 times out of 100. Add in the fact that he ordered some rando vegetarian nonsense and was with a bunch of people who were high and jonesing for ihop...
09-06-2009 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Velocity

to be fair, assuming leif force still looks anything like he did when he was on the wsop, someone that looks like that is a dirty smelly hippie 99 times out of 100. Add in the fact that he ordered some rando vegetarian nonsense and was with a bunch of people who were high and jonesing for ihop...
....should STILL not give some jumped up little **** the right to talk to his clientele in that fashion.
09-06-2009 , 04:07 PM
Any sttfers in the high roller event today?
09-06-2009 , 04:15 PM
looks like just apathy and ddbeast

edit: and pudge
09-06-2009 , 05:05 PM
Anyone want to trade my 400$ on FTP for 400$ Stars?
09-06-2009 , 05:57 PM
i usually dont play mtts, but i won 5 seats to the 750k today, so i guess it's a sign!

time to run good imo
09-06-2009 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by boss_29
Should players who don't use a security token constantly change their p/w, or does it not make any difference?
Changing your pasword helps against people who have an encrypted copy of your password, and are trying to decrypt it. It also helps if the "hacker" has your password, and you change it before they use it, without them somehow getting your new password.

IMO, this is not a very valuable security technique, especially given how many passwords people have these days. You'd probably be better off spending the time running a full virus/spyware/etc. scan instead of changing all your passwords.
09-06-2009 , 07:03 PM

Accidentally posted this in the DoN thread, and it got deleted. Figured it needed to be seen somewhere though.
09-06-2009 , 07:04 PM
Sucks that the manager was a dick, but lol dropping Leif Force's name. Was Tomer Benvenisti not in your group?
09-06-2009 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by bones
Sucks that the manager was a dick, but lol dropping Leif Force's name. Was Tomer Benvenisti not in your group?
hahaha n1
09-06-2009 , 07:51 PM
money in wcoop any stters left? lets take it downnnn
