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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-02-2009 , 01:44 PM
I know the feeling; it's really weird. There's a chance tomorrow you wake up and start playing like Inyaface and take down everything. Sometimes the games just play out funny or something.
09-02-2009 , 01:54 PM
Does anyone own, or know anything about these "Gunnar Optik" glasses? Apparently they reduce strain and help keep your eyes in better shape while staring at computer/tv/electronic screens. Today is the first I have heard of them, figured it was a gimmik but PCmag says they work.,2817,2337144,00.asp
09-02-2009 , 01:58 PM
i always watch the wsop. if it wasnt for this event we would have to work imo. so i support it by watching all new episodes =)
09-02-2009 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by bagclip2007
i always watch the wsop. if it wasnt for this event we would have to work imo. so i support it by watching all new episodes =)

For clarification, I'm not at all against the donkishness with which the WSOP is presented on ESPN. Quite the opposite, as it obviously contributes to the softness of games.

It's just too tilting for me personally to watch at length. I'm happy to turn the TV on and mute it and go into the other room to show my support

On another note,

HULU desktop FTMFW
09-02-2009 , 02:25 PM
I like watching the wsop. It's usually good for a couple laughs. I highly recommend the past champions event. It had a lot of terrible poker that was fun to watch.

I do look forward to any cash game shows like HSP and poker after dark when they have them.
09-02-2009 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil

god, i'm playing so awfully terrible today and i have no clue why. Almost every second hand i'm like "wtf am i doing?! that is just horrible, why am i doing that?!"

//edit: let's say more terrible than usual
try betting for information
09-02-2009 , 02:33 PM
i think josem already posted it
Originally Posted by 50 Centimeter
try betting for information
i did at one point with KK and hated myself like 1.3ns after.
09-02-2009 , 02:33 PM
Watching day 1 and 2 is kinda blah. Seeing the donks makes me a little mad that I had a ****ty table draw. Once stacks get into the 1+ million range it gets interesting because people are playing with more equity than a lot of them will ever be worth. When it gets down to 27 or so you can really feel the tension and gets me excited about mtt's again.

Speaking of that, I might breakdown and play my 1st non freeroll mtt since the ME. That 6 max WCOOP tomorrow looks good
09-02-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
When it gets down to 27 or so you can really feel the tension and gets me excited about mtt's again.
and then you play some and wanna kill yourself or burn down an orphanage
09-02-2009 , 02:44 PM
I'm still a sucker for the WSOP coverage. Although I admit it's been pretty slow so far. Old man slow roll was pretty awesome though. Looking forward to seeing Darvin Moon, Ivey FT push and the big stack blowup close to the FT bubble. We really need a ginger wifebeater like last year or that one a-hole from a couple years ago to add color. Can't quite remember his name anymore... Joe something I think.

Last year had some pretty awesome moments from the final 100 to final table. "Who's da buwwy now? Who's da buwwy NOW???" (from the dude who looked like he wanted to pork his sister) "Yeah you tell him!" (from sister) And the Cantu bluff call.
09-02-2009 , 03:33 PM
omg omg the old guy slow roll was so awesome
09-02-2009 , 03:48 PM
Was the Jean-Robert bust last year where he thought he had a lock on the hand? That was about the hardest I've ever laughed at a WSOP moment.
09-02-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by juandadi
for those out there having trouble getting women here is some help..


he even talks poker terms..
09-02-2009 , 04:00 PM
someone folded KK to a 4bet by raymer last night hahah
09-02-2009 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Was the Jean-Robert bust last year where he thought he had a lock on the hand? That was about the hardest I've ever laughed at a WSOP moment.
09-02-2009 , 04:15 PM
lol thanks for that. cheered up my day

Didn't know Bellande was/is such a crybaby. I've only seen him once on PAD and he behaved like a cocky douche.

Originally Posted by bagclip2007
omg omg the old guy slow roll was so awesome
tilted me a bit to tell the truth. Yeah, he is old and weak enough that a loud "BOO!" could kill him instantly, but it's still not cool to slowroll, especially in the WSOP ME where so many players should probably not put up 10k for this lottery.
I felt really sorry for the 67o guy because everyone applauded like the old guy just found a cure for cancer, when in reality he pulled a super douchy move...
09-02-2009 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
lol thanks for that. cheered up my day

Didn't know Bellande was/is such a crybaby. I've only seen him once on PAD and he behaved like a cocky douche.
I'm not sure what more you could ask from Bellande in that spot. He was jovial throughout until the 7, then he just sort of crumpled. Imagine how much worse someone like Hellmuth or Hachem would have behaved. I'd be proud if I handled it that well. I agree I've seen Bellande at other times where I wasn't totally impressed with him.

tilted me a bit to tell the truth. Yeah, he is old and weak enough that a loud "BOO!" could kill him instantly, but it's still not cool to slowroll, especially in the WSOP ME where so many players should probably not put up 10k for this lottery.
I felt really sorry for the 67o guy because everyone applauded like the old guy just found a cure for cancer, when in reality he pulled a super douchy move...
I think we must have radically different standards for what's entertaining and what 96-year-olds should be allowed to get away with. Also the 67 guy (renodoc) talks about it here, if you want to get his take.
09-02-2009 , 04:29 PM
ya i dont like slow rolling but the guy is 96 so i thought it was pretty funny, jrb with aq was one of my favorites as well. and the guy that folded kk lollllllll
09-02-2009 , 04:31 PM
Oh yeah wtf that was surreal. I PMed fossilman to ask if he would come in the Televised Poker thread to possibly shed any light on the KK fold.
09-02-2009 , 04:32 PM
anyone that has a SIRIUS satellite radio subscription should call them and tell them you wanna cancel it. They'll will simply give some promotion for 5 months.....I went from apperently paying $50 every 3 months to $25 for 5 months
09-02-2009 , 04:42 PM
i've started to add some 60s on ftp lately, is Jake da Mouth playing every single one of em?

Would explain why he's top of the leaderboard i suppose...
09-02-2009 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by juandadi
anyone that has a SIRIUS satellite radio subscription should call them and tell them you wanna cancel it. They'll will simply give some promotion for 5 months.....I went from apperently paying $50 every 3 months to $25 for 5 months
Can you make the call for me? I hate that kind of stuff.
09-02-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
I pretty much stopped watching poker on TV altogether when I "turned pro" (guess there are a couple of good shows to watch here and there). ESPN above all is essentially the most tilting thing ever.

edit: though I'm totally gonna watch the last few just for Steve Begleiter appearances!!!!!!111 GO TEAM BEN!
If you didnt watch the Durr episodes of HSP last seasion they are definately worth watching. I don't watch much poker anymore either.

Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
tilted me a bit to tell the truth. Yeah, he is old and weak enough that a loud "BOO!" could kill him instantly, but it's still not cool to slowroll, especially in the WSOP ME where so many players should probably not put up 10k for this lottery.
I felt really sorry for the 67o guy because everyone applauded like the old guy just found a cure for cancer, when in reality he pulled a super douchy move...
I'd have to see some more hands from him to know if he even did slowroll. He seemed pretty slow and worried about making mistakes anytime they showed him. He may have been asking the dealer for permission to show his hand everytime. The dude's 96 and not in great shape. If he played every hand like that it isnt a slowroll.
09-02-2009 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Can you make the call for me? I hate that kind of stuff.
it took two seconds...
Operator: may i ask why you wanna cancel your subscription?
me: i dont drive my car much, so its a waste
operator: ok, well, we have a promotion
me: im listening
operator: well we can give you 5 months for $19, plus taxes and royalties fees..
me: sold
operator: ok bye.

I actually wanted to cancel it, but who can pass on a good deal...

edit: and on top of givin me that promotion, i had just paid last month so they gave me a refund for the difference.... mmuuuhuuuaahhhaa
09-02-2009 , 04:52 PM
link to said soulcrushing slow roll?
