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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-29-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Lol. "I have no problem with black people, only the ones who do not adopt the dress code I think they should abide by!"
Once again, no. It's not just dress. It's walk/talk/attitude/mentality. We have to go through this time and time again. The suburban black kid dressed to be cool is easily distinguishable by a real inner city thug. It takes seconds to tell the difference.

As far as being able to tell from far away, you can't. That's why you cross the street, homie.
09-29-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I never understood the walking across the street stuff. If someone was targeting you for robbery, would they view the street as some sort of impenetrable barrier? Or do you think the person you are avoiding was just out for a stroll and maybe a robbery if someone just happened to walk right next to them, but not a street away? If you cross the street and the other person crosses as well, are you just breaking into a dead sprint?

Street is lava to them ldo.
09-29-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
I have literally never looked at someone and thought "this guy is a thug/ is thugged out".
Thank you. You made my point.
09-29-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I never understood the walking across the street stuff. If someone was targeting you for robbery, would they view the street as some sort of impenetrable barrier? Or do you think the person you are avoiding was just out for a stroll and maybe a robbery if someone just happened to walk right next to them, but not a street away? If you cross the street and the other person crosses as well, are you just breaking into a dead sprint?
Once again, my point proven.
09-29-2014 , 06:00 PM
"How dare the poor, downtrodden inner city youth who are the product of centuries of racial oppression walk around with sneers on their faces!"
09-29-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Thank you. You made my point.

Are you going to keep avoiding this?

Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Describe a thugged out person please.
09-29-2014 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I have no problem with poor people
You say this, but you call people on minimum wage 'mouth-breathers'

Originally Posted by wil318466
I have no problem with black people
You say this, but single out a particular type of music (that you associate with black people), ignoring 'white' equivalents. Then when you are taken to town you dig yourself further by saying no it isn't the music, just the black people that listen to it! You say the above but shame Serena Williams for doing a dance because she's black.

These aren't just inconsequential gotchas, these things give away your actual attitude towards these people.
09-29-2014 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Once again, my point proven.
Um, no, not unless you have answers to my questions from the rest of that post.

Otherwise "if I see a black person walking in the distance Im crossing the street because I can't use my spidey sense to tell from a distance if they are one of the good black people or a street thug because Im a'scared of the black person"...well, you have the right to your prejudices, but you shouldn't be surprised when people view them as really distasteful.
09-29-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Are you going to keep avoiding this?
Mostly, yeah.
09-29-2014 , 06:06 PM

Two questions.

I am curious if you think that the purchasing of sweatshop manufactured clothing from poor South American countries, or random products from amazon/target/walmart that are created in sweatshop conditions in Asian countries is supporting modern day monetary slavery so that you can enjoy your current standard of living?

If so, is this more less morally reprehensible than being more inclined to be more nervous around minority youth that are exhibiting characteristics that are associated with violent behavior than minority youth that are not exhibiting such characteristics? Bonus, does having such views ever become acceptable, or is it always repugnant racism?

Stupid double bonus aside, but curious: What if they are some dumb old white person that is generally and equally terrified of all youth. Just a dumb prejudice ageist, or secretly still racist?

Mostly just curious about the first two ?'s ty
09-29-2014 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Well, that's what I believe. Because of the behavior in threads like these, most people won't even say their true feelings. I'm fine with being honest, it might change my perspective. You think I'm a racist, that's ok with me. You're one of the few people in the world who has ever said that to me. I'm open to changing my perspectives.

I'm still crossing that street though.
OK, and like I was trying to imply with the sincerity as a defense post(which you at first contradicted, but have since pretty much articulated exactly that), nobody is upset at racist's INSINCERITY. We know this is the **** you believe. You believing this **** is precisely the problem.
09-29-2014 , 06:07 PM
"It's not worth trying to teach Hispanics family planning because you know how their culture is" is not some **** I'm concerned you're lying about. My concern is that you aren't lying and that is your actual policy view on sex education.
09-29-2014 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
You say this, but you call people on minimum wage 'mouth-breathers'

You say this, but single out a particular type of music (that you associate with black people), ignoring 'white' equivalents. Then when you are taken to town you dig yourself further by saying no it isn't the music, just the black people that listen to it! You say the above but shame Serena Williams for doing a dance because she's black.

These aren't just inconsequential gotchas, these things give away your actual attitude towards these people.
I understand your point but I disagree. I sit and drink with black people almost every night. I grew up in a black neighborhood. I've dated black girls. None of that is to say that you don't have a point in the way I come off, it's just to give you a bit of background.

Black people that I've known span the entire spectrum of diversity. Whether it's nerdy, smart, well-dressed, thug, street, respectful, violent, etc, I don't lump them into one group at all. Never have.

I just don't like thugs. My experiences with them have all been bad. I avoid them.

Racist? Maybe in your eyes, not in mine. I think "safety".
09-29-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
Why the **** was Shamey yellowed?
Make him slightly more annoying?
09-29-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
"It's not worth trying to teach Hispanics family planning because you know how their culture is" is not some **** I'm concerned you're lying about. My concern is that you aren't lying and that is your actual policy view on sex education.
I was simply saying it isn't simple as "let's give out condoms". Sometimes policies don't have the desired effect because cultural or regional differences aren't taken into account.

09-29-2014 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There are many groups of people which have been exposed to exactly this type of program and have rejected it. Especially so in the Hispanic community, where teenage pregnancy rates are very high. There are cultural and religious influences that have a very strong influence on this type of behavior.

I don't think it's as easy as you think.
There is a lot of data showing that increasing access to these services and providing education reduces teen birth rates and it cuts across demographic lines.
09-29-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I don't think I have a problem with the music itself. I have a problem with how the lyrics, by some people, are interpreted. I think it has an actual influence over some people.

It's not a coincidence that the only groups of people I somewhat am wary of are thugged out dudes and skinheads (and I really don't run into many skinheads anymore). I try to avoid them. I don't avoid people coming out of a Jazz bar. If you have a hat dipped low and a hoodie on walking towards me, my guard goes way up. Like I said, if that's racist, so be it. I'm still crossing the street.
That may be technically racist, but I have a hard time putting that in the "hate, please don't breed" category of racism, since I don't favor the human race becoming less intelligent. It's that same type of stereotyping I do at the poker table. Most guys dressed like that get the bad LAG label until they prove me wrong. It's wise to keep evaluating the stereotype, since it may change over time.
09-29-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
There is a lot of data showing that increasing access to these services and providing education reduces teen birth rates and it cuts across demographic lines.
I agree. I just don't think it's a simple thing.
09-29-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Once again, my point proven.
Yep I know what you mean. Sorry to have all this crap piled on you. It is undeserved and I think you explained yourself quite well.

Most of these guys ranting about us being racist dont even really understand what a racist is. I too have been attacked by a large group of black youth and was lucky to get away without serious injury. And yes they looked like thugs.
09-29-2014 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Yep I know what you mean. Sorry to have all this crap piled on you. It is undeserved and I think you explained yourself quite well.

Most of these guys ranting about us being racist dont even really understand what a racist is. I too have been attacked by a large group of black youth and was lucky to get away without serious injury. And yes they looked like thugs.
I have been assaulted by a black guy. Wil is still racist.
09-29-2014 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Yep I know what you mean. Sorry to have all this crap piled on you. It is undeserved and I think you explained yourself quite well.
Crap piled on me is fine. I enjoy it.

I have to disagree a bit with "undeserved" though. I think many people are racist, or stereotype things for the wrong reasons and in the wrong situations. I'm never scared of walking by any type of people in certain environments that are safe. Thugs don't scare me in a casino. They worry me in a casino parking lot.

Like I said, I've been stuck up a few times. I've had a gun pointed at me. Whatever, it happens. I completely avoid those situations now though, and I haven't had an issue since. I'm ok with it. Why isn't everyone else?
09-29-2014 , 06:25 PM
Can we change wil's undertitle to "Brave Racist?"
09-29-2014 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I have been assaulted by a black guy. Wil is still racist.
I may be guilty of some false stereotypes, but I disagree with racist. I've been assaulted by way more white men than black men in my life. I tend to avoid large groups of drunk (and even not drunk) white guys of a certain age, in fact, I cross the street. If that's racist, then fine.
09-29-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I agree. I just don't think it's a simple thing.
I didn't mean to convey that it was easy.
09-29-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I understand your point but I disagree. I sit and drink with black people almost every night. I grew up in a black neighborhood. I've dated black girls. None of that is to say that you don't have a point in the way I come off, it's just to give you a bit of background.

Black people that I've known span the entire spectrum of diversity. Whether it's nerdy, smart, well-dressed, thug, street, respectful, violent, etc, I don't lump them into one group at all. Never have.

Originally Posted by wil318466
I just don't like thugs. My experiences with them have all been bad. I avoid them.

Racist? Maybe in your eyes, not in mine. I think "safety".
You need to stop saying this. Maybe there's some connotations behind the word thug that you and I don't know of, but if you're just using it to mean someone who is extremely rough then it's not racist in my eyes or anyone else's here. Continuing to blame the racist label on this is weird
