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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-29-2014 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Of course it is, like duh.

Racial base slavery was wildly profitable, the chain-gang-system was wildly profitable, it's pretty LOLtastical to believe that discrimination pre-civil rights movement wasn't wildly profitable. They are, in fact, direct successors systems, crafted to enrich the same owning class, at societies expense.

As has been pointed out, it's LOLtastical to lump all retail into one giant category, and then use PraxLOLogical 'reasoning' to conclude that reality is physically impossible. Let's (briefly) take restaurants as an example: There's restaurants that specialize in Vegan fare, Halal, only serve road-kill, etc. If it wasn't illegal there would be restaurants that specialize in serving endangered species. All of these can thrive as a niche... the LOLtastical PraxLOLogical non-sense not withstanding.

Catering to racists isn't niche. It's a big business. Of course racist restaurants would be successful. The other part of reality this LOLtastical PraxLOLogical 'reasoning' fails is imagining every restaurant is a stand-alone operation, and the owners only consideration is short term increasing market share. That's simply not the case, a diversified corporation, who profits in other spheres by discrimination, would certainly run their lunch counters in a racist manner, even as a loss-leader. In addition, the owning class doesn't work that way at all... large scale operations always prioritize class solidarity over profits. Every single time.

But it's rather misleading (and insulting) to assume the whole issue is lunch counters. Even if it was lunch counters, it wasn't like people of color weren't able to eat out. Typically they could buy an inferior product to go, and at an increased price. Thus generating a higher profit margin.

The same is true with grocery stores, and is still true today. Typically in areas with high density of people of color, there will be significantly less (or no) mainstream stores. Instead they have to opportunity to purchase inferior products and/or at higher prices from the few retailers that supply those areas... often owned by the same mainstream store corporations. The same effect holds across pretty much all brick&mortar retail segments.

Then we have access to health care... same effect. Or access to housing... same effect. Much more important is access to credit. All the way from major banks 'redlining' on down to payday loan sharks... same effect.

And most important of all... access to work. The inferior product at higher price phenomenon has a special name when it comes to employment... different pay for the same work. It's not really the "we don't serve blacks" sign that causes the most damage... it's the "blacks need not apply" sign.

I'll repeat one more time:

Without being class reductive, it's important to understand racism always has an underlying fundamental class characteristic. Those, like spanktehbadwookie who exclusively focus on mumbo-jumbo like 'inner change' are ignoring this issue. This tends to trivialize it, and enables others to deny this fundamental class dynamic. Racism can never be confronted without taking direct action against this underlying class dynamic... it's too profitable to die otherwise.
Would you recommend any books, or do you have any links to where I can read more about racism from this point of view?
09-29-2014 , 06:58 PM
lol wil made a friend.
09-29-2014 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There are many groups of people which have been exposed to exactly this type of program and have rejected it. Especially so in the Hispanic community, where teenage pregnancy rates are very high. There are cultural and religious influences that have a very strong influence on this type of behavior.

I don't think it's as easy as you think.
wil you know we can read your old posts, right? You made this **** like earlier today, FFS.

Like, again, cutting through all the BS, obviously it's not that you have an actual policy view or anything on sex ed programs. You saw someone mention them and saw an opportunity to ramble about the scorn you have for various demographics. Today it was about how white liberals DON'T EVEN KNOW about how invested Mexicans are in having kids. Tomorrow, who knows?
09-29-2014 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
lol wil made a friend.
Fly, what is it with you lately and these personal digs you like taking at people? I mean really, I know you like to say things like "are you all right?" to people and saying there is help out there, but I'm starting to think you are the one who may need it.

It's one thing to disagree with me or to argue for your position. That's obviously fine, and honestly I think you do a really good job at it, that's why I enjoy your posts. I don't see where you get off saying personal things to people though, like mentioning my wife or my daughter and saying "you feel sorry for them". Unless you're purposefully trying to personally hurt me, I don't understand why you even bring these things up? You hate my guts that much you talk about my kid?

Really, what the **** is up with that?
09-29-2014 , 07:09 PM
Also, wil, take some ****ing responsibility. This strawman+"then fine"/"so be it" rhetorical trick you keep returning to...

Aren't you an adult? Can't you make that decision yourself? We're just regular people.

edit: wil, I was talking about Johnny over there that you bonded with about taking crap for talking about how scurred you get when you see negroes afoot.

And for the record, I don't feel sorry for your wife at all. What a bizarre thing to say, in quotes no less. Why would I feel sorry for her?
09-29-2014 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Also, wil, take some ****ing responsibility. This strawman+"then fine"/"so be it" rhetorical trick you keep returning to...

Aren't you an adult? Can't you make that decision yourself? We're just regular people.

edit: wil, I was talking about Johnny over there that you bonded with about taking crap for talking about how scurred you get when you see negroes afoot.

And for the record, I don't feel sorry for your wife at all. What a bizarre thing to say, in quotes no less. Why would I feel sorry for her?

Originally Posted by FlyWf
This is so LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL until I remembered you have a kid, then it's just sad. That poor girl.

09-29-2014 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Also, wil, take some ****ing responsibility. This strawman+"then fine"/"so be it" rhetorical trick you keep returning to...

Aren't you an adult? Can't you make that decision yourself? We're just regular people.

edit: wil, I was talking about Johnny over there that you bonded with about taking crap for talking about how scurred you get when you see negroes afoot.
I'm unsure what responsibility you are referring to. I give my opinion. I'm honest about it. I get called a racist. I accept it (disagree, but whatever, you guys will call me what you will).

What's irresponsible? You want to call me a racist for crossing the street?
Okie dokie pokey.
09-29-2014 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm unsure what responsibility you are referring to. I give my opinion. I'm honest about it. I get called a racist. I accept it.
Adding on "I accept it, so be it." doesn't really do much for your posts other than add a rhetorical flourish. Like, your personal acceptance of your stereotyping Hispanics isn't something anyone here doubts.
09-29-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Would you recommend any books, or do you have any links to where I can read more about racism from this point of view?
I think it would be hard to find a serious book or link regarding racism (as well as sexism) that doesn't examine things from this point of view. To me, it seems as blindingly obvious as it did to M.L.King Jr back in 1967...

Originally Posted by M.L.King Jr
We must rapidly begin the shift from a "thing-oriented" society to a "person-oriented" society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.
But it's a fair question... however at the same time, institutionalized racism is a big topic. I wrote a whole wall'o'text above. I could give much better references if you picked out a part of that big wall'o'text that you are particularly interested in.
09-29-2014 , 08:51 PM
I know enough racist white people to know that "thug" is code for "young black male."
09-29-2014 , 08:53 PM
wil, if you're stuck in a ****ty neighborhood where you keep getting beat up and stuff, have you considered finding other ways to make yourself a less vulnerable victim? Just off the top of my head, an obviously frightened Asian dude crossing the street every time he sees an intimidating black guy is probably not the best play if you're trying to avoid drawing attention to yourself.
09-29-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
wil, if you're stuck in a ****ty neighborhood where you keep getting beat up and stuff, have you considered finding other ways to make yourself a less vulnerable victim? Just off the top of my head, an obviously frightened Asian dude crossing the street every time he sees an intimidating black guy is probably not the best play if you're trying to avoid drawing attention to yourself.
Oh, you mean the entire city of Philadelphia? Yeah, I could change things I guess. I could move to Alaska.
09-29-2014 , 09:09 PM
Montana is nice
09-29-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I know enough racist white people to know that "thug" is code for "young black male."
You should probably not say you know enough, because you don't. Thug doesn't mean black. Never has until maybe recently when rap artist tried to use the word to describe themselves, and even then I don't believe most people use it as some sort of code word.

Yassir Arafat was described as a thug. So are Vladamir Putin, Bashar al-Assad. It was also used to describe numerous white players in the NHL.

So yeah, maybe you should go back to re-learning these things "you know".
09-29-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Maybe part of me is just tired of the crap that everyone pulls. People complain about their station in life yet they are willing to do nothing about it. They complain about their self inflicted problems and talk about how everyone else is so much better off than they are when those jobs and education levels are attainable to many of them if they are simply willing to put in the work. I don't sit here and bitch about people who have MBAs and make more money than me because I can go invest the 3 years of getting an MBA if I wanted to, but I just don't feel like going through all that so I accept it.

It just gets old after a while listening to the same people complain about the same crap and then they take their fat ass home to their fat wives and their fat kids and won't get off their ass and develop a skill set to get a better job.
fly, you really need to be more congenial on this forum. People's feelings might get hurt.
09-29-2014 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
fly, you really need to be more congenial on this forum. People's feelings might get hurt.
And none of that was directed at an individual specifically. I'm sorry if you happen to have a weight problem and are offended. There is a health and fitness forum around here somewhere...
09-29-2014 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
And none of that was directed at an individual specifically.
Do you imagine that makes it any less insulting? Like, some Hispanic person is supposed to read your take on Hispanic culture and take it in stride as long as you don't mention his name?
09-29-2014 , 09:24 PM
Perhaps we just need to start a discussion of the problems of Mid-Atlantic seaboard upper middle class Asians, as a culture.
09-29-2014 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Oh, you mean the entire city of Philadelphia? Yeah, I could change things I guess. I could move to Alaska.
I think you missed my point. I wasn't suggesting you move, I was suggesting changing how you behave in public to decrease your chances of being a victim of thuggery. For starters, try not projecting your abject terror of black people.
09-29-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Oh, you mean the entire city of Philadelphia? Yeah, I could change things I guess. I could move to Alaska.
lol, you just can't turn it off, can you.
09-29-2014 , 09:31 PM
09-29-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I think it would be hard to find a serious book or link regarding racism (as well as sexism) that doesn't examine things from this point of view. To me, it seems as blindingly obvious as it did to M.L.King Jr back in 1967...
Do you think he would agree with hearts and minds being mumbo jumbo?

Not that I disagree with you about a lot of the rest of what you say, although I struggle with your class semantics (may be a uk thing).
09-29-2014 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I think you missed my point. I wasn't suggesting you move, I was suggesting changing how you behave in public to decrease your chances of being a victim of thuggery. For starters, try not projecting your abject terror of black people.
Actually, I did change my behavior. I avoid any situations where I've been robbed or assaulted.

Hasn't happened since. Lesson? Cross that street, homie.
09-29-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Would you recommend any books, or do you have any links to where I can read more about racism from this point of view?
Google "realistic group conflict theory."

His making fun of praexology was not really necessary, but the idea that we shouldn't have laws prohibiting segregation by business on the grounds that they will naturally go out of business is false because we already have the data showing it is false. It is an empirical question, not an ideological question.
09-29-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
lol, you just can't turn it off, can you.
I'm open to Montana.
