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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-23-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
lol Fly
Survey says...ding. You could also prepare a statement of non-racist intent and repost at your leisure.

You are obviously not a racist for just having the opinion the USC allows for secession. It is unreasonable to conclude you support slavery by your posts.

Besides, I have never seen you promote neo-goreanism for example.
09-23-2014 , 08:12 PM
What can you teach me, Alex? What can you teach anyone? You don't know anything about anything.

Somehow that doesn't stop you from forming these incredibly strong opinions that you're absolutely unwilling to change, opinions that are so personal to you that being corrected hurts your feelings, thus we have threads like this one or the other dozen or so that you've hijacked into a pity party about how something got called racist.

So, yeah, what I'd like from you is a smigden of honesty. You aren't here to learn because you literally do not believe anything anyone tells you. You're here for attention.
09-23-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOOOOL FoldN, keen observer of the American body politic.
Hmmf, born and raised in the same town as Rush Limbaugh, I just might have a better sense of the conservative mindset than you.
09-23-2014 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I guess the real question is, if you don't want to engage with me, why are you asking me questions?
It's funny to see what sort of insane narcissistic bull**** you pop out in defense of Dixie, at the fundamental level. I engage trolls and morons throughout the forum.
09-23-2014 , 08:13 PM
lol Gor
09-23-2014 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What can you teach me, Alex? What can you teach anyone? You don't know anything about anything.

Somehow that doesn't stop you from forming these incredibly strong opinions that you're absolutely unwilling to change, opinions that are so personal to you that being corrected hurts your feelings, thus we have threads like this one or the other dozen or so that you've hijacked into a pity party about how something got called racist.

So, yeah, what I'd like from you is a smigden of honesty. You aren't here to learn because you literally do not believe anything anyone tells you. You're here for attention.

*shrug* I'm mostly here for the learning, not the teaching. People do learn things from me on occasion, but that's not generally my intent. Of course, I don't really go into Politics much anymore, since you've made it nearly impossible for me or anyone else to learn anything with your antics.

I'm actually really super open to having my opinions change. I HOPE for people to change my opinions. That's my entire purpose in discussing Politics is to challenge people to change my opinions. Yes, my opinions do get stronger when people like you fail to ever provide evidence in arguments against me. In reality, I don't have strong beliefs. It's a shame that you're not smart enough to provide convincing arguments and have to just resort to attacking people to make yourself feel better about it. You should really see a therapist about that.
09-23-2014 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
lol Gor
Tsk, tsk. Hate cannot drive out hate.
09-23-2014 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
It's funny to see what sort of insane narcissistic bull**** you pop out in defense of Dixie, at the fundamental level. I engage trolls and morons throughout the forum.
No, you are the troll and the moron. I honestly pity you.
09-23-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Yeah, that wasn't about secession though, it was about ratifying Amendments. New York wanted to make it so they could take back ratification after they'd done it.
You're going to have to have a cite for this. No Mises if you can help it.

a letter from James Madison stating: "the Constitution requires an adoption in toto, and for ever" [emphasis added]. Hamilton and John Jay then told the Convention that in their view, reserving "a right to withdraw [was] inconsistent with the Constitution, and was no ratification."
Nice try, but no banana.
Is this a racist jab?
09-23-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
I get that somewhat. But this my point. So we want to hinder this discussion or not just because it is dangerous? Man, it was dangerous to discuss the earth not evolving around the sun in some countries some years ago. Everybody would agree that that was stupid. Just because we do not know what will be an "accepted theory" some years from now, why would we stop discussing it? Just because everybody knows it is an "accepted theory" now why would we stop discussing it? Discussion is dangerous, that is why it is so precious. Doesn't mean there are not differences between different modes of discussion.
I should have been more specific. That kind of political actor appears dangerous for the idea that they represent.

An actual danger is those groups achieving political success under false pretenses. Another danger is those groups achieving success in their goal of destabilizing society. Either could really inhibit discussion.

Nothing incorrect about the correct type of investigative discussion around the faulty ideas which drive that kind of political actor.

Knowing how an opponent thinks combined with knowing how they behave is part of being most efficient in leading them to their own defeat.
09-23-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
No, you are the troll and the moron. I honestly pity you.
John 11:35
09-23-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I thought you might have been thinking this. I can't even tell which post you mean though, because none of the ones you quoted are anything like that. Your ability to distort the things I say into some other thing is certainly amazing. You have a talent.
Just to clear it up, I'm talking about the post where you call slavery an evil institution, an institution so evil that one should face no consequences, economic or otherwise, for perpetuating it and expanding it for one's own economic benefit. That's apologizing for slavery. Hope this helps.
09-23-2014 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You're going to have to have a cite for this. No Mises if you can help it.
*shrug* It's not particularly relevant to my interests, so I don't really care enough to dig up the evidence for you.

Also, I have only ever been to Mises like two or three times when you guys have linked to it. I didn't have any interest in it even when I actually WAS a libertarian.
09-23-2014 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Just to clear it up, I'm talking about the post where you call slavery an evil institution, an institution so evil that one should face no consequences, economic or otherwise, for perpetuating it and expanding it for one's own economic benefit. That's apologizing for slavery. Hope this helps.
I also don't support castrating everyone who's ever voted against gay marriage. I suppose that means I'm apologizing for homophobics.

It's pretty amazing how your grip on reality is almost exactly as bad as Fly's. You should really see a therapist.
09-23-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Just to clear it up, I'm talking about the post where you call slavery an evil institution, an institution so evil that one should face no consequences, economic or otherwise, for perpetuating it and expanding it for one's own economic benefit. That's apologizing for slavery. Hope this helps.
Forgiving the debts of racism is not the same as blocking consequences for them.
09-23-2014 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I should have been more specific. That kind of political actor appears dangerous for the idea that they represent.
What kind? Why not every kind?

An actual danger is those groups achieving political success under false pretenses. Another danger is those groups achieving success in their goal of destabilizing society.

I do not think that a stable society is something to be longed for. Why should it? (Let's abstract from racist thought here).

Knowing how an opponent thinks combined with knowing how they behave is part of being most efficient in leading them to their own defeat.
Why is there an opponent in the first place? (I only pose this question in this way for Spank).
09-23-2014 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I also don't support castrating everyone who's ever voted against gay marriage. I suppose that means I'm apologizing for homophobics.

It's pretty amazing how your grip on reality is almost exactly as bad as Fly's. You should really see a therapist.
We are talking about people who owned other people as property, who beat them, raped them, and profited greatly off the work of their labor. And your concern was for the people who suffered the tremendous economic loss of having this gravy train taken away from them.

They do not deserve to continue this lifestyle.
09-23-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Who was making a comparison? Obviously that other thing is way worse.

So, do you think we should have also executed everyone in Germany after WWII? After all, the populace was, by and large, an accomplice in what happened. I'm sorry if I don't necessarily agree with ruining the lives of all the dumbs who go along with things.

But hey, let's go with that philosophy. I now support imprisoning everyone who has ever voted against gay marriage. Yeah, sounds like a great idea!
Uh, the punishment in your post was losing their slaves and possibly slave run property. Not quite the same as summary execution or imprisonment.

I'm sensing a lot of hate in your posts, particularly calling fly a moron

09-23-2014 , 08:56 PM
Beat them? Raped them? Wow, those are some serious accusations that you have levied on this imaginary couple. I mean, sure, those things were common, but I believe that this imaginary couple is innocent until proven guilty.

And what about all the Germans who benefited off of what happened to the Jews? Should we have simply executed the whole country?

The real difference here is that unlike you, I'm not so ridiculously arrogant that I presume to judge, try and convict people who lived in a time and place that I can barely even comprehend. If we were talking about people who lived today engaging in slavery, I would agree with you 100%. But today's laws and morality are not the same as those of 150 years ago.

If you really feel this way about people benefiting off of the atrocities of another time though, you should probably give away everything you've earned in your time in this country and move to Europe. After all, everything you own is based on the slaughter of Native Americans. If I don't insist that everyone who isn't a Native American leave these continents immediately, am I now defending that atrocity? We certainly to not deserve to continue our lifestyle
09-23-2014 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We are talking about people who owned other people as property, who beat them, raped them, and profited greatly off the work of their labor. And your concern was for the people who suffered the tremendous economic loss of having this gravy train taken away from them.

They do not deserve to continue this lifestyle.
We're talking about a catastrophic event to the earth's biosphere as sea levels rise 260 ft above current levels wiping out 75% of the world's population and your concern was for the people who needed to drive their Prius to the corner market for a sprite.

They do not deserve to continue this lifestyle.
09-23-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Uh, the punishment in your post was losing their slaves and possibly slave run property. Not quite the same as summary execution or imprisonment.

I'm sensing a lot of hate in your posts, particularly calling fly a moron

I don't hate him for being a moron. I pity him.

And with the theoretical couple we were talking about, the effect was destitution. Not sure how that's better than imprisonment. Probably worse than castration.
09-23-2014 , 09:04 PM
So, uh, where did I say the slave owners should be summarily executed?

And you were talking about people who we know for a fact owned other people as property. I don't care how nicely they think they're treating their slaves. Those people are morally abhorrent.

And Alex, lol @ saying society was so different 150 years ago. Most of America had already figured out that slavery was abhorrent!

Not enough lols on the internet to laugh at the comparison between being the many-generations descendent of somebody who might have participated in an atrocity and being an actual slave owner.
09-23-2014 , 09:08 PM
Alex, justice for the slave owner would be taking his slaves, and taking every thing he earned off the backs of his slaves to give to those slaves, and applying additional punitive damages by throwing them in prison for at least as long as they owned slaves. Taking the couple's slaves and leaving them with no slaves leaves them with massive profits gained over years of ease at the expense of the slaves. Merely taking the slaves away is still a massive economic victory for people perpetuating evil, and you say that's not good enough compensation for the evildoers?
09-23-2014 , 09:17 PM
I'm not saying any of this stuff is the same thing. I'm trying to figure out what your perspective is here. Of all the vile things that dumb average sheep have participated in because they were too dumb to figure out any better on their own, why is it specifically slavery that gets your jimmies rustled?

What about modern day parents who spank their children? That's an evil act. Most people are too stupid to understand that it's evil. Perhaps we should chop off their spanking hand? Or maybe just take their children away from them? Of course, that might damage the child worse than the parent is. Difficult situation.

Also, your point that most people figured out slavery is abhorrent is total BS. Don't play stupid, you're better than that. People didn't have the ****ing Internet back then. Do you think the average person in Georgia then had a clue as to the average New Yorker or Frenchman's opinions on slavery or would have thought it had anything to do with them? GMAFB!

But you know what the biggest thing is here?

This was a throw away theoretical conversation that we had a long time ago. I don't give a damn in the slightest what really happened to these people back then. Who the hell cares? It happened 150 years ago! The only purpose it serves is to discuss the ideas involved and learn from them. Nobody in such a discussion should ever be taken to be seriously invested in whatever point they're discussing. It's just people exploring ideas. That's how people learn. You explore ideas. I could just as easily take up the other side of the argument for all I really care. It's not important. But for some reason, you can't seem to get it through your head that that's how some people work out ideas. Either you're really as dumb as you appear to be or you're a psychopath. Either way, you're human trash, so seriously, just leave me the **** alone.
09-23-2014 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Alex, justice for the slave owner would be taking his slaves, and taking every thing he earned off the backs of his slaves to give to those slaves, and applying additional punitive damages by throwing them in prison for at least as long as they owned slaves. Taking the couple's slaves and leaving them with no slaves leaves them with massive profits gained over years of ease at the expense of the slaves. Merely taking the slaves away is still a massive economic victory for people perpetuating evil, and you say that's not good enough compensation for the evildoers?
No, I'm not saying anything of the sort. I was discussing an idea of what might or might not be fair in a theoretical conversation half a decade ago. You're a ****ing idiot if you actually seriously believe I had a strong opinion either way.
