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Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist? Does Whining About Political Correctness in a Racism Debate Correlate to Being a Racist?

09-22-2014 , 10:54 PM
So another non apology? We need another one of those.
09-22-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
Can either of you point to a specific thread in which you argued about the Confederacy?
IIRC Alex's position was that slavery is totally bad and all but we should have let the South secede and do their own thing because democracy yo.
09-22-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So your point is we should assume people talking about racially insensitive things are either racists or mentally disabled? I suppose we should start out with calling them racist and if they're MI/MD they can let us know and we'll change tracks.
It is probably better to call an idea racist than a person racist. You can make fun of and destroy ideas.

It feels just as good. It also makes women swoon and keeps you from getting addicted to being an *******. That is actually a real risk. Not making it up.

(I used "probably" incorrectly to play-irritate DS. I can do that because I genuinely like him)
09-22-2014 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
What about if he admits that his restroom posts increases the chances that there is some subconscious racial bias in his brain?
Thou shalt not irritate me with bad psychoanalytical mumbo-jumbo in a thread you know I am in.
09-22-2014 , 11:03 PM
There's a great big Confederacy thread from the old days. I doubt you want to read it all. In it, I supported the legality of secession and that because of that, the war qualified as an invasion by the North. And I supported the historical fact that Lincoln didn't go to war to end slavery and that his real motives were morally suspect.

Basically, I argued that just because the South was evil doesn't mean the North was good. The North was pretty evil too. But, despite the fact that I do consider the North the lesser evil, that's enough for Fly to eternal damn me as some sort of Dixie sympathizer and racist.

IDK, dude's completely nuts. No idea what his mental disability is, but he obviously has one.

Last edited by AlexM; 09-22-2014 at 11:09 PM.
09-22-2014 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
It is probably better to call an idea racist than a person racist. You can make fun of and destroy ideas.

It feels just as good. It also makes women swoon and keeps you from getting addicted to being an *******. That is actually a real risk. Not making it up.

(I used "probably" incorrectly to play-irritate DS. I can do that because I genuinely like him)
Calling out an idea as racist, at first, is fine. When you have 5 racist ideas on the forum? 10? When do we get to start calling the person a racist?
09-22-2014 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
IIRC Alex's position was that slavery is totally bad and all but we should have let the South secede and do their own thing because democracy yo.
Originally Posted by AlexM
There's a great big Confederacy thread from the old days. I doubt you want to read it all. In it, I supported the legality of secession and that because of that, the war qualified as an invasion by the North. And I supported the historical fact that Lincoln didn't go to war to end slavery and that his real notices were morally suspect.

Basically, I argued that just because the South was evil doesn't mean the North was good. The North was pretty evil too. But, despite the fact that I do consider the North the lesser evil, that's enough for Fly to eternal damn me as some sort of Dixie sympathizer and racist.

IDK, dude's completely nuts. No idea what his mental disability is, but he obviously has one.
I forgot the part about Lincoln being a bad guy too but I was close.
09-22-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
It is probably better to call an idea racist than a person racist...
This is true IRL.

Here in Los Dos Politardia it doesn't work that way. The usual suspects who whine about being called racists will still whine about being called racists even if we make this mindless semantic appeasement. Then they'll do their same old routine of derailing the thread and refusing to discuss the issues by claiming their feelings are all hurt.
09-22-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
IIRC Alex's position was that slavery is totally bad and all but we should have let the South secede and do their own thing because democracy yo.
No, my entire point was that if Lincoln had actually invaded for the purpose of ending slavery, it would have been justifiable, but since his purpose was basically just being anti-secession, it was not. Just because it worked out that slavery ended because of the war doesn't mean you get to rewrite history.
09-22-2014 , 11:22 PM
idk how relevant this is/isn't to the argument that I don't want to read but since people keep not linking posts, let's change that:

Originally Posted by Wynton
How do you envision this working? Would states be allowed to leave the union at will, whenever they didn't like a policy agreed to by the other states?
Originally Posted by AlexM
Yes, and it's very tyrannical for it to be otherwise. A good analogy would be if you agreed to participate in some sort of household where everyone pooled all of their income and then the majority decided to take all the cash everyone had pooled and burn it, but then you're not allowed to ever leave and you have to keep working and putting all of your income into the group that continues to burn it every time. One of the biggest and most important freedoms is choosing who you do and do not want to associate with, and secession is at the very heart of that.
Originally Posted by AlexM
Yeah, I was going more with the fact that nothing in them ratifying the Constitution indicated that they couldn't seceed and in fact that the 10th Amendment pretty clearly says that they can
Originally Posted by AlexM
You most certainly can. I support the South's right to secession. I do not support the reasons that they did it, but I support them doing it if that's what they want to, because that's their right. It's no different than free speech. I support [insert controversial hated figure]' right to free speech. It doesn't mean I support what he says.
Originally Posted by AlexM
The war was about slavery in many ways. The war was not, however caused by slavery. It was caused by Lincoln refusing to respect the right of secession. For it to have been caused by slavery, slavery would have to have been one of the main reasons that Lincoln went to war, because the cause of the war was Lincoln's decision making.
(^ bolding mine in the last post)
09-22-2014 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
What about if he admits that his restroom posts increases the chances that there is some subconscious racial bias in his brain?
That is a great question and relates to an earlier question I posed about children that are exposed to racism. I asked if racism is child neglect, but I was driving at those children turning into adults.

When they become adults and choose a normal non-racist disposition their formative and environmental experiences do not simply vanish. Through family relationships exposure to peripheral racism is still a risk. It doesn't seem fair to punish or trespass much at all on a person in such a situation of condition. If anything- offering help if something seems unusual or just not interfering are better choices.

This situation is distinct than a person who has willful racist intent. It is quite the opposite to have a conscious human-oriented perspective.

My hunch and observation of various local cultures is that this type of person, who is conscious of racism and treats people appropriately, but still has an exposure to it that is beyond their personal direct control is not uncommon.

Obviously people who want to overcome their own exposure to racism are doing the correct thing. Even if I am overestimating how common this general disposition is, just one of these types of people have an important story to tell. How people can overcome unintentional racist and other prejudicial thinking is an important story to know. Finding an end of that kind of suffering is a celebration.
09-22-2014 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
This is true IRL.

Here in Los Dos Politardia it doesn't work that way. The usual suspects who whine about being called racists will still whine about being called racists even if we make this mindless semantic appeasement. Then they'll do their same old routine of derailing the thread and refusing to discuss the issues by claiming their feelings are all hurt.
Shame those strawmen! Shame 'em hard!!!1!
09-22-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So another non apology? We need another one of those.
So the compromise I was trying to achieve is unacceptable to both sides. Pretty good evidence it was a good one.
09-22-2014 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
So the compromise I was trying to achieve is unacceptable to both sides. Pretty good evidence it was a good one.
Are you telling me I need to put up another statue?
09-22-2014 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
There's a great big Confederacy thread from the old days. I doubt you want to read it all.
Recent history has shown that digging through a poster's history can unleash a lot of fun.
09-22-2014 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
idk how relevant this is/isn't to the argument that I don't want to read but since people keep not linking posts, let's change that:

(^ bolding mine in the last post)
Thanks for the backup.
09-22-2014 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
It is probably better to call an idea racist than a person racist. You can make fun of and destroy ideas.
These are the posts in the Brown thread starting with the one that called out BruceZ's comments and up to Bruce's first response. I count 1 person calling him a racist. (I have no idea what and if anything happened in the mod forum during this time period.)

Hardly looks like a crazed mob calling somebody a racist. Looks more like a mob all surprised at the racist ideas from a mod.

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
They're going full on in the SMP thread.

These from the mod BruceZ

Posts like these will likely get you banned in this forum.
Originally Posted by Dids
Jesus. Off to raise hell in mod forum.
Originally Posted by bobman0330
BruceZ sure hates Mexicans, huh?

I'm sure city-data could find a place for some virulently racist, statistically adept mods though.
Originally Posted by will1530
Holy ****?!? This dude is a mod?
Originally Posted by prana
Holy ****. That thread needs
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
woooooow @ BruceZ
Originally Posted by well named
I was wondering if any of you guys were going to find the SMP thread, because I don't have the energy to put up a fight
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
It's unfortunate to see Bruce make those posts, he's an extraordinarily helpful poster in the "Math and other homework help thread". He's probably positively impacted more 2+2ers' lives in substantial ways than any other poster.
Originally Posted by jman220
Hey super-mod wookie, you going to do something about one of your freaking mods actually posting ridiculously racist ****, or are you going to just continue calling the moderates in this thread racists and ignore that trash?
Edit to add this one that I missed:

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
It speaks to microbet's posts about jman. You can be a really nice guy, helpful to others, generally friendly and smart and still think and post some pretty heinous stuff with regards to race. He's clearly a racist but I doubt he's a monster or even necessarily a bad guy. Of course when you add up all the nice guy racists in the world you get systemic institutional racism that ruins countless lives.

Last edited by Jbrochu; 09-22-2014 at 11:49 PM.
09-22-2014 , 11:33 PM
Meh so AlexM was duped by the propaganda of a bunch of redneck slave holding totalitarians, used to retroactively justify their actions as noble, and joined with racist free marketers to spin it into a whole ideology, he who is innocent cast the first stone...

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 09-22-2014 at 11:41 PM.
09-22-2014 , 11:40 PM
I never said anything about what they did was noble. In no way have I ever said anything positive about the South.

Exactly what part do you think I was duped on?
09-22-2014 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
These are the posts in the Brown thread starting with the one that called out BruceZ's comments and up to Bruce's first response. I count 1 person calling him a racist. (I have no idea what and if anything happened in the mod forum during this time period.)

Hardly looks like a crazed mob calling somebody a racist. Looks more like a mob all surprised at the racist ideas from a mod.
I'm going to assume its an accident that you missed off tomdemaine's post about him being a clear racist. Bruce refers to in his response and it was clearly a source of the escalation.
09-22-2014 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Calling out an idea as racist, at first, is fine. When you have 5 racist ideas on the forum? 10? When do we get to start calling the person a racist?
That is incredibly an incredibly hard question to answer. Obviously on a politics forum, you are going to attract the wrong crowd and self-restraint is really difficult the 40th time you have to explain why voter id is combatting a nonexistent problem. There is a NIMBY aspect to it that I am very sympathetic to.

The problem is that by name-calling rather than calling out poor ideas you double your troubles. It invites in even more bad neighbors.

The other trouble is that you haven't really done anything. Same exact number of racist *******s running around I'm the world after you call them racist.
09-22-2014 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm going to assume its an accident that you missed off tomdemaine's post about him being a clear racist. Bruce refers to in his response and it was clearly a source of the escalation.
I'll go back and look. But I believe I got everything.
09-22-2014 , 11:46 PM
Well of course you didn't. I'm sure you were shedding crocodile tears for all the slaves. Like if you actuality had studied history you'd know the whole right of succession but feeling bad for the slaves was a crock of sh*t concocted by the aggrieved former slave holders who couldn't really argue that slavery was good anymore but still wanted to retain the power and prestige of their former lives, (if that meant having blacks still subservient then so be it) This was, of course, grafted onto the paleo-libertarian Mises ideology because it formed a nice political nexus for the ideology of anarchism and the run of the mill anti Federalist racist Southern whites. Rothbard purposefully put them together. That you were duplicitous in your own hoodwinking after having it explained to you isn't anyone's fault but your own and that other guy that argued it.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 09-22-2014 at 11:52 PM.
09-22-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I never said anything about what they did was noble. In no way have I ever said anything positive about the South.

Exactly what part do you think I was duped on?
Duped is the wrong word. People associate arguing in support of the confederacy's right secession as code for supporting the racist ideology. The fact is that line of reasoning is the same one a racist politician trying not to appear overtly racist would use. So the association is valid. The misunderstanding stems from assuming you had the hidden motive to argue that position.
09-22-2014 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm going to assume its an accident that you missed off tomdemaine's post about him being a clear racist. Bruce refers to in his response and it was clearly a source of the escalation.
Sorry, you are correct that I missed that. There was another conversation going on at the time about jman that microbet had a lot to say about and I missed that this post was about both situations.

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
It speaks to microbet's posts about jman. You can be a really nice guy, helpful to others, generally friendly and smart and still think and post some pretty heinous stuff with regards to race. He's clearly a racist but I doubt he's a monster or even necessarily a bad guy. Of course when you add up all the nice guy racists in the world you get systemic institutional racism that ruins countless lives.
