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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

10-14-2015 , 11:38 AM
He probably could be stricter about handing out temp bans to you, chez, and masque but I think he does a very good job.
10-14-2015 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
He probably could be stricter about handing out temp bans to you, chez, and masque but I think he does a very good job.
Lol, that is actually his MO with a lot of posters. He lets people trash them, troll and attack them, then he bans them when they respond in turn. I usually avoid politics forum for that very reason.
10-14-2015 , 11:43 AM
Lol me. Just reported a post and realized it was in the wrong forum when I got the email notification from myself.
10-14-2015 , 11:46 AM
snitches get stitches
10-14-2015 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
And the preceding paragraph:

I mean, dude, masque has taken great pains to explain conditional probability to you all, very slowly, like goddamn school children. When the fact he was muslim would be relevant to the search and when not. He clearly says it would only be relevant if the police cannot do a thorough search, which of course they could, so it was not relevant in this case.
Did you even read the paragraph you cited?

The moment someone becomes an investigation target for potentially having a device that is suspicious the fact they are of muslim origin/family becomes relevant.
10-14-2015 , 11:54 AM
This horrific persecution of the innocent scientists who are just trying to help us all understand the nature of reality is unconscionable!

You ingrates should be thanking Masque for trying so hard to pierce your veil of ignorance. For shame!
10-14-2015 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I usually avoid politics forum for that very reason.
You morons can go back to SMP any time you want. But I guess inserting yourself into places where you aren't wanted is your standard MO.
10-14-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
He's certainly okay with wall de text's personal attacks.
I agree wookie allows personal attacks in P.

Fine with me if that's the rules. No good reason not to be able to notice them though.
10-14-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Lol me. Just reported a post and realized it was in the wrong forum when I got the email notification from myself.
10-14-2015 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Did you even read the paragraph you cited?
Yes, and like I showed you he took great pains to outline specifically why it quickly became not relevant in this case. All you have to do is read further. Why you continue to embarrass yourself with this failed point is beyond me.
10-14-2015 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You morons can go back to SMP any time you want. But I guess inserting yourself into places where you aren't wanted is your standard MO.
We can't discuss politics in SMP. Politics is not your forum. Why don't you **** off?
10-14-2015 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
He probably could be stricter about handing out temp bans to you, chez, and masque but I think he does a very good job.
He does a good job in my view too.

Trolly complains about the moderation a fair bit but wookie handles it fine without temp bans.

You are a nut job and I wouldn't ban you either.
10-14-2015 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
This horrific persecution of the innocent scientists who are just trying to help us all understand the nature of reality is unconscionable!

You ingrates should be thanking Masque for trying so hard to pierce your veil of ignorance. For shame!
Well, that's true. But it's much more of a problem than with just the handful of SMP regs who occasionally post there. Anyone arguing against the grain gets to deal with that crap from a distinct group of trolls. I'm not sure why you go along with it. You seem to enjoy having discussions with posters with whom you disagree, and I can't say I've ever seen you get too far out of line.
10-14-2015 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yes, and like I showed you he took great pains to outline specifically why it quickly became not relevant in this case. All you have to do is read further. Why you continue to embarrass yourself with this failed point is beyond me.
It was once said that BruceZ was the Christ of SMP, willing to suffer and even "die" in service to the Truth.

But now a new messiah is risen! So dedicated, so selfless, so verbose. So willing to suffer the slings and arrows of classless, clueless, degenerate politards. How he suffers for our sins of refusing to see the truth. About Muslims. About clocks. About everything. And lo his disciples do writhe and faint with partisan indignation.
10-14-2015 , 12:26 PM
No one can replace the true messiah

You blaspheme and the punishment is fish slapping.
10-14-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
It was once said that BruceZ was the Christ of SMP, willing to suffer and even "die" in service to the Truth.

But now a new messiah is risen! So dedicated, so selfless, so verbose. So willing to suffer the slings and arrows of classless, clueless, degenerate politards. How he suffers for our sins of refusing to see the truth. About Muslims. About clocks. About everything. And lo his disciples do writhe and faint with partisan indignation.
That's funny. I was actually just making reference to how verbose he is, but that works too I guess.
10-14-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yes, and like I showed you he took great pains to outline specifically why it quickly became not relevant in this case. All you have to do is read further. Why you continue to embarrass yourself with this failed point is beyond me.
Not only is this a lie, the statement is not true under ANY case for reasons I've already explained.
10-14-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Not only is this a lie, the statement is not true under ANY case for reasons I've already explained.
Well, then you're just fantastically and utterly wrong for reasons masque has already explained.
10-14-2015 , 12:46 PM
hahahaha Foldn now showing he has literally no clue about what's going on, he just has a sad people are being meanies to masque about his muslim profiling.
10-14-2015 , 01:05 PM
Did foldnrape catch stank's compulsive lying?

I didn't realize that was communicable.
10-14-2015 , 01:27 PM
Ah, the irony of guys like you who constantly lie about others' positions and attack them personally when you can't win an argument and then have the stones to call them liars when they defend themselves. It's everything that's wrong with the internet. I wonder what history will make of it?
10-14-2015 , 01:31 PM
hahahah cant win the argument. You crack me up.

Quoting posts=lying about positions.

Funny stuff.
10-14-2015 , 01:37 PM
Yup, foldnrape definitely infected with spankitis
10-14-2015 , 01:40 PM
Hey look, all Foldn, Masque and spank need are 997 more monkeys and they eventually are going to take you trolls to the woodshed.
10-14-2015 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
hahahaha Foldn now showing he has literally no clue about what's going on, he just has a sad people are being meanies to masque about his muslim profiling.
(using this post as opportunity i clearly talk to everyone here not LetsGambool only)

Tell me again how am i profiling Muslims in a way that undermines them in anything? How am i using this in anything other than a blind probability check and taking into account only if other data has elevated risk to huge levels and then some critical defensive decision or database search must be made or something.

That is never the case in the kids example of course lol, but may be in some other case you have less clear context. You still do nothing to harm the individual, you never treat them bad or anything, just update things, as the risk elevates, it may at some point become material but almost never typically. By then however if the individual has given so many other clues the avg i claimed goes out of the window, its not material anymore the real life data is what defines the situation. You treat people based on real data not numbers others defined for them in some stupid average sense. That doesnt invalidate that average that comes already with high uncertainty anyway. It just makes the individual you have in front of you so much more important because it is that current input they offer you that matters to you...

So what is the profiling that you see as something so bad?

Let me explain to you how i use profiling. I see a woman in an ATM at 2 am in a very deserted neighborhood and i have the option to go next to her in the ATM nearby or go to a distant ATM several meters away. I will go to the distant ATM so that she can see me at all times to avoid making her feel that some stranger is approaching her at 2 am with nobody else nearby. I profile myself damn it here! I do it on her behalf to not make her uncomfortable. If that ATM example is excessive because say you imagine cameras capture anything (as if this ever stopped crazy people) then imagine its walking in a street behind her and instead of approaching her and passing her i move to the other side of the street so she can see me as i pass her instead of feeling someone is behind her step by step in the darkness of the night. During the day of course none of this matters anymore, i will pass by and smile or say hi.

If i was a teacher of that kid i would imagine him possibly bullied by others that exaggerate statistics that affect in any case only some 0.01% of the population in reality (you just dont know who is now, but whatever its 10^-whatever tiny number to not matter but idiots extrapolate to everyone including people they know better) and i would be instead positive and helpful suggesting books, projects, offering to meet family, asking him if he has any problems with others if i noticed anything, what he is working on etc. Basically without overdoing it because that too is stupid, i would try to make that kid feel that people see potential greatness in him etc.

So how am i profiling the random person again? I make it my business to know them better and have them define their own statistics the only way that should count in human relationships by their own actions.

The whatever numbers is used as example are only qualitatively considered in some extreme cases that the risk rises remarkably high in uncertainty or in some police restricted resources search priority case etc.

It is a fact of this period of life in US that 30-50% of terrorist related events are done by people that claim islamic connections etc. It is a period that kids are affected by ISIS propaganda, some radicalized and its a fluid changing period that is developing.

Why should we be afraid of numbers? Why are you afraid of my very far deep in the back of my mind numbers i am ready to discard instantly as data arrives and not worried about his own father not advising the son to be more careful with that box and maybe label it outside or describe it to teachers before showing it or showing it only to the science related teachers and not until the class is over, not interrupting the class itself. Thats how you protect your kid and still let him be his inventive self. You profile him before others do it and protect him smartly without hurting the least his confidence and determination to shine in a way that doesnt insult/provoke anyone. And why dont you have a problem with the kid interrupting (unless the ringing was accidental) an English class that has nothing to do with clocks and boxes. Why then not defend yourself vigorously and cooperate with the police and allow them instead to start profiling you as a prankster or as someone that has attitude or something to hide.

See how profiling can be the result of the lack of better decisions by the individual at 14, 40 and 85 even. Why make it easier for these idiots to arrest you? Dont worry i blame his teachers for not containing the situation better and the police for not handling it more carefully. But lets own personal responsibility for once for all involved. This is how you really prove an example and defeat racism for good by not giving anyone a chance to say anything. And now me saying that makes me all the nasty things you assigned me on the other thread and behind my back here.

Tell me again about profiling. Exactly what have you done profiling SMP people and painting us all with some ridiculous characterizations without even really knowing us long enough to have seen our ideas in the variety of random topics that allow one to have a much better idea about a person especially when they are not guarded at all. Tell me again who here is eager more than anyone else to ignore the content of the character of a person and use simplistic terms to describe them and caricature them? Who is really being bigoted and racist here? And these people talk about my "profiling" Really?

Why cant we use the whatever numbers loosely defined by experience defensively until the real persons define with their own actions the situation and never insult them or mistreat them etc. Why cant we both be alert if it makes sense to be alert and still happy to be their fellow human being interacting with them because 99.99%+ of the time they are just fine people like all others. Why would a sensible person let that 0.01% define the average person in a permanent manner that is not instantly removed and re-calibrated once context is available?

A sensible person can do everything in their mind and remain ethical in a highly sophisticated way that protects as many people as possible. Why not? What are you afraid will happen?

Be afraid of the idiots that exaggerate statistics and turn them to prejudice and who can only benefit by my numbers and examples because they can finally appreciate how stupid it is to see the average person so negatively as they do by exaggerating risks that are in the millionths and billionths. And i did show that to them with that "profiling".

Last edited by masque de Z; 10-14-2015 at 02:25 PM.
