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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

10-14-2015 , 05:17 PM
Lots of people have seen pictures of real bombs.
10-14-2015 , 05:30 PM
So weird that no one who was actually there thought it was a bomb.
10-14-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Lots of people have seen pictures of real bombs.
And even more have seen pictures of fake bombs. If you had to guess, what percent of the US populace has seen an honest to goodness bomb? And while you're at it:

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Just for kicks why don't you guys list any of these items below you think teachers and administrators should be worried about in their school.







10-14-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It's funny, because most people who haven't been fed that line, "that doesn't look like a bomb, lol, bombs have explosives attached, der" agrees upon first inspection that yes, it looks like every bomb they've ever seen. That most people have actually never seen a bomb is exactly why. It's beyond me why this isn't clear to you by now.
I believe the appearance of the device is irrelevant in clock boy's case because of his age and reputation, both as a student and as a tinkerer. Anyone who was familiar with the kid ( such as a teacher) seems to have made a fallacy of appearances presuming it was a bomb or a hoax.

I consider that the elements of our culture driven by 'fear and blame' are the real culprit here. Whether it's racism, homophobia, or just a need to blame the kid for standing out. These are more important and pertinent considerations than the appearance of the device or esoteric investigative math theories. IMO.
10-14-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
The main reason the device looked suspicious is because to the untrained eye, it looks like a bomb in the same way a plastic bag of flour looks like anthrax. You simply kill your argument by claiming otherwise in light of the crazy things kids have been arrested for in schools of late. Certainly irrational predudice may have played a role as well. If you look at the history of the town and the mayor, it becomes a high likelihood, imo.

As soon as the cops collected more information about the kid and the device, yes, his religious affiliation quickly became irrelevant. It would have also been relevant if he had been a part of an anti-govt group, or had been subject to extreme bullying. Those factors would help them to establish possible motive and include or exclude him from a criminal profile.

Then why does Masque keep bringing up his religion? "70% of Muslims commit terror attacks!" why is that relevant? Is Masque just rambling aimlessly or what?
10-14-2015 , 05:40 PM
So, is your contention that the main failing of the school is that they didn't evacuate, and that you know better than they did that this could have been a bomb?
10-14-2015 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Then why does Masque keep bringing up his religion? "70% of Muslims commit terror attacks!" why is that relevant? Is Masque just rambling aimlessly or what?
At this point you guys have gone in circles and figure eights for like a week now? It's all been explained several times by the guy himself. There's nothing you are asking that makes any sense in light of that. My advice is to go back and read what he wrote, very slowly.
10-14-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So, is your contention that the main failing of the school is that they didn't evacuate, and that you know better than they did that this could have been a bomb?
No. I wasn't there to inspect the clock, but I actually have seen explosives, so I think I'd have found it innoculous. The science teacher did too, and gave advice not to show it off which the kid apparently ignored (as are you guys). It looks like they decided early on the kid was ****ing with them, which it appears was wrong.
10-14-2015 , 06:04 PM
They decided almost immediately that it wasn't a bomb. White powders, however, can take hours or days to prove that they aren't drugs or anthrax.
10-14-2015 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
They decided almost immediately that it wasn't a bomb. White powders, however, can take hours or days to prove that they aren't drugs or anthrax.
Every separate situation has differences, but if a kid came into my class showing off a ziplock bag of white powder and just said it was flour, I would ask him why he brought a bag of flour to school. If he said, because I'm baking cookies in home ec and the flour they give us is stale, I'd probably feel safe he was just naive, take the bag for inspection, and I'm not sure if he'd even be punished upon verification. I suppose it would be determined on just how weird the schools zero tolerance policies were. But if the kid would only say it was flour, and wouldn't give further explanation, and especially if his home ec teacher told him to keep the bag hidden, then I'm pretty sure this day and age the kid would take some heat, even though it ended up just being flour like he said.
10-14-2015 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Seems we maybe be collectively lying to ourselves about lying on the internet by calling it something other than lying. Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
10-14-2015 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
At this point you guys have gone in circles and figure eights for like a week now? It's all been explained several times by the guy himself. There's nothing you are asking that makes any sense in light of that. My advice is to go back and read what he wrote, very slowly.
You've not rebutted a single part of my argument. I've patiently spelled it out for you, but you just clam up like this. lol SMP
10-14-2015 , 07:34 PM
If we read everything he wrote slowly we would be dead before we got halfway through it. Dead or wishing we were dead.
10-14-2015 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You've not rebutted a single part of my argument. I've patiently spelled it out for you, but you just clam up like this. lol SMP
Hahaha, lol. Clammed up. It's basic conditional probability you're denying here. Masque has been patiently explaining this to you for days and you continue to actively avoid the point. If you really cared to understand, you'd read his posts slowly like I advised. I even provided a study that shows bayes at work in profiling criminals. There are more out there. The only thing you've been right about nobody is arguing but you, like claiming bayes does not prove we should suspect random muslims. Lol, nobody is saying that, but you need some chicken to choke so keep on choking that I guess.
10-14-2015 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Hahaha, lol. Clammed up. It's basic conditional probability you're denying here. Masque has been patiently explaining this to you for days and you continue to actively avoid the point. If you really cared to understand, you'd read his posts slowly like I advised. I even provided a study that shows bayes at work in profiling criminals. There are more out there. The only thing you've been right about nobody is arguing but you, like claiming bayes does not prove we should suspect random muslims. Lol, nobody is saying that, but you need some chicken to choke so keep on choking that I guess.
All the time you spent writing that, you could have instead just pointed out what the error is in your own words.
10-14-2015 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Hahaha, lol. Clammed up. It's basic conditional probability you're denying here. Masque has been patiently explaining this to you for days and you continue to actively avoid the point. If you really cared to understand, you'd read his posts slowly like I advised. I even provided a study that shows bayes at work in profiling criminals. There are more out there. The only thing you've been right about nobody is arguing but you, like claiming bayes does not prove we should suspect random muslims. Lol, nobody is saying that, but you need some chicken to choke so keep on choking that I guess.
Prove? lol In what thread is this so called Bayesian analysis?
10-14-2015 , 10:52 PM
It's pretty clear at this point that FoldN isn't reading masque's posts, he's just assuming that he's right because Team SMP, because his arguments here in defense of the school and denying racism are quite different than masque's arguments in defense of the school and denying racism.

You know, I keep saying go back to SMP, but none of you morons seem very interested in or good at Science, Math, or Philosophy. Maybe you could ask for a "random bull**** that nobody is allowed to disagree with" forum?
10-14-2015 , 10:53 PM
And FoldN still doesn't know what a zero tolerance policy is lol. What an idiot.
10-15-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
All the time you spent writing that, you could have instead just pointed out what the error is in your own words.
Well, no, it will take quite a bit longer to walk you through this kicking and screaming, but if you insist I can explain conditional probability to you. First, to make sure and nail you down on exactly what you're claiming. You said this statement by masque is not true.

The moment someone becomes an investigation target for potentially having a device that is suspicious the fact they are of muslim origin/family becomes relevant.
I pointed out this is a true statement and masque has clearly explained why in the case of clock boy being muslim quickly became irrelevant:

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yes, and like I showed you he took great pains to outline specifically why it quickly became not relevant in this case. All you have to do is read further. Why you continue to embarrass yourself with this failed point is beyond me.
to which you replied:

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Not only is this a lie, the statement is not true under ANY case for reasons I've already explained.
So to be clear, you want me to explain in my own words how the first statement is true under bayes, how the moment someone becomes an investigation for potentially having a device that is suspicious the fact they are of muslim origin/family becomes relevant?
10-15-2015 , 11:08 AM
Grunch - Just how many bombs has foldn built? And is he doublej?
10-15-2015 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Grunch - Just how many bombs has foldn built? And is he doublej?
I'd like to point out that I've helped build more bombs than I can count. In fact, so have most adult members of my family. All of these bombs were much larger than a boy could carry to school, and didn't have any exposed circuitry. They were also kinda particular about us not taking them out of the defense contractor's factories.
10-15-2015 , 11:48 AM
Giving Muslim kids a hard time is Da Bomb.
10-15-2015 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Well, no, it will take quite a bit longer to walk you through this kicking and screaming, but if you insist I can explain conditional probability to you. First, to make sure and nail you down on exactly what you're claiming. You said this statement by masque is not true.

I pointed out this is a true statement and masque has clearly explained why in the case of clock boy being muslim quickly became irrelevant:

to which you replied:

So to be clear, you want me to explain in my own words how the first statement is true under bayes, how the moment someone becomes an investigation for potentially having a device that is suspicious the fact they are of muslim origin/family becomes relevant?
I feel like I was pretty clear in my earlier post, but w/e, any attempt you can make to justify profiling Muslims using Bayes theorem without hiding behind Masques skirts would be great here.
10-15-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Leo_Trollstoy
I feel like I was pretty clear in my earlier post, but w/e, any attempt you can make to justify profiling Muslims using Bayes theorem without hiding behind Masques skirts would be great here.
Uh, first, will the real troll please stand up? Are you the trolly I was talking to, Trolly McTrollson?

Second, no I will not try to "justify" profiling muslims, there are too many reasons against. What I am addressing is very specific, as outlined in the post, the relevancy of someone being muslim under those circumstances.
10-15-2015 , 12:21 PM
Ask yourself how many science classes have been blown up since this kid was arrested? Some of us don't need a fake bomb to know what time it is.
