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Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time! Air Grievances about BruceZ Getting Called Racist ITT: New Posts Arriving All the Time!

04-05-2015 , 12:24 AM
So Duffee, like, why the **** were you complaining about how your views were being portrayed and you were being picked on for racism when your view is actually that the criminal negro is to blame for the disparity in searches and police bias?

Btw, those are the vile and racist viewpoints I was talking about earlier, in case you are confused.
04-05-2015 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Ah, the old racism is justified technique. Rarely seen.
You're confused. Nobody said it's justified, but everyone should realize it's probably inevitable as long as we employ human cops. Just look at the studies that show black cops behave the same, and it's unlikely they all grew up racist. That shouldn't be shrugged off. Perhaps with enough training, it might be possible to prevent this sort of bias developing, but apparently it aint easy. Maybe consider how you would act if you were a cop working day in day out and seeing the same patterns, exposed to the same pressures, and think how easy it would be not to develop and act on your biases.

So Duffee is arguing that focusing on things like over policing would be more effective. Maybe he's right, or maybe he's wrong. Misinterpreting his intentions as racist doesn't do any good.
04-05-2015 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You're confused. Nobody said it's justified, but everyone should realize it's probably inevitable as long as we employ human cops. Just look at the studies that show black cops behave the same, and it's unlikely they all grew up racist. That shouldn't be shrugged off. Perhaps with enough training, it might be possible to prevent this sort of bias developing, but apparently it aint easy. Maybe consider how you would act if you were a cop working day in day out and seeing the same patterns, exposed to the same pressures, and think how easy it would be not to develop and act on your biases.
Which, ironically, is likely the same reason he’ll provide to explain criminal behavior in general or the high black crime rate in particular. That is, it’s the environmental pressures they’re subjected to on a daily basis causing the deviant behavior.

So Duffee is arguing that focusing on things like over policing would be more effective. Maybe he's right, or maybe he's wrong. Misinterpreting his intentions as racist doesn't do any good.
From my perspective: We’re arguing over why the cops (based on their individual subjective judgments, which are wrong 75% of the time) are searching more (2:1) black than white homes.
04-05-2015 , 06:44 AM
I, for one, like foldn's "people can't just be non-racist" argument

Very philosophy, much science
04-05-2015 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You're confused. Nobody said it's justified, but everyone should realize it's probably inevitable as long as we employ human cops. Just look at the studies that show black cops behave the same, and it's unlikely they all grew up racist. That shouldn't be shrugged off. Perhaps with enough training, it might be possible to prevent this sort of bias developing, but apparently it aint easy. Maybe consider how you would act if you were a cop working day in day out and seeing the same patterns, exposed to the same pressures, and think how easy it would be not to develop and act on your biases.

So Duffee is arguing that focusing on things like over policing would be more effective. Maybe he's right, or maybe he's wrong. Misinterpreting his intentions as racist doesn't do any good.
Yes. The real victims. BruceZ and those poor Ferguson PD exposed to black people every day.

Lol FoldN.
04-05-2015 , 09:39 AM
04-05-2015 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
We're just going in circles now, with you continuing to assert your opinions as objective facts ("no criticism has been offered beyond empty emotionalism"). You've heard the criticism and find it unpersuasive. That's fine. But you have to accept that others will disagree and that's fine too.

Here's what happened. An established and by most accounts well-respected poster was found to have produced a series of objectionable posts. These posts, along with subsequent actions, resulted in certain consequences. Bruce chose to leave the community. I'm fine with the sequence of events that led to this outcome. You're not. These arguments have been played out ad nauseam and I don't see how there's anything left to add. It's not going to end with one of us convincing the other that he was right all along.

Time to move on. This conversation has run its course. So feel free to have the last word and I'll see you back in the PU music thread, which is infinitely more enjoyable than rehashing this crap yet again.
therein lies the rub
04-05-2015 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Why won't MrWookie be satisfied with Bruce's sincerity of apologies when it can much more accurately be described as there from a better perspective?
Seriously, it's pretty arrogant to think that everyone here should take it on faith that Bruce made some super-secret apology that no one has seen. Either cut-and-paste such an apology Bruce made or STFU already.
04-05-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
What does the angry mob still want here? They got blood, they got tears, they got sweat, they got apologies, they got demotion. They got shunning. They have whined and bitched and exploited the situation to target other people all on the falsehood that Who is a racist.
I'm not angry. I never cared if Bruce was degreened. I didn't want an apology. I'd just like Team Bruce to accept that an intelligent, rational person who has read the entirety of Bruce's posting history and the context in which his posts were written can come away with the belief that Bruce is racist.

There's a reason why one side has been significantly more willing to link to previous posts to back up its argument while the other side has been more willing to wave around unsubstantiated claims like they hold a list of communists in their hands.
04-05-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
I, for one, like foldn's "people can't just be non-racist" argument

Very philosophy, much science
I really like your attitude. "I've read some studies that show cops are racist. It's so simple guys, here's what we do... troll people on the internet."
04-05-2015 , 11:38 AM
You must be awful at reading people, because I haven't read any such studies. I'm just laughing at obvious bigots being obviously bigoted.

Public shaming and all.
04-05-2015 , 12:02 PM
Foldn doesn't have the self awareness or social skills needed to feel shame.
04-05-2015 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I really like your attitude. "I've read some studies that show cops are racist. It's so simple guys, here's what we do... troll people on the internet."
His attitude is nowhere as near as good as yours. "I just got accused of rape. But bitches be crazy yall!"
04-05-2015 , 12:24 PM
04-05-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
You must be awful at reading people, because I haven't read any such studies. I'm just laughing at obvious bigots being obviously bigoted.

Public shaming and all.
Ah, that should have been obvious. You haven't even bothered to look into the problems. Why should anyone expect you to contribute to a discussion on how to solve them?
04-05-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
I'm not angry. I never cared if Bruce was degreened. I didn't want an apology. I'd just like Team Bruce to accept that an intelligent, rational person who has read the entirety of Bruce's posting history and the context in which his posts were written can come away with the belief that Bruce is racist.

There's a reason why one side has been significantly more willing to link to previous posts to back up its argument while the other side has been more willing to wave around unsubstantiated claims like they hold a list of communists in their hands.
You are mistaken about context. And you all stopped posting Bruce's material after you couldn't formulate responses to counter criticisms ( such as you are cherry-picking and taking Bruce's posts out of context) that illustrated how the context and motivation of Bruce's posts were not racist.

You have unsupported opinions Bruce is a racist, opinions that whither under scrutiny, hence why the ongoing trolling, accussation, and apology-doubting games persist. Ya'll need filler, because your arguments are not killer.
04-05-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Seriously, it's pretty arrogant to think that everyone here should take it on faith that Bruce made some super-secret apology that no one has seen. Either cut-and-paste such an apology Bruce made or STFU already.
There were multiple apologies, ask mrwookie about them. I will say Bruce literally begged for mercy during one apology that I couldn't copy and paste if I wanted too.
04-05-2015 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Seriously, it's pretty arrogant to think that everyone here should take it on faith that Bruce made some super-secret apology that no one has seen. Either cut-and-paste such an apology Bruce made or STFU already.
Are you doing that thing where you put a random word with negative connotations in place of a word that is both negative and appropriate?

I suggest, for simplification that everyone here just use the word "hypocritical" to mean not-otherwise-specified distaste.
04-05-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Are you doing that thing where you put a random word with negative connotations in place of a word that is both negative and appropriate?

I suggest, for simplification that everyone here just use the word "hypocritical" to mean not-otherwise-specified distaste.
According the theory of derision, shaming, and shunning when people make a mistake which hurts other people and is therefore stupid, calling them stupid is part of the rehabilitation to make them a 'better'. Hence, does this method work, in part, on the people who practice it when they make mistakes which hurt other people?

It's not hypocritical to apply derision towards an argument of derision and it's not arrogant either.

Arrogance is calling someone a racist, then deriding the majority of information about the person which suggests otherwise.

I would be an arrogant hypocrite if I were making a case which involved deriding or omitting information. I do not avoid any of the information in Bruce's posts, be it imagining about historical slave life or making an analogy that results in comparing Mexicans to cockroaches. I simply add more of the information that is available in the matter to reach a more complete conclusion.
04-05-2015 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Ah, that should have been obvious. You haven't even bothered to look into the problems. Why should anyone expect you to contribute to a discussion on how to solve them?
So where do you fall on the scale of solving racism?

I assume it's:

Bigots like foldn <<<< people who laugh at bigots like foldn <<<< people "solving" racism

Correct me if I'm wrong.
04-05-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
There were multiple apologies, ask mrwookie about them. I will say Bruce literally begged for mercy during one apology that I couldn't copy and paste if I wanted too.
That actually happened. It was a bit weird.
04-05-2015 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
So where do you fall on the scale of solving racism?

I assume it's:

Bigots like foldn <<<< people who laugh at bigots like foldn <<<< people "solving" racism

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You tricked a somewhat smart girl into thinking that you are more than who you are.

Settle down.
04-05-2015 , 02:46 PM
04-05-2015 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
So where do you fall on the scale of solving racism?

I assume it's:

Bigots like foldn <<<< people who laugh at bigots like foldn <<<< people "solving" racism

Correct me if I'm wrong.
If the problems of racism can ever be solved and have any chance of remaining so, we will begin by searching for the right questions to ask, and continue doing so in spite of jokers like you.
04-05-2015 , 06:14 PM
I don't think "people can't just not be racist" is a question though, so you're not exactly helping. You're enabling.
