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**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** **WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread**

01-21-2020 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Lately Raw and Smackdown have been pretty ... good?

Seth being a heel helps a lot. He's just perfect as a smarmy douche that hides behind backup until there's an open spot to do damage.
Yeah, as I've posted, I think both have been doing really well lately. I'm a little more into RAW just because I prefer the roster but Smackdown has had some good meat and potatoes angles where heels are booed, faces are cheered, etc.

I have sort of defended the Lana story but I didn't see it playing out as Rusev losing 90 matches in a row before getting his presumed comeuppance. They lost me a bit this week. Seems like an underwhelming in-ring return for Liv even though I don't see her as some future top player or anything.
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01-21-2020 , 12:16 PM
My one gripe with the Rollins stable (besides the obvious overused killing of Monday Night Messiah already) was the decision to strap him and Buddy over the AOP.

Obviously, AOP is an established tag team, so they would have been the more believable choice. Also, i think it actually would have served the storyline better. Rollins is claiming to be the Messiah, 'follow him, see the light, and succeed'.

They couldve just had AOP get the tag titles, Buddy win the US title in a week or two. And Rollins be the leader gloating about how he made it all happen.

WWE level one thinking is: Rollins is the biggest star, he needs the strap.
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01-21-2020 , 01:30 PM
Yeah, that decision was really strange as was the decision to have the Vikings just randomly come out at the beginning. They should have had the AOP attack the tag champs after a random squash match. Would have made for a really interesting feud over the belts with two high profile teams. Making them drop the belts to Seth and Murphy just hurts them for no reason.

I wouldn't mind them giving Buddy the US title even if it means heel v heel and then with almost all the belts, they attack Brock. I wouldn't hate a Seth/Brock mania rematch under these circumstances, where Brock has to worry about 3 other guys.
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01-21-2020 , 01:39 PM
Buddy/Seth will drop them to Owens/Joe, who will then drop them to AOP, who maybe drop them back to Viking Raiders at WM?
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01-21-2020 , 05:10 PM
I sort of assumed they wanted us to be thinking "why not AOP" and that is eventually going to cause dissension in the stable. Might be giving them too much credit, but the rest of the show lately has actually seemed logical and planned to an extent.
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01-22-2020 , 01:06 PM
Caught Becky on the backstage show on FS1. Solid interview. Clearly uncomfortable using words like "booking", but she talked about how Asuka was booked at NXT and that she was trying to help make her into a monster again. Really gives you the feeling that the only person who believes in the way Vince books people is Vince.
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01-27-2020 , 08:27 PM
Anyone else in for tonight? Probably the usual just for the first bit I will be in.
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01-27-2020 , 09:13 PM
I see we're starting off the night by burying the tag division.

I'm all for a rocket push for McIntyre, but I hate this.
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01-27-2020 , 09:15 PM
From the Rumble thread...

Originally Posted by OneOut
Like the same miracle that put Edge and DB back in the ring? He can be hidden in a six man like Bret Hart was against Vince at Mania.

Or maybe just have RKO join KO & Joe so it all rhymes and fight Seth's group, especially if AJ is out. Gallows and Anderson must be praying AJ is alright or there goes their careers.

Read that Riddle got into it with Brock backstage last night. Every time I read something about this guy, he's being a dick. Hopefully Brock destroys him at some point.
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01-27-2020 , 09:25 PM
If mvp is back, he needs the pyro again, Just seems empty the entrance.
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01-27-2020 , 09:33 PM
Good lord that match was awful.

I hope MVP isn't back in any sort of active wrestler role.
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01-27-2020 , 09:34 PM
Last night after the ppv Da Meltz said that MVP has a few appearances and isn't expected after that.

If mvp is back, he needs the pyro again
Thought the same thing.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-27-2020 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Last night after the ppv Da Meltz said that MVP has a few appearances and isn't expected after that.
Maybe they should change the lyrics to his entrance music.

"I'm going."
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-27-2020 , 09:53 PM
They sacrificed The Viking Raiders' championship reign and building a legit tag division just for tonight's match. Tonight's match certainly doesn't need a title attached to it. Just go fight...

anyways, I'm out. Enjoy, people.
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01-27-2020 , 09:53 PM
Starting to think Charlotte chooses Bayley and Becky gets Shayna for Mania.
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01-27-2020 , 10:45 PM
Jesus, that spot was just unnecessarily dangerous.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-27-2020 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Jesus, that spot was just unnecessarily dangerous.
on the bright side, hopefully it means we dont have to see them wrestle again for at least a couple of weeks, feel like i seen these two have the exact same match about 700 times by now.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 12:02 AM
Orton's goal must be to catch up with Big Show for most career heel turns.
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01-28-2020 , 12:19 AM
Becky: Spends a month building up what type of monster Asuka is, how she's never beaten her, and eventually wins a hard fought match to get back her win from last year.

Charlotte: Beats Asuka and Kairi at the same time the next after.

Pretty good microcosm of those two
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Becky: Spends a month building up what type of monster Asuka is, how she's never beaten her, and eventually wins a hard fought match to get back her win from last year.

Charlotte: Beats Asuka and Kairi at the same time the next after.

Pretty good microcosm of those two
This amused me/frustrated me also. I know Becky is pushed to the moon but the way they book Charlotte is utterly ridiculous in comparison. The worst part is I still have no idea if her character is a heel or face or what.

Edge being back is so big. He's so natural and the mic and just oozes "star" way more than the current roster, and it's such a great organic story. I don't really love turning Orton back heel so quickly though -- feels like they skipped some chapters in the story and he was doing well as a face. Obviously it got tons of heat though so w/e.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by SarcasticRat
The worst part is I still have no idea if her character is a heel or face or what.
True story: I thought she was a face in the rumble until she cut her promo afterward and even that still got a lot of cheers.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 10:27 AM
I'm gonna miss Dickbag Face Orton, RIP November 2019-January 2020
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01-28-2020 , 01:01 PM
Instead of having Drew single-handedly squash Gallows & Anderson, why not set up a match against Rated RKO next week and let Orton turn during the match?
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 02:27 PM
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
01-28-2020 , 03:18 PM
At first I thought Manuel Oropeza was what he got suspended for. That's some bad stuff.
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