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11-30-2019 , 09:52 AM
What is a superman kickout? Is it when someone extends his arm upward to kick out?
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11-30-2019 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
What's everyones least favorite non-wrestling move thing that WWE does? Mine is the "burst through the apron from under the ring and drag someone into it as if it's a portal to hell" spot that they do with Kane and Bray.

Maybe I’ve just noticed it lately, but the person getting pinned having their eyes open and staring at the refs count so they know when to kick out before 3. Are they not able to hear the count and go off that? It’s really baffling that it happens all the time and it annoys the **** out of me.

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11-30-2019 , 11:16 AM
John Cena, for all his improvement in the ring over the years, consistently remained among the worst in the company at that. Not just staring, but positioning his arms to blatantly telegraph the kickout.
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11-30-2019 , 11:41 AM
No one, including Cena, more blatantly telegraphs kickouts from big moves more than the commentators. Any time they get excited that a big pin is happening, it's ~100% that a big pin is not happening.
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11-30-2019 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by SarcasticRat
The crowd tonight seemed to be very kid-heavy and I realized how much better that is than it being a bunch of jaded smarks. Roman was super over and every babyface was getting cheered while every heel got boos.
Still, they were given a clean slate with Reigns after the cancer, but still can't help but butcher his booking. Three guys with weapons and Reigns takes out all of them. Not that there was a single damn thing on that show that was well booked or enjoyable. FOX must be thrilled, but it's not like we shouldn't have expected this when Brother Love was handed the keys to this show.

NXT may be the only watchable wrestling show on TV right now (I said TV, not YouTube...though I've strangely been enjoying Impact more than not since their move to AXS.)
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11-30-2019 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Still, they were given a clean slate with Reigns after the cancer, but still can't help but butcher his booking. Three guys with weapons and Reigns takes out all of them.
I've become sort of a reluctant fan of the superman booking, just because it at least helps create and maintain stars who feel like a big deal compared to their usual trading wins and losses booking that puts everyone in a giant midcard. It just has to be given to the right person, which I think Roman is right now given that they butchered Seth's face run so badly.
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11-30-2019 , 01:17 PM
What you're talking about is different though. They've put him in a spot where you never feel like he's in danger, no matter who he's facing, which makes nobody give a ****.

Imagine a single person taking out all four of the Horsemen or DX or Evolution or the NWO all by themselves. Not even Austin, Rock, Dusty or whoever regularly did that. Three of your top heels with weapons...maybe Reigns goes down once in a while or needs some help. There's no shame in that and he can still win all his matches.
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12-02-2019 , 09:31 PM
Well at least we get Joe on commentary for this dumpster fire
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12-02-2019 , 09:38 PM
Fan: "you still suck, Bob"
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12-02-2019 , 09:49 PM
Tozawa just headbutt the floor attempting a suicide dive. Surprised he's still conscious.

For LKJ:
Cop arrests Lashley for not agreeing with Lashley ****ing Lana and rubbing it in Rusev's face and reads him his rights.
Lashley asks why he's being placed under arrest.
Cop shrugs and says "you're under arrest".

^^^^^ that's racist.
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12-02-2019 , 10:45 PM
They put a heel on they decide to have King act heel too?
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12-02-2019 , 10:47 PM
By the way, my guesses for what Rowan has in the cage:
1 - A severed head (Harper?)
2 - James Ellsworth
3 - Nothing
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12-03-2019 , 12:50 AM
Lol @ guess #2.
I root for that, I miss James. Maybe he could become 24/7 champion?
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12-03-2019 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by OneOut
They put a heel on they decide to have King act heel too?
This confused me too, and is made worse by Vic Joseph just being a Michael Cole clone. I think King is actually good, he's consistent and gives reasons (albeit illogical) for his clear bias. It's a good yang to a face PBP guy's ying. But then Joe would chime in defending the heels and it seemed to throw it off some. WWE needs to figure out that 2-man booth is optimal.

Other notes from show:

-How did neither KO or AOP show up again rest of night?
-What was the point of McIntyre calling Orton out after his match if they're setting up Orton/Styles? That just seemed weird.
-Asuka is sweet in the ring, but how are we as fans supposed to care about an Asuka/Charlotte angle when they are telling us that Charlotte is so much better Asuka needs her tag team partner just to have a chance to beat her?
-Rusev is awesome, his antics were hilarious tonight.
-Lana is hot, and good at being hateable.
-Ricochet, Humberto, Rey promo was one of the worst things I've ever seen. I can at least see how Ricochet would trick the producers with how crazy skilled he is, but how the heck did anyone give the green light to an Humberto push? He is so unbelievably green on the mic, it was always gonna be impossible for him to get over lol.
-Speaking of those 3, the run ins to save Orton were not only dumb, but the fans couldn't have cared less about it.
-Solid ending, Styles should go over and him & Ricochet both gave solid efforts in the ring. Orton from out of nowhere further builds the hatred between him and Styles.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
12-03-2019 , 12:08 PM
Yeah, the faces in the main event are so uncharismatic, I don't know why they're pairing those three together or hitching them to Orton. And I still don't understand what Drew's problem with Orton was at all.

KO talking over Lana was pretty funny and seemed to fluster her. But she's been pretty awful on the mic since this whole angle started, saying the restraining order meant that Rusev had to stay 90 miles from her a few weeks ago and then changing it to 90 minutes once Lashley pointed out the error. She eventually got to 90 feet.
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12-03-2019 , 12:16 PM
It's so hard for me to care about the program, when WWE doesn't even try to care for it's product.

-TLC is less than 2 weeks away and there hasn't been a single mention of it on RAW yet. Which means that the entire card going to be thrown together in one episode. And aside from a couple feuds (AOP/Seth/KO), (Rey/AJ Styles/Orton?) (Charlotte/Asuka), they don't even have believable matches for this PPV:

WWE Champ Brock Lesnar: won't be on the card, obv.
Women's Champ Becky Lynch: no contenders, she hasn't even been on TV
Tag Champs Viking Raiders: keep beating up jobbers, have no competition

We can look forward to Aleicester Black vs Buddy Murphy on the preshow, though!

Originally Posted by GeoffRas22

Other notes from show:

-Ricochet, Humberto, Rey promo was one of the worst things I've ever seen.
"The only thing I've ever tried to do is prove that superheroes can be real"

That actually could be the worst line ever recited in WWE programming. Who the hell talks like that?

-Also I can't believe they're still dragging this Erick Rowan pet in cage thing out. The reveal should be Gobbledy Gooker level. They've absolutely killed all the momentum he had right up until the draft.
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12-03-2019 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous

"The only thing I've ever tried to do is prove that superheroes can be real"

That actually could be the worst line ever recited in WWE programming. Who the hell talks like that?
Stand Back!

There's a Hurricane coming through!

Of course, it was supposed to be a joke at the time.
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12-03-2019 , 02:10 PM
I am pretty encouraged by RAW though I agree they don't really feel like they're building to a PPV with any sense of urgency. I like the use of semi-squash matches instead of meaningless midcard matches and it feels like they're slowly getting some guys over and building anticipation for when they face each other. Seth and KO are also being used optimally right now and the Lana/Rusev/Lashley thing is working since Lana is so cringy and hateable on the mic and Rusev gets to be free of her while working as an unhinged badass with a purpose. Drew's character is also a lot better than when he was doing those weird "I WILL EVISCERATE YOU AND DISEMBOWEL YOU" promos.

I am kind of a mark for the WHAT'S IN THE CAGE? thing with Rowan. Like it's definitely stupid and will not be satisfying, but I like that there's a bit of a hook and a weirdness to it.
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12-03-2019 , 03:04 PM
I genuinely think there's like a 90% chance the cage is empty.

The one cool thing about the squash matches is that when they do have the Raiders eventually run into AOP, it's gonna feel like a pretty big deal.
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12-03-2019 , 03:46 PM
I think it's a snake in the cage/they have Rowan go full Jake Roberts
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12-03-2019 , 08:09 PM
I hope it's Luke Harper's head.
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12-03-2019 , 10:13 PM
LKJ, who would be your 4 on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling?
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12-03-2019 , 10:39 PM
It has to be Hogan/Austin/Rock/Flair. Not my personal favorite four obviously. Big dropoff from the first three to Flair, but let's face it, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln isn't a close comparison either.
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12-03-2019 , 10:51 PM
Interesting, didn’t think it would be so mainstream. But I guess a Mount Rushmore type question kind of forces it to be.
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12-03-2019 , 11:40 PM
I'm sad Barry Horowitz didn't make your top 4.
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