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Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

02-14-2010 , 03:54 PM
I think i should start playing 1/2 at Mohegan
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-14-2010 , 07:01 PM
There was some crazy **** @ 2/5 last nite too. Its better cuz more $$$$.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-14-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by BoooooooM
does 5/10nl ever run here?
I played the 5-10 saturday really sad, a young husband and wife never played sat he lost his starting 200 she made around 700 had the good sence to leave up she flopped three fh and got three more by riv so she played everything, could not keep the table full as the incompatent desk were telling people there was no 5/10 and a very experinced floor that was so upset they put him on the desk was really not doing much to help.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-15-2010 , 01:24 PM
Go to the bar right outside the poker room...insert $20 bill....pretend to play Video Poker...ask for Jack n Coke...tip $1...print ticket....imo
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by GoToYourRoom
Was anybody at the $1/$2 table yesterday with that middle-aged, heavy-set woman with the southern accent? She was so terrible but when I left she had a stack around $1k.

On one hand, she called down a 4-flush board with a K8o, with her 8 completing the flush for a $500 pot. The kid she was heads-up with made a great re-raise on the river with nothing and any decent poker player would fold there. She said she didn't think he was bluffing, she just thought she had a higher flush...with an 8...

On another hand, she called $21 preflop with K5o and connected, taking down the pot. She then turned to me and informed me that she never folds ANY king because, "One time I folded a K and the flop came 3 kings and I woulda had 4 of a kind!" I didn't even know what to say to her but hope she continues to play because next time she won't run like Christ.
I envy you. I am a regular at Mohegan on the weekends, and my Saturday table was a full ring of total nits. Luckily, I was completely card dead, but it was probably the nittiest Mohegan 1/2 I have played in months...I would say that it was half good players, half rocks, and when someone left, a rock took his place.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-16-2010 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
I envy you. I am a regular at Mohegan on the weekends, and my Saturday table was a full ring of total nits. Luckily, I was completely card dead, but it was probably the nittiest Mohegan 1/2 I have played in months...I would say that it was half good players, half rocks, and when someone left, a rock took his place.
Just ask for a table change.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-16-2010 , 09:30 AM
There was actually high turnover at the table, so I was hopeful to acquire someone to ignite the action, but as I said, the replacements were even worse, and it was 1:30 AM with a long drive home before I knew it.

Oh well, as I said, I was card dead, anyway.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-16-2010 , 01:48 PM
In regards to the drink service, does anyone have inside information on the waitresses at Mohegan or Foxwoods which might explain the long gaps in service later at night? For example, are they not assigned solely to the poker room? Are they instructed to serve less frequently when later at night? The "you're not in my section" excuse does make sense to me as I was a waiter years ago and whenever someone does something in your section you're thinking about them trying to get at your tips, but why would you not be running your butt off when you're giving away free drinks that 90% of the time result in at least a dollar tip? Hell, I'd be wearing roller skates and trying to make $100/hour!

Also, have you ever noticed that the male beverage servers come around a lot more frequently and are generally more pleasant and proactive about finding people who need a drink?

About a week and a half ago I was there on a Saturday night and started playing around midnight. I got a water almost immediately after sitting down and the waitress didn't come back to us in the next two hours. We were a little out of the way, sitting very close to the cage, but she did make a point of serving a table that was all the way in the back right-hand corner of the room. Finally I got too thirsty to wait, saw another waitress in the middle of the room and got up and bought a water directly from her, she said she'd send our waitress over. 30 minutes go by and nothing. Ask the floor. 1 hour later a waiter apparently comes on shift and comes to our table, we get non-stop service (every 15-20 minutes or so) until I leave a little after 5am.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-16-2010 , 09:56 PM
We might have been at the same table--the waitress had the nerve to call one of the players a smartass because he remarked that she was MIA for over an hour and a half. I am usually a very affable guy and get along with the floor, dealers, and the wait staff, but even I remarked that his comment was justified.

Usually, the beverage staff not only is friendly and timely, but they will literally get you anything. My personal experience a week and a half ago on Saturday was an aberration, for sure.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 12:21 AM
Do PLO games get going during the weekends?
i prefer 2/5, 5/5, or 5/10.

lmk thank you
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 09:25 AM
Played a nice 12hour session yesterday...first one in a long time.

Was headed to 2-5, but last minute decision, decided 1-2. Got to see some amazing action. Unfortunately I was card dead entire session and had only two mentionable hands. All in on 3rd hand w/ AK (only bought in for 90 and doubled up) and hit broadway on turn and overbet to guy who folded A-Q! Left up $50 for the entire session, more pleased with my ability to ride out two separate 3-4 dealer lack of any pot/any playable combos.

I did receive an education, however;

In an all-in pot b/w two players for about $250, man with more money flips over set. All-in stands up, shakes head, goes to walk away (cards down). Uninvolved player says "I want to see what he has". Dealer grabs cards that were ready to be mucked, turns them over, uninvolved man reads flush for win. All-in never realized this! Uninvolved man also asked several times to see losing players hands after he had won (one time after hitting flush on river to beat AAup that had played/bet perfectly) Classes player (continued to hide two black chips behind/in his red stack, asked to romove them by floor/dealers, but would put them right back in) Only negative experience of day...glad I didn't get involved in big pot and have him pull one of these bush-league moves!)

Wild play on almost every hand for several hours while an older man in yellow shirt proceeded to play everything to flop, from 2-30 preflop raises. He was unbeatable, drove stack to just under 1K and then flushed it away. Action was amazing and I could only sit and watch

Seems like many people arrive 1 hour before 10am tourney, play 1-2 for buy-in, and walk. Unfortunately, 2 guys both hit big of off the demise of "any-two" player described earlier. They both left table after about 45minutes up 300-400 each.

Good to be back in room. Waitress service so-so. I was not drinking, but others were having trouble being held VERY STRICTLY to the 15 minute rule between drinks. I am not that hold, but I remember at Foxwoods where at least you could get a bourbon and a beer at one time, shoot the bourbon, drink the beer, and the waitress would automatically bring you another on her cycle back out.

Waiters have always been more efficient - more motivated to make money, not just be miserable making 50k like some waitresses.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 10:51 AM
Ordering a shot and a beer used to work at foxwoods but the last time i was there the waitress denied my friend, does this move still fly at mohegan?
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Ordering a shot and a beer used to work at foxwoods but the last time i was there the waitress denied my friend, does this move still fly at mohegan?
I don't know when your last time was, but someone was able to do that 3 weeks ago. He had to down the shot before taking the beer of course. It might be waitress-dependant.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
We might have been at the same table--the waitress had the nerve to call one of the players a smartass because he remarked that she was MIA for over an hour and a half. I am usually a very affable guy and get along with the floor, dealers, and the wait staff, but even I remarked that his comment was justified.

Usually, the beverage staff not only is friendly and timely, but they will literally get you anything. My personal experience a week and a half ago on Saturday was an aberration, for sure.
you play there all the time? i play there once in a while, do you know [name removed]?

Last edited by Rapini; 02-17-2010 at 11:44 PM.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:07 PM
1/2 PLO Hi only was running Saturday late afternoon with a full table. I sat at the table for a couple hands while waiting for 2/5 NLHE. From my observation of the hands I saw, it looked like a juicy game with at least a few incompetent players so I decided on Sunday to play it. There was a list of 9 players for 1/2 PLO Hi only on Sunday late afternoon. It was explained to me that it was not running because all tables in the room were in use for other games and that as soon as a table was freed up, it would run. I put my name on the list. AFAIK, it was never called. I think its too bad MS did not get that game running with so much interest. I would think as soon as a SNG table opened up, they would get PLO going.

I've seen 1/2 PLO running on other weekends. Sometimes its shorthanded.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
I don't know when your last time was, but someone was able to do that 3 weeks ago. He had to down the shot before taking the beer of course. It might be waitress-dependant.
I would guess waitress-dependent. Play 2-5 or better, wolf/sagamore card and do whatever! Young, look like you are dressed to hit Ultra 66 club...get ignored. Tipping, however (as with anything in life) may change that. I would guess 99% + tips are just $1 per drink. Every so often I see a two or five dollar tip, rarely see a reaction to these from waitresses.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Ordering a shot and a beer used to work at foxwoods but the last time i was there the waitress denied my friend, does this move still fly at mohegan?
Its against the rules. Some waitresses are cool and you might be able to persuade them. Otherwise try to recruit a player around you to take your beer for you until the waitress leaves. One dude got 2 drinks the other night and I was happy to help him. The friendly waitress even suggested that he give 1 drink to me until she left.

A few months ago, they were cracking down and limited/tracked how many drinks per hour you could have. Something about the deal between the casino and the state to reduce drunk drivers since there have been incidents in the past. I'm not sure if they still are this tough as I stopped drinking and playing poker for now.

But you can go just outside the room and get drinks at the bar outside the room for free if you play video poker (as FOXWOODSnuts29 previously suggested.)

The drink service seems really to take a long time at the moment.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by rdnatm
you play there all the time? i play there once in a while, do you know [name removed], this older dude?
I know lots of older dudes. (I am a 23-year-old who looks 16 and gets carded on is way to the room 1 out of 2 times)

I rarely ask for names, but chances are that I do know him.

Last edited by Rapini; 02-17-2010 at 11:47 PM.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:02 PM
Forgot to say in my post that several times dealers had to tell players not to expose cards.

Situation 1: Player makes big bet on river, HU, player 2 considering call, player 1 says, "hey, look" and flashes a random card. Dealer says, "they don't want you doing that"

Situation two: Player HU against friend and shows cards before betting begins, after river is dealt. Another dealer quickly says "that is not allowed here"

Maybe this is either new or recently enforced. My guess the latter, but i will need to review the rulebook. I think HU this is part of the game.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:33 PM
Not allowed to show hands even HU. Although I did see some regs show each cards mostly to indicate they were beat and the dealer not say boo.

There was a big commotion @ 5/10 table on Sat related to showing cards. Player1 bets 125 on river HU. Player2 huge raise to 1K. Player 1 says "if I fold, will you show?". Player2 says 'yes'. Then Player1 exposes his hand by placing cards face up in front of him showing that he has a set (broadway is possible on this board.) Dealer does not muck. Player1 never says 'fold.' Player2, thinking that Player1 folded and the hand is over, exposes his cards revealing that he has middle pair! Then all hell breaks out! Player1 wants to continue. Player2 wants the pot. Dealer (as well as Player1's friends at the table) seem to be siding with Player1. Player2 is flipping out causing a scene. Everybody around comes over to watch. 2 floors are called over for ruling. Even a casino host is demanded for what purpose I have no idea! After a long while, floor rules that Player2 gets the pot. For some reason, Player1 gets his 125 river bet back. Player2 probably didn't mind since just happy to win the pot.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by donk007
There was a big commotion @ 5/10 table ... Even a casino host is demanded for what purpose I have no idea!
Don't you know who I am?! Don't you know how much money I dump in this place?!?!
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Don't you know who I am?! Don't you know how much money I dump in this place?!?!
Don't know you. I agree with the decision except you should have gotten the 125. I wasn't at the table. Just an onlooker. Hope you
got comped something good for almost getting screwed.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by donk007
Don't know you. I agree with the decision except you should have gotten the 125. I wasn't at the table. Just an onlooker. Hope you
got comped something good for almost getting screwed.
Lol nonono I wasn't there. I was jokingly presenting a reason for why someone at 5/10 might call for a casino host during a dispute.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 05:15 PM
Wow, I need to play more 5/10...with people willing to donk their stack with middle pair and not bet middle pair out of the hand before the river, I may be able to find a more comfortable way to make a living.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
02-17-2010 , 06:39 PM
See, names often glide by me, but I do know the 2/5 reg in the red ferrari jacket, nice guy.

I usually play 1/2 because I use it as a mechanism to relieve stress more than make cash, with the occasional 2/5 when I am feeling game. I think I am good enough for 5/10, but right now, I am too young (i.e., poor) to test the variance. I am frankly shocked to hear the 5/10 story, as at that level, I would assume TAG play all around with no exceptions, and that story is a reflection of poor play on both ends of the HU. (I actually think the person who had the set played worse--keeping someone with a raggy pair around until the river and broadway as a possibility deserves a stack shoved in his face to test his resolve)

But if you are there on Friday or Saturday night, I will likely be there in my old-school Chargers hoodie.

Last edited by IWearSportsJerseys; 02-17-2010 at 06:47 PM.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
