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01-21-2011 , 09:15 PM
Ahhh, Foxwoods. What to do with you, eh. Alas, a warning. Be prepared for the bad beat/cooler story that I've shared with all my poker friends and am now releasing unto the internet. Anyway, I'm sitting at a 1/2 table, been there for about 9-10 hours now. I'm in for 600 and have about 800 in front. Villain raises to $12 which was a standard raise from him. He opened about 25-30 percent of his hands. Anyway, two called and I call with Q10 diamonds on BTN. Flop of 10107cc. Original raiser bets 50, two folds I flat. Put him on an overpair instantaneously due to history. 5 on turn villain bets 75. Now, against all other players I reraise the turn for value/protection. Against this villain, I knew he overvalued overpairs and I would get a river bet out of him if no club dropped. But I also knew he was inteligent enough to lay a hand down if shown aggression from me, who had been showing down solid holdings. So anyway, I flat the 75 and pray for no club/broadway card. Q of clubs on the river, villain fires 100. So now I reevaluate and come to the assumption that villain had AKc or AJc. So I ponder for a bit and go AI. Villain snaps and turns over QQ. Eh, 1200 pot to the 1 outer. Haven't been coolered in awhile, so here I am sharing. Either way, fun night, what can I say. At least villain wasn't a donkey, then I would've been really frustrated.
01-21-2011 , 11:51 PM
slow playing... it rarely works.
01-22-2011 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by jf209
Ahhh, Foxwoods. What to do with you, eh. Alas, a warning. Be prepared for the bad beat/cooler story that I've shared with all my poker friends and am now releasing unto the internet. Anyway, I'm sitting at a 1/2 table, been there for about 9-10 hours now. I'm in for 600 and have about 800 in front. Villain raises to $12 which was a standard raise from him. He opened about 25-30 percent of his hands. Anyway, two called and I call with Q10 diamonds on BTN. Flop of 10107cc. Original raiser bets 50, two folds I flat. Put him on an overpair instantaneously due to history. 5 on turn villain bets 75. Now, against all other players I reraise the turn for value/protection. Against this villain, I knew he overvalued overpairs and I would get a river bet out of him if no club dropped. But I also knew he was inteligent enough to lay a hand down if shown aggression from me, who had been showing down solid holdings. So anyway, I flat the 75 and pray for no club/broadway card. Q of clubs on the river, villain fires 100. So now I reevaluate and come to the assumption that villain had AKc or AJc. So I ponder for a bit and go AI. Villain snaps and turns over QQ. Eh, 1200 pot to the 1 outer. Haven't been coolered in awhile, so here I am sharing. Either way, fun night, what can I say. At least villain wasn't a donkey, then I would've been really frustrated.
Everyone's got their horrible beat's mine:
01-22-2011 , 07:25 AM
Played last night/this morning. Was at 98 from like 830p til 330a in the 10 seat wearing a Sox hoody/hat. Doubt anyone here was actually at the table, but it was definitely one of the more fun tables I've played at in a while.
01-22-2011 , 03:04 PM
Was grinding at various tables at 1/2 Wed night, all day thursday in my MJ Wizards jersey. For the record I will never wear that garbage again when I'm playing cards. Had the worst session of my life, and got INTENTIONALLY slow rolled several times, each time for pots over $300. wtf

Lowlight that was the beginning of my slide:
Up, $100, I switch tables because the donks left. I sit at the table with the miserable heavy set woman that we all know and dislike (the one who regularly colludes with her b/f-husband, whatever he is). 2nd hand OTB I raise QQ to $15, after limping UTG she 3bets to $42 I flat. Flop is J-8-7r. She turbo cbets $60, I snap jam for $95 on top. When she doesn't snap call (which she easily would with an overpair or better). I raise my cards up as if preparing to muck after she does, and I tell her she's beat and I'll show (to induce a call, I had no intention of showing if she mucked). She says, "I'm playing like a donkey today, I call!" and slams in the chips. Turn is a Q, river a K. I show my set, she shakes her head and after 2 seconds says "O wait I have the straight!" and flips over A-To. FML

On the plus side, I got to meet a couple friendly 2p2ers but unfortunately didn't get their handles.
01-22-2011 , 03:10 PM
She was actually wearing makeup and had her hair done on Tuesday night. Not that it helped.
Her husband is so nice but I have heard so many stories of her colluding.
01-22-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
She was actually wearing makeup and had her hair done on Tuesday night. Not that it helped.
Her husband is so nice but I have heard so many stories of her colluding.
Are we talking about the same people??? Husband is very heavy man, about 6'2, usually wears Red Sox jacket, hat or both. He isn't that nice of a person. I've never had a positive experience with him. Whenever there's a disagreement he'll immediately jump into the fray and usually takes on an insulting tone. Unprovoked he even insulted my friend, saying he had a weight problem (albeit coming from that guy it doesn't say much).
01-22-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Chunkamunk
Are we talking about the same people??? Husband is very heavy man, about 6'2, usually wears Red Sox jacket, hat or both. He isn't that nice of a person. I've never had a positive experience with him. Whenever there's a disagreement he'll immediately jump into the fray and usually takes on an insulting tone. Unprovoked he even insulted my friend, saying he had a weight problem (albeit coming from that guy it doesn't say much).
Yes, we are talking about the same people. Wife is fat, short blonde hair.
I have seen her husband get into confrontations but he has always been nice to me.
He defends his wife to the end but she treats him like total ****.
01-22-2011 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Yes, we are talking about the same people. Wife is fat, short blonde hair.
I have seen her husband get into confrontations but he has always been nice to me.
He defends his wife to the end but she treats him like total ****.
lol yeah that's them alright. She will regularly throw him under the bus and apologize for his behavior. Theyre both very arrogant imo. I guess I'm not as charming as you are.
01-22-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Yes, we are talking about the same people. Wife is fat, short blonde hair.
I have seen her husband get into confrontations but he has always been nice to me.
He defends his wife to the end but she treats him like total ****.
They're both Plumpty Dumptys, mentally unstable, and I can only hope that one day Foxwoods does the right thing and throw both of them into the muck
01-22-2011 , 08:15 PM
does foxwoods hire prop players? if so how can I apply?
01-22-2011 , 08:30 PM
chopped 11am today...verrrry room was slammed BBJ hit around 12PM on a 2/4 table for 250K
01-22-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Chunkamunk
Was grinding at various tables at 1/2 Wed night, all day thursday in my MJ Wizards jersey. For the record I will never wear that garbage again when I'm playing cards. Had the worst session of my life, and got INTENTIONALLY slow rolled several times, each time for pots over $300. wtf
The slowroll thing at Foxwoods is becoming really prevalent the last 2 sessions I had there. First 30-40 times I played 1/2 at Foxwoods, never saw a slowroll. Took 6 months off from FW, now I see at least 2 every 6 hour session. WTF?
01-23-2011 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Chunkamunk

On the plus side, I got to meet a couple friendly 2p2ers but unfortunately didn't get their handles.
By friendly I assume you mean devastatingly handsome and scary good at poker.

I'm Q9 vs. your A9. I don't really post often enough for my handle to be memorable though. Also, this handle sucks...I picked it before I knew the phrase Main Event had anything to do with poker. True story.

I had a blast Friday night thanks to side betting ($1 every time your number hit the board) with people who I have to assume are 2+2ers.

+$1 for the night. I run good.
01-23-2011 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Romo9MVP
The slowroll thing at Foxwoods is becoming really prevalent the last 2 sessions I had there. First 30-40 times I played 1/2 at Foxwoods, never saw a slowroll. Took 6 months off from FW, now I see at least 2 every 6 hour session. WTF?
Same boat for me. I played almost every day all summer and didn't get slowrolled ever. Last night I got slowrolled twice. The last dude was the worst. Calls two streets with bottom pair, trips up on the river and leads into me. I call. He sits there and I'm like I called, what do you got? He's like idk, what do you got? Since I'm not the type to get petty over who shows, I showed down figuring I had the best of it. He finally turns his trips over and goes "ahhhhhhhh".

I'm just like...really? I wasn't even mad so much as dumbfounded at the slowroll and ensuing gloat lol.
01-23-2011 , 09:17 AM
btw james woods in the 230 i chopped yesterday which provided some entertainment, but not as much as his smokin hot 22 year old girlfriend who had her puppies contained but peaking out of her top every time she leaned forward to re-check the flop (every dude at the table was thinking the same thing-are you sure you don't need to re-check the flop again??)
01-23-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Yes, we are talking about the same people. Wife is fat, short blonde hair.
I have seen her husband get into confrontations but he has always been nice to me.
He defends his wife to the end but she treats him like total ****.
I am familiar with these two. The dude is such a losing player, and generally abuses everyone although he's never been rude to me. I love when he sits at my table, pure dead money.

Originally Posted by Romo9MVP
The slowroll thing at Foxwoods is becoming really prevalent the last 2 sessions I had there. First 30-40 times I played 1/2 at Foxwoods, never saw a slowroll. Took 6 months off from FW, now I see at least 2 every 6 hour session. WTF?
I see this too. Its hard to complain when your playing against such amateurs that they smooth call you with the pure nuts on the end, then dont flip over right away. It has saved me some money, but is beyond frustrating. For instance I had a set on turn, guy rivers a hidden a straight(which was the mortal nuts) . He bets 15, I make it 40 for value. He smooth calls and I flip over 100% that I won ( since he smoothed), nope he looked at my cards and the board, then flipped over and said "straight". WOW

Originally Posted by StackJackin
does foxwoods hire prop players? if so how can I apply?
No way. That profession is all but dead. Does Foxwoods ever seem dead enough that they need players to fill games? No chance.
01-23-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by MainEvent
By friendly I assume you mean devastatingly handsome and scary good at poker.

I'm Q9 vs. your A9. I don't really post often enough for my handle to be memorable though. Also, this handle sucks...I picked it before I knew the phrase Main Event had anything to do with poker. True story.

I had a blast Friday night thanks to side betting ($1 every time your number hit the board) with people who I have to assume are 2+2ers.

+$1 for the night. I run good.
Yeah I was praying you had a missed draw that hand, anything that was actually value betting that river had me beat. Small pot in the grand scheme but my bad call was magnified at the time since i was stuck pretty hard. Regardless, nice to meet you formally, see you around.
01-23-2011 , 01:45 PM
I played 2/5 last night. The chips were flying. I enjoyed it so much more than 1/2. There actually seemed to be a thought process behind plays instead of the WTF sense that I get when playing 1/2 sometimes.
There were lots of 2/5 games going and I was surprised how they had them laid out(along the wall to the Fifth St Cafe)
I called the poker room as I was leaving my house at 5:10pm, arrived at 6pm and still had to sit in a 1/2 game for almost 45 minutes???
01-23-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
I played 2/5 last night. The chips were flying. I enjoyed it so much more than 1/2. There actually seemed to be a thought process behind plays instead of the WTF sense that I get when playing 1/2 sometimes.
There were lots of 2/5 games going and I was surprised how they had them laid out(along the wall to the Fifth St Cafe)
I called the poker room as I was leaving my house at 5:10pm, arrived at 6pm and still had to sit in a 1/2 game for almost 45 minutes???
there is always that much action for 2/5 on the weekend nights. it's one of the best rooms in the country for action 2/5 games
01-23-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by PardoG
btw james woods in the 230 i chopped yesterday which provided some entertainment, but not as much as his smokin hot 22 year old girlfriend who had her puppies contained but peaking out of her top every time she leaned forward to re-check the flop (every dude at the table was thinking the same thing-are you sure you don't need to re-check the flop again??)

Yea, he was in the $120 6pm too. I didn't see her ... not like I was trying to find tho. My favorite part usually involves her running back and forth from her to table to his to give updates.

P.S. I miss the BBJ by like 20 minutes too, was heading for 2-4 LH. Was trying to figure out how many tables to what odds I had to sat at it. The others made $7500 behind the 120k/60k for the top two. Saw the guy who won and he is a part time reg.
01-23-2011 , 04:49 PM
so they are taking call ins again?
01-23-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
so they are taking call ins again?
Not for 1/2 but for the higher limits
01-23-2011 , 11:07 PM
Nice. So 2/5. Anyone hVe the number?
01-24-2011 , 03:35 AM
