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01-15-2011 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Zookeeper
The asian pit is right above the poker room home to the most smokers in foxwoods. Don't sit under opening. Complain to shift managers if you want tables located elesewhere
It is NOT the Asian pit. It is the old ****ers that smoke two packs a day in the vestibule
01-15-2011 , 04:41 PM
anyone play with steve begleiter? i heard he's around.
01-15-2011 , 04:53 PM
What limit HE games about say 20/40 does FW usually get going?
01-15-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
It is NOT the Asian pit. It is the old ****ers that smoke two packs a day in the vestibule

are you taking your sandwiches from the deli into the vestibule to eat?

its not that big, just walk right through it
01-15-2011 , 07:10 PM
I just arrived @ the wonder of it all, I'm def down to play 1/2 PLO high tonight if anyone else is
01-15-2011 , 07:25 PM
any snow out that way?
01-15-2011 , 08:43 PM
1-2 PLO H/L is going, full game
01-15-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by ProlificTre
any snow out that way?
it's snowing now
01-15-2011 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by ProlificTre
any snow out that way?
None on my way in it might have started since though...
01-15-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Zookeeper
1-2 PLO H/L is going, full game
What a painful game
01-15-2011 , 11:29 PM
Looks like they're trying to get 5/10 plo high only going
01-15-2011 , 11:42 PM
I played in the $180 deepstack Thursday night. Made it to the final table as one of the chipleaders and we decided to chop it 10 ways ($1200 to each person and then make another deal with the last $2400 when we got 4-handed)...Nice little payday, but WOW it took some serious negotiating to get it done. There were a few guys who were willing to be next out and only take $400 because they wanted a bigger cut than $1200.......Keep in mind I had these guys way outchipped, But I was happy with it because at that point the blinds were astronomical and it was just a shove-fest.

It worked for the biggest whiner of them all...he held out for an extra $200 on the initial chop, then when we were 4-handed he held out for $600 of the $2400 left even though he only had 10% of the chips in play and was the short stack...his stubbornness/stupidity (I cant figure out which one it was) got him an extra $500 in the end....but he really pissed off the rest of the table and the guy who had 2/3 of the chips in play still made a very fair and reasonable deal.

BTW since I placed 4th in that tourney do I qualify for the tournament drawing with the November 9?
01-15-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by kazor
Looks like they're trying to get 5/10 plo high only going
I was getting up to introduce myself when I heard kazor called for PLO but was unable to find you in time =0
01-16-2011 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by IOnlyPlayJunk
I played in the $180 deepstack Thursday night. Made it to the final table as one of the chipleaders and we decided to chop it 10 ways ($1200 to each person and then make another deal with the last $2400 when we got 4-handed)...Nice little payday, but WOW it took some serious negotiating to get it done. There were a few guys who were willing to be next out and only take $400 because they wanted a bigger cut than $1200.......Keep in mind I had these guys way outchipped, But I was happy with it because at that point the blinds were astronomical and it was just a shove-fest.

It worked for the biggest whiner of them all...he held out for an extra $200 on the initial chop, then when we were 4-handed he held out for $600 of the $2400 left even though he only had 10% of the chips in play and was the short stack...his stubbornness/stupidity (I cant figure out which one it was) got him an extra $500 in the end....but he really pissed off the rest of the table and the guy who had 2/3 of the chips in play still made a very fair and reasonable deal.

BTW since I placed 4th in that tourney do I qualify for the tournament drawing with the November 9?
Maybe my math is off??? But you were a chip leader and you wanted only $1200 out of the $14,000+ prize pool ???? 1st must have paid $4500ish ?

I know the blinds get big but I'm one that would take my chances.... A $1200 win on a $180 toury being a chip leader is not my goal and maybe I'm wrong but it should not be yours either....

I'm just saying... nice win
01-16-2011 , 12:29 PM
I witnessed a guy next to me who just sat down buy-in for $200, guy from southie with a scarf has K5dd who's been tipping multiple red birds at a time with asian girlfriend sweating him(anyone from my table?), rivers a flush and acts like he sucks out on the guy, but final board reads A4639ddd and the guy had QJo for total air, was never good and sat there with his cards for quite some time and acted like he took some brutal beat. I am the only one who saw his QJo and found it hilarious to tell the table once he left...Saturday night 1-2NL at Foxwoods is definetely my new favorite thing.

Last edited by Rapini; 01-16-2011 at 12:36 PM.
01-16-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by FOXWOODSnuts29
Saturday night 1-2NL at Foxwoods is definetely my new favorite thing.
Last night I saw a girl in her early 20's get 400$ into the pot pre flop with king queen off suit and act shocked when she got called by a guys Kings, lol... live 1/2
01-16-2011 , 01:14 PM
Was she blonde, chunky with REALLY huge breasts hanging out of her black dress?

I am still baffled at the absolutely horrendous play that I witnessed last night.
4 way all in on the river of a board reading J91099 with 88, K8, J5 and A9. The K8 was the aggressor on every street and was the last all in caller on the river.

Anyone playing today? I am undecided. Last night left a sour taste in my mouth and I want to get over it ASAP but I didnt get to sleep until 6am and am so tired.
I wonder at how busy it may or may not be today with the Pats playing and the fact that this weekend has been slow in general.
01-16-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by fiveman103
Maybe my math is off??? But you were a chip leader and you wanted only $1200 out of the $14,000+ prize pool ???? 1st must have paid $4500ish ?

I know the blinds get big but I'm one that would take my chances.... A $1200 win on a $180 toury being a chip leader is not my goal and maybe I'm wrong but it should not be yours either....

I'm just saying... nice win
My goal is to make money...I don't care about winning tournaments. I've played in enough tournaments to know that when the luck swings against you, you go from being chip leader to out in a matter of a few hands. The blinds were ridiculous at that point anyways and there was no poker to be played; every hand was all in preflop because even being the chip leader, I only had 12 big blinds.

Make a good deal where everyone makes a good amount of money, and you can still play for another $2400...Everyone wins- What's not to like about that?

One of the players who made the biggest stink about chopping was a young kid who obviously was in it for the thrill of it moreso than the money. We finally convinced him it would be foolish to not take the chop and it agreed begrudgingly. He busted out the first hand dealt.....He would have gotten only $433 but because we convinced him to chop he walked with $1200...He wasn't regretting the chop then!
01-16-2011 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Was she blonde, chunky with REALLY huge breasts hanging out of her black dress?

I am still baffled at the absolutely horrendous play that I witnessed last night.
4 way all in on the river of a board reading J91099 with 88, K8, J5 and A9. The K8 was the aggressor on every street and was the last all in caller on the river.

Anyone playing today? I am undecided. Last night left a sour taste in my mouth and I want to get over it ASAP but I didnt get to sleep until 6am and am so tired.
I wonder at how busy it may or may not be today with the Pats playing and the fact that this weekend has been slow in general.
Yes that was her lol, it was quite obvious she didn't play a lot of poker.

Calling an all in with king high with 3 other players = lolol

I'm not playing today but have a room on thursday for my b-day (w00t!)

It will probably be busy today, at least that's my guess... Patriots games usually increase the turnouts at foxwoods, at least with my experience.

Oh ya and I got 20 mystery points last night! lol, but it says those points don't count as cash rewards... does that mean I can still use those points towards restaurants/hotel rooms?
01-16-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
Yes that was her lol, it was quite obvious she didn't play a lot of poker.

Calling an all in with king high with 3 other players = lolol

I'm not playing today but have a room on thursday for my b-day (w00t!)

It will probably be busy today, at least that's my guess... Patriots games usually increase the turnouts at foxwoods, at least with my experience.

Oh ya and I got 20 mystery points last night! lol, but it says those points don't count as cash rewards... does that mean I can still use those points towards restaurants/hotel rooms?
YES, you just cant cash them out.

What seat were you in at the table with the blonde?
01-16-2011 , 02:12 PM
I'm heading down now, might only stay for a few hours if the place empties out by 4:00.
01-16-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
YES, you just cant cash them out.

What seat were you in at the table with the blonde?
I was in seat 6, I was wearing a blue polo shirt and khaki pants... I thought you might be the chick in black pants/shirt in the 3 seat but wasn't sure and didn't want to start a convo in front of the whole table lol.
01-16-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
I was in seat 6, I was wearing a blue polo shirt and khaki pants... I thought you might be the chick in black pants/shirt in the 3 seat but wasn't sure and didn't want to start a convo in front of the whole table lol.
OMG. You are not who I thought you were.
The 3 seat was Rudy's wife....she is like 65 LOL

How does it feel to raise limpers with pocket 5s and flop a set??? Never happens to me
01-16-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
OMG. You are not who I thought you were.
The 3 seat was Rudy's wife....she is like 65 LOL

How does it feel to raise limpers with pocket 5s and flop a set??? Never happens to me
whoops meant 2 seat! was that you?

heh it feels awesome, it doesn't usually happen to me either. I was really hoping villian had ace king and was going to stack off, but he def seemed like he knew what he was doing.
01-16-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
whoops meant 2 seat! was that you?

heh it feels awesome, it doesn't usually happen to me either. I was really hoping villian had ace king and was going to stack off, but he def seemed like he knew what he was doing.
Yeah, he was not a drooler. If you would have just called(or folded) that flop, I was going to bluff raise him with my pocket 3s. He said that he had 8s

Yep that was me.
How did the 8 seat go broke?

I didnt see the KQ/KK hand but I knew immediately who it was. Her and her boyfrind sat down at my other table after and she just kept going on and on about how she never folds a hand with a K in it preflop.

Last edited by jpsychlady; 01-16-2011 at 02:40 PM.
