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05-05-2010 , 09:54 PM
Oh no biggie. I know the low numbers mean tight tight tight, but I just forgot what they specifically referred to (I haven't played online in over 5 years).
05-05-2010 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ramstone
It's shorthand for seeing only 9 percent of hands preflop and raising 6 percent. Sarcastically exaggerated. But only a little.
Sorry to b a nit but
Not exactly. First number is Vpip Voluntarily Put In Pot which does not count big blind check as its forced and not voluntary.
05-06-2010 , 11:09 AM
I will be there during the Mega on Tues/Weds...just not able to get there early enough to participate.

I am hoping spill-over into cash games is good though. Fwiw, you have all talked me into playing the 2-5 vs. 1-2. Come get some!

Btw, got a room @ Hilltop Inn & Suites up the road for $72.00 all-in.

Last edited by Cheezy21; 05-06-2010 at 11:11 AM. Reason: Forgot about the hotel
05-06-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Who asked you?!?!

I am j/k, of course, you always have great info. about the CT poker scene, and I appreciate the breakdown, riza. I have a little under half that winrate at Mohegan 1/2 (~$33 per hr.), so I think Foxwoods might be the way to go...although I am a sucker for comps, and Foxwoods I hear is not very giving to its poker community in terms of rating status.

But hey, if the grass really is that much greener, I will drive an extra 10 minutes and look to squeeze a video poker machine for comp rating status.
Do you seriously make 33/hr at 1/2?
05-06-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by dhg223
Do you seriously make 33/hr at 1/2?
Looking through the last 3 or so posts in that conversation, I'm almost positive he meant 2/5.
05-06-2010 , 03:26 PM
1/2, but for what it is worth, it is over 2.5 months and is far too small to have any degree of credibility. Riza claims about $80/hr at 2/5, and with people at 1/2 willing to shove with TPTK, I am not too surprised that around $30 is doable at 1/2 given a game with few leaks.
05-06-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
1/2, but for what it is worth, it is over 2.5 months and is far too small to have any degree of credibility. Riza claims about $80/hr at 2/5, and with people at 1/2 willing to shove with TPTK, I am not too surprised that around $30 is doable at 1/2 given a game with few leaks.
When I lived in Vegas, I made over $40 an hour, at $1/$2, over 18 months.

I think that it is on the high side but not impossible.
05-06-2010 , 04:18 PM
I made 700 in 5 hours the other day. I need to quit my job.
05-06-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by dhg223
I made 700 in 5 hours the other day. I need to quit my job.
Sample size, Sample Size...

But nothing feels better than day dreaming what a years worth of profit from an incredible high hourly from running great.

Made close to $300 an hour for a glorious 90 hours of running incredible over 3 weeks.
05-06-2010 , 04:36 PM
I made ~$100 per hour for a quick 3-hour session at 1/2 recently
05-06-2010 , 05:34 PM
If i want to play 10/25 NLH (or 25/50, does it ever run?), when is the best time of week to go? Does it run frequently, or is it only weekends (and I heard that it ran on Tuesday nights as well, though that might be old information)?
05-06-2010 , 05:46 PM
I ran pretty well on that 80$/HR for about 200 hours. And I don't doubt Jersey. I love how if you put up a stat that isn't on everyone's standard of 10000+ hours that it isn't feasible...or if its not close to their winrate. Get off your high horse. Sorry I'm done venting....and alittle over tired

On another note the only times those games run are during tournaments. They used to run a pretty long time ago from the stories I've heard but not so much anymore. And when it does its 10/20 not 10/25

Last edited by rizasutton; 05-06-2010 at 06:02 PM.
05-07-2010 , 07:09 PM
Did the BBJP hit again!?
05-07-2010 , 07:30 PM
[Checks Foxwoods website] Looks like it did, just yesterday. That's the third time in 2 weeks, can anyone figure out the odds of that?

Let's hope this doesn't make Foxwoods change the rule to quad aces or better just so they can build it up more
05-07-2010 , 08:21 PM
anyone know what limit it was hit on ? I see that they now have a STUD BBJ.....just a matter of time before they put OMAHA !!!
05-07-2010 , 11:21 PM
It was on a 2/4 table.

8 8 vs J Q suited. Quads vs straight flush to the Q.
05-08-2010 , 06:43 PM
After an untimely incident at MS I find myself having to travel to the Woods, I wanted to know I haven't seen much about the 5/10 game I haven't played in it since early 2008. So I'm sure much has changed but with people saying 2/5 is tough I wonder how 5/10 is I always found 2/5 to be tougher than the 5/10 was when I was regularly playing, I shouldn't say tougher there seemed to be more grinders at 2/5 and seemed to be a few more really soft spots at 5/10. But if any one has some info on the lay of the land that would be helpful. Also I am looking at the stud games 20/40 the availability and how many games they get would be helpful I am headed down tues. and leaving wed. not the best days but I work with what I got.
05-08-2010 , 06:54 PM
After an untimely incident at MS I find myself having to travel to the Woods
Something tells me that incident is a story that must be told

I haven't done enough of those higher limit games to say very much, although I bet people will say they're not that much more difficult than they were in 2008.

By the way, your timing couldn't be better because Tues/Wed are actually the start of the Mega-Stack Challenge.
05-08-2010 , 09:24 PM
Anyone doing the memorial day tourny
05-08-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by ShortyTheFish
By the way, your timing couldn't be better because Tues/Wed are actually the start of the Mega-Stack Challenge.
Nice I didn't even know about the mega stack that may actually juice up the games some now I'm kinda excited.
05-08-2010 , 09:55 PM
For some reason I've never noticed them juicier....I remember. During the fpc it was actually a nittier game
05-08-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
It was on a 2/4 table.

8 8 vs J Q suited. Quads vs straight flush to the Q.
We almost had the same thing happen on a 1/2 table I was at before that. Flopped quads 8s vs. 5678 diamonds, but the turn and river missed. Not that it would've mattered, since all the idiots at the table were yelling about their hands lol disqualified. :|

Played in a casino for the first time this weekend. Some 1/2 NLHE, and then a 1/2 PLO8 table today (I was in the 10 seat, white & blue shirt if anyone here was at that table). Pretty enjoyable experience. Definitely different than online play, that's for sure.
05-08-2010 , 10:59 PM
I've heard that the 2/4 lhe and the 4/8 lhe at Foxwoods have the exact same rake.
Is this true?
05-08-2010 , 11:28 PM
yea, $4 max plus $1 for BBJP, no flop no drop. Im 99% sure im right...
05-09-2010 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by CGKofDreamLand
I've heard that the 2/4 lhe and the 4/8 lhe at Foxwoods have the exact same rake.
Is this true?

It's not the EXACT same. I think they are something like this:

$1 @ flop
$1 @ $20
$1 @ $30
$1 @ $40

$1 @ flop
$1 @ $20
$1 @ $60
$1 @ $80

Both max out at $4, but the 2/4 game is essentially taking 10% rake and the 4/8 is 5%
