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ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen

05-02-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by noname6520
adderall sent
h here
05-02-2008 , 06:13 AM
I stopped payment on my cc, they are wicked crooks
05-02-2008 , 11:47 AM
Well I found a sweet t-shirt design site anyway...

05-02-2008 , 12:14 PM
haha thats great. Something aside from 'I know kung-fu' though...
05-02-2008 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by trambopoline
haha thats great. Something aside from 'I know kung-fu' though...
05-02-2008 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jackal69
Well I found a sweet t-shirt design site anyway...

The problem with this t-shirt is that it makes UB look cool, to someone not familiar with the term "superuser." Godsquad, superuser, etc. just sound like catchy terms meaning god-knows-what. We need something more direct--the word "cheat" needs to be in there somewhere, I think.
05-02-2008 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by cero_z
The problem with this t-shirt is that it makes UB look cool, to someone not familiar with the term "superuser." Godsquad, superuser, etc. just sound like catchy terms meaning god-knows-what. We need something more direct--the word "cheat" needs to be in there somewhere, I think.
Yep, needs to be much more direct. Good idea in the making though.
05-02-2008 , 07:41 PM
haha it was only a 2 min job guys... and anything too direct will probably see someone like Hellmuth approaching Harrahs to have them banned. Give them a little while longer to get things sorted and if they dont then start a NVG UB t-shirt competition thread. That should put the fear of god into them...
05-02-2008 , 07:43 PM
until this is resolved I will pull out of UB, thanks Guys!
05-02-2008 , 08:04 PM
those hands are quite standard.. it makes sense to value bet A high , and value bet a flush of course you do that LOL
05-03-2008 , 12:38 PM
Why not create a tiny url link to the thread and put it on the shirt with a short description about online poker cheating. Won't have to identify UB or AP on the shirt.
05-03-2008 , 06:16 PM
Any t-shirt design needs the red circle with a strike-through surrounding the ub symbol. Need the image to display the point of the t-shirt too, not just the words.
05-03-2008 , 06:27 PM
UB REWARDS CHEATING AND PUNISHES HONEST PLAYERS! would be a good slogan for a shirt.
05-04-2008 , 02:11 AM
eff them, total stop payment on card.
05-04-2008 , 08:21 AM
yea someone needs to creats a site like the absolute poker cheats one to promote - etc... obviously adbusting/subvertising w the logo would be good too.
05-04-2008 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Davino
eff them, total stop payment on card.
I doubt you'll find many here that will support you doing this.
05-04-2008 , 10:04 AM
From P5s Nat this morning:

I know this post could have gone in many other threads, but I want to make sure that people see it. In most situations I wouldn't do this, but I have inside information on this situation and people should know about it.

Okay, so as you all know there is significant evidence that there were superusers on Ultimate Bet as well as Absolute Poker. The evidence comes from around the same time period as the AP cheating.

I've spoken with the guy who is, basically, leading the investigation at UB. I guarantee that he is working on it. I am 100% confident that it is a priority in his mind. For many reasons, he's more upset about the whole thing than anyone else that I've met or talked to. While I can't tell you a lot of what he's told me, I can tell you that UB is not ignoring it internally. In fact, the delay in resolution is not at UB itself. They've done a very thorough investigation and they're committing some very significant resources to make sure that it never happens again at AP or UB. More information about UB/AP's steps will be made more public over the next few weeks and months.

I reallllllly want to tell the whole story as I know it, but I can't. In fact, telling the whole story as I know it could jeopardize the whole outcome of this situation. Once the facts are revealed, people will understand why I can't say what's going on right now. You'll just have to trust me on that.

Okay, now that I've said what I can say, I also want to say this: If I were you, I probably wouldn't play at UB or AP right now either. I can perfectly understand the frustration on the part of the players in a situation such as this and I think it's perfectly reasonable to boycott the site until you're satisfied the site is safe. In fact, if you believe that a company that allows (not necessarily intentionally so much as ignorantly) cheating to go on at some point is unable to ever clean itself up, then you should never play at either site ever again. Make no mistake about it -- there was blatant cheating on both AP and UB in 2007 and if the players never spoke up, nothing would have ever gotten refunded or fixed. That's obviously inexcusable and it's up to AP/UB to show that it has made things right and that it will be clean going forward.

So, to wrap things up, I believe in the current management at AP/UB. I think they want to do the right things. However, they're still cleaning up an enormous mess left by previous management/ownership. I assure you're they want this whole scandal resolved fairly even more than the most outspoken P5ers. Although it may be too much to ask, give them some more time to get everything in order -- imo, there's a good but unfortunate reason for why they've taken so long. However, for the time being, I completely understand anyone who wants to cash out from both sites and take a wait-and-see approach. It's exactly what I would do.

05-04-2008 , 11:57 AM
it seems that nat has made a great suggestion that players boycott these two sites until a resolution has been found. reminds me of the story about the guy that was told that the game he was playing in was crooked, to which he replied, i know, but it's the only game in town. obviously, this is not the case here.. as usual, bad cheaters, coupled with greed, make bad poker players and i think this is the reason they were discovered.
for the sums of money being won and lost, i would move to another site immediately.
05-04-2008 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by pmarrsouth
From P5s Nat this morning:

Who is this? Is he fairly respected? Don't post or read there, so I don't really know.
05-04-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by NU Star
Who is this? Is he fairly respected? Don't post or read there, so I don't really know.
IM like 99% sure he was the person who went down to investigate the AP scandal in Costa Rica.

someone please correct me if i am wrong on that

mod note: confirmed

Last edited by Cornell Fiji; 05-04-2008 at 04:48 PM.
05-04-2008 , 10:18 PM
La Presse, a Montreal French-language daily published an interview today with Joe Norton, ex Grand Chief of the Mohawks of Kahnawake and owner of Absolute and UB.

Here's my translation of the part pertaining to the UB cheating scandal which runs from Aujourd’hui retiré de la politique to the end.

(Now retired from politics, Norton is the owner of Absolute Poker, which was at the heart of a scandal last autumn in which a player was seeing his opponents' hole cards.)

Question: What was done to correct this situation?

Joe Norton: All the players were reimbursed. The persons responsible were terminated and we paid a fine of $500,000.

Question: What was done to insure that this does not happen again?

Joe Norton: When we discovered how they cheated, we put trustworthy people in place. As per the recommendation of the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, our activities are audited by an independent company which has access to our platform...Since other companies have similar fears, we have organized a conference with important pleople in the industry and with respected players which will take place in May.

My comments:

1) The interviewer, Simon Gravel, is an excellent amateur chess player who covers gaming news for La Presse. I don't know to what extent he plays poker, though. In my opinion he didn't ask about the ongoing UB scandal because he wasn't aware of it.

2) The persons responsible were terminated

So, Absolute's official line is still that it was the work of rogue employees.

Was it?

3) we put trustworthy people in place.

Does this mean that the software still allows Super User accounts, but that only trustworthy people have access to them?

4) The whole response to "what was done" has a hollow ring, obv, due to the unmentioned UB situation.

5) which will take place in May.

The published interview was held after Joe Norton spoke at a Canadian gaming conference held in Montreal a few days ago, so it appears he's talking about a completely different conference. Anyone know anything about it?
05-04-2008 , 10:59 PM
The published interview was held after Joe Norton spoke at a Canadian gaming conference held in Montreal a few days ago, so it appears he's talking about a completely different conference. Anyone know anything about it?
05-05-2008 , 02:16 AM
I thought trambo had a phone relationship with Hellmuth...has anything come from that lately?

(I also thought I remembered reading trambo write that something was going to get resolved in the very near future (and that was like 3 wks ago)...i take it all is quiet on that front too?)
05-05-2008 , 09:54 AM
Ive been given so many 'timeframes' by Phil that they're pretty much meaningless now. Even last time I talked to him, which was a week ago I think, he kept saying to wait like 12 days and we'd be hearing something from UB regarding the situation. He also said that 12 days doesnt necessarily mean 12 days (wtf) so to take that as a grain of salt. Ill continue to keep in contact with him though
05-05-2008 , 10:59 AM
Ask him how many days 12 really is.
