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Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars

10-27-2022 , 11:25 PM
Reading over the thread…..

Can’t seem to see what his bb/100 win rate is.

You should probably make a point to post your bb/100 win rate at some point.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-27-2022 , 11:26 PM
This definitely gets an 8 or 9/10 for troll account.

I like it.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 12:53 AM

I only have two questions.

What is your winrate?

What site do you play on?
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
You are no doubt a losing player. I am not interested in what a fish thinks. My question is for people who are winning. Not some envious fish that sees my incredible win rate and tries to laugh about it. Don't worry. I love fish like you. I get rich of your type.
yeah wp nice troll im a fish im terrible byebye

Last edited by KidCudi147; 10-28-2022 at 01:51 AM.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 01:50 AM
Why are you guys questioning this fellow?
He clearly has a high intellect. He told us himself, you see.

Btw OP, what is your bb/100? Are you a winning player? Why is your redline worse than mine when you have such a high intellect?
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by XtraScratch8
Why are you guys questioning this fellow?
He clearly has a high intellect. He told us himself, you see.

Btw OP, what is your bb/100? Are you a winning player? Why is your redline worse than mine when you have such a high intellect?
I thought he shared his bb/100h somewhere but I can't seem to find it...

About his redline he is playing some jedi mind trick counter exploit strategy and it's all about the blueline and not just playing your hand to the fullest (when you have air just check down to the river since 5 fish on every table will pay off value anyway but dont size value too big because he doesnt want to win too much) and villains too terrible to exploit it
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 02:22 AM
Maybe he only tracks his winrate in $/hr.
Could be a high intellect secret cuz who needs bb/100 when your number of hands played fluctuates depending on how many fish are at the table you’re destroying.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 04:48 AM
He plays LAG str with 3b of 8%!
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 05:23 AM
OP I know you said you had a computer crash but you can request your older hand histories from PokerStars support. 100-200k hands is irrelevant in a discussion about winrate. A 2-3 million hand sample would be a decent starting point for a meaningful analysis.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 05:51 AM
2/10 troll.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Spud Gun
2/10 troll.
Ya, after looking at the graph again, I need to downgrade my rating. Fairly obvious its a micro stakes nut peddling graph he has or found somewhere.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by DonkBucks
This definitely gets an 8 or 9/10 for troll account.

I like it.
LOL that is the problem with vlogs. Hard to tell if you are talking to pros or losing players, at first. Though I can see who you all are now. Guys, I really do love you all though. You have no idea how much money I make from you. At the poker table I would be so nice to you, or just fit in. You would never know that, fishy fish. Obviously you all have losing win rates, though most likely you don't even know how to do the math to figure it out LOL.
Hey fish, you make me very happy. I am sooooo glad to see this is how you all think. That is why poker is such a profitable game :-) You guys are great. Keep thinking the way you do, please!

Originally Posted by DonkBucks
Ya, after looking at the graph again, I need to downgrade my rating. Fairly obvious its a micro stakes nut peddling graph he has or found somewhere.
Like you could beat the microstakes on poker stars ha ha. I'd love to see you try it. I play all stakes. I built up my bankroll during the pandemic. I started with 200 dollars and cashed out for over 19,000.
BTW If you find a game where you can make 12 bb online cash games while nut peddling, at any stakes, let me know please, that might have worked 15 years ago perhaps. My graph looks that way cause I am a genius at making big calls and big folds. Few people could play like me, it's almost like I can see your cards, though it is your range.
I play anything from 10nl to 2 5 online. I play the tables where I can make the most money depending on who is playing that day and time. I can play up to 30 tables at a time with two computer screens. Most of you low IQ thinkers would never have a chance against me. I am a genius. Caltech physics major. And also if any of you low IQ players think you are good at chess. Challenge me to a 1 minute lightning game, or 5 minute game. I will leave my chess profile link at the end of this message. Read it and weep, you average brain fish lol
But we know most of you are way too low IQ. And I am good looking too btw. Sometimes life is not fair. Some of us are born with looks and brains, while others are destined to dig ditches and do service jobs. Like most of you fish. BTW here is my chess profile on lichess fish.
Come and play me, but we all know you will not, cause you know I am far superior to you.

Originally Posted by Haizemberg93
He plays LAG str with 3b of 8%!
LOL what low IQ morons like you don't get is 3 bet ratio is an average from all positions. Though you are probably stupid enough to 3 bet like a clueless donkey. I would love to see a moron like you play stars cash games. You would go broke in 30 minutes. lol

Originally Posted by MilkMan
OP I know you said you had a computer crash but you can request your older hand histories from PokerStars support. 100-200k hands is irrelevant in a discussion about winrate. A 2-3 million hand sample would be a decent starting point for a meaningful analysis.
Thank you. I am aware of that. I am pretty new to this stuff, I looked into that a bit, but these things never seem to work for me. Can I get that data sent to poker tracker 4? I would love to get my 1 2 and 2 5 stats back. The site sucks anymore. Sometimes there is an error and the screen freezes. A few times I lost all my notes and color codes. I do save backups now, but the last time I tried to use one it did not work.
I was not using Poker tracker 4 my whole time on Stars. But if I could get all my hand histories that would be great.
My first year on stars I was a losing player, since I was new to the game. Even then I felt there were not a lot of big action hands. Of course once I started winning, and getting better and better, I started to think that this is just the way poker is. A lot of pros say you can go 300,000 hands break even !!
I do not buy this anymore, however. It makes no sense that I am seeing so many boats, quads and straightflushes in live games, and not seeing these hands online, hardly ever. That is how I know it is nerfed. But all the poker genius's out there trust stars so much. They are idiots for trusting them.
You seem smart. Here is my chess profile. Feel free to contact me here. Look at my chess ratings. You are not talking to an average mind.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2023 at 04:36 AM. Reason: 4 posts merged
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 11:15 AM
Ive played a ton of live games (MTTS/CASH) for the last 6 years and im not seeing anything you say is happening. I get more quads at PS than at live poker without a doubt.
Ive never made a straight flush in live poker, on PS it happens normally.

What i see is that you need to grind another 800k hands and see the frequencies of everything. If anything is happening more or less than it should in 1 million hands, PS is rigging the game.
Brings this evidence and you will shock the online poker world.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by XtraScratch8
Maybe he only tracks his winrate in $/hr.
Could be a high intellect secret cuz who needs bb/100 when your number of hands played fluctuates depending on how many fish are at the table you’re destroying.
Thank you. I just use poker tracker 4 for stats. When I play at a table there has to be at least 1 fish, typically there are at least 2 to 3 however. 6 ring table.
I am positive win rate in all positions except the blinds. Everyone loses in the blinds, and my loss rate there is considered very good. All that being said players on stars always play their pocket pairs, and most play their suited connectors all the time too, even for very poor implied odds.
I know Stars is being shady with their cash games, but after seeing how many people jumped on Garrett, I can see my attempt to get others to understand is pretty much hopeless. LOL But that is OK, I am glad people who play poker think the way they do. It's a beautiful thing actually.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
LOL what low IQ morons like you don't get is 3 bet ratio is an average from all positions. Though you are probably stupid enough to 3 bet like a clueless donkey. I would love to see a moron like you play stars cash games. You would go broke in 30 minutes. lol
Dont make fun of my mental disability. Its not nice.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by 420legalize420
Ive played a ton of live games (MTTS/CASH) for the last 6 years and im not seeing anything you say is happening. I get more quads at PS than at live poker without a doubt.
Ive never made a straight flush in live poker, on PS it happens normally.

What i see is that you need to grind another 800k hands and see the frequencies of everything. If anything is happening more or less than it should in 1 million hands, PS is rigging the game.
Brings this evidence and you will shock the online poker world.
I'm confident that anyone's data of a million hands will show what I am talking about. From the start I said this is not about me, everyone is getting the same nerfing on Stars cash games.
Problem is a bunch of insecure morons see my claims about my poker play strength as challenge to their little pathetic weak minds. My only reason to say this stuff is to simply show I am not some fish complaining cause of some bad beat. But of course most poker players are very stupid people, and that is a good thing. However it does allow gaming corporations to take advantage of their stupidity, and it hurts us all.

If you are paying attention, then you should notice I'm saying the same thing happens to all players, this is not about me at all. I win at the silly stars cash games, and at all the stakes. In the USA the higher the stakes the worse people play, cause most higher stakes games are just weak fish who do not realize that online poker is tougher than live poker. I can guarantee that most of you morons would not win at all in any stars cash games, including the micro stakes. I have played all of them a ton, and they are all pretty difficult to beat for normal live type players, who again, thankfully are usually very weak minds.

I love live poker, the hard thing sometimes is hiding my delight about how stupid most people are who play these games. But of course I am not talking about any of you ;-)

The poker world is not all that perceptive about these things. The whole Robbie vs Garrett thing shows that even top poker pros are pretty clueless about what goes on behind the scenes.

Every single time I play at a live casino poker room. Which is often, I see all these big made hands. Is there one person here that does not get super nervous that their quad Aces will get beat by a straight flush in an hour? You know the felling you hit 4 Aces and you get the $500 high hand bonus, but you are scared the whole time cause you know the straight flushes come often, even with only 10 tables going.

This difference between live games and online games is obvious. I will let someone else be the hero. I don't care to really do the work. Just letting you know. If you are all too brainwashed to care, and in other cases just plain dumb, then whatever. I said in my first post, I have little faith in the poker world being smart enough to see it.
But that makes me happy, that means poker is a game that is alive and well.
Though I appreciate your response, it is more that of a thinking player, than the majority of morons on this discussion.
I have little expectation of anything changing. People like getting screwed over it seems.

Last edited by PokerDefender; 10-28-2022 at 01:57 PM.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 05:02 PM
Proof ITT?
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-28-2022 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by madchens123
Proof ITT?
Like it's all about me. If you morons don't care than that is fine with me. LOL I make good money in poker regardless. You idiots need all the help you can get. You deserve to get screwed. I don't even mind so much, cause I can still profit in online cash games, but you fishtards have no chance at all.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 02:22 AM
Pokerdefender hu4rollz bitch. Lets go
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 04:25 AM
I have six degrees from MIT and I am a chess grandmaster. People like me, who come from really elite circles, laugh at people like you, OP. I would guess your IQ is under 150, possibly even under 140 LOL. That is really ridiculous and shameful. I also usually play poker on PokerStars, but only the highest limits available. My winrate is well over 20bb/100 and unlike you, OP, my redline is through the roof. You should really work on your stats, because they are far from optimal. However, this will be beyond your mental capabilities, I guess. You are just one among many OP and really nothing special. I can't post fake nut peddling microstakes graphs like you OP, because I want to stay anonymous. But I can tell you this much: Magnus Carlsen once said that I am the only chess player in the world that he respects. I am the best of the best. Not only in chess, but also in poker and generally in pretty much everything I tackle. But a pathetic creature like you with a mid-three-digit IQ can't understand anyway. My level is unattainable for you, don't even try to discuss with me on my mental level. Just go on like this. I have rarely been so exhilarated. You are simply to be pitied, you wannabe. You are just a stupid fish who has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Fat_Vicious
I have six degrees from MIT and I am a chess grandmaster. People like me, who come from really elite circles, laugh at people like you, OP. I would guess your IQ is under 150, possibly even under 140 LOL. That is really ridiculous and shameful. I also usually play poker on PokerStars, but only the highest limits available. My winrate is well over 20bb/100 and unlike you, OP, my redline is through the roof. You should really work on your stats, because they are far from optimal. However, this will be beyond your mental capabilities, I guess. You are just one among many OP and really nothing special. I can't post fake nut peddling microstakes graphs like you OP, because I want to stay anonymous. But I can tell you this much: Magnus Carlsen once said that I am the only chess player in the world that he respects. I am the best of the best. Not only in chess, but also in poker and generally in pretty much everything I tackle. But a pathetic creature like you with a mid-three-digit IQ can't understand anyway. My level is unattainable for you, don't even try to discuss with me on my mental level. Just go on like this. I have rarely been so exhilarated. You are simply to be pitied, you wannabe. You are just a stupid fish who has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about.
6 degrees from MIT yeah OK fish. Not even smart enough to make your silly claim slightly believable.
PS I do not need my red line to be positive when doing 12 bb per 100. What most of you morons don't get is that I am a very aggressive bluffing player, the reason however my graph looks the way it does is because I am a genius at making big calls and big folds accurately. I did not even realize this was the cause of my graph, till I thought about it a bit.
So not blaming anyone who thinks that at first. You can be agro and bluff a lot, but you will never have a graph that looks like mine with that win rate, unless you are able to really read your opponents and hands in an almost god like way, as I do.

In any case I do not want or care about your respect. I just want you money fishy fish, and I get it too :-) BTW you are a chess gramdmaster LOL here is my profile dummy, let's play some 1 minute lightning games, so you can't cheat, not at that speed. Challenge me today dummy. But we all know you are a liar and you will never play me, but here is my chess profile dummy. Just give the time you want to play? But we all know you will not cause you are just a low IQ lying want to be moron fish :-) come one moron, challenge me!!! Unlike you, my claims are real. You low IQ want to be strong chess playing poker fish :-)

Nice try with the lying. I did look at your history of posts however, seems you are not a complete moron. If you have enough brains to know that getting more hands in the blinds is a serious problem, then you should have enough sense to listen to my argument. I do not give two shts if you people think I am a good or smart player unless it helps get more attention to the problem I mentioned about Poker Stars nerfing their cash games. Also I never said I was the best, truth is I am still learning this game and I am pretty new to it. I crush all stakes though, and in the USA the higher stakes are actually way easier to beat, unlike in Europe.
I give a lot of the money I win to animal rescue groups. Makes me laugh that so many of you insecure babies get all but hurt when you feel that your ego is on the line, for no good reason I might add.

Originally Posted by BigBananas
Pokerdefender hu4rollz bitch. Lets go
You only played 2 game sand have no chess rating LOL, idiot.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2023 at 04:37 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 04:41 PM
OP - one question:
Are you dumb or a troll?
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 07:33 PM
But do you even have a lichess account brah?
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
10-29-2022 , 09:11 PM
Have been waiting for this bitch to come sit me in hu tables but hes out buying tampons or something.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
