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Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars

11-03-2022 , 11:22 PM
Despite your horrendous handwriting and the embarrassment of bragging about doing basic algebra, you're at least right that drilling poker math like that is only going to make you a stronger player
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-03-2022 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
They are James "SplitSuit" Sweeney books. I got his preflop and postflop math workbooks, and his amazingly helpful book on AK. All great pieces of work.
Please send some links to the book. Everyone is curios, everyone just makes 1-2 bb on these games if so are just rakeback grinders.
Also there is not to much math pot odds spr and Ev.

Last edited by Blubbb; 11-03-2022 at 11:38 PM.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-04-2022 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by whitemares
Despite your horrendous handwriting and the embarrassment of bragging about doing basic algebra, you're at least right that drilling poker math like that is only going to make you a stronger player
No sh%$ ... BTW here is what I wrote on Nov 1st " Of course anyone here with any math background knows that poker math is easy math, almost embarrassingly easy. "
Obviously you did not read my earlier posts, I will give you credit for not being that stupid.

Originally Posted by Blubbb
Please send some links to the book. Everyone is curios, everyone just makes 1-2 bb on these games if so are just rakeback grinders.
Also there is not to much math pot odds spr and Ev.
Just google it man. I got the books off amazon books. Got a lot of books by Johnathan Little as well, and a few other people. You need a program like Flopzilla too. Forget all those solvers, that is for GTO and mostly does not apply to cash games where you want to exploit. I study GTO, but that is more of a baseline. Got a lot of great books on Kindle app as well, all worth studying, and typically you should study these books at least two times, with some of the books it's a good idea to go back and re read the chapters 5 or more times. Sometimes it is hard to finish a book, cause you got to keep going back and reviewing what you already read, but it sinks in better that way. Some poker books I have gone through 3 times. Unless you are someone like Magnus Calrson you got to read them over and over to get all the info in your head.

Originally Posted by slyless
Yes, these books definitely great.
Probably the best way to improve your combinatorics and poker math skills and then use them in practice.
Yes, he has a lot of exercises for combos and how they effect the equity of villains range.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2023 at 04:46 AM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-08-2022 , 02:42 AM
In the end, the best way to improve is to play a lot of tournaments and a lot of cash games. But studying the strategy sections of many poker books will help you develop your comprehension, teach you some potential pitfalls to avoid, and help you work on your thought process.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-13-2022 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by stefant85
In the end, the best way to improve is to play a lot of tournaments and a lot of cash games. But studying the strategy sections of many poker books will help you develop your comprehension, teach you some potential pitfalls to avoid, and help you work on your thought process.
I use Flopzilla Pro for hand reading and understanding ranges. Looking at things like, how often does someone or 3 for way pots have flush draws is amazing practice. Flopzilla is essential to learn IMOP. Books videos. I have been a member of Poker Coaching dot com many times. That stuff has helped a whole lot.
I have no doubt at all that online poker is the best way to improve your game, though you got to study hands and looks at the data with Poker Tracker 4 type software. Using HUDS works in reverse, you start being able to feel what someones VPIP PFR and 3 bet are in live games.
I have been playing about 5 or 6 years, so not long. If it was not for online poker I never would have got good at this game. The advantage that a good online cash game player has over non online players is almost insurmountable.
Of course tight reg types will never be people you can profit from. Poker is not chess, your money is made by your opponents mistakes. But an online cash game player knows how to exploit and has far fewer leaks.

Update for you all. I am back playing 10 nl and 30 nl. Been crushing these games this month and making good money, but I still feel the stars cash games are NERFED despite the fact that I am doing very well with the money.
The issue I have is that that the vast majority of the money I make at 30nl is by calling BIG bluffs or just getting called down by people who almost seem to want to give their money away.
So rare that I have a nut hand beat another strong hand on there. Yes, there are enough bad players at 30 nl and obvious bluffers that you can certainly make good money on stars cash games, but it's almost always from taking money from donks or maniac bluffers.

As for 10nl, IMOP that is the toughest game on Poker Stars in the USA. Reason for this is that at 10 nl your leaks will show greatly. And most 10nl players are very tight and more straightforward than 30 nl players and higher. I have noticed the 1 2 and 2 5 games have by far the biggest donks in the USA.
I believe 10nl is a very important test for a player. If you have a lot of leaks then you will not be able to make money at 10 nl IF and I say IF you are playing regs in the USA. Reason is the rake, and those leaks will just kill you. Most of the leaks I am talking about are post flop leaks, and most people have tons of them. Even winning players at higher limits, for sure, but this does not show as much because you can take advantage of the loser players at higher than 10nl games.

If you are playing on some weak site with weak players then you may not know this, but you will find out if you ever play the tight regs on stars cash games. During the pandemic shutdown I was not good at all, yet I had close to 40 bb per 100 at 10 nl for a 60,000 hand sample size. If you got a lot of recreational players then all the games are very beatable if your opponents are playing far worse.

In any case I'm making good money and hope to be moving up to higher stakes soon. I had a lot of medical problems a year ago, and had to spend most of my bankroll. That was not good,however, there were a few good things that happened, like finding a few major, and subtle leaks that I had, and perhaps it would have taken much longer, maybe even years to have discovered these mistakes.

In any case I do feel that these online cash games are nerfed, but fact is that we get so much stronger at poker because we have to, no other way to beat these games.
My red line is much improved My green line is a bit more than twice what my redline is now.

I am pleased that for the most part people, ON THIS SITE, resist the idea that online cash games may not play right. Ironically this is a sign that you are good players, as generally only weak players think that way, and if everyone just agreed. However I have pinpointed the problem, and if you are smarter than average then you will see it too, though frankly I don't expect people to be smart enough to see it, in general, sad but true cause even top pros can be idiots sometimes. The whole Robbi Garret thing shows that.

Very simply the hands play too close to the expected probabilities on stars cash games, and ha ha that sounds like a contradiction, but that is how they fool the average twit, sorry but that is what most poker players are, though that is good over all, as weak minds are what make this game profitable for the rest of us. Now if you are still following, here it is, the genius insight, the issue is there should be large fluctuations where you have HUGE winning streaks, like you do in live games. This never seem to happen much at all online. So their math will look good, but the problem is there are not these huge variance spikes for any players on stars cash games. That is the genius of it , they will never be caught by the math alone. But the fact that the math is too accurate and too close to expectation is the problem.
Perfect example for those who are not total idiots and can understand these things. If you flip a coin it should not look like H T H T T HT H H T T H T T H T H T H T HT T H TT T H H T over a long period. It should look more like this H T H TTTT H TTTTT HHH T HHHHHHH TT H T H T T H TH TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT H H. Only over a great period of time will the math converge to even. See the difference? My guess is that most dopes would think the first type of variance is how it works, but nope, the second is generally what real variance looks like. And this is how Stars has been screwing us over with the lack of variance, and make no mistake, this ONLY favors the weaker players, because the stronger player will make more with variance spikes and lose less than weak players when the variance is negative!
Just check out the roulette tables for black and red every time you are at the casino. You will soon see what real variance should look like.
On stars cash games we are not getting proper short term variance, yet the math will look right cause it sticks to expectation that should happen with MORE variance.

Not sure how players can win with a positive redline. IF you are winning with a postive redline then your opponents are total fish. When I see a player getting way out of line, 3 betting a lot, jamming a lot etc, I wills tart calling him down very light, as low as bottom pair, and sometimes A high. Most good online players will know that you are bluffing way too much and they will call you light. On Poker Stars cash games I can almost assure you that it would be very difficult to have a positive redline, UNLESS you are brilliant at finding the real tight tight regs who will fold that often.
So maybe a postive redline is viable, I just happen to look for tables with fish, call stations and donks. I try to avoid the tight reg types.
I bluffed all in as a bluff twice yesterday for balance. I actually hate people who never bluff. If everyone played that way it would kill the game.

No doubt I still have a lot to learn about poker. I am sure there are some cash game players on here that would put me to shame with how much better they are than I am. I can only speak about where I am. Since I am a new player I will admit that.
But my point is that I do feel these damn online cash games are rigged and it sucks, cause we could make so much more money if they were not.
The contrast to what I see in live games is obvious. If live poker played like online cash games then no one would play.
But hey I am winning. I am up a very nice amount of money this month, but I am not satisfied with the online cash game situation.
For all you tournament players I would not worry. The tournaments do seem to play fine and they are NOT nerfed at all.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2023 at 04:47 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-13-2022 , 11:27 AM
I agree 10NL on Pokerstars USA server is the toughest game in the world, apparently Linus tried it and had to move back up to 40kNL where all the fish are. I was only able to win at 11bb/100 over 60k hands on it, unlike my usual 40bb/100

Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-13-2022 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by itsyaboi
I agree 10NL on Pokerstars USA server is the toughest game in the world, apparently Linus tried it and had to move back up to 40kNL where all the fish are. I was only able to win at 11bb/100 over 60k hands on it, unlike my usual 40bb/100

I like the loop in the redline, nice try idiot. And btw you would need a large sample size. LOL

Originally Posted by itsyaboi
I agree 10NL on Pokerstars USA server is the toughest game in the world, apparently Linus tried it and had to move back up to 40kNL where all the fish are. I was only able to win at 11bb/100 over 60k hands on it, unlike my usual 40bb/100

Looks like you did discover time travel though , ha ha. Remember to all the troll morons out there, you need at least 100,000 hand sample size, playing for 5 minutes and running hot does not count or even a week. I have to wonder if you really are stupid enough to not realize there is a loop in the redline though hee hee

Originally Posted by Oppeisuljik
i am not sure of what you are stating with the fish winning certaint things and so on

personally, i have felt that online poker is rigged after running 100 buy ins (not lieing) below ev at cash games and every fish having the best of me
I play in the USA, it is known that the games are softer in the USA because frankly most people in the USA are dumb, that is why so many idiots here like Trump. Trump is a piece of S and I personally know a contractor at our local chess club that was ripped off by Trump when he did not pay him for his work.
I like playing against Trump voters though, cause they usually are very stupid at poker too.
We do not have Zoom here as the player pool is too small. From what I know Zoom is a bad game for most players because it forces people to become nits as they can fold too fast. Though also it is said that playing very LAG and bluffing like crazy works in those games, which would make sense if people are folding so much.
That is all I know about Zoom, I have no experience playing it myself, but I know it is tougher than regular cash games.

I do multi table so still get to play a lot of hands. I do not think Stars "rigs" hand so that people lose more than they should. The issue is that there are few big variance spikes, known as heaters when they are positive. I still win, but it takes a lot of work. If you are having trouble I would definitely stop playing Zoom though. Zoom is known to attract the best players, also not sure how many tables you play. Start out with 2 and see how you do, then add, 3 and 4. Get Poker Tracker 4 and study all you can to learn how HUDs work and how to anazlize your games with it.
I never had a coach, but a good one would certainly be a great thing to have no doubt. Just be careful cause there are a lot of weak coaches too, if it's anything like the chess world.

You could run into some coach who just wants to turn you into a tight nit, and that is a very poor way to play poker cause you can only break even or win the minimum with that style, as most players will realize what you are doing and not pay you off.

I have not been playing poker long. The first year I played online I just lost all the time. If it was not for the pandemic I doubt I would have gave it another try, but you can definitely win, but it's not easy. Also work your way up the stakes. Just start at whatever you can win and then go to each level above when you can.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2023 at 04:49 AM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-13-2022 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender

As for 10nl, IMOP that is the toughest game on Poker Stars in the USA. Reason for this is that at 10 nl your leaks will show greatly.


Not sure how players can win with a positive redline. IF you are winning with a postive redline then your opponents are total fish.

I really think you are a very stupid person - the two statements above are unbelievable bullshit...

Strange that very stupid people often totally overestimate themselves...
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-13-2022 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
I really think you are a very stupid person - the two statements above are unbelievable bullshit...

Strange that very stupid people often totally overestimate themselves...
Of course you believe that, obviously you are a moron who can't even do basic algebra, no doubt.
I don't give a sht what you think about me, I just want your money. Hopefully you are dumb enough to think I am a fish, will make it all the easier to crush your dumb ass. LOL
PS try actually reading what I wrote, I know you probably are incapable of reading anything more than a tweet though.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
Of course you believe that, obviously you are a moron who can't even do basic algebra, no doubt.
I don't give a sht what you think about me, I just want your money. Hopefully you are dumb enough to think I am a fish, will make it all the easier to crush your dumb ass. LOL
PS try actually reading what I wrote, I know you probably are incapable of reading anything more than a tweet though.
I beat anything but 10nl on pokerstars because this is the toughest game out there.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
I beat anything but 10nl on pokerstars because this is the toughest game out there.
I crush 10nl at 14 bb 100. You stupid morons lol. ******s. Your combined IQ's do not match mine. Keep giving me your money though, thank god there are so many idiots like you in this game.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
I crush 10nl at 14 bb 100. You stupid morons lol. ******s. Your combined IQ's do not match mine. Keep giving me your money though, thank god there are so many idiots like you in this game.
Says the guy who thinks it is normal if there are 2 Straight flushes and 6 quads in 1 hour in his live casino...

Who stupid can one person be????

Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
I crush 10nl at 14 bb 100. You stupid morons lol. ******s. Your combined IQ's do not match mine. Keep giving me your money though, thank god there are so many idiots like you in this game.
Its so funny you dont get it when you get screwed all the time - lol
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
Its so funny you dont get it when you get screwed all the time - lol
Clearly you are a dumb troll. Done talking to an idiot, but I will leave you with this. I make a living playing poker, you work some **** job HA HA loser.
Yes, I got a bankroll for live games and a separate one for online.
And things will only get much better, I make money. See it is good to be highly intelligent like me, but not so great being a low IQ idiot like you. Bye bye dummy, and enjoy your meager and poor life.

Last edited by PokerDefender; 11-14-2022 at 04:54 PM.
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-14-2022 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDefender
Clearly you are a dumb troll. Done talking to an idiot, but I will leave you with this. I make a living playing poker, you work some **** job HA HA loser.
Yes, I got a bankroll for live games and a separate one for online.
And things will only get much better, I make money. See it is good to be highly intelligent like me, but not so great being a low IQ idiot like you. Bye bye dummy, and enjoy your meager and poor life.


love you so much my little clown - you are funny
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
11-17-2022 , 07:30 AM
Winning at 12 bb per 100 on stars for large sample size, and have major complaint about P Stars Quote
