Another year over, review and goals!
Today is my 29th birthday and the last 12 months have been fantastic. First and foremost, I got engaged to and married the girl of my dreams. We met around 7 years ago and were great friends for 4 years before finally getting together, I made it out of the friend zone. We had a small wedding in London for close family and friends before doing it all again in Istanbul with everyone coming for a big party.
Since then we've been travelling, doing some property development and just enjoying being newlyweds. I've also ticked off a few more countries that I'd never been to before:
1) Montenegro
2) Turkey
3) Russia
4) Croatia
5) UAE
I've bought one of those big map posters where you can scratch off the countries you've been too. We're going to try and make a dent in that and see how far we go. We're not sure whether to count places we have been to before we got together but there is still so much more of the world left to see.
If anyone is getting married soon and is looking for a stag destination, I can't recommend Montenegro enough. I went with 10 friends for 4-5 days and came back a broken, but happy man. If you're interested HMU and I'll give you some ideas about what we got up to, where we went etc.
Aside from relationship matters, I finally ACA qualified (CPA for those in the US) and left my job at the Big 4. I'm so glad I persevered through this, I had a decent job in sales before this but getting this qualification will be helpful whatever I end up doing with my life.
Back when I took the job I left a staking deal with Bena which was probably when I put the final nail in the coffin of taking poker seriously. Since then I've just played for fun and it's how I see it going forward. I had a small score at the Vic taking 3rd in one of their monthly tournaments and had some decent cash results but mostly now it is just an excuse to have a few drinks with my brother and have fun. I have to give a shout out to 247Solid who has a great PGC here who has had the misfortune of running into us when we've had a couple.
A post from his blog:
His PGC:
I love following all the London grinders chasing the dream, be it the online crushers like Ben and the guys in his crew or people like Labax and 247Solid out there grinding the live games. Please never stop posting guys, I subscribe to all the threads and live vicariously through you all! If there are any other London/UK players out there writing and blogging, let me know, would love to follow.
This is my last year before I'm 30 and I'd love to enter them on the best form possible. At the top of the list for this year is to get back into decent shape. I was probably in the shape of my life at 18-21 but since leaving university that had really gone to the dogs. I'm not overweight or anything but I'm just not happy with my composition or strength. I've got a membership with Virgin Active and if I get a new job I'll probably join a gym near the office to make sure I'm still getting sessions in.
Alongside getting down to the gym more, I'm really keen to improve my diet. I eat really well, but perhaps not too healthily. I've always been someone who can eat whatever I want without gaining weight but that doesn't mean it's fine to throw whatever I want down my gullet. I am a horrendous meal skipper so I'm going to force myself to eat at least three meals a day, trying to keep it as healthy as possible.
On top of this I am going to learn to cook. I know it isn't rocket science but I am appalling, I have no excuses not to get on with this so I'm going to try and learn two new recipes a month, as well as picking up some basic cooking skills.
On the work front, I should be hearing back about an investment banking job in the next day or so. I am hoping I'll hear back today if it is good news as it would be a great birthday present. I've had interviews with 7 people and a three hour exam, it's been a long time consuming process but this would be a dream job and I'm on edge waiting to hear back. It will be a huge time commitment but I'm ready for it after 6 months enjoying myself and it is a fantastic opportunity.
If this doesn't pan out I will keep pursuing other similar opportunities but I also have the option of taking on property development and management full time. I can see myself doing this anyway in the future but I'd like to get some more time in banking first to get some more experience. We have a few properties currently rented out which takes some time day to day but my wife is a fantastic landlady and is more than capable of taking care of it.
Finally, poker goals! I think it's clear that I'll never be much more than a recreational player but I don't think that means I have to suck. I'll be mixing it up in the live cash games in London and playing at whatever homegames I'm invited to. I will always love the game and will always study and work at it to get better but I don't think I'll be mixing it up (successfully) with the big boys. I do want to stay connected to the poker community and I'm open to ideas of how I can do this. Posting here is great and I try to keep in touch with a few poker friends through social media. I may consider having a small stable of players or working with someone who already does, running the books and being a point of contact etc.
Whatever happens this year, the last 29 have been awesome and I'll do everything I can to make sure it continues.
Good luck to all on and off the tables!