Short session at the Empire last night. Sat at the £1/2 and had JJJ on my right for a couple orbits before he and someone he knew called it a day. I'll never forgive him for having more Js in his name than me.
After JJJ leaves a guy takes his place, buys in for £200 and the following happens:
Hand 1 - £150ish effective
UTG (Villain) Opens for £7, folds to me in the BB and I flat with 44.
Obviously no play based reads at this point barring he has opened to £7 which seems pretty normal and what a reasonable player might do. He had bought in for 200 and I couldn't seem him holding more chips back like you do when some people come in and take money off deposit so I'm assuming he is a your average poker player, not going to read much into this at all.
Flop comes K55r, I check, he checks behind. Pot 15.
Think this is a weird spot for him not to cbet. I'm assuming he has a reasonably strong UTG opening range and this is a really dry board. I'm guessing he has a strong hand that he wants to try get two streets of value with but feels that turn and river might be easier to do so on once I've hit something, pot controlling with a pocket pair but will go for value later or has missed the flop with an A high/broadways and for some reason doesn't want to Cbet.
Turn 9o, check check again. Pot 15
When he checks behind turn I know that I'm probably going to be calling a bet on either the turn or river if no broadways come. We go check check again and go to the river.
River 4. Bink. Pot 15.
I lead out for 10, he snap raises to 30, I think for a bit and raise to 105, he shoves and I call.
I roll over 44, he looks pretty disgusted and mucks without showing. I assume he had something reasonably strong, potentially an A5 type of hand to get that committed on the river. There is also the 56s promotion at the Empire so you never know. Either way we raked in a nice pot and put us up to £300 or so from £200 starting.
We played for another 15 minutes or so and the action on the table wasn't great. Someone I recognised but don't know came to the table and sat two seats to my right. I assume he is a regular of some sort as he carries one of those man bags and has got a couple K out from deposit by the looks of it. He buys in for whatever the maximum is but has me covered.
Hand 2 - c. £280 effective
The guy I mentioned above comes in for a raise to £10 and we flat OTB with Hellmuth's favourite hand.
Flop - J97r - Pot c. £23 - V bets the pot for 22-25 and I call.
This is the part of the hand I remember the least well despite my notes. I have it down that he bet 30 but he doesn't seem the type to overbet bomb flops and looking at later streets I'm assuming he bet 22-25. I flat call in position. I think I also like a raise here but given that he seems happy to bet and we have position I feel that we can still get some money in on the turn if he doesn't bet.
Turn - J97 Kr - Pot c. £73 - Villain bets £55 and I call.
I don't love this turn and but I can't see shadows round every corner. KK and QT get there we're still ahead of the majority of his range and he might have picked up more equity so he can make a river bet that we can call.
River - J97 K 4 - Pot c. £183 - Villain tank bets £125 and I call.
I don't think I can fold this river vs a someone I haven't played a huge amount with. I don't ship in the rest of my stack and get shown the QT for a straight. Keen to hear your thoughts on this hand.
Cashed out the session for a loss of £149 and went bowling with my girlfriend. We went up to Bloomsbury lanes in WC2 and it was really good. Bowled for an hour or so and managed to end on four consecutive strikes which I was pretty happy with. I'm not a good bowler but sometimes it just comes together.
Two more days of work and then back to the tables for the PS Live Series event at the Hippodrome. I dropped in and got my seat ahead of time so I can turn up bang on time and make sure I'm rested rather than hanging round the Hippo for a couple of hours before kickoff like last time.