I'm reading 6bet me's PGC thread, I'm 30 pages in or so and I'm legitimately crying with laughter at times, some great great posts in there by OP and others. If you have a lot of spare time I really recommend giving it a read.
Had an awesome night out last night with friends for Halloween, I don't have any pictures at the moment but far too much alcohol was consumed and I have no recollection of going home. Last thing I remember was another magnum of Ciroc appearing around 2am, from how I felt this morning I'm betting I had some fun with it.
Played a session at the Vic this afternoon / evening. Very similar to my last session, I was pretty card dead but I didn't try to force anything, hovered between a £100 and £200 stack (I buy in for 200bb) until busting and deciding not to rebuy. My last hand was interesting but I'm pretty sure I misplayed it.
UTG raises to 3 with a stack of around 40, MP raises to 10, CO raises to 27 and I look down at AKss on the BTN. I'm sitting on about 140 and am covered by MP and CO.
I am thinking about what I want to do and consider all three options. CO has just busted the tournament and torched a buyin within 3 hands and just rebought, seemed a little frustrated but I didn't think he was super light or tilted. I'm actually more concerned with what MP is holding who three bet originally. I decide to call because UTG looks like he is itching to get the rest of his chips in and it will be an underraise, therefore I will be able to see the flop in position for £40-45 and the pot will be somewhere between £130-180, having £100 behind and able to get the money in if we see an ace or a king.
I'd love to hear any thoughts about what I should be doing here. I felt like I was unsure of the best thing to do, knowing that the UTG shove would be an underraise and that there could be no further raises was what led me to call.
MP tank folds and CO calls, 3 way to the flop with around £150 in the pot.
Called it an evening and booked a £200 loss but I've been really happy with how I've played over the last two sessions. Even though they have both been losing sessions I feel I've not tried to force the action and kept to my game plan. I know that there are going to be lots of losing sessions as I work at this, I just need to keep my confidence up. I know I have often started doubting whether I am a winning player in these games in the past. I think that I am a winner in the long term, I hope to prove it here and try and move up.