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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

10-20-2014 , 12:20 AM
Lol, I hate this. So Saturday morning I woke up at 6:15am, went to sleep 3am on Sunday morning and was awake, tossing and turning, by 4:35am on Sunday morning and fully up and out of bed again by 6:30am. Put in an hour of zoom before the Pack game started, so +3.99 hours to 19.74, or 23.73 coming into this sesh.

Watched the Packers game that started at 10, then the first half of NYG/DAL after, and followed it up by getting a superrrr withered like 6 hours of sleep.

Anyway, w/e, I woke up and feel pretty good. Bout to start up, have my session timeout set to 10 mins in hm2, lets see how long this day lasts .

Edit: How std, ofc TN2 is down and I don't have any other setup ready to go to be able to multitable effectively

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 10-20-2014 at 12:30 AM.
10-20-2014 , 12:47 AM
okay hm2 down as well and not sure where stuff is on pt4. i started by 9:30pm my time as i got in the 102 hu ht, so we'll call that the starting point
10-20-2014 , 02:57 AM
So little volume, in everything $30+ 9m turbo/9m hyper/18m turbo (rain)

10-20-2014 , 08:00 AM
Quick update, still going strong. Lowest my table count has been since initial startup atm; got food reheating atm so probs will keep it ~9-13 this entire next hour

10-20-2014 , 10:04 AM
9.5 hrs in, probs done playing sngs now and gonna keep loading mtts for a bit as i have mounds in the early 109 fo and the 11r.

Been a kinda withered day, running deep everywhere but cant finish anything off. 9th 109 turbo, 8th 55 turbo, 7th 77 6m turbo, 5th $8 turbo 2x chance turbo (lol), 7th 33 deepstack (lol), and lose flips for overall CL in both the 33 6m and 22 6m turbos with 13 and 7 left respectively. Oh well

10-20-2014 , 12:02 PM
It's going to be really hard to play good mtt poker late game when multitasking so much(especially when it's not all mtt).

It's already pretty nuanced and adding in so many tables it's going to increase our number of deep but not great finishes. Your finish itm% won't be affected but your final table and t3 def will, and it will probably be huge.
10-20-2014 , 03:23 PM
Yea I'm just being a whiny bitch

Finished with 3rd in the 11r, 14 hrs 45 mins

Beyond tired atm, hopefully I'll actually get some sleep today. Gonna shower then meetup with ruse and deionsandals for lunch and to grocery shop, then come back and try to get those zzzz's

23.73 + 14.75=38.48

Edit: Now showering Ruse and the sandals and going straight to sleep mode, wooo
10-20-2014 , 03:29 PM
Gaaaaa!!! Scammerv1fanfanfanfanfan.............
10-20-2014 , 03:33 PM
Sick goal by Toews on Saturday - go Hawks!
10-20-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by slayerv1fanfan
Gaaaaa!!! Scammerv1fanfanfanfanfan.............
Hahah yea, I'm the worst . Next time, next time

Originally Posted by zilblitz
Sick goal by Toews on Saturday - go Hawks!
Yeaaaa that was confirmed really pretty, think that was first SH goal the Preds had given up in a really long time too; getting it SH in OT just makes it sweeter

Made up for them losing in OT a few days back to uhhh, the Sabres? Idr who it was, all I remember was the Hawks outplayed the **** out of them and their goalie kept them in it til OT and they stole 2 points

Lets hope I can actually sleep today. Will be playing all SNGs the rest of the week, I think.

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 10-20-2014 at 04:10 PM.
10-20-2014 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Made up for them losing in OT a few days back to uhhh, the Sabres?
10-20-2014 , 04:22 PM
10-20-2014 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Yeaaaa that was confirmed really pretty, think that was first SH goal the Preds had given up in a really long time too; getting it SH in OT just makes it sweeter

Made up for them losing in OT a few days back to uhhh, the Sabres? Idr who it was, all I remember was the Hawks outplayed the **** out of them and their goalie kept them in it til OT and they stole 2 points
It was Calgary - they pretty much demolished the Sabres. But good to see them playing well - love that Hjalmarsson is leading the team in penalty minutes.
10-21-2014 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf

Originally Posted by zilblitz
It was Calgary - they pretty much demolished the Sabres. But good to see them playing well - love that Hjalmarsson is leading the team in penalty minutes.
Oh yea true, was too lazy to go look and couldn't remember. Hawks have def looked very strong out of the gate this yr, hopefully theyll be able to build from there, stay healthy and crushhhh.

check back in 10 games and I'm sure ole Hjalmarsson won't be leading the team in PIMs anymore .

Originally Posted by acbarone
Too withered, gotta play something I can beat while barely alive over here .


Lol, only got ~3 hours of sleep before again waking up and not being able to fall back to sleep. Gonna snag some melatonin when I go to town tomorrow or Wed to see if that will help as per Ruse's suggestion. Think though it'll just take about 3-4 weeks of really **** sleep before I'm back to being somewhat normal. Absolutely obnoxious how exhausted I am, and just cannot sleep at all

Anyway, did wake up and snapppp started playing. Ended up getting another 6.39 hours in (44.87 total now), gonna smoke, eat and take a nap before waking up again in hopefully (lol this time I actually kinda want to wake up) 4-5 hours. Graph from that sesh below

10-21-2014 , 03:39 AM
spite-subbed (again), gl with everything josh!

10-21-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by altonacke
spite-subbed (again), gl with everything josh!

Haha thanks, hope you're doing well , been ages since we've spoken!


Put in a bunch of mini sessions across a ton of formats today. Didn't quite get as many hours as I planned on as I slept a bit later today, not waking up for nearly 4 hours after I went to sleep . Slow improvements, I'll take it I did get in 7.1 hours total though, bringing the total up to 51.97.

Am going to be done for the day, I think, and just relax and study this afternoon. Blackhawks game on in 3.5 hours, planning to watch that and then hit the hay for the night, and plan on starting to grind for the day 12-14 hours from now. Plan is to play a nice sized session to start the day, take a quick break, put in another nice sized session, then run all my errands and grocery shop, hopefully getting back in time to put in 1 more sesh before turbo traffic dies for the day.

Think I've got about 10 stops to make tomorrow, ATM / 7/11 > bank > realtors office to try to get USD for rent / currency exchange places > smoke shop > water bill > internet bill > electric bill > Walmart > Mercado del Mar on my way back south. Annoying that it's not possible to pay bills online, lol_mexico. Can pay bills at Oxxo convenient stores, but has to be more than 5 days before the bill is due, and lets be honest, when am I ever gonna do something before the last minute possible?

Anywho, glgl everyone grinding away
10-22-2014 , 12:40 PM
Woke up yday to one of my grinding tools not working and didn't get it fixed til after I was done playing for the day...made for an annoying day. Today I wake up and my TN2 isn't working lol. Payment goes through yday and then I wake up today and my acct is no longer good; std obv.

Luckily it's taken care of already, but made for an annoying sesh as I had to just use ps hotkeys and therefore my normal grid which allows me to mix formats so well wasn't an option. Stuck to all 18s and then when I quit loading, played every 30-100 9m ht that popped until I was down to my last 18man (didn't get many to go). 6.07 hours so far, gonna go shower and get ready to run all those errands, hopefully make it back in time to put in 1 more turbo sesh.

10-22-2014 , 01:27 PM
feels like we're picking up some momentum
10-22-2014 , 03:09 PM
Another 6 figures, and we'll get you a #TeamRanBad shirt
10-22-2014 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by daddyrnac
feels like we're picking up some momentum
Haha indeed

Originally Posted by Gramps
Another 6 figures, and we'll get you a #TeamRanBad shirt
LOL no joke, hope you're enjoying some heat yourself!


Lol, that was awful. Someone said to me that I'd feel best while grinding because my brain and hands would be in motion, and that person was certainly correct. At night, I've been shaking pretty badly before finally falling asleep and today at the bank, I could legit barely sign my name. On top of that, was sweating like a pig most of the time running errands and def was related to the w/d symptoms as it's not that hot today.

Here's my non 6max hypers so far throughout the hours freeroll, also winning at 6m hts iirc too.

Gonna put in 1 more sesh starting at top of the hour, will post in the AM most likely with updated hours, gla!
10-22-2014 , 05:47 PM
I don't like that we switched graphs
10-22-2014 , 06:21 PM
mmmm that $8/game straight line graph is a beauty, nice work man!
10-22-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by acbarone
I don't like that we switched graphs
lolz oh nooo, we're both supposed to be crushing these fools! mb this weekend will be your time

Originally Posted by starting gun
mmmm that $8/game straight line graph is a beauty, nice work man!
(hifive) thanks man, and congrats on being done! Enjoy the vacayyyy, well deserved imo


51.97 + 6.07 + 2.82=60.86

Wanna wakeup, study and get right on it, so updating now. Reg'd turbos for 2 hrs, wound down with 9m hts til i had 0 18s left. Graph from that sesh below; gonna eat, smoke, try to sleep. Glgl

10-23-2014 , 06:34 PM
10-23-2014 , 09:20 PM
looks like you're grabbing your flow, man. keep it up!
