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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

10-15-2014 , 01:30 PM
stars announced the only change in the VIP program for 2015

-> SNE´s don´t get a 5200$ COOP ticket anymore

therefore you should be good to go for at least one more year as a pro in mexico
10-15-2014 , 01:51 PM
10-15-2014 , 04:14 PM
I was addicted to klonopins(20 mgs a day etc) for the better part of a year. I weaned off of them for a month and then quit cold turkey the next month, its rough. Night terrors/sweats/puking for a ~month and then u still dont feel normal for ~90 days. Id highly recommend a clean diet, lots of sleep, hot yoga and lots and lots of hot tea. Your going to need your body in tip top shape so it can health itself. I think grinding sngs could actually be beneficial for the withdrawal, if you drop down stakes to where u can just bot itl give ur mind something to focus on.

Benzos are a crazy drug. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Keep us updated, GL.
10-15-2014 , 04:25 PM
thats an awesome video^
10-15-2014 , 07:43 PM
If I missed anyone, sorry. Just woke up from a ****ty sleep, gonna watch the Hawks game and then get ready to hit the grind.

Want to make a correction to the freeroll: going with server time (EST, 3hrs ahead of me) and not PST. So have from tonight at 9pm my time until Oct 31 at 9pm to play 150 hours.

Glgl, update to come whenevs day 1 is over

Originally Posted by mcc3504
u still have the standing desk? hows that goin and did you set any specific goals with that or anything? gl with the prop obv
Ya still have it; took me like a month to get it moved from up north back to Calafia but got it back here other week. Still mostly standing in between sessions and then starting sessions standing and doing ~50% sitting and 50% standing, rotating every like 30 mins or so. No real goals with it, was going to eventually start doing treadmill under it, but think it'd **** with me too much playing, so doubt it ever happens.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
nah cold turkey weed is fine for almost everyone. Little to no physiological dependence. Cold turkey fine for booze too unless youve been a longterm daily maintenance alcoholic. Your withdrawal ends after your hangover does. Any script obv, esp xanax you need to wane off. If youve developed a psychological dependence then cold turkey with no other treatment could be a bad idea, but treating psychological dependence with the substance youre addicted to seems like a bad idea. Doing stuff that replicates the ceremony of the addiction without the actual substance could be one way.
(Too few psych classes for a degree and far too many addictions for one human, ftw)

Cev is a better indicator of how youre playing but $aiev better indicator of how youre running since different levels of ICM tax exist depending on players left and % of chips in play clashing. Also you can not cash and run over ev in SNGs. I do it all the time. You just need to suck out early, spew some chips and then get it in bad and bust
Good post

Also not sure why ppl are posting telling me how/how not to taper off of something; this isn't my first rodeo in that regard and think when it comes to individual substances, I'm quite good at figuring out what I personally need to do to quit in the quickest, safest and most effective way.

Addy and weed have been 2 things I've always been able to cold turkey nps, xanax is always a huge problem and I can tell that the next couple weeks are gonna be hell (down to 1/4th of a bar and last 4 days and body seems pretty OI quitting this drug heh), but once I get through it, I'll be free .

Originally Posted by halcyon229
stars announced the only change in the VIP program for 2015

-> SNE´s don´t get a 5200$ COOP ticket anymore

therefore you should be good to go for at least one more year as a pro in mexico
Yea was relieved to read this, although Mexico could be GG'd at any time and it's always in the bank of my mind. Essentially no recs and all regs from Mexico, so it's a country that PS wouldn't even mind losing at this point probably.

Originally Posted by Gramps
Originally Posted by sins
thats an awesome video^
+1, great watch
10-15-2014 , 10:11 PM
I may be a bit behind the convo, but I wanted to post in response to your 'smashing bong' rant.

I mentioned it before and imho that latest post has done it again, I see the potential monster +life EV upswing that you are almost within grasp of. Young, dumb and full of cum, sure. But you do have some serious skill and will power that you can tap into as evidenced by your poker related work ethic.

The suggestions presented by those who are honestly willing to help may be good for you, but be wary. Keep your closest support network up to date and bounce ideas off their heads, that is the best source for good personal tailor made suggestions for your situation. Ultimately, you need to trust yourself. So these plans you have mentioned about quitting peeling bananas and such are likely going to be the most productive. No one knows your situation and what you are capable of better than yourself.

If I could one suggestion it would be that whatever you are doing to improve the overall quality of your life, take baby steps. Think of your life like an elastic band and the vices of your life stretching it thin. You luckily haven't broke yet, but if you quickly take one of those points away it might cause unforeseen reverberations and that band might snap back in your face. In another sense, don't relapse. You only have so much stress that you body and mind can take and a sharp cold turkey quitting strategy might actually prolong your recovery.

Anyways, I still think you got what it takes. Hopefully this will be the beginning of one of the most epic success stories from our generation.

GL and keep posting!
10-15-2014 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by byski
I may be a bit behind the convo, but I wanted to post in response to your 'smashing bong' rant.

I mentioned it before and imho that latest post has done it again, I see the potential monster +life EV upswing that you are almost within grasp of. Young, dumb and full of cum, sure. But you do have some serious skill and will power that you can tap into as evidenced by your poker related work ethic.

The suggestions presented by those who are honestly willing to help may be good for you, but be wary. Keep your closest support network up to date and bounce ideas off their heads, that is the best source for good personal tailor made suggestions for your situation. Ultimately, you need to trust yourself. So these plans you have mentioned about quitting peeling bananas and such are likely going to be the most productive. No one knows your situation and what you are capable of better than yourself.

If I could one suggestion it would be that whatever you are doing to improve the overall quality of your life, take baby steps. Think of your life like an elastic band and the vices of your life stretching it thin. You luckily haven't broke yet, but if you quickly take one of those points away it might cause unforeseen reverberations and that band might snap back in your face. In another sense, don't relapse. You only have so much stress that you body and mind can take and a sharp cold turkey quitting strategy might actually prolong your recovery.

Anyways, I still think you got what it takes. Hopefully this will be the beginning of one of the most epic success stories from our generation.

GL and keep posting!
Great post, you said many things I've said/tried to say a lot better than I did/wanted to, especially the part about trusting myself and understanding my own personal situation and limits. I appreciate everyone posting, and sorry if I skip over someone sharing a personal experience or something of the kind, but when it comes to drug weaning, I've unfortunately become decent at knowing my own bodies limits.

My biggest regret of 2014, imo, was the starting of adderall/xanax again after successfully quitting once; that will be a mistake I won't make again as this 2nd go around hasn't been fun at all and I couldn't fathom having to do it a 3rd time. 'Dont relapse' is some very sound advice lol, I will be taking that

Anyway yea, thanks for the post and thanks to everyone else who has been chiming in; I'm not always in the mood to write as most of you know by now, so sorry if I don't respond to every individual post.

1 hr 40 mins from start of freeroll; Hawks have looked very good tonight but down 1-0 with 10 mins left in the game. Outshooting Calgary like 36-10 or something ridic. Lescooo last min goal!
10-15-2014 , 10:29 PM
Oh, forgot to mention. For the exercise you are looking for, maybe getting one of those boxing dummy machines with flashing lights would be the best. That or the old school punching bags. I mean, who doesn't enjoy beating the crap out of inanimate objects right?
10-15-2014 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by byski
Oh, forgot to mention. For the exercise you are looking for, maybe getting one of those boxing dummy machines with flashing lights would be the best. That or the old school punching bags. I mean, who doesn't enjoy beating the crap out of inanimate objects right?
Lol someone else brought up a punching bag/the like (maybe ccuster); Starting Gun and I actually bought a punching bag together and unless it's been moved, it's still here at Calafia in the penthouse of Tower 2 (the tower I live in). Actually been meaning to try to fig out how to see about whether its here and if it's here if I can get it back down to my unit

Pic I took a few yrs back when l@p and I got this mfer

Still got room for it in the same spot (kinda, would have to move couch a bit ) !

10-15-2014 , 11:56 PM
Lol, totally forgot about this until I started shuffing through pics. You guys can thank deionsandals for capturing this awesome moment last Tuesday ~3pm. This was the last straw where after I finally snapped out of being all sadface about amaya/spins/etc and started posting about my feelings since the day spins were released.

Actually went with deionsandals earlier this week to run some errands, grab lunch, and we both snagged haircuts. Hair is nice and short again, for the time being at least.

Swaaare this is my last post until end of day 1, I'm just excited for this 9pm start as I told myself starting with this freeroll I was gonna go hard on a daily basis and treat Dec 31st, 2015 as the last day I'm able to play sngs for a living (assuming SNE gets slashed or something like that).

Obviously we can't predict the future, and who knows, by 2016 there might be PS back in the US or PS might not even exist at all (the 2nd probably never happens but extreme example), but I'm more using that train of thought as a motivator to work my ass off for the next 1 yr 2.5 months to try to make some real $'s for the first time since the end of 2012.

Okay 4 mins til start, lescoooo
10-16-2014 , 12:12 AM
lol that pic.

Like the rubber band analogy byski. My dad always talked about your brain and drinking like dipping a cucumber in brine. You can only do it so many times until it turns into a pickle.
10-16-2014 , 12:42 AM
yehh new start new beginnings.
10-16-2014 , 02:31 AM
new beginnings vamos
10-16-2014 , 02:50 PM
An excellent analogy as well aside from one glaring inconsistency...

Pickles are way better than cucumbers.

I mean, when was the last time you had a craving for deep fried cucumbers?

Random note; drinking pickle juice brine is a great instant hang over cure.
10-16-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by byski
Random note; drinking pickle juice brine is a great instant hang over cure.
That HAS to be more than pure coincidence!

GL jdawg!
10-16-2014 , 03:34 PM
Is that 6 piss bottles?
10-16-2014 , 03:34 PM
Edit 7 one prob just got used
10-16-2014 , 07:47 PM
Haha, could be 7 if needed

Day 1:
5.2 hours

Games/hr was super low; tables seemed really disgusting today even at the $30 level, where ~80% of my play was. Friday morning-afternoon my time has been especially bad on fridays recently, so going to change it up and play an 18m sesh tomorrow morning, break, then come back and play 6m at night.

Got some good news though; going home Dec 2-Dec 10 to visit my family. Going to be a much needed getaway as I'm sure I'll be REAL tired of these lobbies in about 2 weeks .

Anyway, bout to xanax (2 more days!....and then I get to feel like **** for a week ), blaze and cook up this steak and then try to find some sleep. Last night couldn't fall asleep in my bedroom but ended up passing out in my 2nd bdr and slept pretty well, so if I fail again tonight, will try either that room, 3rd bdr or the couch . Idk, w/e gets it done in terms of me sleeping for the next 2 weeks and I'm all over that. Will try to get into a better routine in a few weeks; one step at a time!

Day Graph: Also played a bit of zoom but not gonna bother to post that

10-16-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Got some good news though; going home Dec 2-Dec 10 to visit my family. Going to be a much needed getaway as I'm sure I'll be REAL tired of these lobbies in about 2 weeks .
Home hockey games on both the 6th (Sat night) and the 7th (Sun afternoon)
10-17-2014 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Home hockey games on both the 6th (Sat night) and the 7th (Sun afternoon)
(dance) thats legittt. Assuming I'll go to one of those games with my parents, can try to hit the other up with ya imo


Day Hours: 8.3
Freeroll Hours: 13.5/150

Ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor (lol) last night and got ~4 hrs of sleep. Couldn't fall asleep anywhere, was really annoying and thinking the cold tiles lulled me to sleep or something, idk.

Woke up like 4am or so, put in a ~5 hour 18m/turbo sesh to start the day followed by a super short 6m ht session. Decided to try to sleep this afternoon as I felt tired as ****, but after 2 hours of tossing and turning, I said F it and got back up. Have since put in a few more 6m ht sessions and now breaking for a bit and going to put in a good sized turbo session again unless the 6m hts clear up. Had 5 regs open sitting everything down to 30s, which is quite obnoxious for this hour on a friday night.

Anywhooo, day graph below, doesn't look like I'm gonna get anywhere near 7500 games during this freeroll, games/hr / avg table count is so lol_low. Gl everyone grinding Saturday.

Edit: Whoops realized it's just my 6m hts for the day, w/e.

10-18-2014 , 12:10 AM
Stop making money, or you might not get a #TeamRunBad shirt
10-18-2014 , 01:17 AM
keep it up
10-18-2014 , 05:31 AM
good job son
10-18-2014 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Stop making money, or you might not get a #TeamRunBad shirt
Haha, oh I think we both would have to win numerous days in a row to not qualify for that

Originally Posted by Everest17
keep it up
Originally Posted by KobeNBAChamp
good job son
Thx guys!


Gonna post now as I'm about to take a big afternoon break to cook up some steak and prepare some salads for monday (planning mass sesh), before watching the Hawks game tonight. Am not done on the day though, will include w/e hours I play tonight with tomorrows update.

Day Hours: 6.24
Freeroll Hours: 19.74/150

Played an 18s/turbos session to start day, then switched over to hypers for a while before the games got super bad, so switched back to 18s/turbos for a bit longer before playing a 9m ht sesh and then another 6m ht sesh. Lol quite the day, always fun changing formats as I have to adjust my playstyle quite dramatically. Hopefully will be able to just stick to 6m hts tonight!

Day STT graph below; don't want to mess up my filters bc I am the nut worst with hm2 so the 18s aren't included.

10-19-2014 , 03:55 AM
Got in another ht sesh before the Hawks started and decided to load up a few mtts during the game. Ended up 1 tabling the nightly 55 for the past ~4 hours to wind up busting 7th lol (did watch Gran Torino and Fight Club in that time tho (flex))

So yea, gonna count 2 hours for ^ sesh and then played another 57 mins of hypers, so 2.99 hours or w/e

Hoping I can stay awake for another 5 hours, pass out, go stock up for this mass grind and then start up tomorrow early evening my time. Gla on Sundayfunday
