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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

08-13-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by acbarone
My amigo, el gringo, es stupido y neccesito una tarjeta nuevo por favor
Lol pretty much, I never lose **** either which made this really tilting. Still had every piece of paperwork that I got when I opened the acct and every receipt from every teller transaction I've done, I simply never lose **** and then having it be my mexican debit card just made it so (facepalm).

Originally Posted by m1sha
[x] up after rb
[x]made money on free day (sun)
Haha true that, I was so happy bank card was so easy to fix that I felt like such a winner on the day

__________________________________________________ __

Day 5/52 Update:
Day Hours: 2 hrs 19 mins
Total Prop Hours: 30 hrs 56 mins
Day Games Played: 99
Total Games Played: 3163
Day VPPs: 2618.12
Total VPPs: 41480.79

Got my ass handed to me yesterday, also lost like 1k at 200z on top of it . Didn't feel well yesterday, ended up sleeping for like 14 hours. Woke up feeling better today so hoping to hit the grind hard again.

Hopefully put up some good volume today, planning to play pretty much straight through minus 1-2 small breaks until sat traffic dies for the day.

08-13-2014 , 08:34 AM
Oh, forgot the most important part, my apologies!

08-13-2014 , 07:14 PM
Day 6/52 Update:
Day Hours: 3 hrs 36 mins
Total Prop Hours: 34 hrs 32 mins
Day Games Played: 316
Total Games Played: 3479
Day VPPs: 3451.98
Total VPPs: 44932.77

Jesus, what a fail. Day started off with me getting a disconnect when the only 714 i had gotten to pop just started and I was 2/3 one of the 2 357s i had gotten to pop and came back 45 seconds later to almost being blinded out...pretty ****ing cool. Was too tilted at the time, so ended up taking rest of morning off to go run errands with ruse.

Came back, one of my programs I use to help me was broken so was missing something I need to grind, then got some more bad news that I'm not going to speak about publicly, so just said **** it and am quitting for the day....clearly not meant to be today.

Tomorrow I sware I'm gonna start going nuts with volume/hours, this is getting ridiculous, what a ****ing fail of a week thus far.

08-14-2014 , 07:12 AM
hope you are able to cope with it, best of luck!
08-14-2014 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by m1sha
hope you are able to cope with it, best of luck!
Thx broski, you as well!


Day 7/52 Update:
Day Hours: 5 hrs 08 mins
Total Prop Hours: 39 hrs 40 mins
Day Games Played: 485
Total Games Played: 3964
Day VPPs: 3686.71
Total VPPs: 48619.48

Feel like **** again, been in the bathroom as much as I've been grinding today . Ruse and are thinking its from the 'special' brownies he made last night, quitting early for the day and eating them again to know for sure . Least it'll be out of my system by tomorrow so I can grind if this was the cause. Luckily sat traffic was very bad today while also being super reggy at the same time, so doesn't seem like I'm missing much.

I'm sure I'll be asleep by 6pm today (it is 12pm right now), hopefully catch a nice long sleep and be ready to go for a big weekend grind!

Day graph below, yawn what a boring thread this is these days

Gla on the tables, you all deserve the heatttt for how much of a lazy pig I've been this week
08-14-2014 , 05:10 PM
You'll be back at it and crushing in no time bro! Just out of interest, when you grind 10+ hours days, how often and how long do you take breaks between sessiosn? glgl
08-14-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
then got some more bad news that I'm not going to speak about publicly, so just said **** it and am quitting for the day....clearly not meant to be today.
Hope everything's all good in your camp. Keep your head up bro!
08-15-2014 , 05:04 AM
What has your sat v. 25bb ratio been since the start? Results in each?

Looks like you're doing great these day, keep it up!
08-15-2014 , 07:35 AM
Just dropping in after long absence.

Less run bad, more guppy frying.
08-15-2014 , 07:07 PM
Didnt read anything, not in the mood. Will respond some other time, just wanna post these #'s then go punch something.

Since I went on a massive heater while not posting results daily, and now back to running like pure aids (like I had since the start of 2013) when posting daily results, wont be seeing them anymore bc yes, I'm a superstitious ****.

Be back in 44 days with ending results and who won the hours bet, goal is to not a make a post on 2p2 in that time unless its doing some mod action in STTF nor view 2p2 for more than 20 mins a day (which I'm already on <1hr every day anyway)

Day 8/52 Update:
Day Hours: 7 hrs 51 mins
Total Prop Hours: 47 hrs 31 mins
Day Games Played: 690
Total Games Played: 4654
Day VPPs: 6106.85
Total VPPs: 54726.33

L8er 2p2
08-15-2014 , 10:05 PM

08-22-2014 , 02:38 PM
mega tilt haha glglgl
08-24-2014 , 05:35 AM
Alright, been long enough w/out an update, this one might be a long read.

Ruse and I cancelled our hours prop, mainly because for the last ~10 days now, our house internet has been out no less than 75% of the time and rarely goes more than 20 mins w/out at least a 30 second-1minute outage. It has made grinding absolute hell, especially because the aircards (both companies) have been less than stellar during this period of time as well. I actually was not able to grind last Sunday once peak came around because the aircard was so slow that I literally could not get a single lobby in time before it filled.

With that being said, the internet has been improving the last couple days and I'm taking on Belthazorrrr in an hours bet starting in 16.5 hours from now that will go for 1 week. $100 sidebet, $10 owed by the loser for each hour they lose to the winner by.

Before going any further, would like to back up to my mini meltdown. Besides the internet being absolute dog****, making grinding actually impossible some of the time, I also haven't been feeling well. I'm not really sure what it is, a few days before I got sick Ruse wasn't feeling well himself, and neither of us really know what it is/was.

He, afaik, got better but I haven't felt right ever since. I really don't even know how to describe it, I've been sleeping a TON, something I rarely do and I wake up still feeling tired or get tired within a few hours of waking up which is something else that never happens. I've been taking random 2-4 hour naps during the middle of the day nearly every day which shouldn't even be possible considering I have NEVER been able to sleep more than 1 hour at a time when I've taken adderall on the day but haven't taken any xanax. The first day I actually felt sick, I ended up sleeping about 30 of the next 48 hours, so I just figured it was a flu bug or something of that nature. But the fact that 11 days later, I'm still not feeling right is sort of troubling.

Obv most people reading are going to first think something like 'well you take INF drugs, its probably from one of them' but no, I just don't really think it's that. I haven't changed the amount/frequency/anything of any substance I use, and I don't really think its that anyway. I've been having what I guess would be described as sharp pains somewhere in my stomach/gut along with feeling like I'm about to puke on a regular basis and I think it actually might be from soda (been drinking solely coke zero for like 3-4 months now). I didn't drink any at all yesterday and felt slightly better, but within an hour of drinking some today, I felt the pain again. I haven't done any research, mainly because the internet has been ****, but is this possible? Obv going to drink nothing but water this next week and see how I end up feeling. If anyone has any other theories, they would be welcome.

So, besides the internet being **** and me not feeling well, I also had one sick tease which probably was the reason I was most frustrated when I made my last post ITT. I have gotten 1 profit cashout since the start of 2013 and had grinded my MU from a high of ~$175,000 at the start of May to about $8000 at its low, and then I just hit a huge aids run and all of the sudden the MU # was back up over 30k. It actually peaked at a shade over $50,000 a couple days back but now is back to I think ~$40,000. It was just so brutal being that close to being out and then just snap losing heaps back, such a sick feeling.

Anyway, yea, that is a little inside to why I was (emo) in my last post. I took a look and during this summer grind I am actually down pre rb at $300+ 25bb and $238+ hyper sats, meaning I've just absolutely crushed midstakes this summer. Was some over EV at $238s+ and then just lost it all + more back, so I'm still just a fckton of $'s under EV at 300s+ since they came out but oh well . With that being said, with my financial situation and the fact that I'm still relatively close to being out of MU, I've decided to just grind $200 and under 25bb and $238 and under sats for the rest of the yr. I might occasionally snag a soft $357 sat or $300 25bb, but yea, looking for some low variance for the rest of 2014.

I'll cut it there before I get to making this post so long that nobody reads it . I should hit 1,600,000 VPPs today during my grind and am hoping to pick up an additional 50k VPPs during the last week of the month during my hours bet with Belth. Below are some graphs, a couple requested by Sauron and then a few additional ones. Gla on the grind, I will attempt to make daily updates during my hours bet with Belth as it's more fun that way and actually easier for me to track as I don't get behind on adding up the hours and whatnot.

As a random added bonus....most likely what will be the only redline graph of mine that will be posted ITT the rest of the yr

Overall Summer Challenge BI's:

Overall Summer Challenge:

Summer Satellites:

Summer 25bb:

Summer $238+ bi's:

Summer <$201 bi's:

Originally Posted by KelvinKe
You'll be back at it and crushing in no time bro! Just out of interest, when you grind 10+ hours days, how often and how long do you take breaks between sessiosn? glgl
Uhhh I tend to just take breaks whenever I feel like it; sometimes can play a 6 hour straight session and other times after 1 hour I need to stop. I try to just play as long as I feel focused and snap quit when I'm not feeling that way anymore.

When trying to grind hard, I try to keep my breaks to a minimum. Just grab something quick to eat, go outside for a few mins, relax for a min, then study a couple hands and get back at it.

Originally Posted by bumpking
Hope everything's all good in your camp. Keep your head up bro!
Thx man, glgl today, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other

Originally Posted by Sauron92
What has your sat v. 25bb ratio been since the start? Results in each?

Looks like you're doing great these day, keep it up!
Will post them above, thanks, glgl on the tables yourself!

Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Just dropping in after long absence.

Less run bad, more guppy frying.

Originally Posted by Gramps

Haha so good, lold pretty hard

Originally Posted by winsorino
mega tilt haha glglgl
Confirmeddddd mad

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 08-24-2014 at 05:49 AM.
08-24-2014 , 06:01 AM
Hope you feel better soon! Gl crushing the hours bet.
08-24-2014 , 08:56 AM
I think every 1 catching what your having. I had and have it now also... extreme exhaustion with vomit etc .. not fun to grind with. I took some some stomach medicine they helps a little but not much. Hopefully you will get rid of it. Also For the exhaustion also have you stop taking addys during your days off? if so then you will def fell drain as i when i pop for like 5-6 days straight and take one day off i can literally sleep the whole day . Well gl today bink a major!!
08-24-2014 , 09:52 AM
sounds like highstakesitis
08-24-2014 , 11:58 AM
Best wishes buddy!!! Hope you feel better soon and get that heat back. On the whole that summer graph really is terrific.
08-24-2014 , 12:10 PM
Health>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else. 11 days is a long time not to feel well, strongly suggest going to see a us doctor in san diego or something.
08-24-2014 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by jaxtraw
Health>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else. 11 days is a long time not to feel well, strongly suggest going to see a us doctor in san diego or something.

Hope you feel better soon.
08-24-2014 , 01:40 PM
Get well!
08-24-2014 , 02:25 PM
What internet provider do you use that was having issues this week?
08-25-2014 , 12:51 PM
+1 on getting checked out - could be ulcers, colitis, all kinds of stuff you don't want to mess around with. Feel better!
08-25-2014 , 04:20 PM
Tea + (some (real)) sugar >>>> Coke Zero.

Has calories, but better for your body. Some people believe the diet soda stuff is even worse for us than sugary/corn-syrupy soda. A lot of artificial crap in there.

Last edited by Gramps; 08-25-2014 at 04:21 PM. Reason: Or tea no sugar, but that might taste like crap at first.
08-25-2014 , 04:46 PM
dang hope u start feeling better man, and +153459 to everyone saying go get checked out at the doctors. Even if it isn't something serious at least it will give you the peace of mind and help your mental state.
08-25-2014 , 07:12 PM
Edit: Woah wall of text but there's a good degen story in there so maybe worth the read

Thx everyone for the support, it really is much appreciated. It's now been somewhere close to 48 hours since I've drank anything but water and I've felt completely fine during that entire span of time. A friend of mine who had a stress related illness in the past was nice enough to hit me up today and we chatted for a while and it sounds like the same happened to me. This person would only drink water but anytime he'd drink something else, like say alcohol, he would get the same/similar symptoms that I described. Seems as though the human body is super sensitive and I made myself sick after going $175k MU > $8k MU > $50k MU. I'm hoping that since I only had like a 12 hour spinout of rage/freaking out that it won't be a big deal and the fact that I've taken it easy the last 10 days or so and slept when I've been tired, not grinded when I've not felt like it etc will lead to me feeling absolutely 100% asap. I would say today that I feel something like 90% whereas just 48 hours ago I would say it was more like 20-50% depending on how bad the stomach pains and nausea were at the time.

With that being said, for the time being I'm going to just monitor what goes into my body and see how I reacts. If I have any more 'episodes' (not the right word, but whatever, I'm using it) of extreme pain, nausea, feeling like I'm going to puke etc, then I'll go and see a doctor. Mainly not interested in going because in all likelihood the doctor is going to blame some/all of this on the adderall/xanax combination in which case I'll have to laugh in their face and walk out, and nobody wants that . Not interested in getting a lecture, I have researched and sought out advice for everything that I currently put in my body and know the normal effects off of them, side effects you may experience, etc. Now I'm not trying to say that my lifestyle is sustainable nor would I really suggest just anyone to do it, but I am perfectly happy with the choices I've made WRT my current regime of drugs and wouldn't change anything at this exact moment.

Also, and at this point I'm kind of skipping around so sorry in advance (just typing as I think of stuff and I don't edit my posts before I make them) I would also go see a doctor somewhere in the business district in Tijuana, not San Diego. There are some wonderful doctors in Tijuana from all accounts I've heard (from locals, from gringo locals, from retirees who split time in US and Mexico, anyone and everyone I've talked to), and the 2 times I have actually gotten sick down here I've gotten right in to see a doctor, was prescribed meds that were very effective and I had a speedy recover both times. And to zone in on how serious the situation's were (if I go to see a doctor, I'm deathly ill....that's how I was brought up and how I will always be), lets revisit the first time I went to see a doctor down here.

I easily could have died as I got super sick from a loooong bender (~50hrs) that included a ton of alcohol, bananas and I def was at least somewhat close to ODing from cocaine as my heart was skipping and racing for the 24 hrs after and I was continuously having to take hot and cold showers to keep my heart beating somewhat normally. I had to have ripped at least 40-50 lines during that 50 hours while traveling from club to club to bar to bar to club with the owner of a 'Bar' in Rosarito and a couple of his dealers, along with a few dealers we met up with in Tijuana. For a week I just laid around in my room absolutely miserable and before I knew it, all of that had turned into a sinus/allergy infection, a nasty cold, strep throat and a deadly high fever for an adult. I remember the doctor taking my temperature, this being something like 9 days after the bender and his reaction was something like 'This is how high your fever has been all 9 days? WHAT, WHY DIDNT YOU GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT AWAY!?!?' Ahh the memories of late 2011/early 2012, luckily made a speedy recover and learned some good life lessons.

Oh and the best part about medical treatment in Mexico.....I was in the hospital/clinic (not overnight or on IVs or anything, place was a hospital/clinic combined) for maybe 2 hours total, saw a doctor with American medical credentials who spoke pretty good English and it cost me 100 pesos (about $8 USD). I was prescribed 4 different medicines, I don't remember what they each were (I'm sure one for the sinus infection, one for the strep throat, one for the fever, one for the cold or something like that) but it cost me $48 total for all 4 prescriptions. Such a beautiful thing, wp USA and the outrageous prices for health care.

Anyway, enough of that for the time being. Thanks again for all the support everyone, truly thankful and much to ya'll.

Originally Posted by NickHalden
What internet provider do you use that was having issues this week?
Telnor, that's all we can get up in San Antonio Del Mar. Well, we could maybe get a secondary Tijuana internet option but we didn't check into that; all I know is we can't get Rosarito Wireless (formerly Baja Wireless) as SADM is outside of the Rosarito limits; just spoke to someone about it on Friday.

Apparently they are working on the entire complex, which SADM is absolute HUUUUGE. Not sure when they'll be done, but it seems like major upgrades are being installed and apparently once everything is done, the internet will be very good up here. Who the hell knows when they'll be done though, seems everything takes forever to get done down here


Wow, lots of text before I got to my daily results so I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Didn't get in a tonnnnn of hours but am satisfied with the grind I put forth. Wanted to start focusing on playing a slightly lower table count and even though I think my hourly will drop some, I should have a bigger pre RB edge and therefore less $ swings, which will be good for the mindset at this point.

Just planning on taking it easy up til the start of WCOOP in terms of my table count; I really don't play a ton of tables when I'm grinding sats either outside of Sunday's in which I'll 20-35 table the $56-181 sats sometimes. On top of that, I'm already at 1.6mil VPPs and 3mil is out of the question, so I honestly don't really care where I finish.

Christ, getting towards lots of text talking about my day/grind plan already. STOP IT!

Day Hours: 7.53
Prop Hours: 7.53
Day VPPs: 8088.83
MTD VPPs: 157,574.25
Prop VPPs: 8088.83

