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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

10-02-2014 , 09:51 AM
lol aze
10-03-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by entim
lol aze
Lol ya, so good .


Day Hours: 5.50
Prop Hours: 8.47/125

Totally forgot Packers played last night, so cut my day wayyyyyyy short to go watch them and once again found myself in Tijuana doing degen things, so quite the fail start to this hours prop. Not worried though, im for sure hitting the hours, even though I'll likely just play a cpl short afternoon-evening sessions my time tonight which will leave me short on hours again today. Oh well, not feeling great atm from last night, and not gonna force volume, but instead gonna go back to bed to lay down in a sec

Yday got addicted to the spin&go's and played a bunch of them, today will be back to the 6m grind. I've decided I'm going to get 2.25mil VPPs for the year which is just about 400k vpps needed in 3 months. Going to be super doable and I can try to work on my game a lot more during this time and just play when the games are good or playing lower stakes/other formats in doing so.

Anyway, day graph from the spins; didnt run so hot but w/e. Was fun to try them out, now back to real grind

10-03-2014 , 02:59 PM
looks like mine, so tilted
10-03-2014 , 03:53 PM
pretty casual jail story
10-04-2014 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
looks like mine, so tilted
Lolll no joke, where's our heatttt? I somehow finished with ~b/e EV getting only 1 10x game in that sample and only 5 or 6 6x prizepool games. EV has to be dragged down quite hard when you're running bad in prizepool distro

Originally Posted by aumni
pretty casual jail story
Haha (bandit)


Day Hours: 3.55
Freeroll Hours: 12.02/125

Woke up this afternoon and felt okayish, took me a while to get going though. Forgot I did a bunch of shots last night and they really hit me hard the next day in terms of actually getting some hangover effect/nautious/etc.

Played pretty well overall I think today, hoping to hit the grind super hard tomorrow as I need to start catching up on hours. Got in a good size coaching sesh at end of day as well, which is a nice bonus.

Ran kind of meh mid-lategame in MTTs overall today even though I struck a decent profit with a 3rd in the 215 2x turbo for 3k+; lost a 42/58 for mounds to dead FT bbl the 109^4 (6 paid), made a bad call in a huge pot to bust 12th in the late 109r 6m (5 cash) and then had a 15th in the late 215 turbo 24k or w/e the hell the guarantee is now. With how slow/reggy sng traffic is right now, def will be looking to add in the HS, small field birds on nights they tend to be soft (fri/sat/mon essentially).

Anywho, day SNG graph below. Apparently I broke my ****** stem last night while ****ed up, so going to try to make a water bong or something equally as ridiculous like a potato bowl and then hit the hay. We'll see if I paid close enough attn to Ruse in the past . Gngn all, gl this weekend

10-04-2014 , 03:04 AM
Went with the ole paper towel/TP pipe after Ruse's recommendation on it being easiest/foolproof. Ty ruseman

No chance I run to town til Mon at earliest, more likely Tues. Gonna be semi absurd smoking out of this for more than 1 night; might not be able to handle smoking out of this POS though either and just will run to town tomorrow to get a new stem or piece. Lets seeeee
10-04-2014 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Lolll no joke, where's our heatttt? I somehow finished with ~b/e EV getting only 1 10x game in that sample and only 5 or 6 6x prizepool games. EV has to be dragged down quite hard when you're running bad in prizepool distro
I assume you were playing 30s, looking at the graph. How do you find the field, guess it was insanely soft? Reg to recreational ratio? Also HEM/PT doesn't really have correct ev for these, right? I really don't like the variance that is possible in these, even if we assume you get to play 2 recreationals.

GL with your grind!
10-06-2014 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by kobmish
I assume you were playing 30s, looking at the graph. How do you find the field, guess it was insanely soft? Reg to recreational ratio? Also HEM/PT doesn't really have correct ev for these, right? I really don't like the variance that is possible in these, even if we assume you get to play 2 recreationals.

GL with your grind!
EV is correct, but it takes the prizepool into account and therefore EV swings are massively dependent on how you run in multipliers. Like if you get stuck in a bunch of 2x prizpool games and get 0 25x+ games in a 1k game sample, I think its going to be quite hard to pull decent EV. And obv if you're running super hot in getting 25x+ games in a small sample, your EV will be overstated. I personally was just looking at CEV as in a small sample, RL going to be even less accurate in this format comopared to like 6m cash hypers, hyper sats, 9ms etc etc.

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Day Hours: 5.97
Freeroll Hours: 17.99/125
Haven't played a ton in the past cpl days; woke up yday and played a few sessions before going to watch CFB with Ruse for the day, then did same thing today; short morning sesh, NFL, nap, then just played a short sesh now and about to nap again. Need to kick it in high gear as you can see by hours played.

Not gonna bother with a graph, am on my other comp atm and takes a good 8 mins or so for my grind comp to load up. Hoping to put in a TON of hours tomorrow, lescoo
10-06-2014 , 01:16 PM
Hey guys, some will probs not be happy, but I'm cancelling that freeroll I gave to all of the prop bettors. Like atm for example, there's 1 $200 6m hyper running and its 6 regs, the last 8 100s that have popped are 6 regs (combo of l@p, macurbanek, agat112, sega1989, jayc170, and then some extra reg like Uroborosz, pumpingpoker, zaak703 or OTT Canada)

The point behind the initial prop, and then the freeroll I gave all you bettors, was to grind my ass off before the year end regfest started. Well, with the intro of spin&go's, the games are obnoxiously gross right now, I'd say possibly worse than early December last yr.

So yea, I'm not forcing myself to play when the games are horrid. I will however in return give you guys an equivalent freeroll with better freeroller value as since I"m behind pace atm (i hit the hrs 100/100 times if i want to still by playing long days of 18m's and getting dem sync breaks) sometime come early 2015, whenever I decide to go hard (might be Jan 1-15 tbh, depending on who all is going to PCA/what happens with spins and the rec player pool, value of SNE etc)

Hope I don't rub too many ppl the wrong way by cancelling, but just lol @ these games right now; my overall/long term EV is higher spent studying most of the time right now and I just pop in and play a bit here and there when I notice the lobbies being a bit softer, or the best regs not loading.

Glgl, might be sporadic updates going forth but who knows. To all of you that are behind pace and getting ****ed by the release of spins, I'm truly sorry as that's such a **** spot to be in and I hope all of ya find your way to SNE w/out losing your minds or br's
10-06-2014 , 01:34 PM
You gave plenty to this community ... If someone mad f them. No need to do anything !! I was going to donate mind to the ruse fund anyway .
10-06-2014 , 05:14 PM
10-06-2014 , 06:27 PM
yeah no issue here with the cancelling. Don't think we even did anything to deserve a freeroll. gl the rest of the way.
10-06-2014 , 07:37 PM
10-06-2014 , 08:48 PM
slaveryfan turns into scammeryfan
10-06-2014 , 09:17 PM
I'll get the website up if someone else wants to post in negative feedback thread.
10-06-2014 , 09:55 PM
wtf u used to be cool!
10-06-2014 , 11:02 PM
****in spin n gos

Scam, etc

(Not you, stars )

What are your thoughts with poker going forward given the new climate?
10-06-2014 , 11:55 PM
Amayav1fan, IMO
10-07-2014 , 09:46 AM
lol ^^

volume is a joke since spin n goes have been introduced
10-07-2014 , 06:37 PM
Spin and gos stealing all the fisheeees
10-07-2014 , 07:39 PM
**** spin&gos
you don't even need simulations to know that those are pure gambling over a sample smaller than millions of games. just look at the multiplier distribution chart.
gl trying to crush roulette
10-08-2014 , 12:30 AM
if i had a vpp for every single cancelled prop bet i'd have completed sne already.

JK Jdawg. we can't have you on the inf sne grind, we need you on stand-by for ruse.
10-08-2014 , 01:26 AM
@theskllz: Today I was the one puking by 3pm, and not only in the bar and on myself, in my hair as well

I am obvs drunk, ty for all the <3 from everyone itt
10-08-2014 , 02:35 AM
Well since I'm embarrassing myself on facebook, might as well do it here as well. By far the longest my hair has ever gotten, this was taken last thurs before Packer/Viking game. Hair was pretty full of puke by time I made it home today lol

10-08-2014 , 05:09 AM
thug as fuq tho
