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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

10-25-2014 , 03:53 AM
64.92 + 14.93=79.85

Down to last cpl tables so will stop clock now. 1/7 by a lot in the lol_33_1.5k, like $625 up top or something silly.


Today was kinda withered in that other than cashing the 320 6m, I don't think I cashed a single bi $55+ until the really late 55 turbo that should just have finished. Obnoxious considering I reg'd every single mtt that ran $44+ starting with the early 109r/54 TKO. Ton of busts were in ridiculous fashion like this little beauty, for 1/10 by a loooot in the 55r turbo big antes, 9 cash, mincash is huge.

    Poker Stars, $50 Buy-in (1,250/2,500 blinds, 500 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #32055312

    Hero (BB): 44,276 (17.7 bb)
    MP: 20,326 (8.1 bb)
    CO: 21,718 (8.7 bb)
    BTN: 26,215 (10.5 bb)
    SB: 70,490 (28.2 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with K K
    3 folds, SB raises to 69,990 and is all-in, Hero calls 41,276 and is all-in

    Flop: (90,052) 4 7 A (2 players, 2 are all-in)
    Turn: (90,052) 3 (2 players, 2 are all-in)
    River: (90,052) Q (2 players, 2 are all-in)

    Results: 90,052 pot
    Final Board: 4 7 A 3 Q
    Hero showed K K and lost (-44,276 net)
    SB showed 5 6 and won 90,052 (45,776 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Can't complain though; another winning day on the tables, quite certain I haven't lost post rb any of the 9 days thus far in the hours freeroll which is legitttt. Think I might have run well in 18s again today but am not quite sure offhand; know I def ran hot in $100 9m's today which is sweet.

    **** okay, 1/3 now so gonna concentrate and try to ship this timbeyyy and then get ready for bed, I think I'm doing similar grind tomorrow but am not certain. Gla!
    10-25-2014 , 04:14 AM
    im going to drink cofe
    10-25-2014 , 04:16 AM
    lol dude just takes off
    10-25-2014 , 04:16 AM
    ^ lmao daddy

    Yea down 57k to 39k hu @ 400/800 and getting an even chop (bandit)

    Edit: Woooo, guy finally came back and we got deal done. GGs, f tired, gngn

    Last edited by slayerv1fan; 10-25-2014 at 04:30 AM.
    10-26-2014 , 02:54 PM
    79.85 + 6.08 + 5.72=91.65

    Didn't play a ton yday, just a bunch of quick sessions of sngs and then a bit of z. Played a cpl sessions of 6m hts when I woke up today and then 1 sesh of turbos.

    Gonna watch rest of early NFL games on redzone, watch the 1:15pm games and then get ready for Packers/Saints tonight and then will be right off to bed. Planning mass mtt sesh minus any sngs tomorrow to help me catch up on hours; once again will try to remember to post if I ft anything cool or double/triple ft some timbey **** like I did the other night .

    Day graph below, glgl

    10-27-2014 , 12:03 PM

    Still have a cpl mtts left but stopping the clock now. Played a quick sesh of sngs before hitting the mtts
    MTT sesh:

    Won the 27.50 fo for like $600 and change, got 3rd in a 27 tko and made a few other runs.

    Gonna go take a nap as I'm not feeling it atm, hopefully get back on to hop in the 109^4. ****ing pulled a muscle in my chest and really hurting to move any direction, hopefully will feel a bit better by tomorrow as this **** sucks. Only way I could comfortably grind was like semi laying back in my chair, and I'm not one who slouches way back while grinding at all, so was kind of tilting first hour clicking .

    Anywho, yea, so hopefully get going again within 6.5 hrs or so, plan to play either 6m hts or turbos/9m hts, w/e looks best when I wake up. Will just write in rest of the hours I play today with tomorrows update, gla!
    10-27-2014 , 02:53 PM
    lol 2/9 b75, 7k+ up top. guess im scratching the afternoon session and will force myself to stay awake a bit more and then just go to bed early and wake up early for a big day of 18s tomorrow
    10-27-2014 , 03:15 PM
    railing , glgl on ur "ipad" :P
    10-27-2014 , 03:31 PM
    10-27-2014 , 05:15 PM
    nice ship
    10-27-2014 , 05:16 PM
    10-27-2014 , 05:16 PM
    Bink! Nice score, you are crushing since you started this new schedule.
    10-27-2014 , 05:31 PM
    Haha thanks for the rail everyone, was a fun FT. Started with probably the worst position on the table but quickly took control of FT and I think had >2x chips as 2nd when we were 5-6h for a while

    Well this kinda ****s my hours for today, was gonna nap and wake up about 1 hr from now to start up again, guess im going to sleep early and I better play a long f day of sngs tomorrow to put myself in a position to be able to finish FR w/out having to grind like a 30 hour session to end it.

    10-27-2014 , 05:44 PM
    Gratz Josh!
    10-27-2014 , 06:07 PM
    Lol you have 16000 posts. Looks like it was worth the time afterall. GZ.
    10-27-2014 , 06:29 PM
    congrats! i lul'd at the ipad
    10-27-2014 , 08:16 PM
    Congrats Josh! nice bink keep up the good work.
    10-27-2014 , 09:33 PM
    Nice ship.
    10-28-2014 , 12:05 AM
    Duuude. So happy for your turn in life. Keep it up, and don't get discouraged when past habits and feelings creep in. We are not our thoughts or feelings, we are the one that aware of them and we can choose to act on them or not.
    10-28-2014 , 12:38 AM
    Gj on big 75
    10-28-2014 , 10:09 AM
    Hey thanks again everyone for the ggs/grats/etc between here and fb and skype, much appreciated . Felt good to finally bring home a 'big' on PS, especially with how badly I've been running mid-late game of midstake+ mtts as of late. Think amazingly enough that's my 3rd biggest score on PS, where 90%+ of my mtt volume is at, and I have like 4 or 5 bigger scores on other sites, pretty sure PS just rigged for mtts (bandit)

    Edit: Just checked, 5th biggest score on PS, still rogged!

    Originally Posted by 0desmu1
    Duuude. So happy for your turn in life. Keep it up, and don't get discouraged when past habits and feelings creep in. We are not our thoughts or feelings, we are the one that aware of them and we can choose to act on them or not.
    Yea for sure, those are some wise words. I think I've been handling my **** pretty well, my sleep is still pretty withered overall, but I've just accepted that I likely will not sleep well until start of 2015 and I just have to deal with it in the short term and not go back to drinking/smoking/xanax/any other substance.

    Hope all is well and you're getting some good hu action (flex)

    Originally Posted by Yazzx
    Gj on big 75
    Thx! Big fan of your pg&c with your bro


    Wow, finally got some good sleep. After that 15 hour mtt sesh on fri, I managed to only sleep 3.5 hours, followed by 3 hours on Sat night/sun morn and 3.75 hours sun night before starting this latest MTT sesh about midnight my time mon morn. Just absolutely passed out for about 13 hours, only woke up once in the night. After the initial grogginess from sleeping so long, I now feel the best I've felt since my last night of taking xanax (obv means I'm gonna lose today lol ).

    Gonna eat a cpl bananas (the fruit heh, done with the other bananas), stretch, and attempt to find the grind. Probs will add the bigs/hots/hypers with my sesh and maybe a couple $27 and under turbos as well; can't fathom skipping the 27 tko/ko/psko's nor the 2 big 16.50 turbos on a day where I'm playing all FR sngs.

    Glgl all, hopefully I can put in 12+ hours today, results at end of the day
    10-28-2014 , 02:21 PM
    If anyone wants a sweat, mtt pack for thurs/fri
    10-28-2014 , 05:46 PM
    101.07 + 5.14=106.21

    Will play 40 hours of MTTs w added 45s/180s/18s between Thurs and Fri so should be ez game finishing up this hours FR

    Games pretty bad this afternoon so going to get myself on the right sleep sched for the mtts a day earlier, probably for the best as I'll likely get in more hours of sngs tomorrow by doing this today than I would have otherwise.

    Today first day I've lost post RB thus far during the hrs FR heh, wasn't expecting to go nearly 2 full weeks w/out a losing day .

    Glgla, off to run to town to grab some snacks/drinks for MTT grind thurs/fri and think I need to restock on beer (weaning myself off of my drinking before bed habit with dos equis heh, big diff from drinking crown or jack straight out of the bottle), and probs will hit up a taco stand or Mongolian Grill on my way back for dinner tonight + easy to reheat food tomorrow

    10-28-2014 , 08:42 PM
    Hey man nice run lately! If you can't sleep you should make it a point to exercise daily. Like push yourself to exhaustion...only takes a half hour a day, if that.
    10-29-2014 , 03:34 AM
    Originally Posted by usagrindin
    Hey man nice run lately! If you can't sleep you should make it a point to exercise daily. Like push yourself to exhaustion...only takes a half hour a day, if that.
    Yea I have been doing like pushups/situps/wallsits/etc + stretching before bed, but not helping a lot of the time, think it'll just take some time for my sleep to return to normal.


    Swung and missed at sleeping, so woke back up and put in some games. Don't miss these 6m ht swongs too much

    1.62 hours to be added, gonna try to take a nap after 82 ht, going to just MTT all 3 days to make sure I hit the hours as I don't trust myself wrt playing enough sng hours right now

    Oh yea, forgot too that I got pulled over for the 2nd straight time within 10 seconds of going through the military checkpoint close to where I live. Both times got showered for rolling through the only stop sign within like 5miles either direction which is pretty lolz as down here as long as you arent driving like an absolute madman, you're usually fine.

    Didn't get a ticket which is pretty std, think the cop saw my Illinois license plate and was hoping I wouldn't have paperwork for the car or something like that (usually pulling ppl over to try to get bribe $'s, esp at night).

    Used to get pulled over like once a week when I was going out at night all the time to TJ, but since living up north in SADM with Ruse and then back south of town here in Calafia, it had been a while since I had gotten pulled over...always fun
