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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

07-10-2014 , 03:04 PM
Lookin good baby, keep up the heattttt

07-10-2014 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by starting gun
Nice work man!

Treat yourself to a break?
Haha, no breaks until the beginning of December when I plan to take off half the month to go play lol_live

Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
even though i hate the way you run against me lately, i admire your work ethic. Well deserved. Congrats
Thx man, have seen some chat tilting out of u lately

Originally Posted by 0desmu1
yehhh do work outside of just playing and it'll pay dividends
Definitely, keep up the good work yourself

Originally Posted by Gramps
There's also running good, vs. running like complete ass...

...kind of makes a difference.
Thissss, first time in forever that I've been anywhere near/above my RL for any amount of time.

Originally Posted by mcc3504
wooot glad to see things are going well lately
Thx man, hope you're doing well in the ole midwest. Any chance you're coming back to Mexico?

Originally Posted by Max Cut
Nice! Way to hang tough.
(hifive) thx man, hope you are also doing well!

Originally Posted by ikillfatboys
Lookin good baby, keep up the heattttt

Tomoooo, liking the new pg&c, gogo


Forgot to mention in my quickly written post last night that I've been getting a bit healthier, mainly thanks to living with Ruse who's been cooking some awesome, healthy meals.

Have lost something like 25-30 lbs since we moved in together, and we just finally got around to paying HOA due's and therefore are allowed to play use the tennis courts, which should help me even more .

Speaking of tennis, getting ready to go hit in a few mins then will come back and shower, eat and hit the grind for the night. Will have to stop at some point as it's my Mother's bday and I need to skype call her, fell asleep before she woke up at the end of my day yday (rain). BoL to everyone on the tables, maybe will try to get a bit better about doing more updates, we'll see. Might just do an update every 50k VPPs, seems maybe a reasonable line to take?

Anyway, gla!
07-11-2014 , 01:36 AM
Gratz on feeling healthier, should help out on the tables a bit as well. Too bad it won't guarentee any run good. Do you think you will stray away from the addy while you build up the momentum in that respect?
07-11-2014 , 11:17 PM
That's awesome dude keep up the weight loss and the run good!
07-17-2014 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by byski
Gratz on feeling healthier, should help out on the tables a bit as well. Too bad it won't guarentee any run good. Do you think you will stray away from the addy while you build up the momentum in that respect?
Yea def notice between the sit/stand desk and dropping weight they I've been feeling a bit better during sessions. I have been working off the addy over the course of the past 2-3 weeks, gotten down to where I very rarely eat more than half the powder out of the capsule in a day (no clue how much it is, used to either swallow entire thing or eat all the powder throughout the first half of my day) and don't take it 1-2 days a week where I just go for lighter volume and lower table count.

Am also working off of the xanax, I got down to 1mg (half a bar) a day but then took 2mg (full bar) b2b2b days and now am weaning myself back down. As long as I take adderall I literally have to take some xanax, but am hoping to get down to only needing 1/8th-1/4th of a bar per night.

Originally Posted by TheTyman9
That's awesome dude keep up the weight loss and the run good!
Thanks man


Sitting on just about 1.350 mil VPPs, been a pretty piss poor month's worth of volume from me thus far but feel my game is getting better and better all the time which is great.

In between posting, I think literally the only thing I've done in the #RealWorld is go grocery shopping + out to eat with Ruse earlier this week. Yea pretty certain of that; think it was the week before that we went out to dinner on Friday night and then went to Shooters bar/poolhall to shoot some pool; was the only time I'd lost for the tab in my last 8 or 9 trips . Just been over here studying and grinding pretty much entire day, every day, and am loving diving deeper and deeper into every aspect of the game.

Anyway, enough of that, lets get to some graphs. I went on a LOL downswing right after my last update itt, losing nearly 150 bi's in ~750 games . After that, as my EV didn't go down that much during that ridiculous DS, I'm right around EV on the summer challenge. Still not showing EV because who knows, maybe I'm bluffing (bandit) and it's more fun to disappoint, or even sometimes piss off people who only like graphs with EV line included

Bi's graph since last update to show that obnoxious swing:

July Graph:

Summer Challenge Cash Graph: Mixture of PLO and nlhe, mostly 100 and 200nl/plo that I play at the end of the day when I'm relaxing before bed

Summer Challenge SNG Graph:

Server restart in about 10 mins, gonna watch a couple vids, maybe play a quick cash sesh if I'm not ready to zzz quite yet when the restart is over, then right back on the grind tomorrow! Gla on the tables, next update at 1.4mil
07-18-2014 , 09:47 PM
just found this. very stoked you're back, dude. ****ing killing it. earning back that EV in both $ and life units.

07-20-2014 , 06:44 AM
subd jdawg


07-23-2014 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by a octopus
just found this. very stoked you're back, dude. ****ing killing it. earning back that EV in both $ and life units.

Originally Posted by YouFaiil
subd jdawg


(flex) (flex) yesss @ pulling out ole Ravishing Rick Rude. Was a huge wrestling fan growing up, hes a bit before my time but have seen some sweet old school WWE and WCW matches of his (Rude vs Ultimate Warrior, Rude vs Sting and Rude vs Flair come to mind).

Thx for the gl bros, hope you're both doing well and gl right back at ya!


Well tomorrow is the 2 month mark since my 'summer challenge' started, have a busy day planned today so going to just do an update now. Closing in on 1.4mil VPPs, sitting at ~1,385,000 or so; had a TN issue that cost me Sunday which was pretty annoying but w/e, **** happens. Got it fixed by Monday night and was back on the grind a bit yesterday, although I've mostly done a ton of study to get me better prepared for WCOOP challenger and WCOOP sats the past few days.

Am hoping to pound out a ton of hours from now til end of WCOOP, although this challenge will officially end when WCOOP starts on Sunday, September 7th, so I have about 1.5months to get another ~$58,000 of profit to hit my profit goal. Gonna be tough but seems doable if I put in some long hours .

Not much else going on as usual, Ruse is gone for a week but was nice enough to prepare a TON of food for me before he left, thanks again bro! Dont foresee me traveling any farther than the restaurant by the exit of the SADM community we live in, just gonna be on that griiiind! Graphs below, glgl everyone on the tables.

Challenge Graph:

Challenge Cash Graph:

July Graph:
07-23-2014 , 05:21 AM
mmmmmm some sweat giraffes itt, gl homie
07-23-2014 , 07:43 AM
Subbed, uve come a long way since attempting to grind Rockford Charitable games.
07-23-2014 , 09:34 AM
Finally getting the run good you deserve. I'm glad to see it
07-23-2014 , 07:28 PM
inspiration. heart. fighting spirit.

these are some of the few words i would describe myself, but you're not far behind either

jkjk, best of all luck on all your endeavors.
07-24-2014 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by ONLYRAISEAA
mmmmmm some sweat giraffes itt, gl homie
Originally Posted by spacehippie
Finally getting the run good you deserve. I'm glad to see it
Originally Posted by 0desmu1
inspiration. heart. fighting spirit.

these are some of the few words i would describe myself, but you're not far behind either

jkjk, best of all luck on all your endeavors.
Thx bros! Definitely feels good, hopefully ya'll are getting or get some heat as well!

Originally Posted by FH1337
Subbed, uve come a long way since attempting to grind Rockford Charitable games.
Haha indeed, that seems like an entire lifetime ago. Funny to look back at some of my old pg&cs and see my lol_logic + how bad I was at poker etc.

__________________________________________________ _

Hit some more heattttt, officially >$100k profit now in exactly 2 months (flex).

Challenge SNG Graph:

Off to make a celebratory drink plus peel some bananas! Gla on the tables
07-24-2014 , 09:48 AM
And if anyone is interested, trying to sell out a package for $1000 6m hypers. Makeup offered to investors, RB included, etc
07-24-2014 , 07:05 PM
How's SADM? Do you like it?
07-24-2014 , 08:05 PM
Nice to see you getting some much deserved HEATTTT sir! Hope it continues BOL! Also kind've glad I never got into xannies now, after reading this thread and knowing my love for addies! EEEK
07-25-2014 , 05:27 PM
07-31-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by -Zatoichi-
How's SADM? Do you like it?
I love it besides all the bugs/ants/etc . Living out of town def beneficial in most regards, but if I'm stuck w/out a roommate who is willing to cook for the both of us in 2015, I'll be moving back to town. Still a long way off though so won't be thinking about that for a long while

Originally Posted by dalaxthedonk
Nice to see you getting some much deserved HEATTTT sir! Hope it continues BOL! Also kind've glad I never got into xannies now, after reading this thread and knowing my love for addies! EEEK
Thx broski, yea xannies are confirmed tragic, my problem is I legitimitely can't sleep for more than 1 hr straight when I'm on the addy, even lowered amount I take and still the same. Either have to stay awake for 30 hrs to let it get out of my system (which means i play tragically bad the back half) or take xanex.

Think I'm finding the right balance though, been cutting even more of my addy intake and slowly replacing bananas in exchange for some of my xanax intake.

Originally Posted by Thanh1961


July officially over for me, minus maybe a quick zoom session. Decent grind, nearly 200k vpps which is my 2nd biggest VPP month of the yr. July treated me well, hopefully keep the heattttt going til end of WCOOP as the $357 and $714 hyper sat swings can be scary .

Not rlly in the mood to write out any thoughts as has been the case the majority of past 4-5 months, so just enjoy some graphs.


MTD Cash

Updated Challenge Graph

Gla on the tables in August, will maybe try to do an update after this COOP Challenge weekend but who knows
07-31-2014 , 04:58 PM
Celebrate your month/progress with the last Toros game of the year on Wednesday IMO. $20 covers the whole night at the park.

Somebody might even give you and Ruse a ride back to SADM if you guys are worried about sticking around TJ afterwards.
07-31-2014 , 05:18 PM
Solid month, vnj!
08-01-2014 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Celebrate your month/progress with the last Toros game of the year on Wednesday IMO. $20 covers the whole night at the park.

Somebody might even give you and Ruse a ride back to SADM if you guys are worried about sticking around TJ afterwards.
Yea I'm probably in to go, Ruse was already talking about it.

Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Solid month, vnj!
Thx boss! Hope you're crushing em up too!


Just woke up a bit ago and preparing for the big grind I plan to put forth the next 2.5 days. Hopefully lots of VPPs and profits . Gonna play the 215r turbo, 700, 1050 and 215 6m turbo, skipping the huge 109, SWU, Mil and 2100 bc I plan to be asleep a few hours after the Mil pops .

Will try my best to post a graph on Sunday afternoon or Monday of my WCOOP Challenge weekend.

08-01-2014 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Yea I'm probably in to go, Ruse was already talking about it.
08-02-2014 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Well apparently you know how to convince me to go places , im in!

__________________________________________________ ___

Picked up 10k vpps on the first day of WCOOP Challenge which I'm quite happy with, and ofc the profit is nice as well . Saturday should be a fun day with hopefully tons of 238 and 357 sats going (I'm being a pussy and not playing any more 714s bc I'm so close to being out of MU).

I'm still undecided if I'm going to play the events or not tbh; I skipped both events yesterday and went to sleep so I could wake up and start my Saturday grind early but am sort of thinking I'm going to just play straight through til late Saturday night/early Sunday morning when all the euro regs get on for their Sunday grind. Honestly probs depends on how I'm feeling and how the adderall is holding up

Anywho, day graph below along with updated Challenge graph, gl everyone on the tables!

08-02-2014 , 06:42 AM
josh good to see you're killing it bro!!!!!!!!!!!! you beast
08-02-2014 , 02:19 PM
Thx bro . Hope you're crushing whatever youre playing these days


Cutting day short, internet is ****ed for me today. Had a DC when i had a bunch of 357s up and lost a ton of EV there as it took me a full min to get back on (angry).

Hopefully better tonight/tomorrow, got in 10k vpps today but woulda cleared 15k-20k if I didnt have to cut it short by numerous hours. W/e, gonna zzzz, wake up, grind 25bb and then switch to sats at some point, possibly coming back to 25bb depending on how games look.
