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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb Jdawg91/slayerv1fan Summer Grind | 1Mil VPPs in 111 days | 0k profit post rb

09-17-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by game2eazy
I also quit Adderal recently,I was doing anywhere from 15mg-30 a day.

I also smoke way to much bud around 7gs a day.
mmmm yeah seems like if you just quit weed you might not need Adderal anyway
09-17-2014 , 12:42 PM
The bud habit got worst with Adderal ever try going to sleep off that ****
09-17-2014 , 03:30 PM

found an old video of jdawg when he was younger. go back to your roots

Last edited by Zima421; 09-17-2014 at 03:31 PM. Reason: still no idea how to embed videos, ha ha
09-17-2014 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421

found an old video of jdawg when he was younger. go back to your roots
[ youtube]Edu9cEB7gAc[ /youtube] (with the spaces removed)
09-18-2014 , 02:34 PM
Will respond to stuff later; i lol'd hard zima

Got 36th in the 700 psko yday , still >$8k cash as i was iirc the 3rd biggest bounty at the time of my bust.

Gotta share this lil dandy that just happened in the 320r plo

    Poker Stars, $300 Buy-in (80/160 blinds) Pot Limit Omaha Tournament, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #30776701

    BTN: 21,020 (131.4 bb)
    SB: 8,979 (56.1 bb)
    Hero (BB): 9,260 (57.9 bb)
    UTG: 2,103 (13.1 bb)
    MP: 15,959 (99.7 bb)
    CO: 26,614 (166.3 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with J 9 Q A
    2 folds, CO raises to 320, BTN calls 320, SB raises to 1,440, Hero calls 1,280, CO calls 1,120, BTN calls 1,120

    Flop: (5,760) 8 J T (4 players)
    SB bets 5,760, Hero raises to 7,820 and is all-in, 2 folds, SB calls 1,779 and is all-in

    Turn: (20,838) Q (2 players, 2 are all-in)
    River: (20,838) J (2 players, 2 are all-in)

    Results: 20,838 pot
    Final Board: 8 J T Q J
    BTN mucked and lost (-1,440 net)
    SB showed Q T Q A and won 20,838 (11,859 net)
    Hero showed J 9 Q A and lost (-8,979 net)
    CO mucked and lost (-1,440 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    09-18-2014 , 03:14 PM
    lol zima.
    09-22-2014 , 08:50 AM
    This could wind up being a long post, but should have some interesting stories in it that I learned about yesterday. Mexican drug cartels will be involved in the story telling.

    Interesting Sunday to say the least. Woke up and within 30 mins of waking up the power went out and after sitting around for an hour and it not coming back, I decided to just shower the day and went to go to the bar up in San Antonio del Mar (where Ruse/I lived in that house and where Ruse still lives) to watch NFL. The Packers looked horrible, and we decided after the early games we were gonna go to Tijuana to HKs to watch the afternoon games and to look at (and touch ) the ladies.

    Within 2 mins of walking in there, our friend Luis comes running up; great surprise to run into there. Hes the man when it comes to the ladies and had worked at HK for a bit so knows everyone there well. Had a great time chillin with him and a cpl of his customers who were hangin around his tbl which was 1 over from ours.

    Anyway, so were were sittin around watching the games and chillin and all of the sudden somebody comes up we both recognize (ruse and I that is), one of the DJs/dealers from a bar we frequent in Rosa. He was sent to look for the owner, guy I went on my crazy bender with like 2.5 yrs ago that led to me going to the hospital. It's a normal thing for him to go on these extended benders, but apparently it had been >3 days so this DJ was sent to look for him. He winds up chillin with us for most of the afternoon and when I go up to do my business with a girl, lose track of him. Come back and Ruse has this amazing chick but hes OI and is ready to bounce, so I end up banging her too and by the time I'm done, I've got the waiter coming up saying 'hey your boy is waitin for ya downstairs' and I'm like 'Ruse? He left already.' Waiter says 'nah your mxn friend' and then insta know its gonna be the DJ as Luis lives close by. Apparently he had gotten in touch with the owner and he had gotten home and was sleeping.

    So anyway, here's where the real fun starts. I offer this guy a ride home bc it's the least I can do; know he doesn't have a car and I'm gonna be going right by the bar in downtown Rosa on my way home, so can drop him off nps. He then starts sharing some stories that he knew I was around for/would recognize; like for instance the fact that I (and some of my friends like Ruse) had been in the bar at the same time, and probably cheersed with, as the recently captured leader of the Tijuana Cartel many times. He (the DJ) said he didn't even know he was who he was as he always came in without protection and was just with his friends (I'm assuming some of his dealers or lieutenants but could be wrong). The DJ said he was shocked when he walked to the Oxxo convenient store one morning and saw on the newspaper 'CAPTURED' and then a picture of this man who was a regular in the bar and a seemingly nice guy. As I'm sure a lot of you know near nothing about the Mexican Drug War or the cartels, will leave some links below before continuing.

    Capture story:
    Arellano wiki page:
    TJ Cartel wiki page:

    Meh I learned a couple more stories from the DJ on the ride back, but will save those for maybe another time. This was obviously be far the most interesting.

    Sware one of these days I will respond to other posts from my last update and give an update; but going to try to jump on the grind right now. Gla!

    Last edited by slayerv1fan; 09-22-2014 at 08:52 AM. Reason: why can i never remember the DJs name, ughhh. Ruse, wug?
    09-22-2014 , 02:42 PM
    H O L Y ***. Looks familiar.
    09-24-2014 , 10:27 PM
    Yeaaaa pretty nuts man, gotta love Mexico .

    So I'm thinking of doing a fun little prop in October, don't want to bet a large $ amount (mb $5k or $10k) on it as it's more for motivation/fun sweat than anything else. Wondering if ppl think I should create a separate thread for it, or if it's okay in here, and also obv ppl can reserve bets here ITT if they are interested.

    Would be quite simple, 1:1 odds and would need to play 25,000+ 25bb 6max hypers at $60+ stakes in October and profit pre RB. Hyper sats would count as 0.5 games per game ($56s will count towards the bet btw, 37.50s wont tho i don't ever play those anymore) played if I happened to play any (very likely i will on sundays and any time traffic is good); I get 5 games/hr/tbl at 6m 25bb (so 12 tabling I get 60 games/hr) and 8 games/hr/tbl at 10bb hyper satellits (so 12 tabling I get 96 games/hr). We would use my timezone (pacific US time) so that we could compare HM2 and Sharkscope to check results; obv will get audit if the numbers are off. Obv normal prop rules (I'll post 'official' rules if it ends up getting interest), if I am up pre RB at any point past game # 25,000 total (hyper sat/25bb combined), I have won the bet. Will plan to create a skype group for all bettors and bettors can skype video call me 2x a day (as a group, not each individual) to confirm its me playing live as I will not be streaming bc of my internet woes here in Mexico

    As most of you know, my pre RB profitline is pretty gross in the 25bb hypers; obv I've un super bad at HS's and am a large $ amount under EV, but the end of the year is rollin up fast and therefore the regfest should be on by midmonth, making this (imo) a bit more difficult for me, especially as afaik >50% of regs are losing pre rb this yr at $60+ 25bb hypers. Any questions, comments, concerns, reserves, etc, go ahead and post em. Not trying to hustle here at all btw, just looking for extra motivation to grind, and I might even be a dog at 1:1 given my profit history at 25bb, the lack of hours I tend to put in, and the fact that sat traffic will likely be VERY dead most of October.

    Edit: I guess I will make an 'official' thread if we do generate interest with the OP having rules, bettors, judges/escrow if we need them etc

    Double Edit: Was brought up on skype asap; I have fully quit the adderall and am tapering off the xanax. Down to taking 1mg/day of xanax, was taking about 6mg/day for a lot of 2014. Rusemandingo can confirm both that I was taking that much and that I'm tapering off of xanax atm and have quit the addy; I actually left most of my adderall with him after I moved and just have like 20 pills left somewhere around here. While tapering off the xanax (which will take another 3-4 weeks, slow process), I can't take any addy at all as it will instantly *** with me. The goal is to never use said 20 pills though, obv. Trying to eat healthier, get a lot of stretching/light workouts in and getting back to being a somewhat normal functioning human being

    Been quite the withered, swingy month. Am ~40k under EV this month, almost all of it at sats. W/e though, happy with the effort I've put up this month and the results are bound to come at some point. My MU hit 100k like 15 days ago, then was all the way down to like 40k 2.5 days ago and now is back to 60k lol; gotta love the WCOOP swooongs.

    Okay off to take a nap before waking up to grind sats to the 320 6m that starts at an ungodly hour.

    Last edited by slayerv1fan; 09-24-2014 at 10:56 PM.
    09-24-2014 , 10:57 PM
    id bet a couple hundred for a sweat, what's the min bet gonna be?
    09-24-2014 , 11:00 PM
    Check my edit and double edit

    Probs will do 100:100 min and if I know you/trust you, no escrow required. Anyone that is betting largish amount that I don't know (or randoms betting timbey $ amounts), I will likely ask to just send to me unless they are uncool with me holding onto the prop funds (I'm obv a 0% roll risk); as I said not trying to make this some huge official prop or anything like that. I am however looking for motivation to get to 2.5mil by end of the instead of being a lazy pig and stopping at 2.25mil, and this prop would fuel that fire
    09-24-2014 , 11:25 PM
    nooooo play not 25bb for October somehow. boooooo
    09-24-2014 , 11:47 PM
    Top lazy pig*

    Good luck buddy that's an obscene challenge.
    09-24-2014 , 11:59 PM
    Id bet like 500 for sweat probably
    09-25-2014 , 04:13 AM
    Will do $100 for funsies

    09-25-2014 , 05:30 AM
    Originally Posted by pepehaha
    Id bet like 500 for sweat probably
    09-25-2014 , 05:50 AM
    Originally Posted by debacle
    Will do $100 for funsies

    Happy to just send to you via Stars btw
    09-25-2014 , 06:39 AM
    Originally Posted by starting gun
    nooooo play not 25bb for October somehow. boooooo
    Haha sorry!

    Originally Posted by sippin_criss
    Top lazy pig*

    Good luck buddy that's an obscene challenge.
    Ty for the correction, top pig or bust ldo

    Originally Posted by pepehaha
    Id bet like 500 for sweat probably
    Originally Posted by 7a.m.@hu
    Sounds good both, will put you on the reserve list for the time being. 7a.m., you have any references? Have seen you post cpl times but you would be somebody I'd probably rather have escrow with me unless we have mutual friends

    Originally Posted by debacle
    Will do $100 for funsies

    Sweet thx, and no need to escrow ofc

    Same thing goes to Tyman, just lmk how much you wanna bet if still interested.

    Interest/Reserve List
    -pepehaha: 500
    -7a.m.: 500
    -Private #1: 300
    -TheTyman: 200?
    -Debacle: 100

    Total: 1600:1600

    Just got pummeled in sats before the $320 6m started but got an early double. Thinking I will put in a quick 25bb sesh before heading back to sats whenever scoss/daddy/early crew wakes up for $181 sats to the $530rebuy that is later today
    09-25-2014 , 08:02 AM
    I'd be interested in betting 100 just for the sweat
    09-25-2014 , 10:59 AM
    Originally Posted by jdawg91
    The goal is to never use said 20 pills though, obv. Trying to eat healthier, get a lot of stretching/light workouts in and getting back to being a somewhat normal functioning human being
    Cool Prop Bet. Seems difficult but GL.

    As for the exercise. If you want some good and short workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home try and get your hands on the T25 program. I struggled with a solid routine but my girlfriend got me on this program and it's working out great for me. The workouts can be semi difficult at first depending on your current physical condition but there is a modifier on screen that you can follow if some of the jumps and moves are to strenuous.

    The workouts are only 25 minutes long and there is a stretching routine at the end of each workout. There are three phases to the total system. Overall I think it's a very solid and efficient program for someone that struggles to maintain a routine and at the very least it will definitely make you break a nice sweat each day before your grind and improve your flexibility tremendously.
    09-25-2014 , 11:10 AM
    I'd like to bet $250, pm me if you want me to send money GL!

    Last edited by Siggo; 09-25-2014 at 11:11 AM. Reason: grammar
    09-25-2014 , 11:32 AM
    Originally Posted by pure_aggression
    I'd be interested in betting 100 just for the sweat
    Originally Posted by Siggo
    I'd like to bet $250, pm me if you want me to send money GL!
    Awesome, thx both. No escrow needed for either

    Originally Posted by cneuy3
    Cool Prop Bet. Seems difficult but GL.

    As for the exercise. If you want some good and short workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home try and get your hands on the T25 program. I struggled with a solid routine but my girlfriend got me on this program and it's working out great for me. The workouts can be semi difficult at first depending on your current physical condition but there is a modifier on screen that you can follow if some of the jumps and moves are to strenuous.

    The workouts are only 25 minutes long and there is a stretching routine at the end of each workout. There are three phases to the total system. Overall I think it's a very solid and efficient program for someone that struggles to maintain a routine and at the very least it will definitely make you break a nice sweat each day before your grind and improve your flexibility tremendously.
    Im surprised this isn't sold out tbh. I will have to check that out; right now I'm essentially doing stretching 2x/day, situps/pushups/wallsits/calf raises/etc in between sessions and then doing some light workouts with the big ass 6L jugs of water that most of us buy down here. They actually work out pretty well as they have handles on them and you can change the weight based on the amount of water in them obv, and works well for what Im trying to accomplish right now.

    Updated Interest/Reserve List

    -Demetri1978: 5000 (48hr reserve, we'll chat again soon)
    -pepehaha: 500
    -7a.m.: 500
    -Private #1: 300
    -Siggo: 250
    -TheTyman: 200?
    -maXX: 200 (tiltbook)
    -Debacle: 100
    -pure_aggression: 100

    Total: 7150:7150

    If Demetri confirms his bet, I will 100% do this, so ppl who havent made it clear that they 100% want to bet, plz do so if you could. I would take posts such as debacle, pure_aggression, siggo as 'confirmed booked' right now and everyone else I'd like to hear from again as I said I'd bet $5-10k and no more, and that won't change.

    To those interested, this link of a chain of posts on tiltbook should help clear up some stuff

    And this may be easier to read than my post I made last night detailing the prop

    I'm off to bed very soon, will respond to posts itt when I wake up
    09-25-2014 , 11:46 AM
    so up pre rakeback?
    09-25-2014 , 11:47 AM
    Yes, I must win pre rb and play at least 25,000 6m 25bb hypers to win the bet.

    If I'm at game 25,001 and am up $1 pre rb and then by game 26,001 am down $100 pre rb, I have still won the bet. I just have to be winning pre RB at some point at game 25,000 or later during the timeslot allowed
    09-25-2014 , 11:47 AM
    ok ill take the 2850
