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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

12-19-2016 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Hello good sir! Fun drunkament chat for a min last night, sorry if I was an asshat , I know how I get when I drink
Don't you dare apologize to me for that. I know I've been a little more tame this last 1-2years but I will still out-drink and out-drunken-asshat you any day of the week.

Last edited by SiQ; 12-19-2016 at 12:55 AM. Reason: I am not getting old!
12-19-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
big post
Heyo, yea I have a TON of experience with xanax and is probably something I would consider for a long ass flight like to Aus for example. And agree with you completely, I've never considered flying business or first class before because I feel it's a waste of money.

Thanks for taking the time to post, hadn't ever thought of cruises in the pacific islands and that is a good idea, or at least something to look further into.

@ the whole 'not sure how you're going to spend 20k,' yea seems like if you plan it out pretty well you can really stretch it out and see a whole ton of ****. Linked to Gramps trip, but scossett just very recently got back from his trip and this is all the places he went

from his fb post
'Monaco > France > Italy > Croatia > Montenegro > Greece > Israel > Suez Canal > Jordan > Oman > Qatar > Dubai'

Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
Can't remember if you care, but your balance is showing
Whoops don't ever mean to, but not a big deal

Originally Posted by squire1888
cog dis is the absolute goat ❤️

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Yea cog is super bossy for sure. And then he's getting coached/reviewing stuff with Gabriel, so really have 2 really good minds @ the format that horses would be working with, which is obv why I regard them so highly

Originally Posted by nakz
I've been to Madrid a bunch of times since i support Real Madrid (soccer team). 2-3 days is enough to be able to see a lot of the tourist attractions, i'd recommend trying to get tickets for a Real Madrid game there as it's one of the most fantastic stadiums in world football.
Yea this is a good idea; sucks that on that company trip for my mom's work we don't get to pick the dates, but in case I end up in Europe on my 10mil trip, it is definitely something to take into consideration!

Originally Posted by squire1888
come to scotland wel drink whisky and take heroin Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/FreerollsJdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

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Hahah heroin and whiskey, sounds pretty dreamy mate

Originally Posted by thabighurt35
flew chicago to bangcock with a layover in japan ~3 years ago. Coach was 1800, business class was 7500 and first class was 13000.

If an ambien and a couple shots frees up 11k of **** off money I think the choice is pretty easy.

I was fortunate to travel a lot for work so I used points to upgrade to business class :-)

Also, if you are changing time zones by ~12 hours, i found it very helpful to book a noon flight and not go to sleep before you leave and then drug yourseld to pass out on the plane. Almost kills the jet lag instantly
Very much agree with everything you said here. I can't sleep on planes for ****, so I almost always stay up for 24 straight hours before flying so I am exhausted and can pass out and then wake up and feel pretty refreshed (on long ass flights)

Originally Posted by Egption
What a ****ing month. Jesus.

Originally Posted by SiQ
Don't you dare apologize to me for that. I know I've been a little more tame this last 1-2years but I will still out-drink and out-drunken-asshat you any day of the week.
Hahah, yea haven't had a drunk siq hit me up in a while. I'm the only drunk pog

__________________________________________________ ________

Put up a decent grind this weekend. Got about 18k VPPs on Sunday and then whatever on Saturday. EV was quite bad yesterday as you'll see below, gonna study this afternoon for about 3 hours before getting a massage and then hanging out w Lupita.

On the home stretch, down to <25k vpps needed! Will be putting in a big grind tomorrow and then in the evening Ruse and I gonna head up to Tijuana to meetup with Gramps (and maybe thelipofund and others?) at Plaza Fiesta for Tap Tuesday. IIRC there are 8 breweries there and it's a slew of restaurants/bars. Gonna be fun to check it out, been meaning to head up there for months now but finally going to make it!

Anywayyy, going to post a lot of images before and then will get on the study grind! Gla


Sunday Graph: Nice EV (facepalm)

MTD sng EV:

MTD all games w RB:

Graph since WCOOP season of all games w RB: Fun way to make 50k

Midstakes EV since WCOOP season:
12-19-2016 , 08:06 PM
as far as the trip is concerned i recommend keeping it simple, spend 25% on travel to a brothel and the remaining 75% on hookers and your drug of choice.
12-19-2016 , 08:29 PM
Glad to see you catching up on ev
12-19-2016 , 10:04 PM
did i hear taaaaaaap tuesday? im gonna cross border sometime tomorrow night after super tues. will try to stop by for a few hours and grab some beers before going back to america

gl on the home stretch
12-21-2016 , 01:03 PM
Being a reg at HS poker and being scared of flying is like being a duck that doesn't like water.

Vallies > drinking > opiods > sober
12-21-2016 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by H0RUS
as far as the trip is concerned i recommend keeping it simple, spend 25% on travel to a brothel and the remaining 75% on hookers and your drug of choice.
Haha oh how I would love to be able to use it on something like this . Unfortunately don't think PS will like that too much

Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
Glad to see you catching up on ev
You and me both my friend! These games really are silly, not only just running above/under EV over big samples but just how long it takes for the EV to really be meaningful. Think a lot of people put too much focus and stock into the wrong things (such as short term variance) instead of just worrying about things they can control like study habits, volume, game selection etc

Originally Posted by walshp1
Being a reg at HS poker and being scared of flying is like being a duck that doesn't like water.

Vallies > drinking > opiods > sober
What does that even mean?

Also not scared, have flown dozens and dozens of times including multiple trips to Europe and a flight to and from Australia from Chicago....planes are just not comfortable at all, even more so when you're 6 ft 3 and like 275-300 pounds. No leg room at all, my knees end up hurting pretty badly at times. It's just not a fun experience

__________________________________________________ ____________________

Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
did i hear taaaaaaap tuesday? im gonna cross border sometime tomorrow night after super tues. will try to stop by for a few hours and grab some beers before going back to america

gl on the home stretch

And taaaaap Tuesday! Great time catching up with Gramps and Lipo, Plaza Fiesta confirmed pretty sweet and am looking forward to going there in 2017. There were about 8ish (I believe) locations in there, all different breweries in the area that were represented.

Snapped a picture of the board at Border Psycho, the first place we stopped at.

Lol and pic didn't come out too well, but the tap handles were all glass dildos and buttplugs at this place, had a good chuckle at that. Girl I was talking to later in the evening saw the picture and was like 'I need a big one of these' (pointing at the buttplug ).

Anyway was quite the late, fun night for Ruse and I, neither of us feeling too good when we woke up and I think he's slept away most of the day. Luckily I made it online for a few hours this afternoon, ran nice and hot and had a 5figure day . Ran supremely hot on F3Ts and down in the later 109 hyper. Came into FT with like 70% of the chips in play and cruised/runhotttt to a win

Down to not too many VPPs left, even after more or less missing today and then only playing for 1.5 hours before the 1k yesterday. Planning a big session tomorrow, hoping to actually play a fullish session on Friday as well for the first time in a long while but we'll see; could potentially be done with 10mil by the end of Friday, if not should definitely be done before the Sunday grind on Christmas Day!

Graph of the past cpl days below, along with full MTD graph of all games with RB. Gonna try to hit the study grind for a little bit, hopefully can get to sleep somewhat early even though I didn't wake up til about 11:30am today

12-22-2016 , 01:34 AM
12-22-2016 , 05:50 PM
12-22-2016 , 06:02 PM
been railing your sng play for the past hour............very nice results!!!
12-23-2016 , 06:20 PM
Haha, I know when you must have started watching yesterday. Unfortunately when you started watching I was -$25k on the day and then had the like 10k upswing you saw, and then dropped it all back

Just stopping in real quickly to post that WE GOTTHEREEEE!

Got a lot of stuff to get done this afternoon and think I have a massage too, so just going to post the updated MTD graph and get to it! Should have 4 big sessions in a row Saturday-Tuesday and then will take Wed off.

Happy holidays to everyone, gl to those that are grinding this weekend!

12-23-2016 , 06:25 PM
Congrats to your great achievement(s)!
12-23-2016 , 06:25 PM
it toke me 3 days but i finally read the hole thing... i had to log in to comment and when i did i saw your update that you got there!!!!! amazing job!
12-23-2016 , 06:58 PM
Wow congrats
12-23-2016 , 07:01 PM
CONGRATS...............NICELY DONE!!!
12-23-2016 , 07:03 PM
Amazing accomplishment, sick work ethic! Congrats, you earned it!
12-23-2016 , 07:22 PM
12-23-2016 , 07:29 PM
Nobody works harder, awesome accomplishment! Enjoy the well deserved vacation
12-23-2016 , 07:54 PM
many congratz!
12-23-2016 , 08:12 PM
Vamooooooooooo Gg bud
12-23-2016 , 08:24 PM
Awesome, many congrats! Never had any doubt you wouldn't make it.

Too lazy to do math but how much rake did you approximately pay to get to 10 milly vpp?

Enjoy your holidays now.
12-23-2016 , 08:59 PM
Huge congrats on 10M lifetime VPPs, enjoy the trip of your choosing!
12-23-2016 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by card core
Too lazy to do math but how much rake did you approximately pay to get to 10 milly vpp?
$1.8M in rake.
12-23-2016 , 09:28 PM
Gratz on the 10 mill. Enjoy the trip and hookers!!

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12-23-2016 , 09:33 PM
Congrats, must feel nice huh
Sick downswing there, only 120k profit this month
