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Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt !

11-04-2013 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by ranka
How you can support him? I just cant understand. Yes its OP decision, but his decison is wrong in so many levels, and sometimes its better not to help. It would be totally OK, if OP have enough money, but right now he is totally busto - barely can pay bills and for food.

He loaning money from gf parents, buy-ing clothes for dogs, wedding party, lying to parents etc. at the same time when have 1k or less on his name.

If his girlfriend and gf family really respect OP, then they should understand that its not the right time to make engagment and wedding party. Also the OP should understand that by self.

He cant understand, and this is most idiotic thing ever. First he should stop lying and stop living in the clouds, come back to the ground, make good financial fundament and then start thinking about marrying.

Everyone who help him, then probably you help ruin his life more. Please dont do that. I am not saying because I hate OP, but I know his decision is wrong. Sometimes its better to close eyes, turn back and say: **** it.

Your $10, $15, $100 or $1000 what you are sending to OP, not helping him to recover. It help him to spend more on pointless things. He suck at life and money managment. Longer you help, longer he live in the clouds and deeper problem grow.
+1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

I just cant believe that some people sends money to OP, did people even read how OP is using his money!!!???
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 12:53 AM
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by ...|...

Theres almost a 2:1 ratio of girl to men in thailand. .
I am guessing you are an awful poker player as well if you are so bad with numbers...
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
Pretty amazed at the racism and misogyny in these thread. Seems to be a lot of guys who think a woman (or perhaps only a Thai woman's) only value is her looks. Also a lot of guys who seem to have this image of Thai's as somehow subhuman, lacking the basic familial compassion that we take for granted. "These savage Thai's, they don't care about their daughters like we Westeners do, they're obviously just trying to sell her so they can make money".

Pretty incredible really that people like that exist in this day age. Anachronisms born in the wrong century or more likely just disgusting human beings.

Lots of people ITT who have issues with people i think bordering on sociopath.

I am guessing most of the haters are either 1) Living in mums bedroom 2) Incapable of having real relationships with women so sleep with prostitutes and think it to be ' normal ' ( try bringing the subject up with a girl from your own country / your mother ) 3) Have some sort of anger issues.

OP come back to the thread use it as motivation to prove the haters wrong don't hide from them they would never say it your face ( or your girlfriends or her families ). By not posting here you make them appear to be correct F them and gl gl !!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 03:33 AM
I just sent op $1k, you mad?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 03:44 AM
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 04:08 AM
There are two distinct camps here one which are rooting for the under dog and another that is rational.the under dog lovers believe in love and happy endings no matter what the rationals understand the rent needs to be paid before you can get married, and that this is built on match sticksand op is wearing gasoline drawers... Then a smaller sick camp sending money and egging on purely for enter tainment value... Who is right depends on how you see life fairy tale or rational?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by lovedaphils
the rent needs to be paid before you can get married

So poor people can't get married? What a ridiculous sentiment. Ever heard of accomplishing things together?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 05:03 AM
That'd make a lot more sense if your "rational" group didnt include the large contingent of busto haters who automatically dislike anyone getting sent money and your "fairy tale dreamer" group didnt include pros who are giving time and money to someone they see with potential that theyd like to help.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 06:03 AM
Sure, accomplishing things together so wheres her 50 percent on this? Oh wait Thai culture yeah.. How do you know the large contingent of rationals are busto? And why are they hating maybe they are trying in a very abrupt way ( admittedly, not the best way) to show original poster that this is not a good move... And so what have the so-called "pros" accomplished so far with original poster? ( his father is now paying for the wedding isn't he) The dogs look really really cute though! LOL As far as I'm concerned by all means send him money I want this to continue, love this thread!!!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 06:17 AM
And dog arse the rent being paid is a figurative term meaning that there needs to be some sort of financial foundation if this is going to work especially since he is in Thailand where the foreigner husband is expected to provide... I mean you gave him all the chance in the worldnd he has shown that he is not capable of building any sort of roll. He's talented yes, but bankroll management is the most important part of playing professional poker, if you don't understand that then you are not prepared to be a professional in my opinion...
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 06:34 AM
Update? FWIW I only ended up coachin like 30min lifetime -.-;;
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by lovedaphils
the rent and the dogs toxido need to be paid before you can get married
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Update? FWIW I only ended up coachin like 30min lifetime -.-;;
two dogs have their wedding clothes, one is still without tuxedo
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by bighusla
I just sent op $1k, you mad?
nice, congratz. proof now pls
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 10:41 AM
Proof will come in a week when the dogs are rockin google glasses
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Proof will come in a week when the dogs are rockin google glasses
pissed myself damn nice one!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 12:18 PM
This was probaly already said but Man you can barely financially manage yourself in thailand. Poker should be your first goal and not getting married with the first woman yu ever had in your life and spew your few hundred dollards by buying wedding clothes for your gf dogs wtf.

Think about the consequences, i mean i m ok to realise his dream and not live life like a pussy but damn this story doesnt smell good at all and you seem def too weak to assume that. Open your eyes everyone here promotting you actually want you to fall as low as possible, this will make their life less miserable that it looks.

Do not get married op, your young with no experience and no money i understand yu can be in love with that woman but damn yu dont need to marry her now.You can love each other without being married and i think she woulde apreciate you to say that yu r not financially ok to get married atm.

Build an healthy bankroll min 10k, be sure yu can win your life by playing poker, stay with your gf withoout getting married or **** every women yu can its your decision but make some ****** money before getting marrued and have responsabilties and a wife to take care.

Your are young i guess yu can try to play poker as a job in thailand it should not be that difficult even if yu r playing really low atm and if you fail yu will fail alone with no responsabilities. thats the point.

From outside its already kind of weird to try to be a pro poker and succeed in thailand by beating nl50, but yu playing lower with a ridiculous bankroll and a wedding coming its way too much if its not a level. Above all, you are lying to your parents about your financial sitution which would make me so bad in my mind, def not a good thing when yu want to be a pro poker player.

All this **** doesnt make any sense and i really hope you would realise this before getting married.

I dont wanna be wicked because you seem to be a good and kind person but i dont understand how you can be that stupid and irresponsible and im a 24 years old pro poker player living on thailand too.

Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Proof will come in a week when the dogs are rockin google glasses
really lol'd at this 1

more update OP plz, got hooked at this thread, glad to see it more alive since last update...

Don't lie any more to your parents imo OP, your about to enter into a married life, with no real liferoll, playing 3.50's currently.

Originally Posted by bighusla
I just sent op $1k, you mad?
could be a nice boost for OP, hope its not a level
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:01 PM
Just another input:-) In villages its about 5000 baht for sinsod thats it, and off course be able to support the new family.. It is very different for a farang or wealthier thai families, and by wealthy i not mean rich, i know 2-3 thai men that married uni girls (they uni boys 2) and that was about 500k baht in sinsod. They have no problems with that since culture.
They live for marriage and status the wedding gives them. Then they live all their lives going home in weekends to the girls mother and father to be accepted. That is culture, marry and get 2 cars and a home, then you work your ass off to pay it. But they want it and loves it. Quite different from the western world or ?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Proof will come in a week when the dogs are rockin google glasses

^^^There you go Haha!!

Last edited by cneuy3; 11-05-2013 at 02:04 PM. Reason: nevermind, google glasses. I'm a bit out of touch with the newer technology:(
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Delete this for the OP future sake
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Proof will come in a week when the dogs are rockin google glasses
I root for OP, but damn this is gold.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-05-2013 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
youre essentially saying half the male population of thailand is gay?
pretty much
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-06-2013 , 01:19 AM
IZGame said it all;
Please use the $1k from bighusla on your dogs buying them google glasses as said and post pics itt.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
