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Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt !

11-07-2013 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
Anyone else thinking of calling OPs wife a whore might want to have a quick look at this website.

Lays out the custom pretty much exactly as OP reports out, right down to the appropriate amount for a middle class university educated Thai girl (which OPs wife is). Website suggests 100,000-300,000 baht and OP is coming in right at the bottom of that range.
Thai universities are often in the sticks and worth absolutely nothing in term of education. No more than an highschool diploma.

My brother in law went to an university like OP's gf. He majored in english. His understanding of the language is that of a 20months old child at best. No exaggeration.

Someone with one of those diploma isnt worth more than an uneducated person.

Anyways the whole last few page should have been about the family being scammers and it did stray away from this. Any thai will tell you that even if a dowry is required a family should be fair. They should be TELLING their daughter to WAIT as long as it takes for the boy to be ready to pay and to wait to make sure they are compatible.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Temujen
Don't argue with "....I...." he knows more than anyone. The content on that site is crap according to him.
I like how your last months of post history is 100% you living in the US playing 1/2 fixed limit live and criticizing posts on the travel threads trying to live through the lives of those who made it in poker and are living in asia.

Maybe stop trying to see this forum as entertainment, no need to derail threads just to give yourself a life? Start accepting facts from people who've actually lived in those countries.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 12:37 AM
OP has already stated that his girl friend went to university in Bangkok. Also the family live in the city, have their own business and have enough spare income to loan OP and their daughter money when they have needed it. OPs girlfriend has a job and supports herself (and sometimes him). OP stated that the family asked for the lowest possible bride price. This is consistent with the range for bride price recommended in the link provided above. OP has also stated that GF will sell the gold if they need too and that the family will return a portion of the money. This is also very standard as per the link posted above.

All the above evidence, to me, points to this marriage being a legitimate albeit perhaps reckless endeavour by the two parties and tie accusations of OPs fiancé being a whore and a scammer seem little more than the ridiculous fantasy of a bitter, racist, misogynistic sex pat concocted from half truths and based on deliberate misreadings.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 01:01 AM
Some of the you must have experienced a much different Thailand than I have in my 4 years here. It really bothers me how much some of you look down on Thai people.

Obviously OP is being reckless and it's not choices the rest of would make but there's no need to denigrate the character of his soon-to-be wife and her family.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by ...|...
I like how your last months of post history is 100% you living in the US playing 1/2 fixed limit live and criticizing posts on the travel threads trying to live through the lives of those who made it in poker and are living in asia.

Maybe stop trying to see this forum as entertainment, no need to derail threads just to give yourself a life? Start accepting facts from people who've actually lived in those countries.
For your information I have never claimed to be a pro. I play recreationally. I am Asian and have lived in more Asian countries than you have to include Italy/Germany/Dubai/Qatar/Jordan. I don't make my living of poker. I work as a general contractor. And show me where I mentioned playing 1/2 lhe. There is no casinos here that spread that limit. I play in Oklahoma and the lowest limit is 4/8 lhe and yes my game is 4/8 lhe, 4/8 plo, 1/2 nl and once in awhile 2/5.

I don't claim to know everything but I know the Asian culture, don't think you know more or understand it more than someone who is. Also just because you live in Thailand doesn't mean you understand the people if you spend most of your time locked-up in a room or base your opinion from your experience in bars and whores. Most of the guys on this forum living in Asia live in areas that caters to westerners, so yes some people may not be so traditional.

Also, how am I derailing this thread when I only responded to your accusations of OP and his Girl? What proves do you have that all this is a elaborate scam?

If some random Thai guy/girl is flown into California and driven straight to Disneyland, spending an entire year inside Disneyland would he be an expert in the American culture?

Last edited by Temujen; 11-07-2013 at 03:47 AM.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 11:42 AM
She wanted to marry with me as she had to marry with me if she wanted we stay together.
Coz her religion we had to marry and her family and friends are very pushy into marrying.

man wtf are you doing? I'm in Thailand right now and they are not telling you the truth. If they pushed you is because they know you are a farang and they want to **** all your money. Leave her and go back, you cannot live in thailand playing microstakes
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 11:46 AM
I also think it could be pretty big mistake, escpeccially in your years and in your circumstances, but GL OP!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 12:25 PM
dude, i'm not trying to be mean or anything... but I mean this whole story just doesn't make any sense... so many bad choices that could've been avoided by common sense
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by musoyu
dude, i'm not trying to be mean or anything... but I mean this whole story just doesn't make any sense... so many bad choices that could've been avoided by common sense

So many bad choices that could've been avoided if he had minimum intelligence and brains.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 06:36 PM
Congrats ...|... you are the officially the biggest idiot itt that's a very impressive achievement well done.

Originally Posted by ...|...
Maybe stop trying to see this forum as entertainment, no need to derail threads just to give yourself a life?
With a bit of luck you will listen to your own advice and quit posting instead of attacking strangers on the internet to make yourself fell better.

How many times have you insulted op's girls looks ?

I doubt you would say this to his face which makes you a cowardly pos.

Either post a pic of your smoking hot gf or stfu and gtfo

Last edited by Spudhead; 11-07-2013 at 06:38 PM. Reason: have fun searching my post history you miserable idiot
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-07-2013 , 07:40 PM
Wow, 2p2 comes through again.

How am I going to get any actual work done with threads like this? Freakin' brilliant. I spent half of last week reading Jason Young vs Chris Moneymaker on NvG and now I find this nugget of gold. Is PgG always this good??!

GL OP. After reading 40+ pages of this I can only suggest the following:

1) Whoever suggested you hit up the Thai pharmacies and get some cheap ritalin is a moron. The LAST thing you need is to get hooked on some speed-like pharma like Ritalin or Adderall so you can multitable better. If there is one thing that would make this thread sadder it's you posting that you're hooked on ADD meds now. And no, it doesn't make your game better long term any more than Coke made Stu Ungar a winner in life (hint, he died broke and alone in a motel room with a disintegrated septum).

2) I don't know if it's naivete or courage for sharing your story on here, but thank you. Haters gonna hate, but you're putting yourself out there. Bravo. I Hulk out when I see people hating on me on strategy forums. Can't believe you're posting pics and stories about your life out there, but I wish ya luck.

3) Don't leave your family in the dark dude. I know you don't want to accept the possible consequences, but from what I see you have exactly one fallback plan (other than making it big in poker) and that's your family. Level with them on your financials, your goals, etc. You're gonna need their support, and I hate to say it's probably going to be sooner rather than later. I went busto in a different career after dropping out of college, and moving back in with my family and going back to school was what got me back on track. Yeah, it kind of sucks to be in your 20's and living back with your family, but it beats the alternatives.

4) As someone else said, my only serious advice to you would be, do NOT get her pregnant whatever you do. It's one thing to be wild and careless in your 20's. Whatever. I get it. And even if you get married it's not the end of the world. You wouldn't be the first Western guy to marry an Asian woman and end up divorced in your 30's. But you bring kids into it and the whole equation changes. You are so far from being stable enough to bring kids into this world it's about as -EV as you can get. So avoid that and I think no matter what happens you'll survive.

GL bro.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-08-2013 , 01:52 PM
OP confirmed busto and homeless (without a wife)
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-08-2013 , 04:54 PM
keep the dream alive
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-08-2013 , 05:26 PM
Maybe consider having sexual intercourse with at least 3 other women before marrying? Maybe one with a nice fat ass and some large breasts? you never know it might be an eye opener
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-08-2013 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by andrePT
So many bad choices that could've been avoided if he had minimum intelligence and brains.
Pretty much nails this thread
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-09-2013 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by 2p2
nails andre
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 01:11 AM
last activity: 11-03-2013 01:38 PM

as i predicted he's been abducted for a ransom.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by ...|...
last activity: 11-03-2013 01:38 PM

as i predicted he's been abducted for a ransom.
Or given up posting in his own goals thread as it got hijacked by a bunch of idiots.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 05:57 AM
The fact you think him not logging into a poker forum for week is a big deal says a lot more about you than it does him. Especially if it's during his wedding just lol get a grip.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 06:55 AM
Why does everyone say he is getting married now? He said the wedding was the end of december. He was just having an engagement ceremony now and his dad was coming in for it.
Maybe his dad grew some balls and made his son go home with him.
That is what I would do if my son was playing grownup and about to get married to the first girl he ever saw naked while pretending to be a poker pro but was really a lazy, irresponsible micro stakes grinder.
If op does goes thru with the wedding, I wish him and his wife all the best in life and hope everything works out for both of them.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by chasepoker
Or given up posting in his own goals thread as it got hijacked by a bunch of idiots.
This +1

Sad to see all the flamers and haters

Cant blame OP when he decided to stop posting, i am curious though how things work out. I really hope he has a good future ahead of him.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 08:41 AM
The engagement ceremony is the wedding.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-10-2013 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by kingo
Why does everyone say he is getting married now? He said the wedding was the end of december. He was just having an engagement ceremony now and his dad was coming in for it.
Maybe his dad grew some balls and made his son go home with him.
That is what I would do if my son was playing grownup and about to get married to the first girl he ever saw naked while pretending to be a poker pro but was really a lazy, irresponsible micro stakes grinder.
If op does goes thru with the wedding, I wish him and his wife all the best in life and hope everything works out for both of them.
As this is Thailand there's a better chance his dad decided to wed the scamming mom after meeting her. Now they've started building a house in the sticks.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-11-2013 , 04:53 AM
Hope you come back from your wedding soon and tell us more about your story mate. Somehow you've been an inspiration for me but also remembered me how dumb men can be regarding women.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
11-11-2013 , 08:54 AM
[QUOTE=EvilMushroom;40971004]Hope you come back from your wedding soon and tell us more about your story mate. Somehow you've been an inspiration for me but also remembered me how dumb men can be regarding women.[/QUOT

You inspire to be DUMB?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
