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Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game.

08-04-2010 , 11:29 PM
Again, you've under-repped your hand and she's attempting a squeeze. Folding is ******ed, so is flatting OOP. I jam AINEC.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-04-2010 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by derick
Humm maybe I have a leak in my game.

Same sort of thing happened again.
Against and even better player.

2/5 Live ... a few days later.

BB Villain is a very very good player. Recently final tabled in the WSOP doubling through Phil Helmuth, sponsored Stars player. She's playing LAG and running over the table.

I've never seen her play as low as 2/5 before.
I'm here because there are some awful fish at the table.

Solid player ($1200) makes it $25 in the CO.

I flat call the $25. AKo in SB ($647).

BB Villain ($1100) makes it $125.

Solid player folds.

What do you do here?
shove... you're not gonna outplay her?

is her name mandy? cuz there is some pokerstars sponsored chick that plays pretty high NL in toronto area. she posts on 2p2 btw.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by derick
Humm maybe I have a leak in my game.

Same sort of thing happened again.
Against and even better player.

2/5 Live ... a few days later.

BB Villain is a very very good player. Recently final tabled in the WSOP doubling through Phil Helmuth, sponsored Stars player. She's playing LAG and running over the table.

I've never seen her play as low as 2/5 before.
I'm here because there are some awful fish at the table.

Solid player ($1200) makes it $25 in the CO.

I flat call the $25. AKo in SB ($647).

BB Villain ($1100) makes it $125.

Solid player folds.

What do you do here?
Back raise to $350
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Back raise to $350
It's an interesting spot. She will probably be able to conclude that you don't have KK+ because:

If you had KK+ in SB, why didn't you 3-bet PF?

That being said, if she is a good LAG, her range is pretty wide. You are ahead of ~50% of her range. For this reason, I think 4-betting is fine. Like I said, she will be suspicious of your raise, and as such, I'd expect you to get called by worse: 99+, and possibly AQs.

If you just call PF, and you miss OTF, she will bet for sure. In which case, you might have to fold the best hand.

Against LAGs you can't be afraid to stack off for 130BBs PF with AK.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Back raise to $350
+ shove any flop correct?

If she is good I think she must be smart enough to realize its either shove or fold pre for her.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 11:55 AM
I think back raising is useless. Just shove.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 12:15 PM
Looks like a squeeze... I don't think you can flat her 3bet with AK out of position. No matter what flops you'll have no idea where you are. However, your stack size makes it tough to 4bet... you'll be committing over half of your stack with decent sizing. Seems like a good place to shove - AA and KK are a very small part of her range, and you're flipping, ahead of, or dominating the rest of her range. She'll probably see it for what it is, and you'll probably pull the pot in uncontested.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Back raise to $350
I'm totally clueless about why you would consider back raising.

If you see the flop with less than a half pot stack ...
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by derick
I'm totally clueless about why you would consider back raising.

If you see the flop with less than a half pot stack ...
imo, that looks stronger. shoving pretty much tells her you got AK
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 08:11 PM
If your description is accurate she will not flat our 4bet ever.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 09:57 PM
My thinking is that I want to make it look like I'm playing the Squeeze-Counter-Squeeze game when I have a big hand. Is this too fancy play syndrome? If she's on a squeeze I want to give the impression that I'm making a Counter-squeeze play.

Edit: Now that I read what I wrote ... I must be insane to try this against a world class player.

Last edited by derick; 08-05-2010 at 10:01 PM. Reason: Insanity.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 10:01 PM
Sure but you don't mind her folding pairs here.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-05-2010 , 10:49 PM
i've enjoyed reading this thread.

i'm curious, how did you come to the decision to shove the QQ? seems like you were leaning towards a fold
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-06-2010 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by lao che
i've enjoyed reading this thread.

i'm curious, how did you come to the decision to shove the QQ? seems like you were leaning towards a fold
"I has overpair....wheeeee"
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:32 AM
Check behind on the turn. Why would you bet the turn against a guy better than you, who might move you off your hand with air?
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-06-2010 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by lao che
i've enjoyed reading this thread.

i'm curious, how did you come to the decision to shove the QQ? seems like you were leaning towards a fold
Originally Posted by masaraksh
"I has overpair....wheeeee"
Originally Posted by derick
I like the above questions better than what I did.

Something lucky happens to me.

The PA announces a list of names for a new 5/10 table.
She calls out the the floor, "How could I be eleventh on the 5/10 list?"

The floorman replies with some obsequious gibberish.

I can't think of anything good to say. I should memorize some good lines, but I decide to try conversation.

My brain pumps out something idiotic.

I say, "How much do you have?"

This is totally ******ed. I know exactly how much she has. She knows I know.

She lifts her arms showing her stack.

Then she smiles and she remarks, "... Maybe we should have gotten it all in preflop."

What do you do with this information?

What's your read now?
Originally Posted by derick
I place 4 black chips on 3 stacks of 20 red chips... , "All in"

After 2 seconds...

She says, "I know my hand is better than yours"

Pause of 5 seconds.

"Queens are no good"

How the heck did she read me for queens?
The remark that she made changed my mind.

Does that make sense to you?
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-14-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by derick
Humm maybe I have a leak in my game.

Same sort of thing happened again.
Against and even better player.

2/5 Live ... a few days later.

BB Villain is a very very good player. Recently final tabled in the WSOP doubling through Phil Helmuth, sponsored Stars player. She's playing LAG and running over the table.

I've never seen her play as low as 2/5 before.
I'm here because there are some awful fish at the table.

Solid player ($1200) makes it $25 in the CO.

I flat call the $25. AKo in SB ($647).

BB Villain ($1100) makes it $125.

Solid player folds.

What do you do here?
Originally Posted by Princess Azula
It's an interesting spot. She will probably be able to conclude that you don't have KK+ because:

If you had KK+ in SB, why didn't you 3-bet PF?

That being said, if she is a good LAG, her range is pretty wide. You are ahead of ~50% of her range. For this reason, I think 4-betting is fine. Like I said, she will be suspicious of your raise, and as such, I'd expect you to get called by worse: 99+, and possibly AQs.

If you just call PF, and you miss OTF, she will bet for sure. In which case, you might have to fold the best hand.

Against LAGs you can't be afraid to stack off for 130BBs PF with AK.
Originally Posted by derick
My thinking is that I want to make it look like I'm playing the Squeeze-Counter-Squeeze game when I have a big hand. Is this too fancy play syndrome? If she's on a squeeze I want to give the impression that I'm making a Counter-squeeze play.

Edit: Now that I read what I wrote ... I must be insane to try this against a world class player.
I shove it all in and she snap calls and show AQo????????????????????

I'm kinda stunned for a bit here.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-23-2010 , 08:48 PM
So in the end I see two lines advocated here.

1. BCB... Bet bigger on the flop

Bet 75% on the flop.
Check the turn for pot control.
Bet the river.

2. Small bets... Keep the pot small on the flop

Bet 40% flop
Bet 40% on a good turn
Do something on the river based on the information you got on the first two streets.

The majority of you seem to like the BCB line.

Most of the time I choose the BCB line against the donkeys I play with at 2/5. Against better players I like to keep the pot smaller on the flop and just bet 40% of the flop. On a safe good turn I'll check 50% of the time and 50% of the time I'll make a smallish 40% pot bet.

My cbet and 2nd barrel percentages are quite high.
Probably much higher than most people.
This probably means a Bet Bet line works better for me when I have a hand.

Do you agree/disagree with the line... ... Sometimes I think pot control was a concept created by the high stakes players so they could fry the fish faster.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-23-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by KneedUrDough
Fantastic card for her to crai as she can rep a ton of hands that beat u (and ur hand is face up... overpair or overcards/air.) U have to fold (and she knows this) because she is shoving every river. She may have 'it,' she may have a draw or she may have shyt... It's a great bet, avoid her!
Lol??? What do you mean our hand is faceup, we bet the flop and now a scary turn we can have every single nut hand in our range.

Originally Posted by jamuka
She thinks you're bluffing and missed with AK/AQ/KQ. She has a pair of jacks - or a draw of some kind. Shove, and enjoy your pot.
It's possible she has Q9 or a higher pocket pair, but that's a risk you need to be willing to take. She plays those hands the exact same way as she would play AJ,AQ, or some other jack.
if she thought this adn could narrow our range so tightly seh would call the turn with her value ahdns.

Originally Posted by cashgamepoker500
bet closer to pot on the flop. i like checking the turn here and calling a river bet/value betting river.

Originally Posted by 75s00ted
Just basically saying what everyone else has said in the thread. Your not getting 3 streets of value against as good as villian as your describing, therefore check back turn, call river bet, or bet river if checked to.

Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
as played i fold. I would chk back turn though.

Originally Posted by KneedUrDough
A good Villain will know ur practicing pot control (when u check behind on the turn) and will crai the river as well (see Durrr vs. the real estate guy.) She knows u want to keep the pot small so she'll make it huge.
cocaines a helluva drug

bet flop, b/f turn without any other read. Most people cant c/r turn as a bluff so w/o knowign that she can, its a pretty easy muck. Even if she is c/ring a draw she can ship a lot of rivers and prob has good equity anyways etc etc
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-25-2010 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by fattony7891

bet flop, b/f turn without any other read. Most people cant c/r turn as a bluff so w/o knowign that she can, its a pretty easy muck. Even if she is c/ring a draw she can ship a lot of rivers and prob has good equity anyways etc etc
I agree most people can't C/R the turn as a bluff.

However I thought I made it clear that...

This villain isn't "Most people" This is a skilled aggressive villain.

If the villain ships the river what do we do? (blank comes/doesn't come)
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:14 AM
How did this fizzle? Great discussion here.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:24 AM
as for the original hand she was bluff raising you and i thonk you shoved corectly nh
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
07-27-2012 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by cashgamepoker500
bet closer to pot on the flop. i like checking the turn here and calling a river bet/value betting river.

as played im folding. if hes good like you say, were never getting 3 streets of value anyway so just check back the turn and get value from the river/control the pot.

versus a fish though were always betting this turn obv. but in this spot versus a competent player i like controlling the pot on the turn and checking.
Why are we potting otf? We'll be missing alot of value from plyrs who think they are bluff-catching but have no balls to call big nets or nits who fold J10-k10 otf. Also he pots the flop then his turn bet will be sig. Bigger which might get a crai if he bets which he may fold and lose more money. I think 1/2-2/3 pot is ample. She could be c/r with J10 or AJ ott since those two hand and q9s only real hands that fit into her p/f flatting range more than likely or she flopped a set and we are fcked. The fact that she usually plays bigger gives me the impression she is c/r alot lighter than she would in the 10/20 game. I think i prefer to cib ott, pot-control, and let her value-own herself with river donk bet when she has aj and u call.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
07-27-2012 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by cds0699
Whats this bet $180 into a $187 pot on the river? I'm betting like $85 - $100.
^^^funny, I was just reading this in astonishment wondering why so big? 1/2-3/5 pot has to be called only around 1/2 the time to be profitable and we are gretting called way more than that in LSNL vs making big river bets when we arent sure where villain is and if she will call pot-size bet with A10(or some worse 1-pair hands). Also a line from her of checking ott, we cib, and then crai otr makes absolutely no sense from a perceived winning player-she'd be value-blocker betting with a lead otr OOP rather than crai-thats lol funny to think otherwise.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
07-27-2012 , 08:18 AM
Going back to the QQ hand, you got REALLY lucky engaging her in conversation.

I find when people are distracted (the 5/10 table call and issue with being 11th on the list), the discussion afterwards is always a truth tell - good job recognizing it and following your instinct to shove!
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
