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Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game.

07-27-2012 , 09:10 AM
Just me, but If I mostly play 1-2 1-3, I don't want to play hands like this too often against a skilled LAG who reg sits at 5-10 and higher. Just a bit over my head, decent hand to watch however. Good post!
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-26-2012 , 04:46 PM
Where I play these things happen fairly often because there is always a wait for the good higher games. I understand thinking that someone who plays higher than you is better than you, but I will never understand why people think better players are always bluffing. I watch people stack off all the time in these spots only to have the Higher Player flip over their set or two pair. The reason they can play higher than you is because they play correctly, and they probably think you are a fish, and I have always been told not to bluff a fish...
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-26-2012 , 05:16 PM
Just because she plays higher doesn't necessarily mean she is good. Most of the players at the higher levels are garbage too, FWIW. I just mention that because there are often misconceptions by lower stake players that because a player is playing a high game every day that means that player is good, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-26-2012 , 06:26 PM
Is it a leak and if so how much to call turn call like every river but like a 7. She just has so much air in her range that folds to the turn shove like 8x 3x tx that she turned into a bluff on the turn. We want the extra money from that air.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-26-2012 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
Just because she plays higher doesn't necessarily mean she is good. Most of the players at the higher levels are garbage too, FWIW. I just mention that because there are often misconceptions by lower stake players that because a player is playing a high game every day that means that player is good, when nothing could be further from the truth.
I agree 100%. Some donkeys just have more money than 1/2 players--so they play 5/10 or whatever. It doesn't correlate to skill at all.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-27-2012 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
How did this fizzle? Great discussion here.
I agree but nobody ever put the Villain on a range of hands, they just weirdly claimed the Jack was a horrible card. If I give the Villain some reasonable range of hands top 10%, top 20% etc., the jack is NOT a bad card.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
08-28-2012 , 04:38 AM
cds0699 really stated everything perfectly, with knowing Villains is an intelligent LAG player that is a horrible turn card to double barrel.... check turn/ call a majority of rivers bet size dependent
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
06-20-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by kashabrown
Going back to the QQ hand, you got REALLY lucky engaging her in conversation.

I find when people are distracted (the 5/10 table call and issue with being 11th on the list), the discussion afterwards is always a truth tell - good job recognizing it and following your instinct to shove!

Yes, The raison d'etre of this thread is:

People don't multitask well:

When they have a big hand most people don't order drinks from the waitress or chatter with the floor man about getting a position on a bigger table. That's why you order a drink of the waitress or yell at the floor man when you turn the nuts in a huge pot.

Here it was more important for her get get into a bigger game than to maximize against me in the 2/5 game.

She may be good enough to fake it but I decided she was *NOT* acting when she complained, "How can I be 11th on the 5/10 list!"

Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by 75s00ted
Just basically saying what everyone else has said in the thread. Your not getting 3 streets of value against as good as villian as your describing, therefore check back turn, call river bet, or bet river if checked to.
I think you can get the equivalent of three streets of value by checking back the turn and raising the river if she bets. She is a good enough player to know that you are a LSNL player so you are super polarized by raising a blank river. Therefore all of her value hands short of straights turn into bluff catchers. She might bet/fold with two pair or maybe bet/call with a jack knowing that most LSNL players have air or a monster in this spot and there's no reason to shove for value with a two pair type hand.

She could cr river but we could also prevent that by making a big bet like $150. She likely isn't check raising in this spot cuz an overbet on the river means the same thing as above. The only time she's check raising a worse hand is if she's bluffing.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 01:24 AM
Awesome . . . three consecutive posts, each from 2012, 2013 and 2014.

And I thought my internet was laggy.

Last edited by Habman; 01-22-2014 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Interesting discussion, nonetheless.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 01:39 AM
with one card to come i would probably ship here

she is above these stakes and wont think twice about losing 500 at a small game

a plethora of draws and even air in her range. your hand is also underreped and as people have said: is begging to be bluffed off

sucks whe she has a set or straight or top two but she has a ton of bluffs and mabe even weak hands turned into bluffs

i ship, nh
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Dirty313
with one card to come i would probably ship here

she is above these stakes and wont think twice about losing 500 at a small game

a plethora of draws and even air in her range. your hand is also underreped and as people have said: is begging to be bluffed off

sucks whe she has a set or straight or top two but she has a ton of bluffs and mabe even weak hands turned into bluffs

i ship, nh
I agree that she's not afraid of losing $500 but if she's a pro it doesn't matter how much money the bet is, it is about making the correct play. Any pro at any level should be comfortable to make any move at any time or should move down in stakes.

She's really not putting that much pressure on QQ here because there isn't a river bomb potentially coming. This still is a difficult decision but if the stacks were deeper she is putting exponentially more pressure on QQ.

There's $127 in the pot. If she's cr air here she needs is to fold a little over 60% of the time. Though she could float the flop and cr the turn with air it is much more likely that she has a legit hand either with pair and straight draw possibilities or two pair and sets. I think hero found the bottom of her range in this spot and maybe made a good live read.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 06:59 PM
The key to beating a good LAG is denying them information about your hand. If she accurately reads you, but you are in the dark about her hand she has the advantage.

The OP did a good job doing this until the turn ship. When OP ships it allows villain to play perfectly by folding air/semibluffs and calling with 2 pr+. In fact, that is when LAG called his exact hand (partly fishing for info) and correctly folded. I would rather OP call turn and snap off Villain's river bluff. The river will likely get even more scary, but a call is still correct as the LAG will use this scare card when hero's hand is so underrepped.

Sure there will be times when LAG catches river card to win, but I believe this is the optimal line if villain is truly a good LAG.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-22-2014 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Habman
Awesome . . . three consecutive posts, each from 2012, 2013 and 2014.

And I thought my internet was laggy.
I remember reading this as a lurker... great thread, deserved to get bumped.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-23-2014 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by derick

People don't multitask well:

When they have a big hand most people don't order drinks from the waitress or chatter with the floor man about getting a position on a bigger table. That's why you order a drink of the waitress or yell at the floor man when you turn the nuts in a huge pot.


Can someone clarify this statement for me? You don't order drinks when you have a big hand but you do when you turn the nuts? I am confused.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-23-2014 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by Habman
Awesome . . . three consecutive posts, each from 2012, 2013 and 2014.

And I thought my internet was laggy.
Lulz... Wp.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-24-2014 , 09:10 AM
Grunch? If that means i have not read past the OP. lol

Very easy shipit.

Your bet sizes induce pair+draw CR here all day.
V betsizing suggests FE rather than looking for a call
V expects you will barrel without much thought very thinly

I expect you to be good on turn here maybe 80-90% of time.

Yawn and stuff it in.

Geeez I just saw how many replies there are here. When did this thread start, holy cow.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-24-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
Grunch? If that means i have not read past the OP. lol

Very easy shipit.

Your bet sizes induce pair+draw CR here all day.
V betsizing suggests FE rather than looking for a call
V expects you will barrel without much thought very thinly

I expect you to be good on turn here maybe 80-90% of time.

Yawn and stuff it in.

Geeez I just saw how many replies there are here. When did this thread start, holy cow.

Are you sure you grunched? Because you had a different take on this hand on post 23 prior to OP revealing he jammed over villians turn raise and got a fold....

Things that make you go HMMM........
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
01-24-2014 , 03:42 PM
Did you get her number by chance?
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-11-2014 , 03:56 PM

Her value range is sets, JTs, Q9s, 97s (18 combos). Being that she's a good LAG and you're deep, she can also have a wide number of decent draws in this spot (A2-A9dd, AQo, KQs, K9s, T9s, 98/87dd). Unfortunately her bluff range is blocked by your QQ and reduced to 22 combos in the most optimistic scenario. Which is prpblematic because you need ~45% equity as she's committing to ship any river with her sizing, and all her bluffs have a minimum 11 outs vs you (whereas if you're behind you're either drawing 4 outs to a chop, or have 6-12 outs). I haven't stoved it, but it looks like a fold, mostly because half the deck makes you hate life OTR.

The only other option is a ship expecting to basically fold out her draws.

Last edited by Aleksei; 04-11-2014 at 04:13 PM.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-11-2014 , 04:45 PM
Basically it's a ship if 1) she has little/no value range with this sizing, or 2) she folds every single draw, and has every single strong draw possible. Otherwise it's a fold. It's a close call.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:09 PM
The only thing I can add to this thread is there is one point where OP asks how she knew he had QQ.

She doesn't know, obviously it's a guess, but why QQ? Maybe bc she is holding AK and just picked the best pair down from the two cards she was holding?

Many people who guess hands take into account not only your action, but their holdings. Just a thought.
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
as played i fold. I would chk back turn though.
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
Grunch? If that means i have not read past the OP. lol

Very easy shipit.
Originally Posted by Chip Chimp
Are you sure you grunched? Because you had a different take on this hand on post 23 prior to OP revealing he jammed over villians turn raise and got a fold....

Things that make you go HMMM........
well I would assume most people improve their poker game over the course of 4 years
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by cds0699
I'd bet $50 on the flop, and check back the turn, and prob call down some good safe rivers, personally.

When you check back the turn, this keeps her 1 pair hands and bluffs/air in the pot, and allows you to control the pot overall because you're in position. She might bet some of those hands on the river because you checked back the turn and you can call down if the river is a safe card in relation to the board texture.

Remember, 2 streets of value is good, and you should try to play good lags straight up and take away their opportunity to put you in a tough spot, which they'll often do because they're good.

As played, I'm folding here on the turn.... because she's jamming the rest of her stack on the river, and I wouldn't call a shove from her on the river, so thats why I just give it up on the turn.

Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by ferrengi
Absolutely agree that you should bet more on the flop and check behind the turn with your vulnerable one pair hand and gutshot. As played, you really have no idea what she has here. Since she is a good LAG, I think it is more likely that she has some kind of semi-bluff here like a pair+flush draw, pair+str8 draw. This is definitely an all-in or fold situation. Since I give the semi-bluff more weight than made hands, I think the best play is to push all-in as this causes her to lose equity from her draws (either she has to fold to she has to call you getting bad odds).
In practice, I probably lay it down because I'd have a hard time putting that much money in the pot not knowing where I'm at. In a tournament, I probably push all-in.
& this^
Shark in your small pond. Playing a skilled LAG who's waiting for a bigger game. Quote
