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St. Patrick at the GCG says "Let their monies March" LC/NC Thread St. Patrick at the GCG says "Let their monies March" LC/NC Thread

03-05-2014 , 01:40 PM
So, a 20k winner's share makes it a snap call.
03-05-2014 , 01:49 PM
Aren't we only drawing to one out (for the bbj) when nitty kid has AA or JJ? He has AQ/AJ/QQ/JJx a lot more, so then you start discounting your out based on hand combos and the fact that presumably at least some AA hands should be discounted for a lack of a preflop raise and .... then you realize that doing math in Omaha is hard and toss your bet in.
03-05-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
Aren't we only drawing to one out (for the bbj) when nitty kid has AA or JJ? He has AQ/AJ/QQ/JJx a lot more, so then you start discounting your out based on hand combos and the fact that presumably at least some AA hands should be discounted for a lack of a preflop raise and .... then you realize that doing math in Omaha is hard and toss your bet in.
This +1. Royal draw, let's see if I hit it.
03-05-2014 , 04:38 PM
^^ Omaha math gets even harder to do over the cacaphony of "Jackpot one time dealah please..". As mtndrew suggests, your opponent will not have a qualifying hand in most cases. Folding is correct if you like $$.

Or call and mutter "this dealer kill me all the days" when one of the other 43 cards falls.
03-05-2014 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
This is over 5 years, so I don't know if even the 4th worlders could make it on $2 per year. But hey, I started off down 200 BB, so I view this as a good thing. Everyone else should just view it as yet another reason to take any advice I spew off with a grain of salt.
Originally Posted by mntndrew
Aren't we only drawing to one out (for the bbj) when nitty kid has AA or JJ? He has AQ/AJ/QQ/JJx a lot more, so then you start discounting your out based on hand combos and the fact that presumably at least some AA hands should be discounted for a lack of a preflop raise and .... then you realize that doing math in Omaha is hard and toss your bet in.
Listen to mntndrew when it comes to O8, the man surely did not build his bankroll playing LHE!
03-05-2014 , 05:39 PM
Yesterday, I have the choice of a 40 min. wait for 20/40 or 40/80 or can immediately play a decent 80/160 right after the time charge and the button have passed...

I explain mntndrew my dilemma and then instead go with option D and start a new 8/16 game.

I come back after half an hour and tell mntndrew:

me: "I just called a guy down with Ace-high in the 8/16 game"

mntndrew: "and it was good."

me: "no, he had a full house."
03-05-2014 , 06:22 PM
^ Standard at 8/16.
03-05-2014 , 06:51 PM
I would just like to point out that it seems I made a math error and now have $6 per year to try to make it in Madagascar.
03-05-2014 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
I would just like to point out that it seems I made a math error and now have $6 per year to try to make it in Madagascar.
Was it an Omaha math error?
03-05-2014 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
I would just like to point out that it seems I made a math error and now have $6 per year to try to make it in Madagascar.
"NYSE:MDRW soars on revised Q1 EBITDA, up 300% from previous estimate."
03-05-2014 , 08:57 PM
Please, I don't make Omaha math errors.
Because I don't do Omaha math.
03-05-2014 , 10:12 PM

100 bb effective stacks. I have 98o in the HJ and open to $1.75 at $0.25/$0.50 NL, only the BB calls.

Flop AsTs6d, check, I bet $2.50, he min-raises to $5.

He, from what I've seen, never has a draw he's barreling here, and that this is always a made hand (AQ/AT/A6/66 most likely). Okay to take one off here, since he does have showdown tendencies?
03-05-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by jdr0317

100 bb effective stacks. I have 98o in the HJ and open to $1.75 at $0.25/$0.50 NL, only the BB calls.

Flop AsTs6d, check, I bet $2.50, he min-raises to $5.

He, from what I've seen, never has a draw he's barreling here, and that this is always a made hand (AQ/AT/A6/66 most likely). Okay to take one off here, since he does have showdown tendencies?
snap call.
03-05-2014 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by wbatas
snap call.
Okay good, because I decided that I was going to hit a 7 and get his stack and it'd be awesome.

Does it change if he x/r's draws (aka our IO is less and our outs are dirtier)?
03-06-2014 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by jdr0317
Okay good, because I decided that I was going to hit a 7 and get his stack and it'd be awesome.

Does it change if he x/r's draws (aka our IO is less and our outs are dirtier)?
I'm still just taking one off. I don't have any math to back it up, it just seems right to take one, even if he would c/r draws as well.
03-06-2014 , 09:28 AM
jdr, I check the flop. There are plenty of better bluffs with which to build my bluffing range on that board, unless you're trying to exploit some overfoldiness on the flop. Now that you bet, I call and hope to hit the gutshot or check back a turned pair, which are of course the two best outcomes.
03-06-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Bob148
jdr, I check the flop. There are plenty of better bluffs with which to build my bluffing range on that board, unless you're trying to exploit some overfoldiness on the flop. Now that you bet, I call and hope to hit the gutshot or check back a turned pair, which are of course the two best outcomes.
Yeah, I'm still trying to construct a better NL strategy. It also makes logical sense that because I open wider, I should have a weaker range that wants to check more flops, though I default to always betting the A-hi flop. Obviously this strategy has flaws; namely me getting potentially blown out of a pot that I've decent equity in like right here.
03-06-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by jdr0317
Yeah, I'm still trying to construct a better NL strategy. It also makes logical sense that because I open wider, I should have a weaker range that wants to check more flops,
Right and bluffing ranges are different because you're targeting a different folding range. Typically this means bluffing hands with more absolute showdown value as compared with a limit game. Where we 3 bet A3s sometimes for value preflop in limit, that's a bluff in no limit with some rare exceptions. Where we'd just call a bet with an ace high flushdraw because of it's showdown value in a limit game, in no limit that's a powerful bluffing hand because of the targeted folding range.
03-06-2014 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bob148
Right and bluffing ranges are different because you're targeting a different folding range. Typically this means bluffing hands with more absolute showdown value as compared with a limit game. Where we 3 bet A3s sometimes for value preflop in limit, that's a bluff in no limit with some rare exceptions. Where we'd just call a bet with an ace high flushdraw because of it's showdown value in a limit game, in no limit that's a powerful bluffing hand because of the targeted folding range.
Yeah, I think my biggest leak is that I bluff too much from the bottom of my range, and overvalue weak-showdownable hands because of my limit background. I need to just give up more when I open J8s from the CO, get defended against by the BB, and get a KQ3r flop.
03-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
Oh yeah, one fun one from last weekend.

Spewy guy I'm friendly with opens CO, I 3-bet AJo from the SB, BB takes two to the face as is his custom, CO calls.

Flop K63 1 spade I bet they call

Turn 5s I bet BB folds (honestly he would cold call two here w/ 77-JJ and fold this board, he's bad), CO raises, I call.

River offsuit 2, final board K63-5-2 no flush possible. I check, he bets, and I decide it's soul reading time

He looks nervous, and I decide it's not an act and toss in the chips.

He sighs and rolls his hand. Yay, he was bluffing.
with A3o

03-06-2014 , 03:39 PM
You forgot to bluff.
03-06-2014 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
You forgot to bluff.
I probably am bluffing that river on most any other opponent capable of raising turns w/out being nutted.
03-06-2014 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by jdr0317
I probably am bluffing that river on most any other opponent capable of raising turns w/out being nutted.
Soul read with a raise!
03-06-2014 , 07:52 PM
Bellagio regs, what's up with the 10/20? I fly in tonight and will probably play through tomorrow night-ish.
03-06-2014 , 08:42 PM
Avoid it and play the 20.
Or got to the V and play O8
