hi all,
I feel like there might be something wrong with my current tree but I can't figure out what it would be. it's a 6-player 100bb tree with no cold-calling except heads-up in the BB. SB is allowed to limp or raise. 30/50/50 on flop and 66/50/50 on turn/river. 30 buckets P/L/L. I was a bit surprised, but this only came out to 20gb. does that seem normal?
so first, I'm at 38 i/n (I reset at maybe 35 i/n but it hasn't changed much), but it's still having an awful lot of trouble coming up with the correct preflop ranges. it starts out VERY hot-and-cold equity heavy - maybe that's supposed to happen - and that shifts more towards playability as more iterations are run, but it still wants to open QTo UT pre for anywhere from 20-50% of the time despite it being lower EV than other hands that are played LESS often. 76s and 44 have been vastly outperforming it for like 30 i/n now but still get opened less often for some reason. it's having a ton of trouble "coming up" with suited connectors, suited aces, and pocket pairs, even though their EVs are higher.
another thing is that some of my postflop results are very bizarre. for instance, in 3bet pots with an IP caller vs the blinds, the IP player essentially NEVER bets when checked to on the flop, on any flop. if you do select bet, the OOP player never folds - only raises or calls. also it has no EVs for any hand postflop, not sure if it's supposed to be like that. I cloned the exact same situation w/ ranges in pio and got vastly different results, more what you'd expect. all the betsizes I wanted seem to be in there - just a bet and a raise on every street. here's my threshold settings if it helps:
anyone have any idea what's going on? thanks so much!