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05-19-2022 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
think editing had a great part in previous eps by making mike seem stupid. in a single ep he realized omar had to go and made maryanne think it was her idea, coming to the same conclusion as boston rob (or was it another master manipulator?) as to how manipulate people the perfect way (make them do what you want but also make them think it was their idea)
I'm beginning to think this a tad too with his edit in general, it seemed like they went out of their way to make him look like an idiot on the Hai vote when really I think anyone in that position may be liable to believe Omar's lies and you can't call him an Omar puppet either, because he later recognised he had to go. So I feel that way in general I do think you're overselling the Omar vote a bit, from what we saw he backed off completely and failed to convince Maryanne to keep it simple with the Romeo vote (even though his rational was sound). So I'd still give her credit for the vote, because she put her foot down and she also was the one to use her advantage and rope Romeo into the plan. Omar also failed at manipulating him a few times so I don't really understand why there's a sentiment that he's a minion. He seemed to push the Chanelle boot and the Drea boot.

I think Mike would be a pretty good winner if he actually won just looking at what he's achieved but his edit seems to suggest a loss.

I don't really agree with her going alone as others have suggested, the advantage is that she potentially gets sole credit for the vote but I think she's going to get most of the credit anyways because she was the one pushing it, she plays her advantage, she convinced Romeo.

Everyone is talking about a Maryanne win, I guess if it happens ... fine. I don't think she'd be close to the worst winner ever which seems to be the consensus here for half of the new winners on these threads but I do think that there's a gulf between at least her, Mike and Lindsay and the only compelling argument she can make is that she took out the pivotal power player, which I'll grant is actually a big deal but the rest of the game she was flailing even if she seems smart.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-19-2022 , 11:34 PM
Maryann should bring Jonathan and Romeo to the end. If she does she likely wins in a shutout. If she brings Mike instead of Jonathan, it will be close and she could lose.

Love Lindsay but that's 2 terrible strategic moves in the last 2 weeks. Letting the idol expire without using it? How the hell didn't Omer argue more forcefully for her to give him the idol?

Romeo has gotten almost zero screen time. Complete non-entity. Destined for 3rd place with zero votes. Can't wait to hear his pitch to the jury.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 12:10 AM
Marryanne is getting way too much credit. She's a C level player who made 1 move when she had an advantage.

She told 3 people about her advantage and only got 1 on board with it. Not to mention, telling that many people wasn't necessary if she had a better strategic game and knew how the votes were going before giving up her info.
>Tell Rom about your extra vote
>Tell Mike/Jon join us voting Omar
>What if Lindsay plays her idol?
>Ok do you want me and Rom to vote with them and then you are 100% going home?

These are the types of plays you can make as a bad player with no fear. Good players manage to make it to the end despite their threat level or by managing it.

I hope Lindsay / Johnathan or even Mike win.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by mitsi
This is a dumb argument, have you ever seen a TC where they stopped because one person couldn't vote for someone because of race? made a huge point about it and then another person of that race just gave up there II because ....... race?

Maryanne has 3 locked jury votes. If I am wrong, I will never post in this thread again. She will be the equal worst winner of survivor ever.

Overall, this season has been better then 41 though, and maaaaybe above average for entertainment

Dude, this is legitamently wierd how hard you're digging your heals into this already... I guess you missed the episode where Rocksroy fell in love in love with all the men, I think he for sure votes for Mike or Jonathan over her as of now.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 12:30 AM
Really want Maryanne to win now. Love how Mike and Jonathan kept trying to play it safe and she was like nah, I'm here to win not finish 2nd behind Omar.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by catangod
Marryanne is getting way too much credit. She's a C level player who made 1 move when she had an advantage.

She told 3 people about her advantage and only got 1 on board with it. Not to mention, telling that many people wasn't necessary if she had a better strategic game and knew how the votes were going before giving up her info.
>Tell Rom about your extra vote
>Tell Mike/Jon join us voting Omar
>What if Lindsay plays her idol?
>Ok do you want me and Rom to vote with them and then you are 100% going home?

These are the types of plays you can make as a bad player with no fear. Good players manage to make it to the end despite their threat level or by managing it.

I hope Lindsay / Johnathan or even Mike win.
fair point on Linday. But Johnathan and Mike haven't done anything as strategic as what Maryann did last episode.. At least succesffully.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 12:46 AM
Higher peak for Marryanne but lets talk area under the curve. Mike and Jon have had their fingerprints on this season. They are both fading fast though.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 01:32 AM
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by catangod
>What if Lindsay plays her idol?

Romeo/Jonathan don't vote.

Mike+Maryanne*2 vote Romeo
Romeo+Lindsay+Omar vote Jonathan

obviously they wouldn't let it be a tie again and go to rocks so there'd be discussion.

I think Lindsay/Omar more likely to flip here and live another day. Jonathan isn't a threat to win the season, he's only a challenge threat to Lindsay.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:16 AM
Maryann can tell the jury she orchestrated the biggest move of the game by using her extra votes to wrangle Jon and Mike and get Omar out. Add to that she is a well-liked underdog, and I don't see her losing if she makes FTC.

What argument can Jonathan make to win? I'm big and good at challenges? When has that ever won Survivor?

Mike has a better argument since he has played a really good social game. Still don't think he beats Maryann but it could be close.

I like Lindsay's game as she is good at both physical and social aspects... but the physical aspect usually gets zero credit with the jury. If it is her vs Maryann, I think Maryann wins. Although Drea did tell her she's got her vote, so maybe she is more popular with the jury than I realize.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:19 AM
Episode really turned things on it's head; semi prohibitive favorite voted out thanks to the two biggest goats remaining in the game. F5 features one solid all around player who is suddenly without any allies in Lindsay, three players who are above average or better in one of physical/social/strategic areas and significantly weaker in the others (Jonathan, Mike, Maryanne), and one complete zero (Romeo).

Path to victory:
Lindsay/Jonathan are basically the same: One of them wins the F5 challenge and boots the other. Ideally win challenge at F4 and take Romeo to the end, then probably face off vs Mike at FTC (assuming Mike will win firemaking vs Maryanne). Emphasize that Mike's whole game was social/trust and he betrayed Rocks, he betrayed Omar, he betrayed everyone. No need to worry about a loss at F4 since you'll be competing against Maryanne, Romeo, and Mike, all of whom couldn't win a shoelace tying competition.

Mike: Target whoever loses between Jonathan/Lindsay at F5. Play idol at F5 of course. Try to win challenge at F4, but assume you'll lose to whoever is left from Jonathan/Lindsay. Start practicing firemaking now if you're not already dead confident in it. Win firemaking and get to FTC with Romeo and Jonathan/Lindsay remainder; emphasize social bonds and being on the big part of the vote out of multiple people, as well as the Omar hide the idol play, and paint the Jonathan/Lindsay survivor as just a piece of meat who's good at challenges.

Maryanne: Priority one is to make sure you can make fire. You have several days to practice right now, and you should be doing it in every spare moment. Fine with going along with booting whichever of Jonathan/Lindsay loses at F5 challenge. Mike won't be a target because he'll play his idol, Romeo is the goat of all goats, so there's not much choice. If somehow they both lose, I guess Jonathan is the first target. At F4, do your best to win the challenge or the firemaking. If you win the challenge and you're not confident you can beat Mike at firemaking, you take Romeo and get to FTC with whoever else is left. Play up I'm young, I'm a woman, I'm black, minorities never win Survivor (remember, this cast probably doesn't know S41 was won by a minority female). Absolutely hammer on the Omar move and how it was your extra vote that made it happen, talk about your social bonds, and drag Mike for dishonesty, Jonathan/Lindsay for being challenge only, don't worry about Romeo.

Romeo: secretly murder other 4 survivors in sleep. Win by default.

Really hard winner to call, and no matter who it is I don't see them as a top half among all time winners. I still think it's a bit of an inherent flaw in the game that has become clear as it evolved - it's becoming very easy to recognize who the "good" players are, and everyone who makes it to the end does so in large part because they have a big flaw that everyone can see.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Punker

Path to victory:
Lindsay/Jonathan are basically the same: One of them wins the F5 challenge and boots the other. Ideally win challenge at F4 and take Romeo to the end, then probably face off vs Mike at FTC (assuming Mike will win firemaking vs Maryanne). Emphasize that Mike's whole game was social/trust and he betrayed Rocks, he betrayed Omar, he betrayed everyone. No need to worry about a loss at F4 since you'll be competing against Maryanne, Romeo, and Mike, all of whom couldn't win a shoelace tying competition.
I dont think Jonathan, like Romeo has any path to victory.

I would be surprised if he gets a single vote at ftc even in his ideal final three of him Romeo and Mike.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by BringbckMichelleYi
I dont think Jonathan, like Romeo has any path to victory.

I would be surprised if he gets a single vote at ftc even in his ideal final three of him Romeo and Mike.
Quite possible, especially since this jury seems very non bitter. Probably his only hope though, other than maybe being like I was the biggest threat physically all along and was never targetted, and never survived by idol or advantage. Maybe my social game isn't as bad as people think.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by BringbckMichelleYi
I dont think Jonathan, like Romeo has any path to victory.

I would be surprised if he gets a single vote at ftc even in his ideal final three of him Romeo and Mike.
Yeah I'd say Maryann and Mike are the only 2 with a legit chance to win. I'd give Lindsay the slimmest of chances if she can somehow manage a FTC with Jonathan and Romeo.

Actually on second thought I'd say Lindsay has a legit chance vs. Mike, that would be a tough one to predict if it was Lindsay/Mike/Romeo in the F3.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
They should just assign immunity randomly for fairness. It's really unfair to have immunity be decided by feats of athleticism, skill, endurance, and mental prowess. Chet deserves immunity too.
At the end of the day, this still isn't fair enough.

The cast should be 20 black trans women who have had rough lives. Sia should then appear to them on day 1 and say "You know what, you're all winners!" and give them all 1million cash. Then they spend the rest of the days partying with food provided for them. Now THAT would be good content.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
I like Lindsay's game as she is good at both physical and social aspects... but the physical aspect usually gets zero credit with the jury. If it is her vs Maryann, I think Maryann wins. Although Drea did tell her she's got her vote, so maybe she is more popular with the jury than I realize.
If Drea doesn't vote for Maryanne she's racist
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts

Romeo/Jonathan don't vote.

Mike+Maryanne*2 vote Romeo
Romeo+Lindsay+Omar vote Jonathan

obviously they wouldn't let it be a tie again and go to rocks so there'd be discussion.
You have Romeo voting.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
You gave Romeo a vote.
Right so there is no tie potential. Romeo just goes home....unless Maryanne decides she tried to get Omar, it didn't work, and she prefers taking Jonathan out instead of Romeo. Which makes sense obviously.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts

Romeo/Jonathan don't vote.

Mike+Maryanne*2 vote Romeo
Romeo+Lindsay+Omar vote Jonathan

obviously they wouldn't let it be a tie again and go to rocks so there'd be discussion.

I think Lindsay/Omar more likely to flip here and live another day. Jonathan isn't a threat to win the season, he's only a challenge threat to Lindsay.
Does Maryanne get an extra vote at the re-vote? That doesn't sound right.

Mike+Maryanne vote Romeo
Lindsay+Omar vote Jonathan

I can't figure out who flips here.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Does Maryanne get an extra vote at the re-vote? That doesn't sound right.
Yeah she does. Shan got two votes in a revote last season.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 02:40 PM
Yeah, thought the same thing. Not sure the extra vote gets to be cast again in a re-vote. If not, then wonder if anyone flips. I would wager if push came to shove, Maryanne would not be willing to draw rocks.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 03:04 PM
Maryanne is so annoying. Can’t stand adults who act like 10 year olds.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Symbioticse
As far as worst winner ever .... please Ben Driebergen being handed the 3 idols? Chris from s38 sauntering in the game having played himself out during the pre-merge for the stretch. Michele and Fabio being clueless for the entire game. Bob Crowley is probably the worst player to ever win the game. I'd almost put her game ahead of Natalie White's also, because Maryanne at least can say she did something. I'm interested to hear how you'd stack her game up against the ones I mentioned, because as I've said I'm not impressed with Maryanne's game at all, but she's at least somewhat tactical.
Hey, if the Professor can win the game, why not Maryanne?
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 03:27 PM
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
05-20-2022 , 04:37 PM
What would really stick in my craw would be if Mike, Lindsay and Maryann go to FTC and Maryann still wins.

Romeo/Mike/Maryann = Maryann wins
Romeo/Jonathan/Maryann = Maryann wins
Romeo/Lindsay/Maryann = Maryann wins
Romeo/Jonathan/Lindsay = Lindsay wins
Romeo/Jonathan/Mike = Mike wins
Lindsay/Mike/Maryann = Maryann wins
Jonathan/Mike/Maryann = Maryann wins
Jonathan/Lindsay/Maryann = Maryann wins
Romeo/Mike/Lindsay = Tossup between Lindsay and Mike
Jonathan/Mike/Romeo = Mike wins
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
