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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

01-17-2016 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by fruit snacks
Would putting a car with lots of blood in the back into a crush magically make all the blood go away? It could possibly create more problems and things that couldn't be easily cleaned or burned. SA may have just been waiting for a good chance to scrub the car and destroy it. It's possible he had to slink around to do this out of the view of his family and there just wasn't an opportunity.

I'm also a big fan of the theory that the cops or search party trespassed on their property and searched until they found the car. This is when that one cop called in and asked to confirm the plate&make of the car. [...]
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
K. Also, remember, he had to binge watch all seasons of Dexter in order to clean the crimes scene so well, so your story makes sense. He just didn't have time.

And what a search it was! It took what, all of 20 minutes? You can do amazing things when god's leading the way. The private investigator who found the car also reported a different version of her own story years earlier.

Makes sense. Girl is missing, here's her car. I'm just gonna remove the key and come back later. Who cares if she's still alive, right? We have a long history of allowing known criminals to continue to harm victims, but as long as we get the white trash gene pool in jail, then our sworn duty is upheld. Shout's to my boy G. Allen in the pen.

Seriously though, there is no good reason for Colborn seeing these plates and calling it in without knowing that Teresa Halbach is already dead.

Was this before or after, or in between completely calm and relaxed phone calls to his fiancee where he talks about proposing to her with rose petals on the bed, romantic dinners when she gets out, blah blah blah.

Makes sense. Let's hurry and get these bones back into the barrel so I can take them home and drop them 20 feet from my front door where NO ONE will ever find them. This, along with my incredible crime scene cleaning skills will ensure I am never caught. It's too bad the 6-8 people I invited to the bonfire after I raped, murdered and mutilated her couldn't show up. They could have helped and I'd probably have time to crush that car.

LOL. I wont attempt a sarcastic anecdote for this one because Brendan's "confession" is stupid enough. It should be noted though that the DNA under the hood has been thoroughly debunked already. I know you're a lil' late to the party so I'll let it slide.

And his sentence would commence right after WrestleMania XXIII.

Yeah I mean, it's got a branch on top, who could ever find it? No one's gonna be looking for some girl from Auto-Trader that I phone ordered. Well, off to my family retreat, I'll get to this car crushing when I get back.
When Colborn called in to verify the plates, keep in mind this call took place two days before the Rav4 was "discovered" on Steven's property. Ooops.

Originally Posted by fruit snacks
Yes, he's a normal human being who wouldn't be hypnotized into confessing fabricated details about a murder he didn't commit.

When he's talking about things he feels ashamed of, he slows down. When he's talking about things he knows he's in trouble for, he slows down even more. When he's outright lying he barely speaks more than 1 word at a time.

I really do understand where you and others are coming from. I felt the same way when watching the documentary and can understand how a child or ******ed person could confess to a crime they didn't commit. But this kid was just dumb. His screename online was something like 'NIGER 4 lyfe'. He wasn't out of touch with reality enough to confess to a crime he didn't commit. He was out of touch with reality enough to confess to a rape & murder unaware of how much trouble he was really in. He also did have a conscious and realized within a few weeks how badly he ****ed up. He partially confessed to his cousin when she asked why he was sad. The cops repeatedly told him the only way to feel better was to just spill the beans and he did.

In this case, you're a disingenuous person fruit snacks. If you're a U.S. citizen and are called on to perform jury duty, please come up with a reasonable excuse to recuse yourself from those legal proceedings.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 06:53 AM
I like how fruit snacks ignored my simple (yet important) question of whether non-******ed people ever confess to crimes they didn't commit. I will confess myself that it's a trap question. If he says no he outs himself as a buffoon, because we know for a fact that it has happened in the past. If he says yes he starts undermining his arguments vis a via Brendon's confession.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 06:56 AM
These are my main suspects in no particular order -

SA or someone in his family
TH's brother or ex
BD or someone in his family
The Police
A random stranger
The bus driver

I wish someone would confess so I can get on with my life!
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by fruit snacks
Yes, he's a normal human being who wouldn't be hypnotized into confessing fabricated details about a murder he didn't commit.

When he's talking about things he feels ashamed of, he slows down. When he's talking about things he knows he's in trouble for, he slows down even more. When he's outright lying he barely speaks more than 1 word at a time.

I really do understand where you and others are coming from. I felt the same way when watching the documentary and can understand how a child or ******ed person could confess to a crime they didn't commit. But this kid was just dumb. His screename online was something like 'NIGER 4 lyfe'. He wasn't out of touch with reality enough to confess to a crime he didn't commit. He was out of touch with reality enough to confess to a rape & murder unaware of how much trouble he was really in. He also did have a conscious and realized within a few weeks how badly he ****ed up. He partially confessed to his cousin when she asked why he was sad. The cops repeatedly told him the only way to feel better was to just spill the beans and he did.
and yet there was zero dna of tersas anywhere there should have been if his confession was true. lol@bleach on pants.shot her in the head, slit her throat but magically no blood.

also avery wouldn't need the key to move her car into the crusher.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by jinx702
These are my main suspects in no particular order -

SA or someone in his family
TH's brother or ex
BD or someone in his family
The Police
A random stranger
The bus driver

I wish someone would confess so I can get on with my life!
Do we know how many brothers and sisters TH had?

During SA's sentencing, the prosecution played a video of TH (paraphrasing here) saying she was happy and listing things she loved, etc. She said she loved her sisters and then she hesitated and said something like "my whole family really." That was interesting. Couldn't allow herself to say she loved her brother(s)? Again, I'm not sure how many brothers she has. But we know of the smug one who craved the camera after each proceeding.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:37 AM
Btw BD got convicted for killing TH in the bedroom and SA for killing her in the garage and at neither location they found any DNA.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
When Colborn called in to verify the plates, keep in mind this call took place two days before the Rav4 was "discovered" on Steven's property. Ooops.
Yeah, we know. This was exactly my point. I felt like they had Colborn on the ropes hard in this spot and didn't go for the knockout. It's been suggested that he could have simply been reading back something he wrote down on a piece of paper, a theory with plenty of holes to fill, but nonetheless somewhat plausible.

However, if he is looking at this car and plates when he reads it to the dispatcher, we can conclude that he knows full well she's dead already. Before you say he well, "how did he know it was a 1999 from looking at it?" Because the vin number, clearly displayed in the window, tells you exactly the Make and Year of the car, the two pieces of info he offered to the dispatcher.

Last edited by lostinthesaus; 01-17-2016 at 08:08 AM.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Do we know how many brothers and sisters TH had?

During SA's sentencing, the prosecution played a video of TH (paraphrasing here) saying she was happy and listing things she loved, etc. She said she loved her sisters and then she hesitated and said something like "my whole family really." That was interesting. Couldn't allow herself to say she loved her brother(s)? Again, I'm not sure how many brothers she has. But we know of the smug one who craved the camera after each proceeding.
Looks like she had 2 brothers. It is odd she doesn't mention them. I think it's more odd that she made this vid in the first place. Rather bizarre.

Also, been trying to find this for a long time, but does anyone know if somebody collected life insurance from her death?
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
Yeah, we know. This was exactly my point. I felt like they had Colborn on the ropes hard in this spot and didn't go for the knockout. It's been suggested that he could have simply been reading back something he wrote down on a piece of paper, a theory with plenty of holes to fill, but nonetheless somewhat plausible.

However, if he is looking at this car and plates when he reads it to the dispatcher, we can conclude that he knows full well she's dead already. Before you say he well, "how did he know it was a 1999 from looking at it?" Because the vin number, clearly displayed in the window, tells you exactly the Make and Year of the car, the two pieces of info he offered to the dispatcher.
Yeah, I figured as much lostintheaus. I probably shouldn't have copied your post in my post.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 08:10 AM

Needs way more love.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 08:14 AM
Btw BD got convicted for killing TH in the bedroom and SA for killing her in the garage and at neither location they found any DNA.
But fruit snacks thinks it is possible to do it in the garage and not leave any blood or DNA. Of course, fruit snacks hadn't realized that part of BD's ultralegit confession from the supercops and their incredible work states that she was shot 11 or 5 times (even though she was already dead). He hasn't provided a good explanation for how they cleaned up that mess yet.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 09:31 AM
How come these guys aren't allowed to willingly submit to poly's? I know it's not even admissible, but it helps your public perception so damn much. A guy with a 70 IQ isn't beating a poly. I wish Avery could take one now just to put that much more fuel on the fire. Like crushes the poly cold.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
How come these guys aren't allowed to willingly submit to poly's? I know it's not even admissible, but it helps your public perception so damn much. A guy with a 70 IQ isn't beating a poly. I wish Avery could take one now just to put that much more fuel on the fire. Like crushes the poly cold.
there's a lot more downside than upside
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by fruit snacks
He said SA was 'P'd off at her' for whatever reason. TH told her boss at one point that SA answered the door wearing nothing but a towel. It's likely she reacted strangely and telegraphed her disinterest in him sexually in the way woman do so they don't receive unwanted sexual advances. She probably P'd him off.
The towel story has been misrepresented. She didn't tell her boss any such thing. She was talking to a co-worker and it wasn't stated as anything more than a surprise by both Theresa and Steve. In other words, Teresa did not believe Steve was trying to make a pass at her, but was instead surprised by her early arrival.

The only reason it was discussed was for the lulz.

Anyhow, if Teresa really felt Steve was harassing her, and had told her boss, there should have been some documentation of this. There isn't.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:30 AM
Wouldn't phone records show where Colborn was when he made the cell phone call on March 3?

Also, does anyone know what time Colborn made the call?

Finally, If TH was killed on Oct. 31, how could it be that in the next 3 days SA would not go back to the car and at least attempt to remove the obvious blood smears that could be seen from outside the car? Nobody would have been alerted that TH was missing and SA could have easily move about his property unnoticed.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by lostinthesaus
But fruit snacks thinks it is possible to do it in the garage and not leave any blood or DNA. Of course, fruit snacks hadn't realized that part of BD's ultralegit confession from the supercops and their incredible work states that she was shot 11 or 5 times (even though she was already dead). He hasn't provided a good explanation for how they cleaned up that mess yet.
even if F.Snack's burning all the evidence from the crime scene is to work SA had to subdue and move TH to the prepared kill site without leaving any trace of struggle or any trace of TH in house or garage.

Also, the garage was covered in dust. there was no area found in the garage where the kill site (which would be at least a 6'x4' area of cardboard, sheets, etc. resting on the garage floor covered in dust) could have been.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:38 AM
^^Can't wait until the reddit detectives decipher these.
^^ Hope this gets through.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Oski
Wouldn't phone records show where Colborn was when he made the cell phone call on March 3?

Also, does anyone know what time Colborn made the call?

Finally, If TH was killed on Oct. 31, how could it be that in the next 3 days SA would not go back to the car and at least attempt to remove the obvious blood smears that could be seen from outside the car? Nobody would have been alerted that TH was missing and SA could have easily move about his property unnoticed.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by smacc25
That thread is not helpful to me.* It seems they ask the same questions, but there is no answer.

I am not asking if anyone has the records now, but whether they can be retrieved so the cell phone call can be triangulated.

* I only see 3 posts in that thread, is there more?
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:56 AM
Fruit snacks is not the only 1 who BELIEVE'S Nancy Grace is a believer too.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:57 AM
I know Oski sorry m8...... I was saying that if reddit did not have the time then we can only wait for the transcripts from the SA case.

But I still that SA lawyers would not have this info due to there limited scope in investigating other suspects... Denny's Law I think.

Last edited by smacc25; 01-17-2016 at 12:00 PM. Reason: added Dennys law
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 12:24 PM
1/2 things been added here.... The crown tooth part is interesting.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
I know Oski sorry m8...... I was saying that if reddit did not have the time then we can only wait for the transcripts from the SA case.

But I still that SA lawyers would not have this info due to there limited scope in investigating other suspects... Denny's Law I think.
👍 Yes. I agree. I was thinking more along the lines if there was a further investigation opened up on the case or police conduct.
Making a Murderer Quote
01-17-2016 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt

Odds of scrubbing a violent crime scene and leaving little to no DNA or blood that experts cannot find? 50,000 to 1.

Odds of having access to a car crushing machine that could literally crush most of the evidence but instead leaving car at end of lot covered by some branches? 1 in 50,000.
Interesting that you phased these two things differently. So, the second one is, in your estimation, more probable than the first. How did you arrive at these odds? (1 in 50,000 is better odds than 50,000 to 1)

Making a Murderer Quote
