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MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread

01-24-2015 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by alekhine8
I have no idea what Google Hangout even is. I feel old.

(in before 'google google hangout')
Do you even Hangout bro?

I didn't know either
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-24-2015 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
30 or less active roster, 15 or less minor leagues. Less than $1000.

If under 30 active roster, you will fill the remaining spots through auction. You default to 5 minor league draft picks, you get more if you need to get to the floor of 10, and get less if you'll hit the ceiling of 20.
Im confused, I thought we had to have at least 10 but no more than 20. How does 15 come into play?
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-24-2015 , 12:19 PM
Yea you're right. I was thinking everyone gets 5 draft picks and came up with 15..but you're right, if you retain more than 15 you just wont get all 5.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-24-2015 , 02:57 PM
Looking to deal for closers. I hear before the season is the safest time to invest in them #jobsecurity
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 01:44 PM
Wasn't following thread, but will in fact hangout to deal.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-28-2015 , 11:12 PM

I send
josh bell

Alekhine sends
drew storen
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-28-2015 , 11:20 PM
Oh come on this is at least small siren worthy.

MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-29-2015 , 01:54 AM
I'm thinking about starting a similar league to this one with some guys. Besides some of the hiccups with guys getting dropped towards the end of their contracts this year (given it was 5th year and lots of expiring deals), any other significant issues come up that needed significant resolution or caused any issues?

I'm not really changing that much. Probably going to add a second catcher, and may give a few extra bench spots instead of DL. But nothing too substantial.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:47 AM
Alright, rookie salaries should be fixed on sheet, all recent trades should be processed (let me know if I missed one), and there is now a tab for the projected draft order - accounting for all draft pick trades.


- Pecota has to cut a minimum of 3 minor leaguers, as he's at the cap of 20, but has traded his first 3 picks.

You can start PM'ing me your minors cuts (majors if you want to get it over with) whenever. If you're including majors cuts, put those in spoilers, as I haven't decided on mine yet.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 12:32 PM
If anyone wants, or is related to, Slade Heathcott or Cheslor Cuthbert they are very available.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 12:33 PM
Are those real names? F1 drivers?
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 12:38 PM
Also sorry I am 99.9% sure I know the answer to this, but regardless of whether a guy like Kris Bryant makes the team out of spring training, I can stash him in the minors this year, right?

And if I chose to promote him at any point in the season, that would start his clock so he'd be a first-year player on the rookie scale at $4. Otherwise (assuming he racks up the needed ABs) he would be a first-year guy in 2016 when I am forced to promote him

If any of above is wrong please let me know. Thanks
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 12:39 PM
Yup you're right.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 12:39 PM
That's how I understood it
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
Pecota has to cut a minimum of 3 minor leaguers, as he's at the cap of 20, but has traded his first 3 picks.
Wouldn't I only need to cut two minor leaguers? Assuming I use my remaining 4th and 5th rd. picks, I only need to have two farm system spots open.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:24 PM
Also, if anyone may prefer one of my prospects to what's available in the draft this year, let me know. Open to moving a lot of different players for anything except salary.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pecota
Wouldn't I only need to cut two minor leaguers? Assuming I use my remaining 4th and 5th rd. picks, I only need to have two farm system spots open.
Not sure what you mean? You have no draft picks if you keep all your current minor leaguers (or maybe I'm not remembering the rule correctly.. Is minor league uncapped? I thought we capped at 20)
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 05:11 PM
I have 20 minor leaguers right now. You said I need to cut 3, which would give me 17 openings. But I only have 2 picks this year, meaning I only need to open up 2 farm spots for those incoming draftees. Correct?

The thing I was questioning was why I need to cut three minor leaguers, instead of just two. Did I overlook something?
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
01-31-2015 , 05:17 PM
You have 20 minor leaguers, so you get 0 draft picks.

You traded away 3 draft picks.. that you don't technically have unless you make 3 cuts.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
You have 20 minor leaguers, so you get 0 draft picks.

You traded away 3 draft picks.. that you don't technically have unless you make 3 cuts.
Ok, I get what you're saying now. That's some illogical bull****, but it does seem to be in the rules:

7) If a team chooses to enter the draft with more than 15 minor leaguers on its roster, it will only be granted enough picks to reach the maximum of 20. For example, a team begins the draft with 18 rostered minor leaguers and receives only 2 guaranteed picks that year.
Didn't we used to grant everyone five picks by default, so they'd at least have the rights to the picks even if they chose not to exercise them? Not actually having the picks until after roster cuts seems very backward.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 01:17 AM
Shrug.. Feels fine to me. I would say you trading those picks is exercising your right to them/acknowledging that they will exist when time comes.

Not sure how we could do it any other way
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 02:43 AM
Just an idea, we could just give everyone 5 picks and have unlimited minor league rosters. What's the harm really? And at $4 each there is a cost so it's not like your truly freerolling with those guys

That eliminates this issue (well, it would eliminate it in the future) as well as the quirky lightning pick rounds
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
Shrug.. Feels fine to me. I would say you trading those picks is exercising your right to them/acknowledging that they will exist when time comes.
They don't actually exist at this moment though. Technically, I have nothing to trade until the window in time between when minor league cuts are made and the draft. EDIT: Slightly misread your post, so this isn't as relevant. I do see a loophole in the language though, meaning if I trade the rights to a pick, but decline to make the necessary roster move to actually be awarded the pick, the person I traded with is SOL. This would be the dick move to end all dick moves, but it's theoretically possible.

My (situationally biased) opinion is that it's lame that we can't trade our picks ahead of time as a way of not having to cut the minor leaguers we already have. It seems like that should also be the owner's perogative if that's how they want to manage their farm system. Instead, we're potentially penalizing teams in a weird way.

Last edited by Pecota; 02-01-2015 at 03:12 AM.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 03:14 AM
I guess I just don't see it as a penalty.. If you could keep the players and have the trade value of the picks too it seems like a weird extra bonus for having >15 minor leaguers.

Uncapping the minors roster would solve it... But I think have it capped somewhere is a good thing. Though we could have both I guess.. Always get 5 draft picks but if you're at or over 20 then you can't add any more via trade. So you could technically still hoard minor leaguers but it couldn't get crazy during a rebuild.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
02-01-2015 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by alekhine8
Just an idea, we could just give everyone 5 picks and have unlimited minor league rosters. What's the harm really? And at $4 each there is a cost so it's not like your truly freerolling with those guys

That eliminates this issue (well, it would eliminate it in the future) as well as the quirky lightning pick rounds
I like this idea at first glance (again, recognizing the conflict of interest for me), but I imagine there are some issues with lifting the cap completely that I'm just not thinking of right now. I think if you make it that flexible, you also need to eliminate the minor league roster floor to be fair to people who want to go the other extreme.
MLB: 2+2 (small stakes) Dynasty Fantasy Baseball League Interest/Discussion thread Quote
