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***Official October "WTF, it's the 4th and there's no October Chat Thread?" Chat Thread*** ***Official October "WTF, it's the 4th and there's no October Chat Thread?" Chat Thread***

10-21-2009 , 08:56 PM

I just had to share this. It's me.
10-22-2009 , 06:16 PM
yes more metal.
10-23-2009 , 12:00 PM
Leatherass used to play or plays millions of hands and multimultitabled, he was famous for that, but never thought if was useful to select one seat to sit...when you look at his videos he is sitting all over the place.
10-23-2009 , 12:38 PM
10-25-2009 , 10:40 PM
I AM, AS OF TODAY, OF LEGAL AGE TO CONSUME ALCOHOL IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. Except in some states of India. No one cares about India anyway.
10-25-2009 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by speedle
I AM, AS OF TODAY, OF LEGAL AGE TO CONSUME ALCOHOL IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. Except in some states of India. No one cares about India anyway.
Happy birthday!

Don't try it in Saudi Arabia, though.
10-25-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Aluan
Happy birthday!

Don't try it in Saudi Arabia, though.
Did you see that locked up abroad?
10-26-2009 , 06:25 AM
Happy Birthday, Speed!!!
10-26-2009 , 04:16 PM

This is the from the front page of ptr. Is this a joke? Is it play money?

Is this REAL!!??
10-27-2009 , 06:23 PM
On internet service tilt!!!!

Was scheduled to swap from Comcast to AT&T U-verse today. Had waited over 3 weeks for install and guys calls this morning leaving a message that he is calling "to reschedule." It was three hours before he was even due to arrive - although his voice sounded like he was there and I wasn't - and he left no callback number. WTH is that?!

I called the number on my cellphone ID back and spent 45 mins getting thrown from one person to another. Finally wound up with someone who insisted that without the account number they'd given me when I called to schedule the install that no one could help me. The number was at home obv and I WAS AT WORK. I repeatedly attempted to be moved to the next level of assistance or at the very least to someone else. Guy first tried to discourage me by saying it would take 24 hours for a call back. Then when I said that was fine he told me that they likely wouldn't return my call without my acct number. When I said I was willing to give it a shot he suddenly decided he couldn't do that without an account number either. I told him I'd wait for the call back and he said that he'd put me on muted hold for the "allowed" 24-hour return time. Being the tenacious bulldog that I am I told him that worked for me just fine, and about 10 minutes later he disconnected the call.

OMG, srsly how in the world could I possibly use AT&T after all of that?!

In the meantime, I've had my Comcast service drop twice (that I'm aware of) in about three hours since I've gotten home. ajfdlkjsdlfkjdsalkfjaldsjfsl

10-27-2009 , 07:14 PM
So a friend of mine thought It'd be a good idea to play Ivey etc at 500/1k CAP... results:
10-27-2009 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by speedle
So a friend of mine thought It'd be a good idea to play Ivey etc at 500/1k CAP... results:
seemed like a good idea at the time.......
10-27-2009 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by speedle
So a friend of mine thought It'd be a good idea to play Ivey etc at 500/1k CAP... results:
Well that has to be the sickest poker thing I've seen in a very long time. Maybe ever.
10-27-2009 , 07:48 PM
yeah thats insane grind all the way there and dump it to ivey lol I wonder what was in his head obv the money doesnt matter to him?
10-27-2009 , 07:52 PM
its not as sick as it could have been, your friend has some nuts

would have been crazy epic if he had pulled 85k instead of dumping it thought
10-27-2009 , 07:59 PM
He shipped Warsaw's EPT last year so dumping 80k USDs isn't the end of the world.

At least he played the best in the world. And posted a $1k BB. I wish I someday have the balls to do the same (hopefully with different results )
10-27-2009 , 08:01 PM
o so shipping 85k wouldnt have been that sick either
10-28-2009 , 12:09 AM
pretty sick stuff. seems like he's good, too bad he couldn't run hot
10-28-2009 , 12:31 AM
Does anybody know if you can play on sites like ipoker and/or use neteller/moneybookers if you are in Canada??
10-28-2009 , 11:23 AM

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is ticked off. He’s tired of signing bills that don’t address the pet causes he deems important. So when another unworthy bill crossed his desk recently for signing — addressing funding issues for the Port of San Francisco — the guv vetoed it and sent lawmakers a little note saying why. Only the note said a little more than lawmakers were expecting.

Buried in the text was a hidden message directed at State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, author of the bill, according to the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Ammiano had strongly criticized the governor in early October and reportedly told Schwarzenegger at the time to “kiss my gay ass.” Schwarzenegger’s veto letter, issued a couple of days later, reads:

Do you see the secret code that Arnold wrote?
10-28-2009 , 11:50 AM
LOL that's awesome!

The thing is, I found it because you said there was a hidden message. How did anyone notice that unless they were actively looking for something?
10-28-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
LOL that's awesome!
The thing is, I found it because you said there was a hidden
message. How did anyone notice that unless they were
actively looking for something?
Because people are really bored? Thats my only guess
I dunno, maybe its just a pretty common type of trick.
Tombstones have plenty of these gags. Although I'd be
embarrassed to have a tombstone with that on it.

Maybe I should start doing the same type of hidden message
everytime I want to get back at someone on 2+2. Thoughts?

Here's a tombstone with a similar gag, I won't embed
it though because it may be considered NSFW:
10-28-2009 , 01:21 PM
Blah, feels very weird being single again.
10-28-2009 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Damntra
Blah, feels very weird being single again.
Single after the weekend in Vegas hanging with your gf, or am I missing something?
10-28-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by LearningCurve
Single after the weekend in Vegas hanging with your gf, or am I missing something?
Flew back from Vegas a week ago last Tuesday; we broke up yesterday.

Saturday night she got hit on by the friend of her best friend (who is gay) while four of us were sitting at a table and I was in the middle of a conversation with the other person there. Apparently she felt he was joking and didn't see anything wrong with it. I was livid and felt quite upset that she didn't seem to view it as wrong, even if he was 99% kidding. She later told me he had been flirting with her Friday night before my flight had landed and also earlier Saturday when her group went to the Bette Midler show.

So so grimey for him to do that, IMO. I could just never imagine hitting on someone's girlfriend, especially while they are there.

She flew to her college reunion in CA from Vegas and that best friend made the trip from San Diego to San Francisco last weekend and I'm not sure but perhaps the grimey guy made the trip, too.

We had some conflicts during the beginning of the trip, by the end, we were good. Then she got home Monday and told me yesterday that it was over and that there wasn't anything I could to change her mind. Her friends never really liked me so I don't doubt she was influenced by them and I'm of the opinion that maybe some sparks flew with the grimey guy if he made the trip.

We're very different people so in the end it's probably for the best but right now, I'm still not over it and I'm still not happy about it.
