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MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread

09-08-2023 , 03:34 AM
When putting, if I line up the ball from behind the hole, using a line on the ball and then take my stance, the line on the ball seems to be pointing to the right of the hole. Anyone else have this issue?
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-08-2023 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by otter
What's the next step up from the Garmin R10? I just use it on the range for now and mainly just to watch video of my swing. It uses my cell phone for video so I can position it wherever I want, usually right in front of me.

The video and the device in general is unreliable. Sometimes is catches only the end of my swing, sometimes the full swing and sometimes nothing at all. Sometimes it doesn't even record the shot. It also hasn't been updated in a long time and I'm not a big fan of some of the lack of features.

I wish it would allow me to play back in slow motion, but I know it's the lower end of monitors.
The next step up would be the Rapsodo MLM2PRO but you won't get spin numbers with range balls. If you are only after reliable video the MLM2PRO records every shot reliably and allows you to pair your mobile device which you can then place anywhere you like to give you 2 views of your swing (your mobile device + the launch monitor sat behind you). You can play it in slow motion, export it etc. so seems to tick all of your boxes.

Whilst there have been some issues with connectivity when trying to use your home WiFi when connected direct has worked incredibly well for me.
If you can, get yourself a net and hit the supplied RPT balls in to it for scarily accurate numbers (within 1% of the BLP/GC3 on both spin and spin axis which is where all of the other cheaper monitors are poor).

There are some downsides (the yearly subscription + the need for marked balls) but you can buy stickers that work well to allow you to apply to the balls that you game so it only really leaves the sub as the one downside.
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09-08-2023 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Oh wow, I'm jealous
Played it last Saturday. Didn't play great and ended up 83. They have been slowly cutting the rough and it was still brutal.

1st hole hit it in left bunker. Airmailed green by maybe 5 yards and then almost didn't find it. Brutal

Course is a lot of fun though and I think really good routing. I particularly liked the collection of par 3s
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-08-2023 , 05:41 PM
how long was it after the us am was over?
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-08-2023 , 06:52 PM
would never buy a Rapsodo product. the BS they pulled with the Skytrak and sim software over the years is unforgivable.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-08-2023 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
would never buy a Rapsodo product. the BS they pulled with the Skytrak and sim software over the years is unforgivable.
I'm not sure what that might be. Which monitor would you suggest?
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-08-2023 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by unoturbo999
The next step up would be the Rapsodo MLM2PRO but you won't get spin numbers with range balls. If you are only after reliable video the MLM2PRO records every shot reliably and allows you to pair your mobile device which you can then place anywhere you like to give you 2 views of your swing (your mobile device + the launch monitor sat behind you). You can play it in slow motion, export it etc. so seems to tick all of your boxes.

Whilst there have been some issues with connectivity when trying to use your home WiFi when connected direct has worked incredibly well for me.
If you can, get yourself a net and hit the supplied RPT balls in to it for scarily accurate numbers (within 1% of the BLP/GC3 on both spin and spin axis which is where all of the other cheaper monitors are poor).

There are some downsides (the yearly subscription + the need for marked balls) but you can buy stickers that work well to allow you to apply to the balls that you game so it only really leaves the sub as the one downside.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
how long was it after the us am was over?

2 weeks I guess
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 06:28 PM
interested in how do you think the fairways compared?

a couple of times i've been able to play a course a few weeks before a major lpga event.
the weeks before were all about slowly baking out fairways and growing penal rough
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
growing penal rough
At the Senior Open I spoke with the club GM for a few minutes one day and he said a couple weeks prior they had the rough at 8 inches. Talk about completely unplayable. He said they can cut the rough a lot easier than having to grow it quick. Makes sense.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
interested in how do you think the fairways compared?

a couple of times i've been able to play a course a few weeks before a major lpga event.
the weeks before were all about slowly baking out fairways and growing penal rough
A few years ago I played Pinehurst #2 two or three days after the US Am. It was quite spicy.....
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 07:10 PM
the rough growing strategy makes total sense
always easy to cut the hair high and tight when it starts as long as a donkey tail
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 10:51 PM
Sometimes guys like to claim 8 inches when its actually a firm 5.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-09-2023 , 11:20 PM
but i've heard mowing it tight makes the pin look taller
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-10-2023 , 10:42 AM
Vigoro will make it grow tall and stiff.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by davmcg
When putting, if I line up the ball from behind the hole, using a line on the ball and then take my stance, the line on the ball seems to be pointing to the right of the hole. Anyone else have this issue?
This is why I don't line up the ball. Even on a 3 footer it seems to take forever and I always end up saying screw this and hide the line on the ball.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-10-2023 , 12:53 PM
use the other eye
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-10-2023 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
This is why I don't line up the ball. Even on a 3 footer it seems to take forever and I always end up saying screw this and hide the line on the ball.

give this a watch.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 12:58 PM
Have a couple topics for today.

I have forever played with a slice. I have a horrific over the top move. Was scrolling the gram and run across a Hank Haney video about fixing the slice. Sure I'm a sucker. Watch the 30 minute video and of course they give you nothing except where to purchase at the end. I took the plunge and ordered the vid fir a bit under $50. All told there is around 11 videos that takes about an hour. Actually really good information in there. Went to the range this afternoon to work on the drills. Will see what happens but his teaching method seems to be sinking in. I have haphazardly fallen into a couple of his drills and swing thoughts so I guess that is encouraging.

Next topic deals with course conditions and my CC in general.

Like most courses, but in particular non-equity courses, there is a push and pull with dues and how much goes into the club to maintain facilities. A few weeks ago I was talking to the Superintendent and he mentioned that he only had six full time employees (unsure on PT ones). For a club with 36 holes that is insanely low. He mentioned they just can't pay enough to keep good employees. Yesterday we teed off at 7:20a. Official opening of tee sheet is 7:32a but with one course being closed we have been given the OK by golf staff and the Super to go at that time. Monday the course was closed for aeration (the small needle ones) and greens sanded. Super mentions they didn't have enough time to mow the fairways so they are running behind. Moe on that later.

As we tee off the guy cutting the holes passes us to get started. He maintained pace ahead of us (we were a threesome) until the back nine. We get to 10 and the the sprinklers are still going on the green, which means the greens still have to be cut and the hole cut in order for us to play it. We go pack to just play the front again, nope ladies group teeing off. We decide to hop to 11 and play but by that time the green is being cut. Screw it we hop to 12 and will just play on uncut and no pin in the greens. Nope the 8:00a ladies that tee off on #10 (why they allow this is beyond me) were delayed 15 minutes because they were behind with the mowing from the day before. End of golf for the day, went home.

So long story short just ****ing charge us more so they can get proper people to maintain the course. I really feel bad for the Super. He is doing his best with little resources. And btw we are getting increased dues because of the reno on the North course and we are going to be a "Premier" club. The lols will ensue shortly.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 01:55 PM
It is frustrating when dues go up and quality goes down. Am going through the same at my club and with grounds staff as well. In the end we both can either continue to pay or go elsewhere.

When you tee off early, especially if teeing off before the listed first time, you always run the risk of waiting on maintenance even in the best of times. When that happens, you wait. That’s how it’s done.

As one who has worked in the shop, staff hates it when groups try to jump around. Even the hint of forcing another group to wait means multiple calls to the shop to complain. But you certainly can’t expect to find an opening on a busy morning with one course closed.

In your situation you either wait or quit. Otherwise you give up your spot on the golf course.

Country clubs are always full of drama, sounds like yours is headed for even more. We just had one member expelled for good after insulting the owner and another get a month suspension for calling the head pro a MF’er.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 02:02 PM
i haven't been playing but the slice topic is in my interest. im curious about the drills and the connection to hogans fundamentals(skipping grip technicalities save strong/neutral/weak classification) that i find most helpful for myself.

finding the neutral grip during the experimental phase after a layoff isnt a finite process. as you find the clubface more pure more often, the swing gets more and more fine tuned. if after the experimental process your stock shot is a fade with err towards too much slice or a straight ball pulled left(provided good club fitting), i think you may just need a little conscious right leg stability* while holding the lag basically as long as you can through impact. holding the lag prevents casting. casting causes the clubhead to have no choice but deliver an out to in glancing strike, or a straight left pull if you close the clubface.

i think that would tighten up the bad slices to a more manageable slight fade.

*the rear leg may straighten to accommodate the weight being over the rear hip, but if the rear knee shifts back away from the target, instability is created which must be compensated by superior hand eye coordination.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 02:35 PM
Didn't hogan write his book from the perspective of fighting a lifelong hook? I wouldn't think that everything there would be useful for a slicer.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 03:26 PM
CC life is rough
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 03:29 PM
Course conditioning/pricing hack: Move to rural America. Find a golf course owned and operated by the local parks and rec district who inherited the course from an oil and gas company when they packed up and left after a bust cycle. Great conditioning, easy to get tee times and quite affordable.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
09-13-2023 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
Didn't hogan write his book from the perspective of fighting a lifelong hook? I wouldn't think that everything there would be useful for a slicer.
hogan played a controlled fade to counteract his tendency to hook(this doesnt mean he hooked when playing a fade). the finishing position of the modern fade, with left(or front) palm facing target at the finish, thats hogans signature fade finish.

i think a powerful repeatable fade relies heavily on strong rear leg support, and holding the lag to finish position.
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