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Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return

04-29-2010 , 03:51 PM
I'm pretty sure I have noob fat storage. Beatz. All the rage from my younger days pwns me. Or perhaps ongoing rage.

1.5px2x12,1x8 Right Only

tendonitis likely whatev, rest

High Pull

I started crying during the 2nd set on the left side. Or I think I did. My eye was wet after.

Great extension though. I was able to get these well OH. Gonna be sweet when I reach the land of the free and can 1 arm snatch BW (downside I'll weigh 130).

KB Swing

In an effort to stave off the tears I switched.

Side Note: I think Alan doesn't want me as a client. He managed to "accidentally" delete me from his client DB. He found this out when I e-mailed him 3 days later. This is after the initial reaction of ignoring my e-mail and hoping it just disappears.

Probably a just outcome for asking him if I should eat some possibly spoiled chicken.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-05-2010 , 12:51 PM
I have done some workouts. And since I have to keep logs for Alanaments. I don't write them down here as I refuse.

I did reach an epiphany regarding 1 legged RDLs/DLs. I only hurt my knees putting the weights down. So I'm going to stop setting them down with one leg and my problems will be solved. While this is somewhat of an issue with RDLs. So I'll just do a bunch of 1 legged DLs.

In other news I have sweet vascularity on my left VMO. I lack anything bulging on the right though. Hopefully time will rectify this.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-06-2010 , 11:33 AM
KB Jerk

ez game.


L Chin

Form bad.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-06-2010 , 11:47 AM
u r needed for trollin in the GGO thread, plz respond.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-06-2010 , 11:52 AM
No I'm not.

Its so guy arguing that "If you eat well, lift weights, punch self in nuts" you'll reach your goals and everyone else says "Well why don't you skip the nut shotting" and Crosstards respond "LOALALALALALALA DRINK THE KOOLAID NONSENSE LALALALALALA HAND WAVING.... TIME FOR GLASSMAN HERO WOD BOODLES/JUCIE 4 TYME"
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-06-2010 , 01:45 PM
i wish i could actually understand some of thremps posts
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-10-2010 , 02:42 PM
Weight: < 160

lol imo. I'm wondering when Alan is gonna be like "Hrm this is too much." Then again its week 3. I feel vindicated that I clearly have an open loop system. Or the fact I just have really high NEPA. Either or. Maybe its just rage fueled NEPA, thermal regulation, or just all the flexing in the mirror. Regardless, lol. I have lost a sizable amount of lower body mass. As evidenced by pants bagginess. Probably a product of a lack of a squat rack. Insufficient loading on LB efforts. Though I think I have a solution.

1leg DL

A solid first effort IMO. We'll see how this develops in the future.

KB Swings
2px5 R/L
2.5px5 R
2.5px3 L

I need a heavier bell to make these smoother, using 2 really just causes problems when they come apart up top and then it makes the downswing weird and awkward and wrenches my shoulder.

OH Lunge
1px30meterish (might be 30 might be 90000, meters are like "stones", have almost no meaning).

This was... unsavory.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-11-2010 , 03:38 PM
2px5 R
2px0 L

Still have tendinitis (?) in left elbow. It doesn't work for pressing. I feel tingling/pressure at any weight. Whatev. Its gonna have to HTFU.



Upper back sore, little active recovery.

Weight: 74kg
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-14-2010 , 03:02 PM
Weight: 161.5


Some cleans

Double KB Jerk
3.5px1 2p R/1.5p L

Will have to do more of these as I can't get my hands on a 36 or 40 anytime soon and my left elbow is refusing to press. Might try to sneak in some bands this summer which would allow me to quasi bench.

I'm pretty sure I've lost a small amount of LBM additionally from my lower body. However, this is somewhat annoying. Whatev. As long as I keep having better lifts and lose weight, I'll either look super ripped or win a medal at the Olympics. Pref the former.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-16-2010 , 02:11 PM
Goblet Squats


I think I have minor diet blues so I'm doing a refeed. Alan didn't respond to my e-mail. He's probably doing ninja stuff. So I'm just going to gorge myself post suffering. Whole coffee cake was meal 1.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-16-2010 , 10:34 PM
I think Alan is out in KC for a conference - told me he wouldn't be reading/responding to emails until Monday.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-16-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by EDonk
I think Alan is out in KC for a conference - told me he wouldn't be reading/responding to emails until Monday.
Yeah. Standard fagbag stuff.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-24-2010 , 04:19 PM

Left elbow still noob. Whatev. One day I fly. Or I don't. Some birds are penguins.

KB Snatch

Whoever said that KB stuff is easier on your wrists is ******ed. Need to stop doing these or buy wrist wraps or just getting really strong so they're super light and I don't have to try. Last sounds easiest.

Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:22 PM
One Leg DL

Worked upto this. Didn't wanna slather on a ton more volume. Trying to cut back volume this bit after dark timing myself previously. Maybe try more sleep and less booze. Who knows. I'm nearing the end of my DiMichelle adventure and have managed to grind myself to near housecat size. Seems awesome. Maybe I'll break down and join a gym soon.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:47 PM
i think we should all be allowed to post in here until you start lifting barbells again
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-25-2010 , 05:03 PM
Sorry. Blame the Eurotards. They abused it. And Bruiser. But its like blaming alcohol for running around naked.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-28-2010 , 04:13 PM
I'm not posting a full TR atm cause I need to shower and stop playing zombie time.

But highlights:
1) On a relative basis my pulls are where they were previously. They probably just need a little familiarity to get back upto my previous sweet PRs at a lower BW.
2) Outsquatted bai girl.
3) No more kettletarding which is teh gheyz.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-29-2010 , 10:59 AM
So I met some girl over the internet. I found her by sending her a message over youtube. She was like "Come work out". She had a Ronnie Coleman quote on a vid. Met up. I did her Russian programming. Some guy refused to coach me via translator. It was sweet. Need to work on my Est.

Power snatching BW is gonna be ezpz now that I'm house cat sized. Going to speak to lalan about what I should do diet wise. Maybe just gorge PWO. Who knows.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 05:34 PM
i just had sex with thremps mom.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 05:36 PM
thremp i have some questions for you is that cool? i know i am not strong enough by your log why are you in estonia? are you the ugliest person alive? how come i am better at sports betting than you even though i am a novice?
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 05:39 PM
Sayid, you know you are not allowed to post in Thremp's log. I however, assume that I am. I do not really know any of Thremp's barbell lifts, but I would be shocked if my worksets in bench were lower than his 1RM.

Anyways, I am assuming Thremp's ban was temporary and he will be back to posting in no time, but in the meantime I thought it would be relevant and informative to use his thread to discuss something near and dear to Thremp's heart, crossfit.

We will start off with a basic description of crossfit (from Wikipedia) and in future sessions we will begin our actual discussion. Anyways, without further ado.

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology that promotes broad and general overall physical fitness. CrossFit combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics.[1] CrossFit says that proficiency is required in each of ten fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. It defines fitness as increased work capacity across all these domains and says its program achieves this by provoking neurologic and hormonal adaptations across all metabolic pathways. [2] [3] [4] [5]

CrossFit athletes run, row, skip, climb rope and carry odd objects. They frequently move large loads quickly over long distances, using powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting techniques. CrossFit athletes also use dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells, and many bodyweight exercises. [6] CrossFit is used in nearly 1,700 gyms worldwide and by many fire departments, law enforcement agencies and military organizations including the Canadian Forces, the United States Marine Corps, and the Royal Danish Life Guards
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 06:08 PM
After doing some further research on Crossfit, I came to another startling conclusion. In addition to the effects listed above, Crossfit also appears to have some anti-androgenic effects. For example, in the following before-after pic we can clearly see that upon adminstration of "crossfit," this participant lost all of his body hair. If you go though other before-after pics you see this same trend repeating itself over and over. Very interesting to say the least.

Although he is wearing shorts in both pics, I think we can also assume that this hair loss has occured in the pubic region. It is unknown what other anti-adronergic effects may have occured (ie decrease in libido, loss of sperm quality, loss of sebaceous oil production). Hopefully further research will elucidate this.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 06:17 PM
Great pics. Too bad he looks terrible in both. Fat to skinny fat.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
05-30-2010 , 06:37 PM
Will you shut up already

I'll keep this locked until thremp comes back.

Last edited by tsearcher; 05-30-2010 at 06:46 PM.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
06-01-2010 , 04:50 PM

I have eschewed the way of the queers (kettletarding) to return to barbell training. I had some sweet VMO vascularity when doing squatz.

But first...


CF is a miracle program.


You still aren't allowed to post here.

Max RnR,

If your "friend" has been kind enough to give a **** about actually helping you, you'd likely be able to meet the pathetically low criterion to post here. Though you can't. You keep saying he's a "good coach". But I'm almost positive he's just another ****ing idiot. At the very least, he doesn't give a **** about you.

So... The gai who decided he wasn't going to train me via translator decided to coach me via translator after seeing how heinous my form was. I helped reward him and the SHW nat'l champ by failing a 40kg clean on the first pull. (I substituted all knee extension for hip extension and just jammed the bar into my knees.)

That was sweet. Regardless, I only need another 980 reps or so till my form is "okay". The same harassment Smiley gets when being coached is what I get. I get harassed about being lol slow, having terrible positions, doing stupid stuff, which is all justified. There is also some gai with like a 260 total at 77-85. I'm casting dispel illusion at him actually ever competing at 77 though. Gai is built like a brick ****house.

The girl I train with (who does cursory coaching and translating for me) keeps trying to get me to do P90x Ab Ripper. I half-assed one session and lit my hip flexors on fire. So now I just do mobility/flexibility work while she does crunch variants. Its so sad. I think kpc is gonna be heartbroken when he hears about this.

Regardless, my skwatz are going back up. Did some doubles at 105. My plan is to Power Snatch BW and then start stacking till I hit 200 and not get fat. Since that is teh ghey.

Oh, apparently everyone thinks I'm incredibly weak as well. Like ****** weak. Like... they ask my PRs, then assume I'm lying and suggest I do like 12lbs or something. Its annoying trying to explain that just because I'm a ****** I'm not pathetically weak (just lol weak).

Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
