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Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log

09-30-2012 , 05:25 AM
n00dz pls.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
09-30-2012 , 06:27 AM
No n00dz, you'll have to use your fantasy
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
09-30-2012 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
No n00dz, you'll have to use your fantasy
loco is furious
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
09-30-2012 , 11:08 AM
Don't be rudez and go ahead and post the noodz. We at H&F dont mind looking at moobz and dudez in general.

Fine don't post them. But silence for you if you ever get shredded. We don't want to be hearing about these fake glute striations unless you willing to post the noodz and show the goodz.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
09-30-2012 , 12:06 PM
...glute striations?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
09-30-2012 , 08:20 PM
Where's jdock with his ronnie ass shot when you need him??
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-01-2012 , 03:10 AM
Well, the image is burned in on my retina anyway.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-06-2012 , 02:45 PM

5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 2, week 3 - Bench

Bench Press
5x65 kg
3x75 kg
6x82 kg (181 lbs, 1RM estimate: 95 kg/209 lbs)

Same 1RM estimate as it's always been through these two cycles. It's fine.

Incline Press

Easy, def moving up here. Not supposed to be super hard either tho.

7x BW +7.5 kg (WR!)
2x7x BW +7.5 kg

DB Flyes

2x12x10s (short rest period)

DateWeightCumulative weight loss
2012-09-0183.3 kg/183.6 lbs 
2012-09-0981.3 kg/179.2 lbs-2 kg
2012-09-1581.9 kg/180.5 lbs-1.4 kg
2012-09-2280.9 kg/178.3 kbs-2.4 kg
2012-09-2980.4 kg/177.2 lbs-2.9 kg
2012-10-05180.5 kg/177.4 lbs-2.8 kg 

About as expected, not been very strict this week + nomzed a lot yesterday --> carbz!! Also gonna do a small refeed today. Not sure how necessary it is on IF, but f it. Gonna do it super strict Lyle style with pasta bolognese. Except I'm using minced lamb meat instead of a leaner meat. And parmesan. And a bottle of Chianti. *cough*

From a combo of underestimating my BF and losing more LBM than I would have thought, I prob need to go down to 76-77 kg to be 9-10% BF. Hrmphf. So...this is gonna last until Christmas. lol. At least I won't be doing super long cuts anymore after that, since I'll die from Demicheling if I do.

Did RFL on Thursday, when an acute pain shot down my ass and down to my hams. Stopped immediately cause **** that. Hmmm...think it's due to sloppy form about a week back + heavy manual work on Monday and the main offender: Borderlands 2 ---> super slouchy form in the sofa for hours on end. Add the ****ed up shoulders and back I got from marathoning Skyrim last year and it's pretty clear that gaming is Bad News For Everyone. Ban gaming!!

ETA: that's 15 sets in total Loco, am I EPOC-ing or not?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-06-2012 , 02:52 PM
Yeah there is some EPOC-ing going on in there. I prefer your weighted pushups workout though. If some of those compound movements had a few 10 reppers then I would say pretty optimal. But then you might come back and say that might interfere with your strength increases. But since those strength increases don't seem to be coming along very well, I think there is only more muscle mass and less fat for you to look forward to by adding 10 rep compound movements.

But you don't have to worry about burning them calories. You are the official H&F RFL man. But it takes a certain individual to be able to eat 1000 calorie days, certainly not the fatties in H&F. For sure they would starve and die a painful death.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-06-2012 , 03:08 PM
lol, I don't think I'm the RFL man anymore, I'm officially never doing it again. **** that. $100 on Paypal to the first guy who quotes me saying I'll do it in the future.

I do weighted push-ups on press day. Doing both wouldn't work too well.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-08-2012 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I prob need to go down to 76-77 kg
Bro, come on now bro.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-13-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Bro, come on now bro.
I know right? I'm gonna follow Lyle and get down to 10% before I start getting hyouge tho.


5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 1 - Volume squats

4x5x100 kg

Lots of life crap this week, so I decided to make this my maintenance week (+ the next). Lyle recommends 4-6 weeks before going on a diet break, which is a bit extreme imo but fine, I've been dieting for 6 weeks now. First time volume squatting 100 kg on this program, much easier than 97.5 last time. Who would have thought, eating helps. Also did some RDLs and other crap.

I just skipped deload week, since I've missed a couple of days + I feel fine.


5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 1 - Bench Press

Bench Press
10x77 kg (170 lbs, 1RM estimate: 97.5 kg/215 lbs, +2.5 kg since last cycle)

Oh my, an increase in 1RM estimate? :O

Incline Press
10x40 kg
10x50 kg
9x60 kg

Was supposed to be 57.5 kg, oops. Got tired. Bitched out.

8x BW +7.5 kg (WR!)
2x6x BW +7.5 kg

And some bro stuff (DB Flyes and Curlz).

Forgot to weigh in today. Prob wouldn't matter since I drank a bit much yesterday and was dehydrated this morning. Weighing in tomorrow. Def gained a tiny bit (fatassh*t.jpg).
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-20-2012 , 11:31 AM

5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 2 - Press

3x47.5 kg
3x52.5 kg
7x57.5 kg (127 lbs, 1RM estimate: 68 kg/150 lbs, +0 from last cycle)

Missed two workouts because of some weird flu-like virus. Didn't feel 100% today either so did 57.5 instead of 60. Went way better than I feared.

Close-Grip BP
8x52.5 kg
8x62.5 kg
6x70 kg (154 lbs)

No prob.

3x6x BW + 8.75 kg

Nice, 10 kg plate next time.

Bro stuff:
- DB Curlz
- DB Flyes

Body Weight
DateWeightCumulative weight loss
2012-09-0183.3 kg/183.6 lbs 
2012-09-0981.3 kg/179.2 lbs-2 kg
2012-09-1581.9 kg/180.5 lbs-1.4 kg
2012-09-2280.9 kg/178.3 kbs-2.4 kg
2012-09-2980.4 kg/177.2 lbs-2.9 kg
2012-10-0580.5 kg/177.4 lbs-2.8 kg
2012-10-1981.1 kg/178.8 lbs-2.2 kg

Not surprising that I've gained a bit, seeing as how I'm eating more carbs and stuff. Also nomzed a bit too much. No biggie, will melt off soon enough. I will prob do another week of maintenance to ensure I get back to normal before I diet again though. Being sick is the nut low for progress either way.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-23-2012 , 04:13 AM

5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 2 - Volume squats

Volume squats
4x5x100 kg

Man, this was super hard. Not because of the weight, but because I almost blacked out on every set. My heart threatened to leap out of my chest. Brain AIDS still hadn't cleared 100%.

Also did some RDLs and abz. Crawled home afterwards, almost literally.


5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 2 - Bench

Bench Press
3x65 kg
3x72.5 kg
7x81 kg (178 lbs, 1RM estimate: 96 kg/211 lbs, +2 kg from last cycle)

Incline Press
8x50 kg
8x57.5 kg
6x65 kg (143 lbs)

Also did some krocodile rows (20/20 x 50 kgs), push-ups and curlz. I might switch out the push-ups with some high volume DB incline BP since loco loves them so much and I love loco.

So naturally I decided to train 3 days in a row just after the fever cleared (kinda) since I can't lift today. First time I've ever lifted 3 days in a row. That might not have been the best idea...felt like utter dog crap after lifting, and pretty sure I missed a rep on the bench (felt confident I'd get 8). Going on 5 hours of sleep prob didn't help, and forgot to refill on caffeine pills/stims. On the plus side I'm probably epically EPOCing all over the place.

Oh wells. Not lifting till Thursday now.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 05:41 PM

5/3/1 + TM Squats - cycle 3, week 2 - Intensity squats + DL

4x110 kg

Sort of pussied out on the fifth rep. Blaming the illness and the near two week lapse since the last intensity day.

So I decided to try regular DLs cause why not, it's been a year and a half and my sumo's not going anywhere. Videoed it, please gimme feedback on whether my lumbar is acceptable. This is 4x100 kg.

- Back extensions 3x10 BW + 20 kg
- Planks w/25 kg plate for 1 min
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 05:42 PM
You definitely need to get more extension and keep it as the bar peels from the floor
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:00 PM
First thing I noticed was lumbar. Not jdockian or assani-esque, but def not keeping it straight from rounding. From everything I've read (mainly from Cha59) it's just not a smart long-term strategy for staying healthy. If it has to happen on some 1rm attempts every once in a while, that's one thing, but allowing it consistently during non maximal training just seems unnecessary in a bad way.

Is there a reason you "lean back" on your lockout? I guess it's probably not at "dangerous" levels, but I at least try to lockout with my glutes, not by leaning back (flexing my spine and possibly losing balance since my weight is on my heels).

Nice shirt btw, .
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:06 PM
Sigh, **** you guys. That's what I thought too. Oh well, back to ****ing sumo. So lame, fee infinitely stronger doing regular DL. I am physically unable to get better extension. At least without adding a plate or two under the bar to make up for my t-rex arms.

I leaned back cause I haven't regular DL'ed in a year and a half and didn't realize I was doing it, lol. Shirt is #1.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:07 PM
Did CountryRoads send you some of his tanning injections, hair looks a lot darker than in smwine.jpg
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:09 PM
lol, smwine.jpg is over 3 years old. I used some magical dye some fabulous dude pushed on me.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:44 PM
I think they are close enough. Fack it. If your back feels fine I would just keep doing them. But that's just my opinion don't blame me when snap city occurs. But seriously how many people you hear of snapping their lower back doing deadlifts like that? I hear of biceps tears with the switch grip much more often and I don't see people avoiding that type of grip.

The mechanics look very sound but its just that when you lift off, you lower back wants to do all the work. Its like there is no synergy between your lower body and upperbody coming to one and pitching in with the lift. Its like super light version of jdock. Lower back wants to pull and do everything.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 06:47 PM
I am sure you have seen this, but here it is again. I wouldn't give up on the lift.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-25-2012 , 09:01 PM
sweet shirt. I think they look OK. ultimately depends how you feel.

you gotta just decide whether you want to be a lifter or an exerciser.

honestly, if it's a huge concern, pull off like 2" blocks for all heavy work.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-26-2012 , 03:22 AM
Hm gotta think some more about this. No, hadn't read that loco, interesting read.

I'll prob try conventional DLs off of 25 kg plates next week and see how that goes.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-26-2012 , 10:05 AM
I'd say try blocks....I'm not really convinced you just can't DL conventional with a slightly rounded back. At the same time I'm not sure exactly what would help....but I do know there is a lot of monkeying around you can do with your set up and how much you can "sit" your butt down in certain ways.

But at the same time, sumo DL seems legit - I kinda get why ppl bash it but I dno, keeping your back in good alignment has to be the better long-term choice in terms of risk imo - whether that's pulling off blocks, or pulling sumo.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
